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Tuulooyinka Raqda, Cadaadda iyo Dhoobo guduud waxaa todobaadkan ka dhacay dagaal sababay dhimasho iyo dhaawac kuwaas oo u dhaxeeya Ciidamadda Nabad-galyadda ee DDS iyo Kooxo Nabad diid ah oo xidhiidh la leh Alshabab iyo Dawladda Eritrea oo maalmahanba saldhigyo ku lahaa gudaha dalka Itoobiya Ciidamadda Amaanka ee LIYU-POLICE-ka ayaa damcay in ay qabtaan Nin si weyn loo raadinayo oo xidhiidh la leh Alshabab iyo dawladda Eritrea oo todobaadkan yimi Gaashaamo isla markaasna ku dhuumaalaysanayey tuulooyinkas waxana Ninkan ka yimi dhinac Muqdisho isaga oo todobaad soo joogay Hargaysa waxana Ciidamadu kala kulmaan Iska caabin xoog leh ninkan iyo Malayshiyaad uu wato Malayshiyaadka taageersan Sarkaalkan Alshabab ayaa weerar gaadmo ah ku qaaday saldhiga Police-ka ee Tuuladda Raqda oo ay xiligas ku sugnaayeen 9 Askari waxana ay Malayshiyaadkaas oo tiradooda lagu qiyaasay 200 ay dileen 8 ka mid ah Police-ka dib ayaa ciidamadda Amaanka ee Gaashaamo waxa ay weerar ku soo qaadeen tuulooyin nabad-diidku ay ku dhuumayaa waxaa ka dhacay dagaal muddo socday oo khasaare dhaliyey Nabad-diidkan Alshabab iyo Eritrea ku xidhan waxa la sheegay in la qabsaday Baabuur dagaalkan oo Calaamadda Jabhadda SNM ku buufisan tahay kuwas oo ka dagaalamayey gudaha wadanka Itoobiya dagaalna kula jiray Ciidamadda Itoobiya sidoo kalena waxaa jiray Maxaabiis fara badan oo la qabtay ana ku jiraan kuwo Ajaanib aan Soomaali iyo Itoobiyaanba ahan dhawaan ayey ahayd markii kooxahan nabad-diidka ah ay damceen in ay dilaan Madaxweynaha DDS Cabdi MaxamuudCumar balse uu fashilmay shirqoolkaas waxana jirtay in weeraro lagu khalkhal galinayo nabadda iyo Hormarka DDS laga soo abaabulo magaaladda Hargaysa iyada oo weeraradan ay ku bataanaysnaayeen dagaladda u dhaxeeya Itoobiya iyo Eritrea ee ka soconaya Xuduudaha Baadhame allssc@hotmail.com info@allssc.com allssc@allssc.com Short URL: http://allssc.com/?p=24862
Xaaji Xunjuf;806657 wrote: ^^You have to proof that there were alshabaab fighters in gaashaamo there if you don't have evidence its stops here. Al Shabaab is weakened. It has suffered serious blows. They are on the run in Southern Somalia. There is only ONE WAY OUT for Al Shabaab and that's towards Somaliland, where they first came from. In order for Al Shabaab to get into Hergeisa and Burco, where they know they'll be save, they have to go thru Ethiopia's Somali Region, specifically Gaashaamo district, which is the area the tribes of the majority Al Shabaab renegades have ties with.
Xaaji Xunjuf;806649 wrote: Wadani the situation is totally different rebels fighters crossed the border into Ethiopia is that is wrong i ask you? Ethiopians entering and crossing the border into Somaliland is also wrong perhaps it depends on who you speak 2 in my book its wrong but what caused this but was it a reaction and shelling the town is also wrong see two wrongs don't make it right.Here is the catch though this would've not happened if there were no ssc and rebels fighters inbetween Somaliland and the Ethiopian border. Now compare it to Liyo Boolis just going inside villages in the region harassing people taking them into prison totally demolishing entire villages.The people of gaashaamo were just doing their daily works and they were attacked for protecting their dignity because of the incident that occurred in gaashaamo. Gaashaamo is a very small village. The Liyuu Police are fighting against Al Shabaab elements who have clan-ties with the tribes of Gaashaamo and Daror areas of Somali Region of Ethiopia. Two reasons why Somaliland is involved: 1) Clan-ties 2) Over 2,000 Al Shabaab fighters who have escaped Southern Somalia have been besieged in Gaashaamo. They are surrounded and can't enter in Togdheer or Waqooyi Galbeed of Northern Somalia.
The Clan leader of Gaashaamo town shows his support to Al Shabaab and Somaliland, while criticizing Ethiopia and the Administration of Somali Region. Here is the Sultan of the clan of Gaashaamo!
Al shabaabka Somalia oo markii dagaalkii koonfurta somalia looga adkaaday dagaalkii u soo wareejiya gobolada waqooyi galbeed ee somalia. Gaadhi hub u siday Alshabaab oo ka yimid magaalada Burco oo al shabaabku ay doonayeen in ay si dhuumaalaysi ah itoobiya ku geliyaan ayaa ciidan xadka ilaaliya ee loo yaqaan Liyu Polis ka ay ku qabteen tuulada raqda oo ka tirsan degmada Gaashaamo ee Gobolka Dhagaxbuur. Ciidanka liyu ga ah ee gaadhiga qabtay ayaa waxay ku sugnaayeen bar kantarol oo ku taalad tuulada raqda ciidanka Liyu waxay dhamaayeen tiradooda 9 halkaas oo shabaabkii gaadhiga hubka waday ay ciidankii 6 kamid ah ku dileen. Waxaa goobtii yimid ciidan gurmad ah liyu boolis ah halkaana waxay ku dileen 56 ka mid ah maleeshiyadii al shabaabka sida wararku ay sheegayaan. wixii warar ah ee kusoo kordha kala soco Warbaahinta Boocame Online News Daalacatey :346
Breaking News: Approximately 49 Al Shabaab Fighters have been killed in Gaashaamo, in the latest fighting that erupted in that area. Many of the Al Shabaab wounded have been taken to Gabiley and Hergeisa Hospitals.
Che -Guevara;806282 wrote: I have been Xaaji joined AS and went to Gaashamo:D lol, he certainly has send money via Dhigshiil to Al Shabaab.
Carafaat;806280 wrote: So on which side is Al shabaab somali ethiopian citizens or on the side of the somali ethiopian police? What a silly question! The people in Gaashaamo District go in and out of Somalia's Waqooyi Galbeed region without the need of passport or any regulations, thus, this has made it very easy for Al Shabaab fighters belonging to the clans of Hergeisa and Gaashaamo to freely pass thru this areas. Why did this war all of a sudden broke out, after Al Shabaab's major defeats in the South?
Since when were you cool with Carafaat, Blue? :confused:
Seems like the 2,000 and plus Al Shabaab fighters from the clan of Hergeisa have escaped Southern Somalia and made their way up north back to their Clan territories. Now, they want to start bloodshed in North Western Somalia's regions. Ethiopia is fighting a war against Al Shabaab and Somaliland is helping it's Sons who are part of Al-Shabaab fight against Ethiopia! Warar hoose oo shabakada caalamiga ah ee Horufadhi.com ay ka helayso magaalooyinka hargeisa iyo burco ayaa waxay sheegayaan in halkaasi ay ilaa maanta gaadheen xubno muhiima oo katirsan maleeshiyaadka ururka alshabaab ee dhawaan ku biiray kooxda Al-qaacida. ku waas oo asal ahaan kasoo jeeda beesha ***** una badan beesha gar garada kawada gudaha dalka Ethpia. kuwaas oo qorshaynayey habkii ay uga soo baxsan lahaayeen ciidamada buruburku soo wajahay ee Alshabaab. imaatinka kooxahan ayaa imaanaya xili dhawaan ciidamo beeleedyo sameeyay amardiido kadibna weerar ku qaaday ciidamada Liyuu booliska ee dawlada degaanka soomaalida ee dalka Ethopia. kadibna uu halkaasi kadhashay qasaare kala duwan oo soo gaadhay dhinacyda dirirtu halkaasi ku martay. ciidamda soo usoo gurmada beeshaas oo lasheegay xubno muhiima k ahayeen kooxdaasi hasa ahaatee imika waxay sheegeey inay maleegayaan inay qaraxyo ay ka fuliyaan qaybo kamida dhulka ismaamulka soomaalida ee dalka Ethopia. kadib markii qasaare kala duwan uu kusoo gaadhay duulaankii gaadmada ahaa ee ay kuqaadeem . Horgoogaha jabahda maamulka SNM ayaa isagu xidhiidh dhow la leh Ciidamda Al qacida ee ku caana baaxay dhibaatayn ta umada soomaaliyeed , waxaana wararku xaqiijinayaan inuu lagaco xoogan ku bixin jiray sidii ay san uga dhigi lahayaaye en wadanka meel khariban. Isku soo wada duuboo maxay badilidoonaan ciidamadan maleeshiyaadka Al- Shabaab kuwaasoo ka firxaday ee kubiiray maleeshiyaadka duulaanka Ku ah ciidcamada Dawlada Deh horufadhi.com@gmail.com
Xaaji Xunjuf;805540 wrote: I support islam in Somalia i reject suicide bombings killings of innocent civilians and also killings of Somali students and i don't support Alshabaab. Just Because Godane is from Hargeysa that does not mean the wars in gaaashaamo is related to shabaab. There are no shabaaab in gaashaamo so what is you're source? Ever since Al Shabab was defeated in Mogadishu and many other areas in Southern Somalia, including Baidoba, Gedo, and now in Jubaada Hoose, their only refuge is in Somalia's North Western Region called "Somaliland". The only way towards Hergeisa, when you're coming from Southern Somalia, is going thru Gaashaamo, and that's where Al Shabaab and Ethiopia's Army are now fighting!
Rising Star! Saido Shiino, one of the many Somali singer from Khaatumo Republic of Somalia! Damn, she's cute too. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> More songs of her, visit this link: http://www.khatumo.com/2012/03/17/fananada-reer-khatumo-saciida-shiino-oo-soo-saartay-3-heesood-oo-2-kamid-ah-ay-khatumo-ugu-talo-gashay-dhagayso/
Xaaji Xunjuf;805535 wrote: Nonsense the Ethiopian liyo boolis is fighting local nomads from gaashaamo what is the source? You're the #1 Al-Shabab supporter online. The leader of Al Shabab is from the clan of Hergeisa/Gaashaamo. He has fled the South, after countless defeats. Now, Somaliland is harboring the renegades of the Al Shabab leaders! Well done Ethiopia. Defeat Al Shabab in Gaashaamo!
Dagaal Culus Oo Duleedka Gaashaamo Ku Dhex Maray Liyuu Booliska Itoobiya Iyo al shabab (al qaeda) , Dhaawacyo al shabab Hargeysa La Keenay Iyo San-saan Colaadeed Oo Taagan VS Hargeysa Mar 17,2012 – Dagaal dhimasho iyo dhaawac tiro badan sababay ayaa ka dhacay deegaanka Gaashaamo ee gudaha kililka shanaad ee Itoobiya, kaasi oo u dhaxeeyay ciidamada Liyuu booliska iyo al shabab. Dagaalkan oo shalay ka dhacay deegaano ku dhow Gaashaamo ayaa la sheegay inay ku dhinteen tiro dad ah, kuwaasi oo isugu jira al shabab iyo ciidamada booliska ee dawlada ismaamulka Soomalida Itoobiya isla-markaana waxa jira dhaawacyo badan. Dagaalkan niiman al shabab ku dhaawacmeen qaarkood la soo gaadhsiiyay cisbitaalka guud ee Magaaladda Hargeysa, si looga daaweeyo dhaawacyada dagaalkaasi ka soo gaadhay. Dadkan dhaawacyadu ka soo gaadheen dagaalkan ee la keenay cisbitaalka guud ee Hargeysa oo tiradoodu tahay laba nin, ayaa hadda lagu daaweynaynaa cisbitaalka guud ee Hargeysa. Wariye ka tirsan Ramaas oo dhaawacyadaasi booqday ayaa sheegay in xaaladoodu tahay mid culus. Dhanka kale, deegaanka Gaashaamo ayaa laga soo sheegayaa in xaaladiisu kacsan tahay isla-markaana uu ka jiro hub urursi baahsan, waxaana laga cabsi qabbaa in mar labaad dagaal halkaasi ka qarxo.
Bluelicious;804587 wrote: Lol by you, quit this acting it's starting to get childish. You can't fool me I know exactly how you are anyways it's late gotta go, good night. Childish? What are you talking about? :confused: I am not who you think I was, regarding the person who made this thread. Someone must've been keeping eye on me, learning how I type and all and they did pretty good, to be honest! WOW!
Bluelicious;804582 wrote: Whatever :rolleyes: Lol, you got played by an impostor!
What do you mean? :? Last time I was banned, I was using Knight of Wisdom username. I made K.O.W account and left January, decided to come back few days ago and that's about it.
Why here? WhatTheF, who's this guy that's pretending to be me?
Bluelicious;804570 wrote: Let's get out of this cranky old man's thread who thinks his sahara thread is all that when it's not. Bring up the " Interview with Bluelicious '' thread you can talk over there. What thread?
This is when I say "Somalilanders" got a point, when they say, "We don't want nothing to do with the South". lol The worst Somali accents EVER!
Bluelicious;804566 wrote: Yes we are done you don't leave me no choice. You are probably never gonna change old habits die hard. You making exuses for your pm is also one of the reasons. I'm no longer gonna talk to you about things on the forum Oday is right there is something called a pm. If you wanna talk to me pm me if not then just leave me alone. OdaySomali - I'm out of your thread. How can I PM you, when it's telling me that my PM system hasn't been activated, YET.
Cali_Gaab;804514 wrote: Lol, if he so badly wants to be Silaanyos groupie, he should have made noise during the London conference. Heck, Silaanyo stood no more than 10 meters from the pirate leader and his body language during the photo session shows how nervous he was and resorted to hiding behind Omar Geele. Leave it up to futoole to beat his chest once he arrived in garowe. Lol
^ What are you saying? We're done?