Cambuulo iyo bun

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Everything posted by Cambuulo iyo bun

  1. malistar any update about when they are capturing Baraawe? And the Buule burde front in hiiraan?
  2. Apophis;962297 wrote: U sheeg sxb. HAG iyo SAHAL wa walalo , weyna heshi'nayan :confused: we are a lot of things but we are definitely not walaalo ee sida ula sooco i despice you runtii inaar :cool: Joking
  3. Alpha Blondy;962295 wrote: LOOOOOOOOOOL. take a chill pill, inaar. why so sensitive? the way y'all are going, it wouldn't be long before political correctness is a national law. maybe ''Mad Dog Mahad'' can introduce that into parliament for y'all. the little prick was a friend of mine before he ran towards the light to NEVER return home. :D Lmaaao
  4. Alpha Blondy;962290 wrote: it must be true because yaa HAG waxaa laa cuni kara? rashiinku belongs to caydiid after all, ma garatay? : You have watched too much Black Hawk Down mays tidhii inaar :mad:
  5. Xaaji Xunjuf;962246 wrote: ^^ You can tell by looking at them and by hearing them their dialects Dialects true but i dont think you can know peoples clans by looking
  6. Alpha Blondy;962219 wrote: BREAKING NEWS: ethiopia is going to the WORLD CUP. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH good or bad. discuss? FML
  7. Saalax;962175 wrote: I know it is a touchy subject for you as a person from Mogadishu as some of those refugees still remain in Somaliland as of 2013 but try not to lose your marbles Oba. To quote one of the most powerful somaliland politician: “Xamar baa loo yaacayaaye Xamar ma Qurbaa, hada waxaa la’iisheegay mar aan Nairobi tagay dhalinyarta Hodheelada Xamaroo dhan ka shaqaysa ineey yihiin kuwii reer Somaliland” ayuu yiri Feysal Cali Waraabe. sxb ha caroonin muqdisho waa caasimadaada ileen just
  8. kkkkkkkkkk Once again Duceysanoow what is the meaning of posting news from 6 years ago :D
  9. enough qarxis of tonight ducaysanoow wan ka qaleynayaa, exactly what is the meaning of posting a 6 year old news was it because of my faysal waraabe thread?? damn your sensitive
  10. Somalia;962160 wrote: "Hey, I am Somalilander, this is my traditional clothing, introduced in 2013" kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Lmaao that was funny
  11. Alpha Blondy;962148 wrote: ^ is that before or after you make your paganist pilgrimage to cabudwaq. was the ancient god Waq a HAG, inaar? maxa ka hadleysaa :confused::cool:
  12. Xaaji Xunjuf;962141 wrote: I never liked the macawiis Indian stuff i am not ashamed to be Somali i am actually very proud Somali man I just like the white traditional clothing how about this
  13. sxb dadkaan xaqa waxey uu leeyahiin waa la siiyay they have no right to complain magaca ilahay they will never get what they have in middle shabelle in places like lower shabelle and jubboyinka
  14. warsamaale;962124 wrote: boorso ama boorsad but shandad is used also, i don't know why c&b doesn't understand it. never heard that word before dee boorso is the correct word nooh