Cambuulo iyo bun

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Everything posted by Cambuulo iyo bun

  1. Ximan and xeeb's president and General subxaanyo these spoilers was tought a lesson yesterday, that nobody is above the law kulaha we'll take Hassan daahir to relaxation in hotel ambassador :cool:
  2. The Zack;965588 wrote: First of all IndhoCadde and Co were not arrested for a long time, it was couple of hours. They held a press release and gave the SFG 24 hrs to release Aweis or face consequences. The UNUKA president got scared of the real HAGs LOL. Yariisow talked immediately, he talked softly and with respect. And now Aweis is free LOL. haye what happened to the 24 hours release is Hassan free now`?
  3. :D Zackoow are you telling a person who is in xamar as we speak to check the news portals? Wasn't i the first one yesterday who said aweys is going to be arrested in moonlights thread? today was a good day wallee Indhocadde,ahmed diiriye and aweys in Jail Jecliyaa :D
  4. We are behind bars,they attacked and tortured us, The government has broken it’s promises”. Said Sheikh Yusuf Siyad Indha’ade a former warlord and assistant minister who was a member of a mediation team that was sent to Adado.[/
  5. One of Somalia's most prominent Alshabab leaders who was arrested by Himin and Heb regional administration was flown to the capital Mogadishu on Saturday and then detained by Somali security forces. Diplomats said Hassan Dahir Aweys has agreed to hold talks with the federal government about his fate but the government in Mogadishu decided to put him behind bars for his role in Alshabab. Aweys was a founder of Islamic courts union and then decided to join Alshabab which has officially declared it’s allegiance to Al-qaida. Hassan Dahir Aweys was added to the U.S. government's list of terrorists in 2001. Somalia’s interior minister Abdikarim Hussein Guled ordered his arrest according to government sources. “We are behind bars,they attacked and tortured us, The government has broken it’s promises”. Said Sheikh Yusuf Siyad Indha’ade a former warlord and assistant minister who was a member of a mediation team that was sent to Adado.
  6. Carafaat;965170 wrote: Alpha, why are you holding a white baby on your fb profile pic? its not a White baby its just that our friend Al is dhuxul madoow
  7. Saalax;965286 wrote: One word: Bur-Karole . Last I checked Mogadishu had the highest rate of rape in the Somali areas, with so called "government troops" engaging in it themselves. Listen up you retarded dimwit originality is important stop copying what duceysane in somalinet writes aint you claiming to be from Another country? Yet your making Daily threads about Mogadishu while we southerners dont give a shid about the triangle state, you know haters gonna hate so continue to make these threads cause we thrive on your hate and it will only make us stronger :cool:
  8. The Zack;965284 wrote: Latest: Aweys is now meeting the Interior Minister at Aden Cadde Airport. He is negotiating with him, Aweys wants to be sent to a third country, Asmara or Doha. BS
  9. move the fock on this aint healthy for y'all
  10. sxb you should focus more on Fugging street and the increasing rape cases in Somaliand
  11. Please dont let me mention Gunther bischopp:rolleyes:
  12. Im in Xamar right now,Hassan will be put in house arrest according to my sources in villa somalia besides Hassan didnt even want come to xamar he was sent to xamar by force Another fact for all you thinking Hassan dahir will walk free in a unuka dominated city are dreaming wallee have you forgotten that this man said beesha unuka are apostates who always worked for for foreign agendas.
  13. Haatu;965026 wrote: This man should NOT be allowed to live. He's poison and should be executed in Xamar to send a message. +1.well said
  14. waryaa apophis xanaaqa daa call kismayo if you dont believe me i was drinking shaah witha friend from Gedo tonight and we where speaking to his relatives reporting from Kismayu
  15. Xaaji Xunjuf;965013 wrote: Aslong as the Kenyans are there Raskambooni will not be completely defeated, no clan is a match for Kenya, Maybe Alshabaab can be a major challenge. But i doubt Kenya will let raskmabooni be defeated im afraid raaskambooni got its biggest karbaash today '' ninkii soo joog laga waayo so jiif ayaa laga helaa'' they will also be responsible for the casualties of the civilians who lost their lives ,AUN since they attacked Barre hiiraale,iftiin baasto and Baalleey
  16. Ciidamo taabacsan Col. Barre Hiiraale oo ay wehliyaan xubnaha kale ee sheegtay xilka Jubaland ayaa la wareegay inta badan magaalada Kismaayo, iyadoo madaafiic xoog leh laga maqlayo magaalada oo dhan. Sida ay sheegayaan wararka Ciidamadan ayaa qabsaday halka lagu magacaabo Aargada, guriga Gobolka, waxaana la damiyay idaacadii ku hadleysay afka maamulka Axmed Madoobe. Dagaalada caawa ka socda Kismaayo ayaa ah kii ugu xumaa magaalada soo mara, waxaana dadka ay sheegeen inuu ka duwan yahay dagaaladii horay uga dhacay magaalada. Xiriiro aan la sameynay magaalada ayaa naloogu xaqiijiyay in ciidamada Axmed Madoobe ay dib ugu gurteen xaafadihii ay ku sugnaayeen, iyadoo isugu uruuray Madaxtooyada Kismaayo. Madaafiicda la isku adeegsanayay dagaalka ayaa la sheegay inay sababtay in meelo qaar uu dab qabsado, iyadoo ay gubaneyso, iyadoo wali aan si dhab ah loo ogeyn qasaaraha dagaalka uu geysanayo. Wararkii ugu dambeeyay ayaa sheegaya in xabada ay meel walba ka dhaceyso, magaalada oo dhan ay xiran tahay, shacabka ayaa guryahooda ku sugan, waxaana jira qasaaro ka dhashay madaafiic ku dhacay guryo ay degan yihiin dad rayid ah. Ma jirto wax war ah oo ka soo baxay dhinacyada dagaalamaya, sidoo kale ma jirto ilaa iyo hada wax war ah oo ka soo baxay dowladda oo ku aadan dagaalada sii xoogeystay ee magaalada ka holcaya. La soco wixii ku soo kordha.
  17. Pictures of some recent events that all happened this week. Defence minister visits the city and most importantly, the SNA base. Preperations for the 1st of July Celebrations Celebration of Jabuuti's independence day in honor of our brothers Jabuutian Band including abwaan Sangub Visits the city Beledweyne community soccer tournament comes to an end
  18. Good stuff Brother Daqane keep them coming!!
  19. Mad_Mullah;964782 wrote: Little Istanbul. They wouldn't even clean their own city if it wasn't for the Turks telling them to. And yet your posting in this thread 24 7. GTFO --------------------->