Cambuulo iyo bun

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Everything posted by Cambuulo iyo bun

  2. Haatu;974892 wrote: They are paper which can be changed. This is the name of an area which will go down in the annals of history. It is imperative that the name be in Somali. Besides, just because one this is wrong, doesn't justify something else being wrong as well. +1
  3. wyre,Lol thanks for correcting me. The point i was making is its upto him asigaa la naaraa maxaa aniga iga galey?
  4. Jacpher;974846 wrote: Hobbesian_Brute: You oughta be banned for deliberately insulting Islam. This is a private forum and you try a bit harder to offend the religion of the forum owners who give you a platform to discussion and exchange ideas without insluting Islam. ADMIN: Please ban this script. so what? afkiisa kuma taal?
  5. Che -Guevara;974850 wrote: A human rights issue has been to reduced to "My friends and I will all be in a nightclub having a crazy time, but while they are getting guys' numbers, I hang back," Very unfortunate.
  6. Hobbesian_Brute;974844 wrote: Let's be honest, if your block your for federalism, if your block your against it, all the sophistry can't get past that simple fact. war its all bullshyt, when -blocks get the presidency. -block will be pro federalism. sheekada fahma
  7. Che -Guevara;974837 wrote: Faith or no faith, I think we need to accept, there are elements within the Muslim world that simply has to be confronted and removed for good. It is complex issue with no simple answers but admitting the problem would be the first step. +1. Yoniz i wasnt referring to you but to khadafi
  8. he edited what he wrote so it wasn't just a sentence .. True ,books can also be interpreted in various ways..
  9. Guzel;974823 wrote: No man needs educating about sex, people are reserved first at new things but will open up if they enjoy it. He is somali, but needs no education, he slept with countless women in his younger days, he is now in his 50's . I give it too you, your one funny troll walahi, thanks for the laughs
  10. i didn't say all the salafis are the mother of takfiirism rather the salaf doctrine is the mother of the takfiirism.
  11. LOL dafuq? stop trolling us yaaqey
  12. Guzel;974787 wrote: By innocent i mean a kiss will emotionally connect me to him further, it is what i would remember after he leaves my place, he is not opening up to me, i don't want just dry humping, which is fine but without the kissing part, i am left feeling there is something missing. LOL if y'all are dry humping why not do the whole shebang?
  13. bro i cannot say im comfortable with the fact that the man who tried to sell the somali coast is the presidents advisor..
  14. Che -Guevara;974786 wrote: Xubnaha shirkan ka dhex-muuqda ayaa waxaa ka mid ah la taliyaha dhinaca siyaasadda ee madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, C/raxmaan C/shakuur Warsame iyo Prof. Maxamed Cabdi Gaadi oo isaguna dhinaca maamulka Jubbaland ka socda. Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online Muqdisho, Soomaaliya SERIOUSLY?!
  15. you dont know shyt son HAG has an militia consisting of 19000 soldiers right now in xalane eager to attack kismayo so my advice to you is dont jinx yourself bruv :cool:
  16. ^^ the one with the headphone obviously inaarka is chilling listening to tracks from his conscious music thread.
  17. LOL nah i wouldn't restrain myself :cool:
  18. Haatu;974758 wrote: What the hell is wrong with this Cambuulo fella? Waryaa salafi=/=takfiri. They are mutually exclusive. PS: This H-Brute athiest is seriously getting annoying now. I thought one of the rules of this site was no insulting Islam. What do the moderators and admin do if they can't enforce even this? This site is becoming a joke. sxb salafism is the mother of takfiirism join to the good side bruvs
  19. Che -Guevara;974747 wrote: haha couldn't the same be asked about you? inaar nuune miyaa lagu dhahaa? waa maaya maaha sheekadu ha so dhex gelin :cool: LOL j/k .. Haatu;974749 wrote: Rumour has it he is originally from Kudhaa in the Laag Badane national park near Kaambooni Koow, show ninku waa ethnic jubbalander? hayaay could've never guessed that i thought he was a pirate Lmaaaaaaao
  20. 1990s? sxb i was married to my first wife markaa maxaad ku hadli? :eek:
  21. Johnny, det ironiska i det hela är att dessa fanatiker faktiskt bidrar till att mer muslimer lämnar religionen. Vad tjänar dom på att döda egentligen? människor gör misstag varför inte bara rätta dem,vad löser dödande egentligen? Jag har sagt det tidigare kommer att forsätta säga det salafism är islams största fiende.