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the economic success of PL the military success of PL http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=PIT-trew_tI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> the education success of PL the health care success of PL the political success of PL GAROWE ONLINE EDITORIAL | In this political spectrum – stuck between separatism and centralized rule – federalism is the only option that safeguards each group’s interests, whilst protecting Somali national unity. The much-hyped London Conference concluded with less than expected jubilation. In the renowned British style of doing things, the world’s top leaders came, intermingled, exchanged ideas, and everyone returned to their homes fully aware of two things: a) Somalia has reached center-stage in world politics; and b) the communiqué was pre-drafted and sent to the invited delegations days before the actual conference. In reading the communiqué, there emerges progressive thinking on the side of the “international community” – insofar as it pertains to how the “international community” perceives the Somali people and their ability to solve problems. A few examples to cite: *“ Decisions on Somalia’s future rest with the Somali people” *“ We emphasized the urgency of Somalia funding its own public services, and using its assets for the benefit of the people, as well as tackling corruption” *“ We welcomed the success in some areas of Somalia in establishing local areas of stability” *“ We agreed that Somalia’s long-term reconstruction and economic development depended on a vibrant private sector” The London Conference communiqué missed a crucial point – rebuilding Somali security forces. In this regard, the communiqué states: “We agreed that, over time, Somalis should take over responsibility for providing their own security and develop their own justice systems…” Indeed, after more than 20 years of conflict, Somalia does not have more time. The phrase, “over time,” is an open-ended idea that leaves too much room for maneuvers by interest groups, parasitical governments, and Somali war profiteers to engage and act accordingly, in order to prolong the conflict for the benefit of the select few, and the continued suffering of the Somali masses. What the London Conference should have demanded was efficient and effective training and equipping of Somali security forces to face-off the threats of terrorism, piracy and other criminal gangs who have operated in Somalia for over two decades. Notwithstanding this, it was nonetheless a worthy document, which marks a moment in history when the world’s leaders gathered to discuss Somalia. The London Conference was right to support the ongoing political process in Somalia – the Transitional Federal Charter, the Djibouti Agreement, the Kampala Accord, the Roadmap, and the Garowe Principles. Indeed, IGAD and the African Union have spent tireless efforts to guide the political process, and it would be shameful if a European power suddenly and unreasonably changed everything to start fresh. Somalia’s political process should continue on the current trajectory of political inclusivity for non-violent groups, civic participation and open debate about the country’s future. The future in Somalia is a federal system of government. We have often heard TFG President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed make the absurd argument that “federalism is a temporary system” in Somalia. Indeed, following the state collapse of 1991, Somalia completely disintegrated into different parts – both socially and politically. The only thing that can keep the nation-state together politically, aside from our shared Islamic faith, is a federal structure where self-governing parts unite to form the whole. To put it a different way, political groups in Mogadishu daydream of a return to centralized rule so everything will again be controlled from Mogadishu, under the watchful eye of Ugandan generals. Others in northwestern Somalia, namely “Somaliland”, daydream of international recognition as an independent country. In this political spectrum – stuck between separatism and centralized rule – federalism is the only option that safeguards each group’s interests, whilst protecting Somali national unity. Many groups refuse peace in Somalia. These include interest groups, parasitical governments, war profiteers, terrorists and pirates. Recently, terrorist groups have begun joining each other – Al Shabaab joined Al Qaeda, Galgala militants in Somalia’s Puntland region joined Al Shabaab. In 2010, when Puntland government forces launched a military campaign and seized control over Galgala mountains, many Diaspora writers argued that “Puntland was attacking a clan”. Today, one wonders, where are those writers? They must be hiding in shame. Puntland has proven its leadership by taking charge of its own security and governance, and the success of its reasonable political ideology, in the face of separatism and centralized rule. However, this does not mean – and should not mean – federalism based on clans. As the world takes account of developments in Somalia, we should be ready to understand that federalism is the voluntary merger of two or more of Somalia’s 18 administrative regions of pre-1991. The myriad of clan-based “federal states” emerging in south-central Somalia is an embarrassment to the country’s political development. We should seek workable solutions, not creating new problems. Certainly, the London Conference has charted a new path to reinforce the ongoing process, and Somalis should take advantage of newfound opportunities to unite their own communities, to share experiences and to pursue a common goal of rebuilding the fragmented nation-state.
burahadeer;798614 wrote: Let them talk for themselves and am sure it could be solved if & where disagreements exist..O.k we can have nice discussion now.To be very frank awdal is not a problem,I mean there is no way it's viable and can reach to somalia,it's very tiny & I'm not in no way trying to belittle,besides Borama which is not that big there are 3 otha very small villages,totally encircled & is not populous at all contrary what's fed to people.The majority of this clan(I would say 75%) live in ethiopia & jbouti.They know they can't stand without somaliland & accepted the union wholeheartedly with exception of few diaspora...so this one is not issue.Riyale was president & beat Silanyo ..remember. i think you know every well the nature of somalis and their clan structure view of the world, so, i would not bring the issue of Awdal, SSC and Makhir to the discussion if i did not believe their internal as well as their external interest lie with United Somalia. At the end of the day, every community will state their intention and i hope Somalia finds a solution that works for everybody so that we can all move forward. For heaven's sake, our neighbors are moving on to build bigger and better things and we are still after 20s years stuck with political nonsense.
Sawirka Maanta: Geel kabar qaad taagan (Tallow ma marqaami doonaan ?)
kingofkings replied to kingofkings's topic in Politics
cajiib -
Degmo ka tirsan gobolada Waqooyi Galbeed ee Soomaaliya waxaa naga soo gaaray sawir uu inoo soo gudbiyey Jaamac Macaawiye, magaalada ma uusan soo sheegin, sawirka waxaa ka muuqda laba neef oo geel ah oo Kabar Qaadka/Jaadka lagu iibiyo mid ka mid ah waxay madaxa kula jirtaa kabarka waxaadna moodaa inay iska eegayso nooca qaadka oo ay marqaami rabaan. Kabarka hortiisa sida aad ku aragtaan sawirka waxaa kabarka qaadka hareerihiisa waxaa dhooban dad fara badan oo asxaabul marqaan u muuqda kuwaasi oo xiligaasi u hamuun qabey qaad la is oran karo wuu soo dhacay xiligaasi. laakiin muqayiliinta qaadka u hamuunta qaba waxaa ka dheereeyey kabarkii madax madax ugalay labada neef ee geella ah oo u muuqda inay u baahan yihiin in marqaanku gaaro uu iska jabiyaan dubaabka. Malaha ma labada neef ee geella ah way qayili doonaan, mise waa geel bartey sida loola marqaamo oo ninka iska leh ayaa marqaan yahay ah oo barey, mise geelu qayilaad ma rabee wuxuu meesha u joogaa haragada qaadka in uu micida saaro, mise ninkii lahaa ama kii la joogay oo asxaabul marqaan ah ayaa meesha soo galey oo qaad baayacaya geeluna sidaasi ayay ku raad joogaan oo ay isaga ayay doonayaan ?.
burahadeer;798606 wrote: ^^^ So I have to leave this forum? that means you all have to leave somaliland forums.that's fine if agreed upon by the site administrators. To explain myself,here is my question , Why is it always a certain group from certain regions are soo obsessed with SL & unity, and you know what am saying..I don't have to put clan names.It seems most otha somalis r either indifferent or don't spend so much time on it.and seriously I believe it works againest you ...the way you project that you care or more nationalistic then the rest which no one believes except you. thank you. was that so hard. my response; i for one do not care if SL is part of Somalia or gains independent. heck, i support the people of SL to secede from Somalia. however, you must understand that the people of Awdal, SSC and Makhir do not feel the same way that you in particular or your fellow enclave feel about mogadishu or for that matter about being a part of United Somalia. Thus, if you feel the same way about Awdal, SSC, and Makhir, then, let me be the first SOL member to state, my support for SL's independence.
burahadeer;798601 wrote: "Incoherent nonesense".?? same as usual fake unionists start hurling insults when they about to lose! if i'm not mistaken and i honesty believe i'm not, you asked what i meant by you babbling on to which then i gave you a direct quote, so either explain your quote or leave a pro union which happens to promote united somalia regardless whether is fake or not and find a forum that is solely pro secession.
burahadeer;798597 wrote: QUOTE..Kingofkings. 'On the legal aspects, the current constitution of Somalia does not allow for secession. A prerequisite for the proposed talks is that a future Somali government should first initiate the required change in the constitution that will allow secession once certain conditions are met. That would be followed by Parliamentary approval and finally the matter would be put to a national referendum.' Really!!! that's what am babbling about as we care.Like we dealing with nation of laws...there has neva been rule of law in somalia & won't be for a long time to come. you like putting face in victory & vanquishing doubt:rolleyes: no, i'm not referring to the same article i posted on SOl, rather your comment.... And i quote, "why only those you represent always cry loud about greater somalia? Neva do we see Mogadisho,Baidabo,Beletweyn,south galkacyo etc shedding crocodile tears. and it's the latter ones that we r talking to....You'r not significant". i wanted you to explain your incoherent nonsense and in particular, the not significant part. fadlan do explain yourself here. thanks.
Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Puntland ayaa Kulan ballaaran waxay ku qabtay Hoteel New Rays kaas oo looga hadlay Siyaasada Waxbarasho ee Puntland (Puntland Education Policy), waxaana ka soo qaybgalay Guddoomiyaasha Waxbarashada gobolada, Guddoomiyaasha Degmooyinka, Kormeerayaasha Wasaaradda, Kormeerayaasha gobolada iyo Waalidinta Iskuulaadka, waxayna ka kala yimaadeen gobolada Sool, Cayn Nugaal iyo Mudug. Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Waxbarashadda Mudane, Maxamed Cabdiwahaab Axmed ayaa waxa uu ujeedada kulankan ku sheegay in la doonayo in ka soo qaybgalayaashu ka tala bixiyaan Qorshaha Waxbarasho ee 5-ta sano ee soo socota, si uu noqdo qorshahaasi mid hirgala oo dadka lagala tashaday ka soo ka qaybgalayaashu u arkaan mid iyaka ka timid. Agaasimahu, wuxuu sheegay in la doonayo in hay’adaha Waxbarashada ka shaqeeya in loo tilmaamo baahiyaha Waxbarasho islamarkaasna ay iyaku kala hormarsadaan baahidooda oo Wasaaraddu mar kasta ay kala horumariso sida ay ahmiyad u kala leeyihiin, mana dhici doonto ayuu yiri in hay’aduhu iyako ay hogaamin ka noqdaan wax ka qabadka baahiyaha Waxbarasho ee Puntland. Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Puntland ayaa doonaysa in Waxbarashada Puntland ay noqoto mid aad u tayaysan oo ay ka faa’iidaystaan Ardayda oo ah Mustaqbalka Ummadda Puntland. Todobaadkan gudihiisa ayaa Wasaaraddu isla Hoteelkan New Rays ku qabatay kulan looga hadlay sidii Manhaj midaysan loogu samayn lahaa Waxbarashada dadban (Non Formal Education) ee Puntland, kaas oo loo arkay mid muhiimad gaar ah leh.
burahadeer;798583 wrote: ^^^ why only those you represent always cry loud about greater somalia? Neva do we see Mogadisho,Baidabo,Beletweyn,south galkacyo etc shedding crocodile tears. and it's the latter ones that we r talking to....You'r not significant. what are you babbling on about:confused: Who are those people you're referring to? And what do you mean insignificant?
The Call for Somalia and Somaliland Talks By Osman Hassan February 29, 2012 One of the concrete outcome of the London Conference on Somalia is the clear-cut message from the international community, as represented by key governments, the United Nations and international organisations. That message is that the question of Somaliland's secession from Somalia is not a matter for them but purely for the Somalis themselves. It is in this regard that the participating governments, taking their cue from President Ismail Omar Guleed of Djibouti, called for talks on the issue between Somalia and Somaliland and other countries should mind their own business. Until now, the position of leading western governments, like the USA and UK, was that the question of Somaliland's secession was a matter for the African Union and that it is only when the member States of the organisation endorsed Somaliland's sovereignty, with or without the consent of the government of Somalia, will they consider their own position. Much water has flowed under the bridge since then; clearly, the position of these governments has dramatically shifted to the extent they now see the matter as an internal affair between Somalia and its northern part and therefore an issue to be settled within the Somali family. The unspoken word is that the break-up of Somalia will create more problems than it solves. This wise formula they have come up with therefore allows them to dispense with Somaliland's nagging secession problem in a way less unpalatable to the secessionists. Now that the principle of inter-Somali talks has been called for and accepted by both Somalia and Somaliland, a number of procedural and legal hurdles that may take years if not eternity would need to be initiated. On the procedural side, the important question is who is part of the self-declared "Somaliland" entity which is supposed to talk with the Somali government? Certainly, the people of Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn (SSC) regions belonging to the Khaatumo and Makhir States or those hailing from the Awdal States have nothing to do with the secessionist "Somaliland" construct. These unionist States, albeit partially occupied by the secessionists, see no point in talking with their Somali government when they have no problem with it and are no part of the secession. To be lumped with the secessionists clan against their will in deference to Somaliland is to forfeit their inalienable right to be part of Somalia, which neither the Somali government nor the international community would want to sanction it. Needless to say, there is only one clan which is behind the secession and the quest for recognition. Their futile efforts to present their secession as representing the will of all the clans of former British Somaliland cuts no ice with anyone inside or outside Somalia. It is belied for one thing by the establishment of the unionist regional States and also by the on-going clashes in much of Khaatumo State and the frequent unrest in Awadal State. It should be recalled that the sole common aim among the five clans of former Somaliland Protectorate for demanding independence from Great Britain in May 1959 was simply to unite with Italian Somaliland and nothing else. No agreement, oral or written, exists among the clans for a possible future secession by one clan or by the whole region from the union on whatever grounds. The secession therefore is supported neither by Somalia's constitution nor by previous agreements nor by current wish of all the clans in NW Somalia. The clan's reliance on force is incompatible with the legitimacy they are seeking for their secession. If one clan is bent on seceding from Somalia, then it is that clan alone in the name of its area which will enter talks with the Somali government. Put it bluntly, these talks do not concern none of the unionist ones and as such they will have nothing to do with it with the secessionist's treacherous project. The other procedural question is whether it is the present Somali government and Parliament or future ones that will undertake talks with the secessionist clan calling itself Somaliland?: Certainly not the current Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and Parliament (TFP). An important issue on which the existence of Somalia critically depends cannot be trusted to unelected, entities that are on their way out. As such, the talks with the renegade one-clan based enclave can only be undertaken by a future elected and legitimate government and Parliament truly representing Somalia and its people whenever that time arrives. No time horizon has bee set by the London conference for the start or end of these talks. But realistically, this is a time in the distant future given the time it will take to evolve the necessary conditions for these talks. By then, many of the current political leaders and elite in Somaliland may not be around. Which begs the question: will the quest for secession pursued by one clan still remain alive or will it perish at the alter of inter-Somali talks?. On the legal aspects, the current constitution of Somalia does not allow for secession. A prerequisite for the proposed talks is that a future Somali government should first initiate the required change in the constitution that will allow secession once certain conditions are met. That would be followed by Parliamentary approval and finally the matter would be put to a national referendum. The question that would be put to the voters at any future national referendum will be the broader principle of whether they agree to the change in the constitution calling for the right of secession irrespective of which region. If the outcome of the national referendum is supportive, then the clan calling itself Somaliland can lawfully secede from Somalia. But will the international community recognise an unsustainable barren one-clan enclave? That is a moot question for the time being. No government is looking beyond the talks where the issue is expected to drag on for the foreseeable future. But will the matter reach a national referendum?. it is almost impossible to see a future Somali government and parliament endorsing a change to the constitution allowing for Somaliland's secession even before it is put to a national referendum. To do so will open a Pandora box that could usher the end of Somalia as a state let alone a united one. So, what is the point of the proposed inter-Somali talks? They occupy minds and may in the end force the secessionist clan to return to the union when all other options are foreclosed and see all the other clans inside what they call Somaliland are beyond their control and increasingly well entrenched within a federal Somalia where they have their regional States. The London Conference has done much to save Somalia's unity more than its own leaders and Parliament did. The Somali talks have no road map and would lead no where. The secession will ultimately die where it started- Somalia. We have to thank the London conference for that, and above all president Ismail Omar Guleed who saved our country and its unity with his brotherly wise solution. He will have a special place in Somalia's history.
Garowe, Mar 03 - Afhayeenka xukuumada Puntland Axmed Libaax-joorre oo la hadlay saxaafada ayaa sheegay in kooxo Al-shabaab ahi ay weerar ku soo qaadeen fariisin ciidamada Puntland ay ku leeyihiin duleedka magaalada Bossaso. Md. Libaax-joorre waxaa uu sheegay in ciidanku ay hayeen xogta kooxda Al-shabaab, ayna dagaal ay ku qaadeen ay ka dileen todoba (7) qof. 3 ka mid ah meydka kooxda Al-shabaab ayaa la keenay cisbitaalka guud ee Bossaso. Tirada guud ee dhimashada Al-shabaab ayaa uu ku sheegay in ay tahay 7 qof. Waxaa uu intaas ku daray in aanay jirin wax khasaare ah oo soo gaaray ciidanka Puntland. Dhawr qof oo shacab ah ayaa uu seegay inay soo gaareen dhaawacyo fudud. Md. Libaax-joorre waxaa uu xusay in ciidanku ay sahan ayaayeen, ayna hayeen xog ku saabsan in kooxda Al-shabaab ee garab-raratada ahi ay isku urursadaan buulaleyda fog ee gobolka Bari. Kooxda Al-shabaab ee uu hore u hogaamin jiray Siciid Maxamed Atam, oo la sheego in uu ku sugan yahay agagaarka Kismaayo, ayaa ka mid ah kooxda Al-shabaab ee ka dagaalama koonfurta Somaliya.
Puntland Officials and NATO discuss piracy (Pictures)
kingofkings replied to Somalia's topic in Politics
Jariban,Mar, 3 -Wefti uu hogaaminayo wasiirka dekedaha gaadiidka badda iyo la dagaalanka burcadbadeeda Puntland Eng Saciid Maxamed Raage ayaa gaaray deegaanka Garacad ee gobolka Mudug. Wasiirka dekedaha Puntland oo ku sugan degmada Jariiban ayaa u sheegay Radio Daljir socdaalkooda inuu ahaa iskaashi shacabka deegaanka Garacad, Puntland iyo Nato ay ka yeesheen la dagaalanka burcadbadeeda iyo Al-Shabaab. Wasiirka ayaa sidoo kale sheegay,inuu la kulmay degmada Jariiban, saraakiil katirsan Nato, maamulka degmada Jariiban iyo shacabka deegaanka Garacad,waxaana uu intaasi raaciyay inay isku afgarteen inay si wadajir ah isaga kaashadaan howlgalada lagula dagaalamayo kooxaha burcadbadeeda. Weftiga wasiirka dekedaha iyo gaadiidka badda Puntland ayaa waxaa ka mid ah saraakiil katirsan wasaaradda arimaha gudaha ee Puntland. -
Oodweyne;798476 wrote: Let me say to our bogus Doctor-in-Residence, by the name of Osman, that, really, it's well passed the time, you need to put down that "clannish pipe" you are so incessantly smoking in here. For, the gentlemen in this video talked about what is good for Somalis in general (as opposed to given us, yet another litany of woes in which Somalis are self-inflicted with). Also, notice, the lady in whose her book being plug (or advertised) in here, namely Ms. Harper , which is the reason this occasion was held in the first place, could never stop in her admiration of Somaliland. And, in sort of back-handed way, keep telling her audience that, if the rest of the Somali peninsula were like Somaliland; then, this constant international interference in that unfortunate region of Africa, could be a thing of the past, indeed. In other words, it's pity that you haven't really understood the gist of the whole discussion in which you, yourself, brought it to our attention. Hence, talk about shooting oneself in the foot in here, indeed.. :D i think you are well aware that Dr. Osman's response will be somewhere in the neighborhood of the Garowe Accord being mentioned in the UK conference by different world leaders than SL success or failures. In other words, how much does it mean to you to have uninfluential person to praise Somalia as a whole and more specially PL and SL?
Puntland Officials and NATO discuss piracy (Pictures)
kingofkings replied to Somalia's topic in Politics
Somalia;798417 wrote: excellent work PL. -
Mahiga: Farmaajo staging a comeback, trying to control the parliament
kingofkings replied to Somalia's topic in Politics
Ergeyga gaarka ah Qaramada Midoobey u qaabilsan Arrimaha Soomaaliya Amb. Agoustine Mahiga ayaa wareysi uu bixiyay waxa uu ku eedeeyay Raysal Wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya Maxamad Cabdulaahi Maxamad Farmaajo inuu ku lug leeyahay qilaafka Baarlamaanka. Mahiga waxa uu sheegay in Qilaafka iyo mushikilada ka dhax taagan Baarlamanaka Soomaaliya uu eedeeda leeyahay Raysal Wasaarihii hore Farmaajo uuna soo abaabulay isaga gadaalna uu ka riixayo . Ergayga Qaramada Midoobay ayaa ku sheegay Farmaajo Nin doonaya in uu dib ugu soo laabto Siyaasada sidaa darted uu bilaabay in Baarlamaanka qalalaase ka dhax abuuro. ‘’Farmaajo waxa uu bilaabay in Cidiyaha xitaa uu ku dagaalamo si uu u hantiyo dibno ugu soo laabto Siyaasda Soomaaliya ,waxaan daliil cad u heynaa in uu isagu ka danbeeyo Qalalaasaha. -
Wasaaradda caafimaadka Puntland ayaa maanta 3, March 2012 lagu qabtay kulan ku aadan qorshe lagu fulinayo ololaha maalmaha caafimaadka caruurta oo sannadkiiba laba jeer laga qabto deegaanada Puntland,waxaana shirkan ay masuuliyiinta wasaaradu la yeelanysaa bahda saxaafadda iyo ururada maxaliga ah ee wasaarada kala shaqeeye arimaha talaalka iyo adeegyada kele ee caafimaad ololahani inta uu socdo. Wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaradda caafimaadka Puntland Dr.Maxamed Xirsi Ducaale oo shirkan furay ayaa sheegay in barnaamijkan maalmaha caafimadka oo muddo ka soo socday Somalia oo dhan ay Puntland qiimayntii la sameeyey ka gashay kaalinta koowaad,haddana la doonayo in la sii dardar geliyo si loo horumariyo arimaha talaalka dalka oo dhana la gaarsiiyo. Ololaha maalmaha caafimaadka caruurta ayaa si toos ah u bilamaya 11,March,2011,waxana la marin doonaa dhamaan deeganada Puntland,iyadoona deegayda caafimaad ee la bixinayo ka mid ah Faytamiino,biyosifeeysan iyo talaalka lixda cudur ee dilaaga ah caruurta dadoodu ka yar tahay 5-sanno jir. Barnaamijkan wasaaradda caafimaadka waxaa ka tageera hay'adaha UNICEf iyo WHO,waxaana qayb-weyn waycigelinta ka qaata qalabka warbaahinta oo dawr ku leh inta uu socda barnaamijyo iyo fariimo faa'dada talaalkana baahiya. Audio http://www.garoweonline.com/artman2/publish/Wararka_19/Diyaargarowga_ololaha_caafimaadka_caruurta.shtml
They are among the biggest creatures to roam Africa's plains. But even these elephants were scared by a jumbo-sized cloud of birds who are the same size as the common starling. The red-billed queleas swarmed around this pair of pachyderms as they tried to drink at the Satao Camp water hole in East Tsavo, Kenya. In seconds, the peace was shattered by a storm of wings, frightening the elephants away. The tiny birds, which weigh just 10 grammes each, even broke a branch on a nearby tree with the combined weight of so many bodies. In fact it was the combined weight of so many bodies of the birds on a branch that made one break with an almighty crack. Photographer Antero Topp, 60, was at the Satao Camp water hole when the mayhem broke out. He said: 'The birds spent most of the time feeding somewhere close to the waterhole but every morning and evening they gathered in huge flocks close to the water waiting for their time to sip a few drops. 'There are big trees close to waterhole where the birds landed and at that time we suddenly heard a strong crack. 'A huge branch had been broken by the weight of these tiny birds despite them only weighing about 10 grammes each. 'All the birds took off and you could hear an unbelievable whoosh and after that birds' ear breaking calls. 'Despite their size faced with the huge flocks of birds I was surprised to see the elephants actually back away maybe 50 metres, and some even ran. 'I think the elephants were afraid of the size and shape of the flocks and the almost supernatural whoosh noise made as they all took to the air.' Red-billed queleas are the world's most abundant wild bird species, with an estimated breeding population of 1.5 billion pairs. Watch the video http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2108788/Flock-awe-Even-elephants-scared-jumbo-cloud-tiny-red-billed-birds.html" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
Saraakiil ka tirsan ururka Al-shabaab ayaa sheegtay mas’uuliyadda weerar xalay lagu soo qaaday kantaroolka magaalada Boosaaso Afhayeenka ciidamada Al-shabaab Sh.Cabdicasiis Abu Muscab oo Saxaafadda la hadlay ayaa sheegay in ciidamada Al-shabaab ee buuraha Golis ay weerarkaas fuliyeen. Wuxuuna intaas ku daray in ay weerarkaas ku dileen 5-askari oo ka tirsan ciidamada ammaanka ee Puntland dhowr kalena ay ku dhaawaceen. Dhinaca kale qaar kamid ah mas’uuliyiinta Isbitaalka weyn ee magaalada Boosaaso ayaa Horseed Media u sheegay in Isbitaalka lasoo gaarsiiyey 12-askari oo dhaawac ah. 11-kamid ah askartaas ayaa sida ay saraakiisha caafimaadku xaqiijiyeen ah kuwo ay xaaladoodu aad u sahalan tahay waxaase dhaawacii soo gaarey dartiis Isbitaalka ugu geeriyoodey hal askari. Saraakiisha laamaha caafimaadku waxa kale oo ay Horseed Media u sheegeen in ay qaybta meydka ee Isbitaalka yaaliin meydadka 3-nin oo ka tirsanaa kooxda Al-shabaab ee buuraha Golis kuwaas oo sida ay sheegeen uu ku jiro nin loo malaynayo inuu ajnebi ahaa. Weli ma jiro wax war ah oo dagaalka xalay ka dhacay duleedka koonfureed ee magaalada Boosaaso ku aadan oo dhinaca Puntland kasoo, baxay waxaase la filayaa in mas’uuliyiinta laamaha ammaanka u sareeyaa ay saacadaha soo socda Saxaafadda la hadlaan. Horseed Media
Bosaso(Pi) Koox burcad ah ayaa xalay weerar kusoo qaadey barta kontoroolka magaalada bosaso, ciidanka ilaalada kantaroolka ayaa si gaadmo ah koox hubeysan usoo weeraren sida uu Puntlandi u sheegey Sargaal ciidanka ka tirsan wax khasaare ahna masoo gaarin ciidanka balse labo qof oo rayid ah ayaa dhawacmay. Kooxda Burcada ah waxaa ka dhintey hal nin wsxayna ciidanku sheegeen inay baaritaan ku wadaan ninka meydka ah. Waa markii labaad oo weerar gaadmo ah loo geysto kantaroolka magaalada mudo afar bilood gudeheed ah. Dhinaca Dowlada waxaa la filayaa inay faahfashin ka bixoyaan maanta weersrkii xalay. Puntlandi.com kala soco warsrka rasmiga ah ee ku saabsan weerarkaan puntlandi.com Bosaso
Wing Wizard;798136 wrote: This is a lie, mate. But let them believe all those bollocks published on the warlord diaries. Their propaganda only makes us better and better. agree.
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