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Everything posted by kingofkings

  1. Abdirahman Mohamed Mahamud, president of Somalia’s Puntland federal state, has returned to the regional capital Garowe after trips to Djibouti and the United Arab Emirates. Mahamud ‘Faroole’ returned to Garowe just hours ago with key members of his cabinet, including Petroleum and Minerals Minister Issa Farrah. The delegation briefly entered Puntland after the recent London Conference, and immediately took off for diplomatic and possible investment meetings in Djibouti and the UAE. As reported here recently, a high-level address on recent oil findings in the Dharoor valley basin is expected to be made by Faroole. Celebration and buzz continue to make their way around Puntland, as locals celebrate what has been understood to be a de facto discovery of promising quantities of hydrocarbons in their home regions.
  2. Dr_Osman;799480 wrote: King, were going to be oil-rich, politics is going well and the nation from kismayo to zaylac is recognised under garowe principles. What you think we should with the money, there is no question more weapons, more sophiscated airforces with jet fighters, more modern tanks, aerial missile systems well among other things, i think the next PL government should give you the PL medal of the decade or century. secondly, i want to see PL to become the Dubai state of Somalia. i know that's a bit vague, but all one has to do is see the before and after pic or video of Dubai to get a sense of what i mean. hope that helps Osman.
  3. i hate when people doubt Faroole. Wasn't it a few years back when Faroole said we are fighting a terrorists group and nothing else. For those out there that still underestimated THE MAN, fadlan stop making a mess of yourself, because Faroole knows what he's talking about.
  4. I will remind to those corrupt Puntland officials that, in the words of Mahatma Gandhi, there’s enough for everybody’s need but not enough for every one’s greed.
  5. Since the breaking of headlines related to oil discovery at the Shabeel-1 well the past two days, word has spread quickly to communities throughout Puntland’s northern region of Bari and its sub-division of Karkaar. In cities like Bosaso and Qardho, as well as smaller communities in Rako Raaho, Ufeyn, and Bandar Beyla situated in and around the Dharoor valley, celebrations have been kicking off. Locals reported to our correspondents in Somalia that car horns, and even occasional celebratory gunfire could be heard along the main streets of many towns and cities. The breakout of celebration is due to a recent confirmation by Shabeel-1 well workers of a discovery of hydrocarbons at shallow levels in the drilling process. Even as far as the United States, families with ties to the Bari-Karkaar communities have been receiving phone calls from abroad confirming the day’s events. An announcement from Puntland president Abdirahman Mohamed Mahamud is expected in the coming days, upon return from a diplomatic-related visit to the UAE.
  6. Verified communication lines from our contacts in Somalia’s Dharoor basin, in the Bari-Karkaar regions of the Puntland federal state have reported to us a confirmed oil find that far exceeds an earlier anticipated target of 300 million barrels of recoverable oil for the first site. The completion of the Shabeel-1 well program, the first in over 20 years, and to date the most successful oil well in Somalia, was scheduled for late March/early April. But our leaks from previous weeks that oil had been struck as early as the first weeks of February are panning out, and being verified just now. Puntland’s president, Abdirahman Mohamed Mahamud ‘Faroole’, is expected to return to the region in two days to announce the discovery to both regional and global press.
  7. Ilo wareedyo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa Horseed Media u xaqiijiyey in lagu guuleystey baarintaankii shidaalka ee laga wadey dooxada Dharoor ee gobolka Bari. Warbaahinta Horseed Media ayaa ogaatey in ceelka Shabeel One oo mudo bil iyo 18 beri ah qodaalkiisu uu socdey shidaal laga helay. Wararka ay Horseed Media heshay ayaa intaas ku daraya in shidaalka loogu tegey gunta hoose ee ceelka Shabeel-1 oo noqonaya ceelkii shidaal ee ugu horeeyey ee Soomaaliya laga qodo mudo 20-sano ka badan uu yahay mid aad uga badan intii horay loo saadaaliyey. Dhinaca kale waxaa noo suurta geli weydey inaan helno qaar kamid ah mas’uuliyiinta shirkadda shidaalka dooxada Dharoor ka baaraysa ee Africa Oil oo aan xiriir la samayney haseyeeshee ila wareedyada aan warkan farxadda leh kasoo xiganay ayaa xusay in ayaamaha soo socda warkan Saxaafadda gudaha iyo midda caalamiga ahba loo soo bandhigi doono. Qodaalka ceelka shidaalka ee Shabeel-1 oo ku yaal dooxada Dharoor ee gobolka Bari ayaa bilowday 16/1/2012, waxaana sahamo hore oo la sameeyey ay muujinayeen in uu dooxadaas ku jaro shidaal lagu qiyaasay 2-bilyan oo Fuusto. Munaasabad lagu maamuusayo guusha uu kusoo dhamaaday baaritaankii shidaalka ee ka socdey Soomaaliya gaar ahaan Puntland ayaa la filayaa inay dhowr beri kadib dhacdo, waxaana kasoo qayb geli doona madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxamaan Maxamed Maxamuud (Faroole) oo isagu xiligan dibadda safar shaqo ugu maqan 2-bari kadibna dalka kusoo noqon doona. Horseed Media
  8. the only border the international community understands and accepts is the Somalia one or are you to delusional to understand as well.
  9. The Hermet;799089 wrote: reer buhoodle are somalilanders...the government is going easy. Tell your pirates to stop running away from Somaliland forces in las canod, if reer buhoodle is stronger, and your pirates keep running away from Somaliland soldiers in las canod what does that say about the pirates den aka bax bax land. hahaha... did you say reer buuhoodle is SLers. ha ha ha. maybe if you took a break from your usual rants, you can hear yourself. here are the native sools telling you how they feel or are you too desperate to hear their silent no..........
  10. reer buuhoodle proved your enclave is weak. how are you a threat to others is beyond me.
  11. The Hermet;799076 wrote: take a deep breathe.....and now count to 10. all the pictures in the world of militia sitting on their behinds...have not changed the fact that the bari region is still the hub of pirates and still has pirate hijackings happening one has to ask himself therefore do these militia even get off their behinds and try...or do they as we are all to aware of in Sool run away when the first bullet is fired. This is obviously in comparison to Somaliland which has next to no piracy of its coast...:cool: homeboy, don't mention sool ever again. or do we need to bring the scores of defeating embarrassment reer buuhoodle gave your enclave let alone sool. As for PL, well, what's the saying, "If you fight a losing battle, you try to do something even though it can't be done". so take your own advice and chill.
  12. Garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Boosaaso waxaa goor dhow kasoo degey Siyaasiga caanka ah ee reer Puntland Gen. Cabdilaahi Siciid Samantar. Generalka oo si diiran loo soo dhoweeyey ayaa u sharaxan xilka madaxtinimada ee Puntland. Cabdilaahi Siciid Samantar oo markii uu Garoonka kasoo degey loo soo gelbiyey dhinaca gurigiisa ayaa Saxaafadda si kooban ula hadlay. Wuxuuna ka warbixiyey waxyaabaha xiligan ku dhaliyey in uu isu soo taago xilka madaxtinimada ee Puntland iyo sababta uu xiligan dalka ugu soo laabtay. Cabdilaahi Siciid Samantar waa musharixii ugu horeeyey ee shaaca ka qaada inuu isu soo taagayo doorashooyinka madaxtinimada Puntland oo maagaalada Boosaaso soo gaara. Waxayna arintani kusoo beegmeysaa xilli muran uu ku jiro wakhtiga uu xilka ka degi doono madaxweynaha Puntland Dr. Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud Faroole. Audio
  13. sharma-arke451;799069 wrote: funny though, don't you sound. i'm sorry, can you repeat. apparently i don't speak gibberish. boy speak up! what are you trying to say?
  14. sharma-arke451;799067 wrote: may be you wouldn't express yourself this ''free'' in afgoye corridor. the cyber is a free world really how are you different? you're here are you not? get your head out of your's a@@
  15. Madaxweyne Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa sheegay in Augustine Mahiga ay maradu ka dhacay haddii ay rumoobaan hadalo Mahiga laga sheegay Madaxweynaha ayaa hadalkan sheegay isaga oo jooga goobihii shalay laga saaray kooxda Alshabab ee Suuqa Xoolaha iyo Xeradii Maslax. Warkan oo dhan qeybta hoose ka dhageyso. Audio
  16. nuune;799055 wrote: Ok folks, now I read King's mind, thanks to my rooxaan. Che and Carafaat , when King got angry, is because Che said beaches instead of beach or "keep up the good work PL ", so King thought that Che is referring to the women near the beach as beautiful b*tches, I don't know why would King will assume that, but that is taking into another level. certainly, not a single nomad from SOL will insult our women down there. Hope that explains. i have no idea what rooxaan means, but the rules on SOL are clear, however, if people want to get smart and cute by hiding their true intentions with word play, then my advice is that two can play that game.
  17. Muqdisho (PV):-Wakiilka gaarka ah ee arimaha Soomaaliya ugu qaabilsan Qaramada Midoobe Augustine Mahiga ayaa markii ugu horeysay si toos ah u weeraray madaxda sar sare ee Dowlada KMG ah gaar ahaan Madaxweynaha isagoo xusay inay afganbi ku haystaan madaxtooyada. Koox uu ugu magac daray reer Ala sheekh ayuu sheegay Augustine Mahiga inay afganbi ku haystaan madaxtooyada islamarkaana ay doonayaan sidii ay xukunka ku sii dheereysan lahaayeen. Mahiga oo la hadlayay website Soomaali ah oo la yiraahd Somali Report ayaa xusay in koox aan waxbadan dhaamin Kooxda Al Shabaab afgambi siyaasadeed ay ku qabsadeen Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya sida uu warka u dhigay. Sidoo kale Mahiga ayaa sheegay in kooxdaasi oo lagu magacaabo Aala Sheekh oo loola jeedo madaxdii ka timid dhanka maxkamadaha ee shariif hogaaminayay inay diidan yihiin awood qeybsiga iyo in la meel mariyo arrimaha Rood-maabka, isagoo tilmaamay inay doonayaan in awoodda kali ay ku ekaato sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Mahiga waxaa kale uu is bar bar dhig ku sameeyay reer aalla sheekh oo shariif uu hogaamiyo iyo Xarakada Alshabaab waxaana uu sheegay in alsabaab la yaqaan ayna yihiin urur dagaal kula jira Dowlada iyo shisheeyaha islamarkaana leh hadaf iyo mowqif balse kooxda Aala sheekh oo afgambiyay howlihii Madaxtooyada ee Villa Soomaaliya aan aheyn kooxo hubaysan, damac gaar ahna leh sida uu hadalka u dhigay, waxaase uu ku tilmaamay inay diidan yihiin in kala dambeyn ay ka dhacdo dalka Soomaaliya.
  18. Che -Guevara;799048 wrote: I don't know why he assumes we know the first thing about Jariibaan, let alone how many beaches it has. He's trigger happy. I blame Hermit and Freshprince. acting is not your thing, so, i suggest you apologize for your poor use of words. as for the other two trolls you mention, they have nothing on me. believe that.
  19. Carafaat;799045 wrote: King, I dont know much about Jariibaan. But it has beautiful beaches. I dont know why this would insult you? secessionist boy, i thought i told you to lose the innocent card. or, is that a characteristics that naturally comes with being a failed enclave for 20 years?