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Everything posted by kingofkings
Carafaat;802127 wrote: Somalia is not federal, never was and never will be Federal. I think TFG just appointed Hiiraan admin, doesnt look federal to me. even puntland isnt federal State but clan's self governance. faroole cant even visit Galkacyo nor do anything about Eyl, SSC and Mkaahir, etc. who are we kidding. which blocks? Clan leaders Faroole and Caalin? they have no say on Somalia. you really dont get what happened in Londen do you. its official. your losing it. i guess it difficult balancing multiple personalities.
STOIC;802049 wrote: Farole evolution echoes a man with low diplomatic skills.Sheikh Sharif sounds somber, and a man diplomatic enough not to give in to tantrums. The Puntland folks, at least on this boards, are the most unusual and opaque folks when it comes to matters of Somalia.Take your place respectfully in the Union you subscribe to..Now explain it to me why would SL speak with PL on matters of secession when their is a central government? He seems a bit too ambitious man that lack political agility.This is NOT wild west and he is NOT the sheriff in town.Sheikh Sharif is the Sherifff in town.Farole take a chil pill and let the man in authority make the decision for Somalia.Just realize things are NOT always simple as they seem. listen to this.......kullaha sharif is the sheriff in town. You do realize he's just a transitional leader. Having said that, Faroole has not only voice as to what happens in the North, but also his inputs is required as part of the road map and the two principles of Garowe. fadlan stop the nonsense.
Muqdisho: Ra’iisul Wasaaraha oo si heer sare ah loo soo dhoweeyey
kingofkings replied to kingofkings's topic in Politics
The Hermet;802046 wrote: Welcome your president next time then young pirate and stop the clan chauvinism, youve been proven to be nothing but hot air stop embaressing yourself. hermit don't talk in third person narrative it makes you sound crazy. -
Carafaat;802037 wrote: Faroole should talk with his pirate cousins in Eyl, with Caalin over Galkacyo and with Atam over Galgala. Somaliland and Somalia governing issue's are no concern of my or your sub-clan. There's no question as to who runs the great city of Galkacyo. moving on, as Faroole stated, the talk will be more local and you know what the outcome will be; back to your failed triangular cities. Once that happen, say hello to being one of many federal states of Somalia. Don't be mad, politic was never your strong suit.
Carafaat;802028 wrote: Che, sees to agree with Faroole and wants Somaliland and Puntland to talk. Talks about what che? Samafal sub-clans should talk to sub-clans. I can ask my Caaqil or Suldaan to talk to Faroole. Or else Faroole should talk with Caalin on Galkacyo. worry about speaking with sub sub sub clan of Buhoodle before you worry about speaking with President Faroole.
Muqdisho: Ra’iisul Wasaaraha oo si heer sare ah loo soo dhoweeyey
kingofkings replied to kingofkings's topic in Politics
The Hermet;802029 wrote: hahahaha...its okay as long as we have peace, stability, progress and border between us..and i dont have to share a country with you im more then content and i pray my brothers down south see your tribal chauvinism i.e. your Siadist tribal ambition for hegemony for what it is...you are not interested in Somali statehood, you never were you are interested in clan ambitions and unfortunately for you..Somaliland has destroyed that dream permanently .... :cool: fadlan stop mentioning dead people (AUN) on this forum. -
Muqdisho: Ra’iisul Wasaaraha oo si heer sare ah loo soo dhoweeyey
kingofkings replied to kingofkings's topic in Politics
i don't know how to respond to your self delusionalism that has gone for too long. No amount of rants on SOL will help your enclave become a country. Why don't you leave this thread and find the one that's collecting petitions for your failed enclave to get recognition because all other venues have obviously FAILED. Who knows, maybe another 20 years of petition collecting will finally help your enclave get independence. -
Muqdisho: Ra’iisul Wasaaraha oo si heer sare ah loo soo dhoweeyey
kingofkings replied to kingofkings's topic in Politics
^^^^ what's with the accusation:confused: The same thing can be said about the two of you. As the old adage goes, "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones". SMH:rolleyes: -
Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Prof Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali ayaa maanta dalka dib ugu soo laabtay ka dib safaro shaqo oo uu ku soo kala bixiyey dalal fara badan. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha iyo wafdigii la socday ayaa si heer sare ah loogu soo dhoweeyey garoonka diyaaradaha Caalamiga ah ee Aadan Cadde, halkaas oo ay ku soo dhoweeyeen Ku-Simaha Ra’iisul Wasaaraha, Wasiiro, xildhibaano, Guddoomiyaha Gobolka, ururada Haweenka Gobolka Banaadir iyo shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Ugu horreyntii Ra’iisul Wasaaraha waxaa la gudoonsiiyey oo qoorta loo suray ubax, ka dibna waxuu gacan qaaday dhammaan qeybihii bulshada kala duwanaa ee halkaas ku soo dhoweeyey. Soo dhoweyntan ayaa aheyd mid si heer sare ah loo soo agaasimay oo muujineysey sida shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay u taageersanyihiin waxqabadkii Ra’iisul Wasaaraha. Soo dhoweynta ka dib Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa halkaas kula hadlay saxaafadda kana warbixiyey safarkiisii shaqo. Ugu horreyntii waxuu u mahadceliyey Haweenka Soomaaliyeed oo uu sheegay in 8dii Maarso uu ka maqnaa dalka, xusayna in Haweenka Soomaaliyeed ay yihiin laf-dhabarka bulshada isla markaana ay Xukuumaddu ku dadaali doonto in xuquuqdooda gaarka ah dib loogu soo celiyo oo uu sheegay in 30% laga siin doono tirada ergada Soomaaliyeed iyo Baarlamaanka cusub. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa sheegay shirkii London inuu ahaa mid najaxay oo caalamka oo dhan u soo jeediyey Soomaaliya isla markaana lagu ballanqaaday in Soomaaliya lagu soo caadi soo celinta sharaftii iyo karaamadii shacabka Soomaaliyeed, isagoo uga mahadceliyey Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Ingiriiska doorkii hoggaamineed ee uu ka qaatay arrimaha Soomaaliya. Sidoo kale waxuu ku tilmaamay safaradii uu ku soo kala bixiyey Brussels oo ah xarunta Midowga Yurub, Norway iyo Sweden kuwo guul ahaa oo dhammaan dalalkaas ay soo dhoweeyeen dadaalada Roadmap ka iyo horumarka baaxadda leh ee laga sameeyey dhanka amniga. Waxuuna sheegay inay wada ballanqaadeen inay ku saacidaan dowladda sidii loo soo afjari lahaa xilliga KMG ah. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa sheegay inuu kulamo la soo qaatay Soomaalida Qurbo joogta ah ee dhammaan waddamadii uu tegey warbixin buuxdana ka sii yey xaaladda dalka isla markaana uu ugu baaqay qurbo-joogta inay dalka dib-u-dhiskiisa ka qeybqaataan. Ugu danbeyntii Ra’iisul Wasaarahu waxuu sheegay inuu Nairobi kula kulmay diblomaasiyiinta daneeya arrimaha Soomaaliya oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Safiirka Mareykanka, Norway, Italy iyo Ambassador Mahiga oo uu dhammaan kala hadlay xaaladda dalka kana codsaday in shacabka soomaaliyeed lagu taageero qorshaha soo afjarista xilliga KMG ah. Sidoo kale Ra’iisul Wasaarahu waxuu sheegay inuu kulan dheer shalay fiidkii la qaatay Wendy Sherman oo ah Ku-Xigeenka Hillary Clinton oo ay ka wada hadleen arrimaha amniga, dastuurka, dib-u-habeynta baarlamaanka iyo sidii loo saacidi lahaa gobolada iyo degmooyinka laga xorreeyo Al-Shabaab. Ra’iisul Wasaarahu waxuu sheegay inuu u ballanqaaday Mareykanka in xilliga KMG ah la soo afjari doono August oo shacabka Soomaaliyeed aanay oggoleyn in muddo kororsi la sameeyo, waxuuna sheegay in qorsheyaashii loogu gudbi lahaa dowlad rasmi ah ay degsanyihiin dhowaana la rajeynayo in ergooyinka soomaaliyeed ee gaaraya 1000 la isagu keeni doono Muqdisho si ay u ansixiyaan dastuurka, isla markaana la soo xuli doono baarlamaan kooban oo tayo leh. Soo dhoweyntii maanta la soo dhoweeyey Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa aheyd mid si aad ah looga doodayey magaalada Muqdisho, shacabkuna ay aad ugu faraxsanaayeen inay soo dhoweeyaan Ra’iisul Wasaarahoodii oo guulo waaweyn ka soo hoyey xiriirka beesha caalamka iyo Soomaaliya.
Formerly known as Bandar Qasim, Bosaso serves as the main port city of Somalia. This commercial capital of the Bari region is located in the north, and situated on the southern coast of the Gulf of Aden. A major melting pot of Somali culture, Bosaso is currently home to 434,000 residents hailing from all important clans, and sub-clans of the region. Relatively peaceful when compared to the southern parts of the country, Bosaso is presently experiencing a period of rapid growth. Featuring several white sandy beaches along clear sea waters, Bosaso reef is a very popular tourist attraction. Other popular activities amongst visitors to Bosaso include spending time at internet cafes and coffee shops where khat, although illegal, is allegedly served. With several mountains, lakes, grasslands and wildlife spread along the outskirts of the city, Bosaso exhibits a panoramic city skyline.
Puntland Health Ministry Vaccination Programme (Pictures)
kingofkings replied to kingofkings's topic in Politics
Garoowe:-Xarunta Wasaaradda Caafimaadka Puntland ayaa maanta lagu qabtay xaflad lagu furay maalmaha talaalka waxaana ka soo qayb-galay masuuliyiin ka tirsan maamulka Puntland oo uu ka mid yahay M-.kuxigeenka Puntland. M-waynaha Puntland Gen.Cabdisamad Cali Shire ayaa waxa uu sheegay in uu aad ugu faraxsan yahay in Wasaaraddu ay bilowdo talaalka, waxaana uu sheegay in uu yahay mid loo baahan yahay in cuduradan laga hortago. Waxa uu ammaan u jeediyay Wasaaradda Caafimaadka oo uu ku sheegay in ay ka mid tahay hormuudka Wasaaradaha Puntland, waxaana uu ku dhiiriyay ina y sii wadaan shaqada muhiimka ah ee ay Ummadda u hayaan. Wasiirka Wasaaradda Caafimaadka Puntland Dr. Cali Warsame ayaa waxa uu sheegay in uu aad ugu faraxsan yahay in madax sare oo uu ka mid yahay M-waynekuxigeenku kala soo qaybgalo maalmaha talaalka, waxaana uu sheegay in ay qabtaan hawlo badan oo dhanka caafimaadka ah. Wasiirku, waxa uu sheegay in ay qayb ka tahay shaqada Wasaaradda qabato maalmaha talaalka caruurta hase ahaatee, ay badan tahay shaqooyinka joogtada ah ee ay Ummadda u hayaan. Maalmaha talaalka caruurta ayaa sanadle ah, waxaana caruurta da’doodu ka hoosayso laga talaalaa cuduro ay ka mid yihiin Jadeecada, Teetanada iyo Qiixdheerta.
Garowe,Mar 10 -Shir lagu jaan goynayo siyaasadda waxbarshada ee Puntland ayaa maanta ka furmay magaalada Garoowe ee caasimadda Puntland. Shirka ayaa inta uu socdo waxaa dib u eegis lagu sameeynayaa siyaasadda waxbarshada ee Puntland oo la dejiyay sanadkii 2005-tii iyo qorshayaasha wasaaradda waxbarshada Puntland shanta sano ee soo socoto. Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda waxbarshada Puntland Maxamed C/wahaab oo furitaanka shirka ka hadlay ayaa waxaa uu sheegay,shirkan inuu yahay shirweyne lasoo qabanqaabiyay islamarkaana ay ka qaybqaadanayaan culimada iyo aqoonyahanada kale ee deegaanada Puntland. Waxaa uu sheegay qorshahan inuu soo maray heerar kale duwan sidoo kalena turxaan bixin inay kusoo sameeyeen aqoonyahano kale duwan oo katirsan wasaaradda waxbarshada Puntland. Shirka maanta furmay ayaa waxaa la filayaa inuu socdo muddo laba maalmood,waxaana la filayaa gabagabadiisa in laga soo saaro nuxur lagu horumarin doono wasaaradda waxbarshada Puntland.
Gaacuur;801925 wrote: Qodobka 6aad ee Shirki London wuxuu qeexayaa in TFG iyo Somaliland wada hadlaan, Farole ma hilmaam badan yahay mise autorete ayay ka tahay.. well before the London conference, Somalia's actors agreed in a road map and the Garowe Principles I and II. Both which stipulates the road that the TFG and PL as well as the rest of share holders should take (i.e. no more one actor deciding the faith of Somalia).
after listening to the VOA reporting, I did not hear anything wrong. President Faroole stated the agreed Principles in Garowe how no one actor can decide the political outcome of Somalia.
Puntland Oil Chances look much better after drill update
kingofkings replied to Somalia's topic in Politics
Corruption scandal in Somaliland, mass arrests ensues
kingofkings replied to Somalia's topic in Politics
smh. -
VIVA Saado Cali
EDITORIAL: Somaliland Was Right To Attend The London Conference
kingofkings replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Freedom;801835 wrote: Nope she did say that lol damn. how many times do we have to remind you your place in Somalia. This is getting sad right about.....now.