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Everything posted by kingofkings

  1. Wasiirka Dekadaha,gaadiidka badda iyo ladagaalanka burcad badeedka iyo wafdi ka socday Hey’adda Qaramada midoobe u qaabilsan arimaha denbiyada iyo muqaadaraadka ayaa maanta waxa ay soo gaareen magalada Qardho ee xarunta gobolka karkaar. wafdigaan ayaa soo booqday saldhiga booliska,xabsiga weyn waxa ayna soo booqdeen qeybaha oo ka koobanayahay xabsiga weyn ee magalada Qardho kaas oo dhismihiisa dhamaad ku dhowyahay. Wafdigaani ayaa waxa ay warbixino ka dhageesteen saraakiisha gacanta ku haya xabsiga weyn ee magalada Qardho, waxa ay sheegeen in xabsiga uu marayo dhamaad iyadoo la filaayo in gacanta laga jaro mardhow. Wasiirka Dekadaha,gaadiidka badda iyo ladagaalanka Burcadbadeedka ayaa sheegay in ujeedka Qardho ay u yimaadeen in ay tahay sidii ay kormeer guud ugu sameyn lahaayeen xarumaha amniga ee ku yaalo magalada Qardho,iyo sidii ay wax ugu ogaanlahaayeen xaaladaha xabsiga weyn ee magalada Qardho ee xarunta gobolka Karkaar. Madaha u qaabilsan dhanka saxaafadda Hey’adda qaramada midoobe u qaabilsan danbiyada iyo muqaadaraadka UNODC Wayne Miller ayaa sheegay in ay wadaan kormeer ay ku marayaan xabsiyada iyo saldhigyada booliska ee ku yaalo guud ahaan magalada Puntland, waxa uu sheegay in wadaan qorshayaal ku aadan sidii kooxaha burcad badeedka marka laqabti sidii loogu maxkamadeynlahaa gudaha somaliya, waxa uu xusay in magalada Garoowe ay ka qorsheenayaan in ay dhisaan xabsi weyn kaas oo mustaqbalka laga yaabo in lagu soo xiro maxaabiista burcad badeedka loo heysto danbiyada Culculus.
  2. burahadeer;805182 wrote: ^^^ tell to those who don't know:D i'm telling so that's start.
  3. burahadeer;805180 wrote: ye right ,the whole urban puntland population is estimated at 187,000 by UNDP.One village of Burao is bigger than Bosaso & burao has more than 10 villages. there you go again. talking about something you have no knowledge off. kullaha burao has more villages. fun facts. there more SLers that come to PL for work than there are PL that come to SL for work. that should tell you our differences. we are not in the same league.
  4. Xaaji Xunjuf;805167 wrote: No it's not up to you. my sources are confirming that he will seek the seat.
  5. On 15th of March 2012, King of Somaliland Boqor Buurmadow was arrested for speaking out against the government, this is a blatant violation of human rights. I urge Siilaanyo, leader of Somaliland people to release the King promptly.
  6. Jacpher;805157 wrote: ^You gotta be a little diplomatic when calling others names. what did i say that was so offensive:confused: calling someone the brightest crayon can have a positive and a negative connotation. it's duality is what makes it not only flexible, but also less offensive specially if your calling one of the secessionists wishing and praying for others' death and destruction a mindless troll.
  7. ElPunto;805154 wrote: LOL at brightest crayon in the box. Almost as funny as bed wetting unionist.
  8. ElPunto;805148 wrote: ^I don't know - that's why I asked. I don't think Duke is consumed by disneyland desert fantasies - actually he emphasized against it. If looking at Nigeria and Angola - the picture maybe bleak but if you look at Kuwait and Oman the picture is different. Let's wait to see what there is anyway. :D:D I don't know - that's why I asked lol.
  9. STOIC;805145 wrote: Elpunto, Heh.So you were doubting my picture? Had this been Somaliland I'd not have easily been metamorphosed into believing that the exploration process will intelligently exploit my reason.And certainly my thoughts will NOT have been consumed by disneyland desert fantasies yet...I will still have painted the bleak picture and warned them of inescapable weakness of SL in its economy and technological know-how i don't care what the rest of sol community say, your still the brightest crayon in the box. to all the haters out there, leave this poor soul alone. i mean come on. he can't even harm a fly. shame. shame on all of you. :mad:
  10. The Hermet;805120 wrote: Forget is often better to not kill your enemy so he can watch and see you achieve what he tried to prevent, can u imagine the pirate washing swahili shoes in nairobi, watch Somaliland TV or HCTV and seeing everything...maaaaan i know what i would say... " Tortalini, Ravioli, Mario, Ma ma ma ma miiaaaaaa"..... hahaha that's what weaklings and losers tell themselves. very weak on your part. however, i'm not remotely surprised.
  11. NASSIR;805135 wrote: Boosaaso has over half a million population, according to the latest UN figures. half a million:confused: are you on something:confused: Bosaso has past that figure many years ago.
  12. The Hermet;805133 wrote: I think youve had enough humiliation for one day... you can't even name one battle you and your lot has won:confused: okay. i have to start. i will name one battle you and your lot lost. Buuhoodle and the year was 2012. now your turn.
  13. The Hermet;805129 wrote: theeeeey funny people seriously... hermet when are you going to tell us the battles you and your lot won and their respective years. thanks.
  14. burahadeer;805127 wrote: puntlanders=M iyo madaxmadowba siman:D waa runta been ma sheegin.
  15. hermit these men are in nairobi, kenya. why don't your enclave go after them instead of the poor samatar guy. if memories serve me right, kenya is a signatory to the ICC. :confused:
  16. The Hermet;805102 wrote: Morgans current day job: washing swahili shoes in speeches on khatumo.. Somalilanders are afriad of one thing...inaay isheena nagu dacdo...seeing how badly you continue to get screwed over... the video speaks for it self. man your lot needs to get help asap.
  17. The Hermet;805098 wrote: mate i like them...they prove that once a loser always a loser...hahaha... you do something get the job done...if you lose...move over, you aaa looooooser and except victors justice.. hahah im a loser but im gonna continue being a loser even though i was humiliated and destroyed doesnt make sense. :cool: im a loser but im gonna continue being a loser even though i was humiliated and destroyed indeed. for the record, there was not doubt in anyone's mind. p.s. tell your home boy, the two men in the pic are in kenya as we post.
  18. Jacaylbaro;805090 wrote: The next criminals to be sentenced after Cali Samatar ..... two words, wishful thinking.
  19. STOIC;805067 wrote: First dissidentnation contributors are kids from Puntland.Don't pay attention to all they write.You can just read Somalia and the fake doctor resident opinions...They say oil can lift you up from penury, but it can place back you in it faster than many other business..Lets now entertain the idea of when oil comes, then whats next for Puntland a poor region with nothing to offer the industrialized world.When the dream comes through and thrust them into the international limelight they will become international economic power..This will prompt international interest in Puntland and the foreign money will trickle down. Eighty percent they will rely on the foreiners know-how and expertise to do all the harvest for them.Few peope will be rich and curse of the oil will leave behind nothing for a legacy, but maybe half a dozen tall buildings in Puntland major cities.Many factors can upset the market and one only needs to look at OPEC.Most probably many of these so called leaders will borrow against future oil revunues and next thing you know the country may face unpleasant consequences if the oil doesn't materialize.....So hold all the lofty ideas and the profligacy till we see the earth-shaking oil that will gush underneath the Puntland earth..... he's definitely the brightest crayon in the box. what do you think:confused: