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Everything posted by kingofkings

  1. Mudane Madaxweyne Abdullahi Yusuf's legacy; Statehood.
  2. mash allah. may Allah bring you and your family happiness, success, and more importantly, love. once again congrats.
  3. March 4, 2012 – Bosaso, Puntland State of Somalia – The Puntland Maritime Police Force (PMPF) received a second group of recruits that will be trained to deter, detect and eradicate piracy in the region. More than 400 volunteers were recruited throughout the Puntland, representing all clans, and assembled over the period 25-29 February 2012 in Puntland's capital city, Garowe. The recruits went through vetting and medical screening and additional intake procedures. Several senior and junior officers and non-commissioned officers of the Puntland Security Force (PSF) also were selected to accompany the new recruits during their training and will form part of the core leadership for future training and anti-piracy operations. On March 2nd, a large vehicle convoy arrived with the recruits at the home base facility where Puntland officials and PMPF leadership welcomed them. Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamud (Farole) welcomed the recruits with the statement, “I am very proud on the people of Puntland that they could deliver these recruits, who will form the first intake for 2012.” The PMPF local Commander, Col Abdurizak Dirie Farh. added “This is our second intake since the establishment of the PMPF, and we are able and ready to take the new recruits to even higher levels of operational readiness, after their formal training of approximately six months, to fight the scourge of piracy around our coastal water and on land and protect our marine resources. We learned a lot from our past experience and we are looking forward to developing the PMPF into an effective and efficient counter-piracy police force.” The new recruits were issued basic gear, eating utensils and sleeping items and will complete their final administrative, medical and physical tests by end of the week. Basic training is scheduled to start on 10 March 2012 and will be completed within six weeks. More recruitment intakes are scheduled during 2012. PMPF Operations Personnel are busy with anti-piracy operations in Eyl and surrounding areas and will in due course expand operations deployments to other areas north and south of Eyl, along the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean. About the Puntland Maritime Police Force The PMPF is a professional, locally-recruited coastal police force in the Puntland State of Somalia. The PMPF’s mission is to promote peace and stability in the region by deterring, detecting, and eradicating piracy, illegal fishing and other coastal crimes; protecting marine resources; and delivering much-needed humanitarian relief supplies to Puntland’s citizens.
  4. Even though we lost nin culus today, the PL state marches forward to honor his hard work and scarifies. God Bless Mudane madaxweyne Abdullahi Yusuf and the great state PL.
  5. Puntland Delivers Second Anti-Piracy Recruiting Force Bosaso, Puntland State of Somalia – The Puntland Maritime Police Force (PMPF) received a second group of recruits that will be trained to deter, detect and eradicate piracy in the region. More than 400 volunteers were recruited throughout the Puntland, representing all clans, and assembled over the period 25-29 February 2012 in Puntland's capital city, Garowe. The recruits went through vetting and medical screening and additional intake procedures. Several senior and junior officers and non-commissioned officers of the Puntland Security Force (PSF) also were selected to accompany the new recruits during their training and will form part of the core leadership for future training and anti-piracy operations. On March 2nd, a large vehicle convoy arrived with the recruits at the home base facility where Puntland officials and PMPF leadership welcomed them. Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamud (Farole) welcomed the recruits with the statement, “I am very proud on the people of Puntland that they could deliver these recruits, who will form the first intake for 2012.” The PMPF local Commander, Col Abdurizak Dirie Farh. added “This is our second intake since the establishment of the PMPF, and we are able and ready to take the new recruits to even higher levels of operational readiness, after their formal training of approximately six months, to fight the scourge of piracy around our coastal water and on land and protect our marine resources. We learned a lot from our past experience and we are looking forward to developing the PMPF into an effective and efficient counter-piracy police force.” The new recruits were issued basic gear, eating utensils and sleeping items and will complete their final administrative, medical and physical tests by end of the week. Basic training is scheduled to start on 10 March 2012 and will be completed within six weeks. More recruitment intakes are scheduled during 2012. PMPF Operations Personnel are busy with anti-piracy operations in Eyl and surrounding areas and will in due course expand operations deployments to other areas north and south of Eyl, along the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean. About the Puntland Maritime Police Force The PMPF is a professional, locally-recruited coastal police force in the Puntland State of Somalia. The PMPF’s mission is to promote peace and stability in the region by deterring, detecting, and eradicating piracy, illegal fishing and other coastal crimes; protecting marine resources; and delivering much-needed humanitarian relief supplies to Puntland’s citizens.
  6. Gheelle.T;808663 wrote: They are, NG. Online versions. Washington post, AFP and few more. Actually they were on SOL's front page this morning. washingtonpost AFP
  7. Madaxweynaha Dawladda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya Shariif Shiikh Axmed ayaa tacsi tiiranyo leh ka direy geerida Madaxweynahii hore ee Soomaaliya Col.Cabdullaahi Yusuf Axmed oo saakey (Jimce) waaberkii ku dhintey Isbitaal ku yaala dalka Imaaraadka Carabta. Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa sheegey in uu sameeyey guddi ka shaqeeya aaska Madaxweynihii hore, waxaana guddigaas madax u ah Raysalwasaare kuxigeenka ahna wasiirka Ganacsiga. Mudane Cabdiwahaab Ugaas. Shariif Shiikh Axmed ayaa ku tilmnaamey Cabdullaahi Yusuf (AUN) shakhsi waddani ah geesi ah jecelna dadkiisa iyo dalkiisa, waxaana uu rabbi uga beryey in uu janadii Fardowsa ka waraabiyo samir iyo iimaana ka siiyo umadda Soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan qoyskiisi iyo qaraabadiisi. Dhanka kale waxaa ka hadley geeriga Madaxweynihii hore Raysalwasaaraha Soomaaliya Dr.Cabdiweli Cali Gaas, raysalwasaaraha ayaa sheegey in dhawaan ahayd markii uu ku booqdey Isbitaalka isla markaasna uu la socdey tan iyo markaas xaaladda Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Cabdullaahi Yusuf Axmed (AUN). Puntland Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Faroole ayaa tacsi ka direy dhankiisa dhimashada Cabdullaahi Yusuf Axmed Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya, waxaana Dr.Faroole sheegey in dhawaan lagu aasi doono deegaanada Puntland isla markaana la diyaarin doono taariikhdiisi, waxa uu ku tilmaamey in uu ahaa Cabdullaahi Yusuf raggii dhidibada u taagey Puntland isla markaana u yeeley saddexda nidaam ee dawlad leedahay. Somaliland Madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed Maxamede Maxamuud Siilaanyo ayaa isaguna umadda Soomaaliyeed uga tacsiyeeyey geerida ku timid Cabdullaahi Yusuf Axmed, waxaana qoraal uu akhriyey afhayeenka madaxtooyada Somaliland lagu sheegey in Madaxweynaha Somaliland ka tacsiyeynayo dhimashada Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya, waxaana uu rabbi ga baryey in uu janadii ka waraabiyo. Aaska Madaxweynaha Waxaa lagu wadaa maalmaha soo socda in lagu aaso Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya gudaha dalkas Soomaaliya meel kamid ah waxaan arintaas ka wada hadlaya guddi Dawladda Federaalku u saartey, maamulka Puntland iyo ehelada Madaxweynihii hore.
  8. Garowe( Dawlada Puntland ayaa maanta ku dhawaaqday 3 bari oo Calanka hoos loo dhigayo geerida Madexweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya awgeed. Madexweynaha Dawlada Puntland Dr. C/raxmaan Sheikh Maxamed Maxamuud Faroole oo maanta xarunta madextooyada Dawlada Puntland ee magaalada Garowe kula hadlay Saxaafada ayaa ku dhawaaqay sadex maalmood oo calanka Puntland hoos loo dhigayo iyo aas qaran oo loo samaynayo Madexweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Marxuum C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed oo xalay ku geeriyooday Magaalada Dubai ee Isutaga Imaraatka Carabta. Kulankan uu Madexweynuhu saxaafada kula hadlay waxaa goob joog ka ahaa Golaha Isimada ee Puntland iyo Golaha xukuumada, saraakiisha Ciidamada iyo dhamaan laamaha Dawlada Puntland, wuxuuna madexweynuhu xusay in Marxuumku uu Taariikh dheer ku leeyahay Soomaaliya iyo Caalamka oo dhan gaar ahaana Puntland uu meel gaar ah uga qoran yahay. “Allaha u naxariistee Madexweyne C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed Taariikh dheer buu lahaa halkan kama wada sheegi karo waxaa kaliyoo hada aan shegayaa waxaa weeye C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed waxaa uu ka dhintay Umada Soomaaliyeed oo dhan, Dawlada Puntland iyo shacabkeeda, eheladiisii, Xaaskiisii iyo Caruurtiis Ilaahay waxaan uga baryaynaa in uu Janadii ka waraabiyo. Waxaa loo samaynayaa isagoo lagu aasayo Puntland Xabaal Qaran, Calankan waxaa hoos loo dhigayaa 3 bari” ayuu yiri Madexweynaha Puntland C/raxmaan Sheikh Maxamed Maxamuud Faroole. Madexweynaha Puntland C/raxmaan Sheikh Maxamed Maxamuud Faroole ayaa tilmaamay in Madexweyne C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed uu bud dhig u ahaa Asaaskii Maamulka Puntland iyo in Amni iyo kala dambayn ka dhalato deegaanadan Puntland la isku yiraahdo. “Halkan waxaa ila fadhiya oo dhinacyada iga xiga Isimada Puntland qayb badan oo ka joogta, dhinacanna waxaa iyaga fadhiya golohii xukuumada, Baarlamaankii rag ka socota iyo Sarakiishii dawlada . Puntland Taariikhdeeda 1998-dii markii ay dhalatay ninkii ay ku bilaabatay buu ahaa Markay magaaladan Garowe lagu gudoonsaday in maamul gooniya la yeesho, wuxuu ahaa Madexweynihii ugu horeeyay oo amniga sugay gobolkan, Isbaarooyinkii qaaday, maamul ka hirgaliyay, ka dhisay dawlad shaqaynaysa sadexdii qaybood ee looga baahnaa dawlad in ay yeelato sadexdiiba hirgaliyay, Nidaamkaas oo anigu aan maanta ahay madexweynihii sadexaad ee loo doortay Puntland aan ka dhaxalnay anaguna aan sii xoojinay Taariikhda Puntland bay ku haraysaa lamana Ilaawi doono” ayuu yiri Madexweynaha Puntland. Hadalka Madexweynaha Puntland ayaa ku soo aadaya xilli ay socoto qaban qaabada aaska Madexweynihii Dawlada Federaalka Soomaaliya Marxuum C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed oo la filayo in lagu aaso Deegaanada Puntland.
  9. Taliyaha ciidamada difaaca Puntland Gen.Siciid Maxamed Xirsi (Siciid Xirsi) ayaa maanta 23.March 2012 xarunta madaxtoyada Garowe saxaafada wax uga iftiimiyey taariikh nololeedkii Alaha u naxariistee Col.Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed madaxweynihii hore ee Somalia. Taliyaha oo in badan ka soo dhinac shaqeeyey Marxuumka kana og taariikhdiisa ayaa ku bilaabaya tababarkii ciidan uu dalka Talyaaniga u aadey iyo kaalinta koowaad uu ka galay dhamaadkiisa. Xilalkii kala duwanaa uu ka soo qabtey dowladdi Somalia ,isku dhicii nidaamkii Siyaad Barre ,xarigiisi ,jabhadii SSDF,khilaafkii Mingiste Maryem boqorkii Ethiopia ,xarigiisi mar labaad ayuu dul marey taliye Gen.Siciid Dheere. Alaha u naxariistee Col.Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed lagu masoo koobi kari halkan ,waxana buuxsamaya buugaag iyo bogag badan ,waxana si weyn loogu xasuusta Puntland iyo madaxtinimadiisi xiliga uu hayey oo nabad ,kala dambeyn iyo horumarba lagu tiigsadey ,islamarkaasina bilow u ahayd halkan aan maanta gaarsiisanahay. Dowladda Dhexe ee Somalia oo fadhiid ahaan jirey islamarkaasina magic u yaal ahayd ayuu arintaasi qaadan waayay waxana uu noqdey madaxweynihii ugu horeyey ee Somalia tan iyo burburkii oo Villa Somalia dib ugu laabta kana hawgala. Nidaamkii dowladnimo ,ciidamada oo uu u roonaa ,taageero beesha caalamka iyo ka sifeynta dalka xiligaasi midowgii maxaakimta oo bilow u ahaa argagixisada AL-shabaab ee haatan Somalia gabalkeedu dhacayo ayuu ka hirgeliyey Muqdisho. Waxa uu ahaa nin kalmadiisu adagtahay,balanqaadkiisa la fuliyo,cidna aysan kada hadalin ,waxa u dhega nuglaa odayaasha dhaqanka ,waxa uu daryeeli jirey maatada ,waxana uu soo dhaweysan jirey cadowga si uu uga dhigto saaxiib. Alaha u naxariisto Cabdulaahi Yuusf Axmed halyey Soomaaliyeed ayuu ahaa. INAA LI LAAHI WA INAA ILEYHI RAAJICUUN. Halkan ka dhageyso codka Taliyaha ciidamada Puntland Gen.Siciid Dheere Audio