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Everything posted by kingofkings

  1. PL Economy Boosaso Carwada Ganacsiga Puntland Oo Lagu Soo Bandhigi doono Qalab kala duwan iyo Waxyaabaha ka so Baxa dalka Ayaa La filayaa dhawaan in Lagu Qabto Boosaso. Qabanqaabada Carwadan oo ay ka soo Qaybgalayaan Ganacsato Ka socota dalalka Caalamka ayaa ah mid Si weyn loo Wada dhowrayo. Gudoomiyaha Rugta ganacsiga iyo Warshada Puntland Maxmuud Xayir ibraahim Oo Horkacay Qaban qaabada Carwadan ayaa sheegay in Carwadani Tahay Midii ugu Horeysay oo Lagu Qabto Puntland waxaana uu Bogaadiyay Ganacsatada Puntland sida ay Ugu Soo bandhigayaan Ganacsigooda Carwadan Furmi doonta 15 Bishani May socona doonta ilaa 20 bishani May 2011. Waxaana Carwada oo Furmi doonta Maalinta Axada ah ee soo Aadan Ka muuqanaya Goobta Carwada Bilic soo Jiidaneysa indhaha ruux Kasta oo Halkaasi Taga. Calamo la dhisay Bananka Jaamacada Bariga africa Carawadani Oo ka dhici doonta Xarunta Jaamacada Bariga Africa ee Magalada Boosaso ayaa Waxaa U Diyrgarobaya Dadka ku dhaqan Boosaso Oo Doonaya in ay Ka soo iibsadaan Alaabaha Raqiiska ah Halkaasi Shirkadaha ku soo bandhigayaan.
  2. Amiin Aamir caqli yare Cuqdada aan qabo waxaan iloobaa markaan bahashaan cabo!
  3. GAROWE the most functioning capital city of Somalia. :cool:
  4. On Friday, the 23rd of March, members of 2nd Platoon, B Company of the Puntland Maritime Police Force (PMPF) assisted in the recovery of a stranded fishing vessel on the shores north of Eyl. The platoon was alerted to the grounding of the ship the morning of the 22nd, and within hours the unit departed on the treacherous drive north to provide rescue assistance. Arriving just before nightfall, the Platoon Leader, Lieutenant Mumin Abdi Shire, made an assessment of the situation, and after speaking with the Captain of the ship, agreed to show up at daybreak the following morning to begin unloading the vessel of its cargo of 12 tons of fish. By removing the fish and transferring it to another dhow, the platoon leader and captain hoped to save the cargo and decrease the overall weight of the ship, thus affording the PMPF and the community an opportunity to push it from the location where it was trapped on the beach. The following morning on the 23rd, the 2nd Platoon arrived at the accident site at 5:30 am, and immediately began to assist the community in downloading the ship’s cargo. Fish went from the ice-packed hold of the stricken ship to small motorboats for the short journey to a dhow waiting only 400 meters from the coast. PMPF members assisting in the transfer of fish from the hold of the stricken ship to awaiting motorboats that would – in turn - transfer the cargo to another ship offshore. From there, the fish was packed in ice in the hold of the dhow for transport to the markets of Yemen – a three-day journey by sea. Before noon, the stricken vessel had transferred its precious cargo. The platoon and community then settled in to await the rising of the tide. At 2:15 pm, the waters of the Indian Ocean began to rise, surrounding the beached craft, which began to lift from the sand that entrapped it. Lead by Lieutenant Mumin Abdi Shire and Platoon Sergeant Mohamed Ali Ahmed, the PMPF and the community began to push and pull the vessel from its birth. The work was hard and dangerous, as the boat at times seemed to be on the verge of capsizing on top of those who were trying to free it. But in the end, the combined effort achieved success, as the boat was freed before a crowd that had swelled to over 100 people. The night prior, success did not seem possible. But thanks to the PMPF and the community, a plan was developed and executed in a way that defied the treacherous beaches and sand bars that were eventually forced to give up their prize. Platoon Leader Lieutenant Mumin Abdi Shire and Platoon Sergeant Mohamed Ali Ahmed of 2nd Platoon, B Company, Puntland Maritime Police Force (PMPF). Following the completion of his mission, LT Mumin Abdi Shire said that he was proud to have led his platoon in the conduct of this mission, adding that, “the PMPF is here to serve the people of this community.” His remarks were echoed by PSG Mohamed Ali Ahmed, who stated that he was proud of his platoon and the service that they were able to render to the citizens of Puntland. The PMPF was created by the government of Puntland in 2010 with the help of donor nations. The indigenous national law enforcement program promotes peace and stability through hiring, training and equipping Somali to bring stability to their nation. The PMPF directly addresses and supports United Nations Resolutions 1772, 1950, 2015 and 2020. The program also supports the goals of the various International Contact Group on Somalia. This law enforcement also reflects the overwhelming conclusion of international experts that the solution to piracy in this region must be land-based, Somali-driven and sustainable. Dr. Abdiwell Mohamed Ali, The Prime Minister of Somalia, officially notified the United Nations in November 2, 2011 of Somali’s intention to begin training and equipping an anti-piracy force. The goal of the PMPF is to deter, detect, and eradicate piracy. In addition the PMPF will prevent illegal fishing, stop coastal related crimes and protect marine resources as well as continue its mission of delivering much-needed humanitarian relief supplies to the Somali people.
  5. Proudly Representing the Blue, White, and Green.
  6. Noolow Mudane Madaxweyne Faroole. Best PL President. :cool:
  7. VIVA President Faroole " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  8. Xaaji Xunjuf;813448 wrote: ^^ dee ma aniga runta diidayaa xalay wabanu wada fadhinay adigu maxa meesha ku keeney? dee i'm try to keep you from denying the truth.
  9. Xaaji Xunjuf;813438 wrote: ^^ Lol maxaa la qoslaysaa:confused: xiinfaniin run bu shaygey.
  10. my head is 46 inches. guess that means, i'm in line to be the next SL president. finally, my abnormal head will be appreciated.
  11. Carafaat;813157 wrote: Sxb, its only some Qardho folks like Dr.Osman who fantasize sometimes about becoming Independent country. Most Puntlanders want to stay part of Somalia. it's funny how you pretend to know PLers.
  12. Garowe(Puntlandi)—A delegation led by Turkish ambassador to Somalia Cemalettin Kani Torun reached Puntland on Sunday and received warm reception from Puntland’s people and their leaders, Puntlandi reports. Ambasodor Kari Torun has received big welcome and he Pointed out Puntland’s peace and security is reliable.. Mr. Torun and his delegation have had a brief meeting with Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole , his vice president Abdisamad Ali Shire at the presidential palace in the capital. Torum along with Puntland leaders paid quick visit to Garowe’s main hospital, and the under construction building of Puntland Parliament.. This visit comes after several previous visits made by Turkish Officials in Puntland . Turkey launched a massive humanitarian aid campaign in Somalia, and Puntland expects some developmental projects from Turkish Government. Following a visit to Somalia by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyıp Erdoğan in August. The nation raised more than TL 526 million for Somalia .
  13. Dagaallo u dhaxeeya ciidamada maamulka Khaatumo State iyo maamulka Somaliland ayaa goor dhow ka bilowday deegaano ka mid ah gobolka Cayn, waxaana dhinaca kale qaboobay dagaalkii aroortii hore ee saaka ka bilowday duleedka magaalada Laascaanood. Dagaalka oo markii hore ka bilowday deegaanka Gacandar 10-km dhinaca koonfureed uga began magaalada Laascaanood ayaa waxaa la isku adeegsaday hubka nuucyadiisa kale duwan, waxaana dagaalka markii dambe uu isku badalay dagaal ka curtay jihooyinka Bariga iyo koonfurta magaalada Laascaanood. Ku dhowaad 15-qof oo ka kooban dhinacyada dagaalamay ayaa ku dhaawacmay dagaalkii ka dhacay deegaanada Waqdari iyo Gacandar ee duleedka magaalada Laascaanood, khasaaraha dhimasho ee dagaalka ayaan ilaa iyo hadda la ogayn inta uu gaarsiisanyahay. Dhinaca kale, dagaallo xoogan oo daba socda dagaalada u dhaxeeya maamulka Khaatumo State iyo Somaliland ayaa ka dhacay jiidaha dagaal ee duleedka magaalada Buuhoodle, halkaasi oo marar badan dagaallo uu ka dhacay. Cabdifitaax Kiisdiid oo ka mid ah saraakiisha dagaalka ee Khaatumo State ayaa u sheegay saxaafadda inay soo gaareen dhimashada sadex askari iyo laba dhaawac ah, waxaa uu sheegay dhinaca Somaliland inay ka gubeen gaari islamarkaana ay jiraan dhaawacyo iyo maydad u dagaalamayay dhinaca Somaliland oo daadsan wadooyinka sida uu yiri.
  14. WAY TO GO REER MUDUG. :cool::cool::cool:
  15. Somalia;812884 wrote: I remember the likes of Che and Somalina laughing, well who's laughing now my niggas?
  16. Somalia;812871 wrote: He did though, he said he 10000% agrees with Maddeey and now he backs out. i'm referring to a sane person using third person narrative to describe himself.
  17. The Zack;812864 wrote: You kinda need to take your own advice. The Zack has never called specific person a Murtad . If you are saying he did, prove it. However, Murtadnimo does exist. The deen is very clear. There are specific actions that make one a murtad. For example, if you call the Salat some names, you are a murtad. So one can't tell us there is not murtadnimo, period. The Sheikh has said those who come with infidels and fight on their side are murtads. i think i got my answer. thank you.
  18. The Zack;812853 wrote: Open a thread for that and I shall address that. This thread is about Yey, the dead criminal. either you're confused or dazed, but whatever ailment that is affecting you, one thing is for sure, this is a forum. there's no need to waste resource by opening a new thread when there is one open now. so either start answering everybody's question or exist the thread for once. fadlan do see to it that you heed my advice.
  19. The Zack;812838 wrote: Sheikh's don't say specific person is gaal or not, they define the actions of murtads. I never said Sh. Cumar specifically named Yey, re-read what I posted with objectivity. Sh Cumar: Now, the question is why are you defending one of Somalia's worst criminals? stop dodging everybody's questions. where do the so call culuma you speak of stand on the issue of the current president whom they supported continuing on the legacy of Abdullahi Yusuf (AUN) May Allah grant him Paradise.
  20. Wararka aanu ka helayno magaalada Laascaano ee gobolka Sool ayaa waxay sheegayaan in duleedka magaaladaasi uu saaka ka socda dagaal xoogan oo u dhaxeeya Ciidamada Maamulka Soomaaliland iyo Maleeshiyo deegaanka ah. Dagaalkan oo duleedka magaalada ka bilawday abaare 6:00 aroornimo ee saaka ayaa waxay wararku sheegayaan in uu hada ka socdo gudaha magaalada oo ay markii hore gacanta ku hayeen Ciidamada Soomaaliland. Wararku waxay xaqiijinayaan in dagaalkani uu ku bilawday weerar ay soo qaadeen Ciidamada Deegaanka oo maalmahan dambe is abaabulayay, laman xaqiijin khasaaraha ilaa hada dagaalkan ka dhashay. Dadka deegaanka ayaa sheegaya in hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan ay labada dhinac isku waydaarsanayaan islamarkaana dagaalku uu hada magaalada gudaheeda ka socdo, waxayna sidoo kale tilmaamayaan in ay jiraan gurmadyo Ciidan oo labada dhinac u kala imaanaya.