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Everything posted by kingofkings

  1. Beer-Gaal;814922 wrote: Ask me sxb, they don't have anything to do with puntland as we speak , may be Gaadayare with an exception!! i do admire him though he is real diric i am asking you! where is Mudug going to go:confused: clearly they cannot form a state all by themselves.
  2. Bosaso is changing faster than one can keep up with. Too bad i'm not in the city. i would have taken a weekly pic plus video to inform the PL community of the changes of the financial capital of PL.
  3. Osmano thanks for fixing and updating the pic from muqdisho. :cool:
  4. Beer-Gaal;814914 wrote: if the Federal thing work out, only Bari and Nugal regions will remain Puntland, yes i have inside information. and with the current system the Holy trinity doesn't trust any one other their own. in Galkayo the tune is walaaley it's ours this time around. simple question; Where is Mudug going to go:confused:
  5. Muqdisho(Puntlandi)—Somali’s prime minister Abdiwali Mohamed Ali escaped unhurt after failed plan to assassinate him but unfortunately precious life of Somali people lost in today’s suicide bomb at the Somali’s National Theatre in Mogadishu. It was reported that a young woman between 20 to 25 carried out the suicide attack, but Prime minister of Somalia and other cabinet ministers who were with him remained unhurt. Questions are being raised about how the woman managed to get in the building while security was very tight. Suspicious woman was seen before the event but when asked her identity she claimed a member of the police by showing Police ID and finally managed to get in the hall. Suicide bomber was sitting behind the seats of Prime minister and his fellow ministers but the bomb went off while Dr. Abdiwali was on the stage , suicide bomber intended to kill the prime minister and other high-ranking officials. Some sources said the suicide bomber had got some help from other people who were in the Theatre building who left the building minutes before the explosion. Explosion seemed very planned that other sources involved and also seemed merely target to kill the prime minister Abdiwali Mohamed Ali who was active member in Somali politics for the past year. Nine people died in the explosion and dozen others including ministers and parliamentarians sustained multiple injuries and severe scars from the explosion. Another news says President of Somalia Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed who was supposed to attend the ceremony at the Somali National Theatre did not come today’s event. What so ever AU peace keeping forces told media they were investigating why the suicide bomber entered highly fortified areas at the heart of Somali transitional base.
  6. AUN to all those that lost their lives. a sad day.
  7. comparing the before and after thread, you would mistake the event as two that had nothing to do with each other. what a difference a mindless, violent action can do to a peaceful event.
  8. Waxaa Maanta Magaalada Muqdisho ka Dhacay qarax ismiidaamin ahaa oo ay Fulisay Haweenay Nafteed Hurad ah ,qaraxan ayaa dad ku Dhinteen qaar Kale ku Dhaawacmeen qaraxaas oo Guud ahaan Magaalada Muqdisho lagay Maqlayay.
  9. Akhristayaasheena Sharafta Leh waxaan Halkaan idiinku soo Gudbinaynaa Sawirada Munaasabadii Sanad Guuradii 28-aad ee Markii la aas aasay Tefelshinka qaranka ,Munaasabadaas ayaa ka dhacaysay Xarunta Tiyaatarkii qaranka ee Golaha Murtida iyo Madadaalada ee National Theater.
  10. Turkish Embassy in Mogadishu has launched 2nd Istanbul Conference for Somalia preparations in Mogadishu. A meeting has been organized by the Embassy attended by representatives of the civil society organisations. H.E Ambassador Dr Kani Torun addressed to the guests. The meeting followed by a lunch. Below is the statement of H.E Ambassador Dr Kani Torun at the meeting. Excellencies, my Dear Brothers and sisters, Asalamu Aleykum: Maalin Wanaag-san (Good Day) Soo Dhawaada (Welcome) It is indeed a great pleasure and honor for me to be with you today, and Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen let me began my speech by thanking each and every one of you for accepting my invitation to join me and my team in this important day. I would like to convey to you a heartfelt greetings from the President of Turkey H.E. Abdullah Gul and Our Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the people of Turkey. The government and the people of Turkey are committed to assist you in your struggle to rebuild your country and institutions and to move this great country of yours to a new area where your focus is about rebuilding national infrastructure, economic development and advancement of education. The Somali people do not deserve being in the middle of this long running conflict, living in peace and pursuing prosperity should be your destiny and this is within your hands. We have made this decision to be a partner with you because our view of Somali people, we believe Somalia is a great country that the Somali people are struggling with a temporary and unfortunate situation. We also know because of your resilience, because of your resourcefulness and because of your determination to survive, you are on the verge of overcoming one of the most difficult challenge that any modern nation-state has faced in the past fifty years-that is the collapse of the Somali state institutions, and yes, you are down, you are tested and your people suffered but you were neither crippled nor killed. The willpower of your people protected your country and is the best asset you have to get out of the mud. The reason the Prime Minister of Turkey, His Excellency Recep Tayyip Erdoğan visited Mogadishu on 19 August 2011 accompanied by the Foreign Minister H.E. Ahmet Davutoğlu and their families followed by hundreds of other notable Turkish was to underline how serious and determined Turkey is in standing by Somalia during this hard times that this great country of yours is undergoing a tough and trying times. When Turkey decided to come to Somalia and work on the ground during the famine times, the international community could no longer continue with their normal wait and see strategies. Action, rather that cynicism because the new reality and we are very pleased that visiting Mogadishu and permanently working from Mogadishu is the new norm and the new reality for the international community and that the culture of making a touch-down at the airport and making a U-Turn is the thing of the past. In the past 8 months Turkey was busy with its humanitarian and rehabilitation efforts and as of today 12 Turkish aid and development agencies are in Somalia. Thus far, we have committed resources to many projects from field hospitals that cares for over 1000 patients every day to starting the ground work for major infrastructure projects such modern hospitals (we already opened a new 50 bed hospital and 3 more hospital are already in construction period total bed capacity of 400), schools and water wells, nutrition centers for famine victims, vocational training courses for women and youth, technical and capacity building support to government institutions and of course to scholarship that sent over 1500 ( Somali students to Turkey. I am very pleased to let you know this is only the beginning of much more support that my country plans to provide to the people Of Somalia. As you may also know, every 2 months our Deputy PM H.E. Bekir Bozdağ and senior government officials visits Somalia to make sure our efforts is not a mere talk but tangible assistance is provided to you. You are all aware that Turkish Airlines started its biweekly flights from your Capital Mogadishu, this will end the isolation and neglect you felt for years. I also must relate to you that every Turkish man, woman and child know about your cause, about your suffering and about your struggle to have a functioning institution and normal life. Turkish people are as eager and as determined as the Turkish government to stand with and support you in this journey and to your people have donated and collected over a three hundred million dollars on your behalf. In addition to updating you the wok we have been doing in the past six month, the main reason I invited you and I am having this press conference is to officially announce the upcoming International Conference for Somalia in Istanbul on 1&2 of June 2012. As you may know, it has been decided at the end of the London Conference that a second international conference for Somalia will take place in İstanbul. This conference will not just about you but it will be for you. Unlike the previous conference Istanbul conference will not be participated just by the politicians but civil society as well. We want international community to hear the voice of grassroots organizations of Somalia. Turkish Government plans to make the Istanbul Conference productive and fruitful for Somalia. Whether the outcome fruitful will however depend on how the Somali people and Somali leaders shoulder their responsibility and we are confident that you will rise for United, prosperous and peaceful Somalia. Thank you waa mahad-san tihin.
  11. Muqdisho : Wasiir kuxigeenkii Dhalinyarada & Ciyaaraha Puntland oo Muqdisho ku Geeriyooday. Muqdisho (APL ) : Wasiir kuxigeenkii wasaaradda Dhalinyarada & Ciyaaraha puntland Cismaan Cawad Cali ayaa ku Geeriyooday Magaalada Muqdisho Galinkii danbe ee Maanta. Allaha u naxariistee Cismaan Cawad Cali ayaa u dhintay Xanuun ka haleelay Labada Kalyood. Wasiirka wasaaradda Shaqada ,Shaqaalaha,Dhalinyarada & Ciyaaraha Puntland C/wali Xirsi Cabdulle (Indha-guran ) ayaa u xaqiijiyey allpuntland Geeridda kuxigeenkiisii ,waxaana uu yiri “ Wasiirkii allaha u naxariisto waxaa uu u dhintay xanuun ka haleelay Labada Kalyood waxaana shalay diyaarad ka saaray Garoonka Gaalkacyo C/laahi yuusuf international Airport si loogu sameeyo qaliin caafimaad ". Wasiir Indho-guran ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in uu marxuumku geeriyooday 04: 00 Markii ay ahayd saacadda Geeska Afrikada Bari. Wasiirkii kuxigeenkii hore Cismaan Cawad ayaa la sheegay in uu ku geeriyooday isbitaal ku yaal Villa soomaaliya ,halkaas oo ladoonayey in xaaladiisa caafimaad lagu ogaado. Allaha u naxariistee Cismaan Cawad ayaa ahaa nin si weyn ugu howlanaa arrimaha horumarinta ciyaaraha iyo Dhiirigelinta dhalinyarada Cismaan waxaa uu kasoo shaqeyey wasaarado kala duwan oo ka mida wasaaradaha puntland sida wasaaradda Caafimaadka ,wasaaradda Deegaanka iyo Duurjoogta iyo wasaaradda dhalinyarada iyo Ciyaaraha waxaa kaloo uu kasoo qabtay puntland Xilal kala duwan . Shaqaalaha wasaaradda shaqada iyo shaaalaha ,dhalinyaradda iyo Ciyaaraha puntland oo uu ugu horeeyo wasiirka wasaadaasi ayaa Tacsi u diray Guud ahaan shacabka soomaaliyeed Gaar ahaan puntland & waliba qoyskii iyo eheladii uu ka geeriyooday Marxuum Cismaan Cawad Cali oo ku geeriyooday isbitaal ku yaal magaaladda muqdisho. Sawirkaani waa wasiirku xigeenkii Hore ee Dhalinyarada & Ciyaaraha Puntland allaha u naxariistee waxaa uu goob fagaare ah Magaaladda Garoowe kula hadlayaa Dhalinyaro ,waxaana wasaaradiisu xiligaas xusaysay 15 May Sanadkii 2011 Maalinta dhalinyarada aduunka .
  12. Gheelle.T;814796 wrote: Waryaa, don't stress out your self. Waan kaa wareegsaday, My Kingofkings!
  13. Gheelle.T;814786 wrote: ^KING space KING, you are that sensitive about a fake name and yet drag a good man's name and character like it's joke. Waryaa odowga ka har. mr. t i pity the fool who cannot get my name right . it's kingofkings . there's and an s at the end. and yes, if you're going address me getting the name right is very important.
  14. Gheelle.T;814761 wrote: Waryaa KingKong, Professor-ka maxaad ku daba dhigay? Markan reer Maakhir bu kursigu ku socdaa, prof. farjacna will fit for VP. going off topic, are you guys blind:confused: it's King of Kings type after me, k, i, n, g, space o,f, space k,i,n,g,s. now was that too difficult:confused:
  15. ^^^ how difficult is it to type kingofkings or to shorten it as king. damn. it's not that difficult. where do you people get kingfolks or kingkong from anyway:confused: as for my personal view, it's private matter. so, if you want to discuss this matter wait until the pm works. otherwise, fadlan lets not embarrass our self in front of everyone. thank you.
  16. Dr_Osman;814647 wrote: Guys why are you all hiding all of a sudden from this topic after posting these other pics? Comment guys on the new pics especially the skyline and how the new projects will fit into it and what the way forward is for the future Osmano the pic. from radio muqdisho does not normally show on forums. so, please provide the direct link. otherwiese thanks for the update as usual.
  17. Atirisho;814458 wrote: King: How does one survive assassination? You mean assassination attempt? i stand corrected.
  18. Qarax ayaa goor dhow ka dhacay gudaha xarunta Tiyaartarka qaranka ee magaalada Muqdisho. Qaraxa oo warar hordhac ahi ay sheegayaan in uu fuliyey qof isa soo miidaamiyey ayaa geystey khasaare badan. Goobta uu qaraxu ka dhacay oo ay ka socotey xaflad loo sameeyey sanad guurada asaaskii TV-ga qaranka ayaa waxaa ku suganaa Ra’iisul wasaaraha DKG Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali iyo mas’uuliyiin kale. Ilaa iyo hadda dhimashada 2-qof ayaa Horseed Media loo xaqiijiyey, waxayna wararku intaas ku darayaan in qaraxaas ay fulisey haweeney isa soo miidaamisey inkastoo aan si cad arintaas loo xaqiijin karin . Ra’iisul wasaaraha oo qaraxaas aysan waxyeelo kasoo gaarin ayaa durbadiiba goobta laga saaray, waxaana jira dad badan oo qaraxaas ku dhaawacmay iyadoo qaar kamid ahna ay xaaladoodu halis tahay. Faahin ku saabsan qaraxaas ka filo Horseed Media saacadaha soo fool leh.
  19. Qandalawi;814308 wrote: ^Your support for Faroole is one issue, I for one support him to stay. But why do you think the guy is a lose cannon, and why shouldn't he run for office. Farjac is much more educated than most of the candidates that have announced their candidacy and those that will announce in the near future and will be a better leader than most of them. unfortunately the pm section of SOL is not working today, so i will present my evidence another time, but for the moment, heed my words. the man is not fit to lead PL to the promise land.
  20. Jacaylbaro;814303 wrote: He doesn't like him dee coz of his qabiil ,, i know PL tells the rest of somalia ku dayo PL, but following the internal political affair of PL is sad since clearly your not a citizen of PL. fadlan, go comment on SL threads.
  21. Qandalawi;814300 wrote: ^What's your point and whats wrong with him, he's a good candidate and can run for office. He's humorous and non serious individual, but he's highly educated dude. Keep up the Baraarujinta yaa Farjac excuse the urban lingo, but, are you for real yo:confused: the guy is a loose cannon. someone like him is unfit for the job. beside, Faroole deserves another term. Four more years of Faroole. :cool: