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Everything posted by kingofkings
Proudly waving the FLAG of PL
Former VP Of Puntland Af-Qurac Blasts Farole Administration
kingofkings replied to Dr_Osman's topic in Politics
^^^^ you mean the somali ones, because other politicians in other societies retire for good. now of course you have your one or two that goes on to build a foreign based institutes, i.e. lobbing firms, but other than that, their done. since somali does not have a national functioning government, i propose using old ottoman law, where the current government execute fail politicians. this will for sure eliminate useless political trolls acting as peace spoilers. -
Former VP Of Puntland Af-Qurac Blasts Farole Administration
kingofkings replied to Dr_Osman's topic in Politics
you know these people need to understand once you vacate the office retire for life. -
Dr_Osman;816238 wrote: wuu wuu iga dheh!!! king driving too Bosaso i picture Dr. Osman driving his BMW Z8 $130,645 (relax, in PL money is no object :cool:) here we come BOSASO, BARI PL.
Puntland Development. Are You For IT? Or Against It?
kingofkings replied to Dr_Osman's topic in Politics
Beer-Gaal;816237 wrote: Puntland Sniffer irbad layiraa kuduran dhaaf.! waryaa respect the rules of sol. calling names to nomads is against the rule. -
put on your best shades, i know i will. :cool::cool::cool:
Bari, PL :cool:
New Roads For Garowe As Town-Planning Accelarates
kingofkings replied to Dr_Osman's topic in Politics
Dr_Osman;816215 wrote: king I love how garowe does town planning!!!! I love the chaotic manhattan nature of Bosaso and I love the wild wild west side of galkayo, I love the history and Soul of Sool and Sanaag. My Puntland God bless you!!! :D:cool: -
New Roads For Garowe As Town-Planning Accelarates
kingofkings replied to Dr_Osman's topic in Politics
thanks osmano for the update:cool: -
Faroole: Al-Shabaab moving into Somaliland mountains
kingofkings replied to Somalia's topic in Politics
Xaaji Xunjuf;816202 wrote: Shabaaab will fight a guerrilla war now they just changed their strategy. mr. terrorist sympathizer, do tell us their exact next plan sense these individuals not only hail from your clan enclave but also closely work with your enclave:confused: -
Faroole: Al-Shabaab moving into Somaliland mountains
kingofkings replied to Somalia's topic in Politics
Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa sheegay in Al-shabaab kadib markii laga soo saaray in badan oo kamid ah gobolada koonfureed oo ay horay ugu xooganaayeen ay usoo kicitimeen dhinaca deegaanada Puntland. Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud Faroole ayaa tilmaamay laga soo bilaabo bishii August ee sanadkii hore xiligaas oo ay Shabaabku baneeyeen inta badan oo kamid ah fariismihii ay magaalada Muqdisho kaga sugnaayeen ay bilaabeen inay dhinaca Puntland usoo guuraan. “Hadii lagugu soo guuray oo aan wanaag laguula soo guurin hadde marka inaad wax qabato sow lagaama rabo, ilaa bishii August markii Al-shabaab uu xamar ka baxay Puntland geedi baa kusoo socdey” Faroole ayaa yiri. Wuxuuna isaga oo hadalkiisa sii wata sheegay in Al-shabaab markii uu soo food saaray cadaadis badan oo kaga yimid dhinaca ciidamada dowladda iyo ciidamada dalalka deriska ah ee kaabaya ay ku tashadeen sidii ay u tegi lahaayeen goobo kale. Deegaanada buuralyeda ah ee Golis ayuu madaxweynaha Puntland tilmaamay inay Shabaabku u arkeen goob istaraatiiji ah sidaas darteedna ay ugu soo guureen isagoo taas ka hadlayana waxaa hadaladiisii kamid ahaa. “Al-shabaab buuraha Golis way sahan sadeen, sahan bay keeneen, umana dayrin, kuna soo guure. Cidda lagu soo guuraa marka howli u taallaa” Madaxweynaha Puntland oo warkan sheegay mar uu ka qayb qaadanayey barnaamij ay su’aalo ku waydiinayeen ardayda wax ka barta Jaamacadda PSU ee magaalada Garoowe ayaa ugu danbeyntii tilmaamay in sidii arintaas looga hortegi lahaa uu xil ka saaran yahay dadka deegaankaas kasoo jeeda, dowladda iyo guud ahaan bulshada Puntland. Ma ahan markii ugu horeysey ee uu madaxweynaha Puntland arintan ka dhawaajiyo, haseyeeshee waxaa jiray dhowr mar oo hore kuwaasoo uu sheegay inay jiraan in badan oo kamid ah dagaalyahanada ururka Al-shabaab oo usoo jiheystey dhinaca deegaanada Puntland. -
Aaliyyah;816168 wrote: I careless what you think of me. Dont get angry when people criticize your adeer while you and your likes are dissing and spreading fake rumors about other people's leader. sweety the difference between men and women is men should not get mad especially when a woman is involved, having said, i don't expect you to care, because i don't care. i'm just pointing the danger of judging a book by its cover. as for my adeerayaal, there too busy to notice anything out side of their goal/mission. so, no worries.
Aaliyyah;816166 wrote: Kingofkings stop fabricating stories. No Khaatumo leader ever badmouthed puntland. Farole and some puntlanders insult day in and day out khaatumo. farole went to the extent of calling SSC terrorists. As for cali khalif he never did anything to puntland ii sheeg marku cayay? Waxa kaliya kaxuntihin qarkiin in uu prime minister noqday asaga iyo farmaajo. If we talk about reality it is farole whose going out of his way to destroy khaatumo. It was today when farole said referring to khaatumo "waa dad dhiiga dadka ka ganacsada" . Cuqdado idinka ee nificneen many of your websites are against khaatumo. Also your excuse for farole being one man the same can be said about cali khalif. So the question is why many of you are against khaatumo like moge moonlight somalia etc? And I can ask you the same question where did you get the idea that cali khalif should be held accountable for waxan jirin while calling your adeer farole mujahid even though he is so disrespectful to khaatumo daily? I don't hold people puntland accountable for whaever bad thing he farole says about khaatumo. I only hold accountable farole and his supporters. Lastly, I don't understand what forole has against khaatumo? Till today I'm wondering. for one thing here is cali khalif admitting wanting to destroy PL before there was such thing as SSC/when he was the prime minister of somalia
Aaliyyah;816153 wrote: ^it is double standard that some puntlanders want to insult our leaders who have done nothing to puntlanders yet when you mention faroole who bad mouthed again and again khaatumo ayeey cirka bay isku shareerayaan. Walahi wa iska adun gadomay i don't know why i thought you of all people were reasonable and enlighten when it came to somali politics, but tonight you confirmed one thing for me, you are no different than the other what's her name that got ban.
Aaliyyah;816147 wrote: Faroole wuu afalagadey reer khaatumo taasi waa sheeko run ah. Aduu hadaad sida ku jeceshay waa sheeko ku taala and I didn't even insult him other than stating the fact that he badmouthed khaatumo. Tan kale faroole wuu cadeestay inuu khaatumo kaso horjedo marka shekadaada farole wan la jira khaatumana waan la jira uma malenayo in ay ismaqabanaso. Anyhow, I don't really care about who you support. You are entitled. But adeerka faroole asaga ayaa reer khaatumo agtooda iska qiima tirey..aflagadada ayuu umad dhan iskaga so horjediyey iyo hadalu iskaso tuurtuuro asago wax thinking ah sameen. Last but not least if saying the truth is hurting your feelings because we arediscussing your adeer then tough luck. ms. aaliyyah, if memory serves me correct and they do, then, you leaders started the whole PL is this and PL is that. heck they even dedicated a entire tv channel to bad mouthing PL. who the hell does:confused: mind you no PLers ever bad mouthed SSC or created tv channel just for SSC. i don't known everyone and i'm not going to pretend i do, but i would not dedicate a tv channel to a state. that sends the opposite signal. but since Mundane Madaxweyne Faroole is one man, most of us fail to see the argument coming from your camp. you see, no one on our end held anything against SSC even thought people like Ali Galeyr went out of their way to destroy PL and this was before AUN Mudane Mdaxweyne Abdullahi Yusuf become president of Somalia. so, logic dictates, for every action there is an equal reaction, so correct me where you get the idea somehow Faroole should be held to certain standard while be blind purposefully, to your adeer. so, ms. aaliyyah, you folks started the whole mess, yet no one on our end is holding that against our relatives in SSC. so, i suggest you do that on you end. cuqdad afterall is truly an ugly thing.
Aaliyyah;816139 wrote: Mr script hadaad gobolka khaatumo support gareesid then waad fiicantahay waa in aad tageerta wixi somalinimo midnimo iyo wanaag ka shaqeenaya taas oo sameneen jacayl puntlan u qabtid. Reer Puntland iyo khaatumo waa dad walaalo ah yago laba kala gobol ah ayeey wanaag dhex ooli karta marka la iska dhaafi farole oo walaladi aflagadeyey iyo inti u hesasa. ms. Aaliyyah i support your khaatumo state of somalia, but i love PL and god bless Mudane Madaxweyne Faroole. i will let this time go, but in the future (since i do not get in the middle of khaatumo and their leaders), i will expect you to do the same. moving on, since most PLers on sol defend the honor and respect of our khaatumo brother/sisters, the same is expect of you. now if Faroole is the only obstacle to our neighborly/blood ties, then i'm afraid, since many of us love, can't stress this enough, the mujaahid, i'm afraid our relation will be complicated in this present/future.
Aaliyyah;816136 wrote: Xaajixanjuf adiga iyo moge isma dhantiin xaasid ba tihiin. Laakin xasidnimadina khaatumo waxba kama jarasiin ee iska daweeya aya nidhihi lahaa Aaliyyah, the heck with xx, i for one support khaatumo state of somalia. :cool:
Somalia;816111 wrote: I will do 1 that will evaporate the contributions of your entire kinfolk. The founding leader of Somali Youth Club which was renamed Somali Youth League was called Yasin Haji Osman Sharmarke. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. :cool:
Wadani;816091 wrote: Bro, name one war ur people have won. If u wanna take it there we can take it there. Ur people have a shameful history, full of treachery, treason and cowardice. So it boggles the mind how u could see urself as [b[superior to me [/b] . Bow down waryaa. thank you for accepting my supremacy over you and your people. the world is our witness. :cool:
Somalia;816087 wrote: Stop lying, people dislike him because he was CabdiQashin's woman, he failed to destroy Puntland's economy and then got thrown out (literally). He was literally slapped out of office due to his failure to destroy Puntland. Waana duuli duuli dalay. He even went to Emirates to apologize to Abdullahi Yusuf. to which AUN Mudane Madaxweyne Abdullahi Yusuf said go apology to PL.
Wadani;816084 wrote: I have sacrificed tribalism, and replaced it with a love that encompasses all Somalis, except those like u. since you do not qualify to be a "real wadani", let me put you in your place; the day "people like me get love from you' is the day i disown myself and everything that makes me holy and wholesome.