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Everything posted by kingofkings

  1. aero;818817 wrote: You're kidding right? I've recently returned from Bossasso and boy let me tell you, driving on their roads is like having a minor heart attack. Can you beleve locals call it raaxeeye? It surely wasn't raaxo. I've seen better. when did you go to Bosaso:confused:
  2. Mooge;818603 wrote: some the odeyaals in the video were rejected by the constitution committe because they didn't meet requirement to rep Cayn state. they can say whatever they want but sorry they didnt meet requirement.
  3. Saalax;818588 wrote: Somalilanders have nothing to lose here, similarily the unionists. Afterall it is only talks and nobody can force a opposing side with strict principles into anything they don't agree with. Puntland is part of Somalia the country we are having talks with. Why would it worry me. because for one thing, you seem to mention somalia and puntland in the same sentence. so, which entity is in charge of this supposed meeting for united somalia:confused:
  4. Dr_Osman;818585 wrote: Where is your leaders? Where is ur ministers meeting such high profile state governors of nations? Only in Puntland osman, do you have to ask:confused:
  5. General Duke;818578 wrote: ^^^^^ Puntland is a central pillar of Somalia. Somaliland has always been part of Somalia regardless of the fiction the secessionist spew. Today is great there will be talks amongst Somali's about unifying Somalia politically once again. Now that's great..
  6. Saalax;818572 wrote: Speak for yourself. Puntland likes to follow the footsteps of Somaliland, i wouldn't be surprised to see Puntland declaring independence from Somalia in the upcoming years. shhhh no qarxiis :rolleyes:
  7. Saalax;818565 wrote: Puntland is part of Somalia, they will come as part of the Somalia committee appointed by their president Sheikh Sharif. well, tell that to PL.
  8. Boosaaso(APL ) : Maxkamadda Darajada kowaad ee Magaalada Boosaso ayaa maanta Xukuno kala duwan ku riday rag lagu soo eedeeyay in ay ka tirsanaayeen Ururka Al-shabaab oo ay Ciidamdu amaanka ku soo qabteen Howlgalo ay ka sameeyeen gudaha Puntland. 4-kamida raga ku eedaysan inay ka tirsanaayeen ururka Al-shabab ayaa waxaa lagu riday dil toogashaa kuwaas oo maxkamadu sheegtay inay ahaayeen dadka dilalka ka gaysan jiray deegaanada Puntland lana beegsan jiray haldoorka waxku-oolka ka ah bulshada dhexdeeda. Dilka Toogashada raga lagu xukumay • Axmed Mahdi Muuse • Kayse axmed Aadan • Muumin Max'ed Cawaale • Tawakal Cumar Darfure Gudoomiyha Maxkamadda Darajada kowaad ee Magaalada Boosaaso Sh. Adan Aw Axmed ayaa sheegay in raga dilka toogashadaa lagu xukumay ay racfaan ka qaadan karaan maxkada ayna fursadaa haystaan 3 kale oo kamid ahaa eedaysanayaasha ayaa lagu xukumay min 10 sano oo xarig Ah • C-laahi C-raxman Max'ed • Xasan Xasan C-raxman max'ed • Max'ud C-raxman Max'ed • C/risaaq Faarax Samater oo kamid ahaa raga maxkamada manta la keenaya ayaa waxaa lagu riday xukun dhan 3 Sanno ah • Barkhad Cali Max'ud waxa ay Maxkamadu ku Xukuntay hal Sano oo Xariga. Max'ed Axmed Diiriye,Sakariye Max'ed Axmed kamidka ahaa dadka lasoo eedeeyay ayaa waxaa maxkamadooda dib loogu dhigay maalinta Arbacadaa waxaana laga codsaday laamaha amaanka iyo maxkamada in Waxaana Eheladii Marxuum Lagu Magacaabay Cismaan Qarawo inay inta ka horeysa malinta arbacdaa dacwadooda soo gudbiyaan. Sh. Adan Aw Axmed gudoomiyaha Maxkamada darajada koowaad kowaad ee Magaalada Boosaaso ayaa sheegay inay jiraan kiisas la hayo kuwaas oo dhawaan maxkamada la horkeeni doono dad ku eedeeysan inay kamid ahaayeen ururka Al-shabab ee dagaalka dawladda Puntland kula Jirto.
  9. Somalia;818482 wrote: Nooooooooooooooo, Doctor left the camp osman supports mudane madaxweyne Faroole. :cool:
  10. Abwaan;818260 wrote: I hope so. You have to know that this time it is Al-Qaeda iyo Al-Shabaab that we are dealing with. you mean the same al- qaeda that were chased from various parts around the world:confused: these idi@ts will be defeated worst than in south and central somalia.
  11. Garowe( Representatives who are supposed to approve the new constitution of Puntland have all reached in the capital ,Garowe on Friday, Puntlandi learns. Delegates comprising 480, would vote on the constitution. 370 of these members directly came from Puntland regions, while 100 of them are Puntland government representatives , 5 from civil society and 5 others selected from Puntland Diaspora. There would be an international observers who will be at the venue on Sunday 15th April where Puntland would get new constitution which lead them into democratic system. Puntland government completed the construction of the new house of Puntland Parliament which the voting would take place. The regional representatives would vote in new electronic system by having electronic cards which every member can easily vote for “Yes” or “No”. International and local journalists were invited to witness the voting. Security in Puntland’s capital was tightened and capital city police reviewing the security preparations of the constitution referendum ..
  12. Mukulaalow;818210 wrote: This news smells fishy, how did they land in Golis mountains, by helicopter? Rubbish!
  13. misleading title, but nevertheless a wishful thinking on your part. sorry, were not some sissy militia easily spooked by few but lightly armed citizens.
  14. unfortunately, my answer is going to be announcing/posting a thread of the historic day on SOL forum
  15. APRIL 15, 2012 Important day for the great state of PL :cool: our grand kids will ask us where we were on that historic day.
  16. Mario B;817847 wrote: It would have been helpful if they ended piracy in the two provinces they control, or are they been used as Faroole's presidential guard? troll.
  17. God Bless the Men and Women who make their lives a living hell. Die miserable creatures!
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