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Everything posted by kingofkings

  1. when will your enclave return the shoes and socks they stole from the PL government:confused:
  2. Carafaat;819012 wrote: read article 3 of your new constitution. Article 3 Article 3 states, Pending the completion of the Federal Constitution approved by a popular referendum, Puntland State shall have the status of an independent State. yes. it says PL is a independent state. what's their to read:confused::cool:
  3. Carafaat;819014 wrote: Garowe clan should stop printing fake money. or all Somali's will rise up against this theft. he's losing it. carafaat, who's the president of somalia and what is today's date?
  4. ^^^^ dude call it quits. if you continue like this, before the day is over, you'll either harm yourself or others. get help and soon.
  5. AfricaOwn;818989 wrote: puntland is able to exercise this right, but Somaliland cant? who said they can't:confused: did i say SL can't:confused:
  6. AfricaOwn;818986 wrote: Once the process is completed? Lets talk about the current time, its not completed yet right? How is that article supposed to be read in the context of this current time? Please reason well... WTF are you babbling on about:confused::confused:
  7. Carafaat;818981 wrote: I asked why Puntland was threating with secession in its constitution. You answered that your sub-clan wants To enforce Federalism on Somalia, and as a form of "encouragement" it threatens with secession. PL is not threatening anyone, rather clearly stating that if somalia does not get her act together, than PL is free to rule and define her destiny.
  8. Xaaji Xunjuf;818978 wrote: Carafaat threats work on the TFG officials in Mogadishu remember how the Garowe clan enclave cut all ties with the TFG when farmaajo was the prime Minister replace him and you will have our blessing as it happened. Now they have their own constitution way si sharciyeynayan uun. looooooooooooooooooooool
  9. Article 84 Article 84 states PL Central Bank paragraph 1through 4 The Central Bank is an autonomous institution of the Puntland State and is responsible for: (a) implementing the monetary policy of the government; (b) issuing currency as the sole source; © authorizing private financial enterprises, and (d) supervising public or private financial institutions operating in Puntland; the last two responsibilities shall be carried out until a specific public institution is set up to fulfil them. The Central Bank will be directed by a board composed of seven (7) members: (a) the Governor General of the Bank, (b) the Director General of the Ministry of Finance, © the director General of the Ministry of Commerce, (d) the Director General of the Ministry of Labour. (e) three (3) members appointed by the Chamber of Commerce, and (f) a non-voting secretary that will be the Director General of the Bank. The Governor General of the Central Bank will be appointed by the Council of Ministers for a period of five years; during such period he/she can only be dismissed by the causes established in the Law and the appointment or the dismissal must be ratified by the House of Representatives. The organization and functioning of the Central Bank will be stated in a Law approved by the House of Representatives.
  10. Article 37 Article 37 states Puntland Citizenship Paragraph 1 and 2 To become a citizen it is necessary to be a national of Puntland State and eighteen (18) years of age. A citizen shall not loose his/her citizenship even if he/she acquires the citizenship of another country.
  11. Article 36 Puntland social Security Paragraph 1 through 3 The Puntland State shall establish the legislation and institutions to guarantee the employees, public and private, the right to a pension. Every person working for the government who is injured, falls sick, or becomes incapacitated to work shall be granted assistance in accordance with the Law. The government will set up a social security system for public and private employees, financed by contributions from the government, the employers and the employees.
  12. Article 19 Article 19 states Paragraph 2 It is prohibited to extradite a citizen of Puntland to another country.
  13. Xaaji Xunjuf;818954 wrote: Article 3 Article 3 states, Pending the completion of the Federal Constitution approved by a popular referendum, Puntland State shall have the status of an independent State :cool:
  14. Get Well Soon. We, the PL community on SOL, send our prayer and speedy recovery.