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Everything posted by kingofkings
WTH siilaanyo and his p** strike again. We seek God to intervene and protect the good people of SL.
Abwaan Suugaantiisa ku dhaliilay Hoggaaminta Madaxwayne Siilaanyo oo maanta Xabsiga loo taxaabay Hargeysa, 14 April, 2012 (SLpost)- Ciidamada Booliska Somaliland ayaa maanta Xabsiga Dhigay Mujaahid Haybe Faarax Nuur oo ah Abwaan Reer Somaliland ah oo ku dhaqan Magaalada Gabiley kana mid ahaa Mujaahidiintii Ururkii SNM ka dib markii uu suugaantiisa ku dhaliilay hoggaaminta madaxweyne Siilaanyo. Mujaahid Haybe waxa uu madaxweynaha Dhaliishiisa u mariyey mid ka mid ah wargeysyada caasimadda ka soo baxa isaga oo Madaxwayne Siilaanyo ku Dhaliilay Hogaamintiisa Siyaasiga ah tan iyo wakhtigii uu ahaa Gudoomiyaha ururka SNM oo uu Sheegay inuu ku Dhaqmi jiray Cadaalad Darro, Eex iyo Qabiilaysi. Goobjooge ku Dhawaa goobta lagu Qabtay Abwaanka ayaa Sheegay in Ciidan Tiro badan la dulgeeyay Abwaanka islmarkaana Gaadhi Qufulan lagu soo qaaday haddana uu ku Xidhanyahay Saldhig Boolis oo ku yaala Magaalada Gabiley. Ma jiro Waaran Qabasho ah oo Abwaanka loo keenay Balse Ciidanku Waxa uu Xoog ku soo qabtay Abwaan Haybe Faarax Nuur oo aan la Garanayn Ujeedada ka Danbaysa Xadhigiisa,balse lala xidhiidhinayo Qabashadiisa dhaliilo uu madaxweynaha warbaahinta u mariyey kaas oo ku sheegay Dhawr Gabay oo ku Dhaliilay Hogaaminta Madaxwayne Siilaanyo Abwaan Haybe Faarax Nuur waxa uu tiriyay Maansooyin badan oo Ku Dhaliilayo Hogaaminta Axmed Siilaanyo kuwaas oo ku Sheegayo in aanu ahayn Madaxwayne Cadaaliya Waxaa ka mid ah Maansooyinka Abwaanku Tiriyay Ereyadan: Ninka Dawlad meeraran, Daadihi la yidhoow, Dayacdoo xilkaagii, Hawshii laguu diray dusheedaad ku gama’adoo, Daa,uus sidaad tahay Waad isdaawanaysee, Dadkii kugu khasaaryoo, Dabadhoonka maqashiyo, Ma Xirsaa ku Daafici, Mise waad iskaga degi doqoniimo qaadee Abwaankan ayaa ka mid noqonaya qofkii labaad ee loo Xidho Dhaliisha Madaxwayne Siilaanyo isaga oo hore Xabsiga ugu jiray Boqor Cismaan Buur madow.
Carafaat;819165 wrote: my two most favrourite songs this year
Mukulaalow;819168 wrote: looool. Waxaan maqli jiray, aakhiro markey soo dhowdahay waxaa lagu gartaa, marka reer X ay geela dhacaan, reer Y ay ka celiyaan dhaca geela. maanta waxaanu aragnay xaajigoo leh soomaali kala go'i meyso. iyo Kinkong oo leh waanu go'aynaa. an upside down world. kitty, what? what did i say? plus you should be happy that i dedicated a thread to you. what's up son oh oops i mean kitty.
Hate/jealousy and envy true marker of a person's success
kingofkings replied to kingofkings's topic in General
Faarax-Brawn;819160 wrote: When oil is struck, you wont have time for faarax. You will be busy with Maadey & Che first. By the time you come to me, you will have a lot to lose terrorists and their supporters will be executed PL style. -
how you like me now, Mukulaalow.
If mogadishu fails to get her act together come this August, PL will secede.
Hate/jealousy and envy true marker of a person's success
kingofkings replied to kingofkings's topic in General
Faarax-Brawn;819154 wrote: waa ka leexday mugoo. kingofKings, na kweli una akili ya chokoraa faarax, i better see you going through PL landfills. -
Xaaji Xunjuf;819149 wrote: KingofKings you are flirting with secession but it will never happen you will always be ruled by Mogadishu. a wise somali, probably from Puntland once said to SL Odaga wixi u fican baa habartana u fiican. see you in mogadishu. :cool:
Hate/jealousy and envy true marker of a person's success
kingofkings replied to kingofkings's topic in General
Carafaat;819147 wrote: Faarax, sheekada waa so dhex gashay.meel kale ayaa loo socda, ee kale leexo meesha. shhhhh. no qarxiis. -
Article 3 Article 3 states, Pending the completion of the Federal Constitution approved by a popular referendum, Puntland State shall have the status of an independent State. yes. it says PL is a independent state. what's their to read
Hate/jealousy and envy true marker of a person's success
kingofkings replied to kingofkings's topic in General
Faarax-Brawn;819143 wrote: Ohh, Chokora!- So, But what is the relationship between a chokora and this guy? and Somalis and what not? i am still confused Mzee wtf? bro. what's to explain. the guy is jealous of somali success. -
Mujaahid;819130 wrote: Odaga wixi u fican baa habartana u fiican.:cool: best logic i heard since being here. Thanks.
Hate/jealousy and envy true marker of a person's success
kingofkings replied to kingofkings's topic in General
Faarax-Brawn;819137 wrote: Maxaa ka wadaa bro? ma fahmin? you never heard of joqoray. it means your so poor that your livelihood comes from the landfills/garbage. so, if men are typically the 1 st class, women the second class, then a poor minority like him is considered a joqoray, i.e. 3 rd class citizen; you known, seen, but not heard from. sxb. i hope that explain the mix ups. -
Hate/jealousy and envy true marker of a person's success
kingofkings replied to kingofkings's topic in General
Faarax-Brawn;819129 wrote: LMA0! Nacalaa kenyatigaa tahay maxaan dhahaa.... what can you say except joqoray awalba 3rd class citizen ba aheyd. -
First was the arrest of SL king and now this cowardice act. Siilanyo must be brought to International Court for abusing power and limiting human rights and especially that of SLers.
Somalia;819118 wrote: :cool:
Garowe: Suldan Siciid Suldaan Cabdi- Salaan opened the meeting
kingofkings replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
:cool: -
and that good today is the PL constitution. Many thanks to the men and women and in particular Minister Abdi X. Jimcaale that worked on our precious Constitution. Thank you.
Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day.
Somalia;819100 wrote: Puntland is against peace in Somalia, that's why they think it belongs to them. It disgusts me as well. :D
yesterday is a thing of the past, for today lies shaping the future. in other words, Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is an opportunity and that opportunity is a federal somalia.
Somaliland Businessmen Criticize Puntland on Piracy
kingofkings replied to Siciid1986's topic in Politics
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ . seriously, when will they return the stolen goods. otherwise, don't complain about pirates, because their doing exactly what your doing. -
Breaking News: Abdiwali's Secuirity Officers arrested.
kingofkings replied to Carafaat's topic in Politics
Peacedoon;819067 wrote: Iam assuming that most of weli's guards are from garowe community. Where are the ppl who said mogadishu society were behind the assassination attempt?kkkk war kan yaa wax uusheega. the word society refers to many things and not one applies to either mogadishu or garowe. sxb. stick to words you know how to use.