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Everything posted by kingofkings

  1. oba hiloowlow;819302 wrote: lol when did pl become a republic, PL is part of somalia and kheyraadka taako kasto ee dalka ka mid ah waa laysla qeybsanaa if u dont like that hade talk to your adeeroyaal and goosta. Good news and bad news. good news, i spoke with my adeerayaal and also my abtiyaal. bad news they all said read the constitution of PL and i did and here is what it said regarding PL natural resources. Article 48 NATURAL RESOURCES 1. Puntland natural resources belong to Puntland people and can be exploited in conformity with the Law. 2. The Puntland State is responsible for the protection and exploitations of the natural resources. 3. The Puntland State may make agreements with national or foreign companies and give them the exploitation of natural resources 4. The concession shall be approved by the House of Representatives ( of Puntland) and can not last for more that twenty-five (25) years.
  2. Mukulaalow;819298 wrote: I think he is preparing to unleash his next Puntland photo album. Wait ffor him tomorrow, He will be going crazy on "Somalia", can't wait to see reer bari fight. you know your in trouble when the good doctor calls you out. kitty, worry what he will do to you instead of somalia.
  3. Mukulaalow;819294 wrote: Taas Dotoorka (Dr Osman) baa la tagay. looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool :D:D good one. :cool:
  4. they won't listen to PL, SL, and now the TFG. well, i can't believe i'm saying this, good for you. don't tell push you without being compensated.
  5. Mukulaalow;819282 wrote: Meesha aa ku dhalatay, iyo meesha dhul aa ku leedahay kee kula weyn? Kitty, obviously the place i have land. in case you forgot, land is considered a form of currency.
  6. Mario B;819279 wrote: ^^Troll! why thank you troll.
  7. Mario B;819276 wrote: WOW! Stealth secessionist have outed themselves. I salute your stance, saxib!! if i were you, i wouldn't celebrate. or are you too confused to see what this means for you in the future.
  8. Mukulaalow;819273 wrote: Kingkong youre buddy "somalia" is trashing the constitution, whats happening? odayga Carafaat baa duufsaday miyaa? Kitty, somalia is from the south and while i was born in the south i have land in the north. so, you see somalia's dilemma. i on the other hand, have no conflict of interest. PL all the way.
  9. AfricaOwn;819272 wrote: A valid criticism.. I think the puntland politicians are just confused when it comes to governing. That's why a lot of people call them out. Be an independent state or stand for Somalia, that's it. valid point:confused: now i have my own valid point. What is a non-PLer doing discussing PL political/internal affairs:confused: like your confused cousins, are you also running from siilaanyo now dubbed as "afweyne" :confused: for once be honest you you snm son of a gun.
  10. Carafaat;819266 wrote: Isn't Puntland an regional administration founded in 1998? You seem to be talking about the Qardho Monarchy. mise waa isku mid. for someone who is busy with PL and the PL community, you sure are when it comes to PL history.
  11. uchi;819265 wrote: lol kingofkings~ is that the oil talking? as George Washington once said, i cannot tell a lie and so too i cannot tell a lie. It's about the OIL. The three words that's the difference between poverty and richness beyond one's believe. it's just that i don't want to share the wealth. there you go, i said it.
  12. Wiil Cusub;819257 wrote: Adigu goormaad soo gaadhi halka uu Kulmiye joogo ood xisbi yeelan you don't need to thank us, we accept your asylum. just make sure your stay does not last longer than siilaanyo's p**. okay. cool.
  13. As a proud member of the Republic of PL, I am glad PL today reconfirmed my belief of the importance of PL to control her destiny not only for the past 13 and half years, but Allah willingly for many many years to come. PL belongs not to the world or others, rather her native people. Before there were any European colonists, there was no such thing as Somalia and no it was never meant it to be. i strongly believe just like the Arabs, Somalis were never suppose to share a country. We have no shared history or shared government other than the past miserable 60 years. Before there were any Gaal in our land, modern day PL hand its own country complete with history of shared government, local culture/dhaqan, alphabet/writing system and system of governance that was unique to the land and people. So with great pride and happiness that cannot be describe with any known language, i can only say thank you PL and God Bless the men and women who made sure PL was is and forever will be for PLers. May Allah protect PL from the her enemies and the evil eye. Aamiin.
  14.!" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> siilaanyo must be stopped before he becomes like "afweyne"
  15. Wiil Cusub;819245 wrote: Maxay reer Buuqland ugu daalayaan arimaha xisbiga Kulmiye!! cid kastaa way ogtahay in KULMIYE yahay xisbi dumuquraadiya oo codbixin gacan taaga ku meel marsada goaanadiisa. Nin diiday in loo codeeyo kursigiisa inuu sii fadhiyo iyo in laga qaado horna istaagay codbixintii haddii, askari saartay maxaa ku jaban. Kulmiye wadaddii sharciga ahayd ayuu u maray arinkan. isagoo khaladaadka lagu haysto ninkan uu 6 bilood ka hor galay, balse la sugayay in golha dhexe isu yimaado iyadoo ay xilka ka qaadi kari lahayeen golaha fulinta oo kulan dagdag isagu yimaada sidii hore ay UDUB ugu samaysay xoghayahoogii hore Abdi Aw Dahir kadib markuu ka jabhadoobay, Buuqland horta Dastuur yeelo, xisbiyo samayso one man one fout samee markaas ayaad wax ka sheegi kartaa waxa halkan ka dhacay. B damn. the third one seeking asylum:confused: well, welcome. hopefully siilaanyo's p** will end soon.
  16. oba hiloowlow;819241 wrote: lol ragiinaan mucaaridka meesha waa uu camiroosaan raggan PLanderska lee waxba faa'idoosiin actually its PL that's leading the conversation, but shhhhh. no qarxiis.
  17. Carafaat;819238 wrote: Maanta wee isku dhex yaacday. Che doing damage control over article 3. Duke, intrepretation of art 3 as "encouraging"(read blackmailing) of a Federal Somalia. Kingofkings, already celebtrates declaration of secession. Somalia, is shocked with ubelief. Samafal, says nothing going Puntland is already independent LST, attemps to distract with oil story. Where are the other shareholders? And what is their take on this illegal document and article 3. Where is Xiin,Qandalawi, Paragon, Sayid, Sensei? smh. carafaat, all that's important is the vote of KOK and fortunately you know it. Republic of PL :cool: