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Everything posted by kingofkings

  1. GaadhHaye;821213 wrote: Absolutely, amazing in Somali terms; Faroole has proved whoever builds his house on playing cards ends up sleeping in the cold. :cool:
  2. GaadhHaye;821204 wrote: No, I am on the kill because Faroole the true son of Somalia has artfully killed off the dreams of the secessionists. and he didn't even lift a finger
  3. SpectaKooler;821195 wrote: I suppose your right and what a shame that is. I long for the days when odayaal sat under trees and ironed out their differences on their own, instead of having these pseudo politicians. Somalia would have been a much different country, I'm sure. Not sure if serious, or just trolling. Faroole is the unofficial president of Somalia
  4. Hangover in real life. :eek::cool:
  5. Dirk the penguin is back safe and sound at his home at Sea World in Australia after three drunk men are accused of breaking in and stealing him Saturday night. They are now charged with trespassing, stealing and unlawfully keeping a protected animal.
  6. Okay, picture this: It's morning. We're in an Australian rental apartment shared by three buddies (ages 18, 20, and 21) who are, at the moment, slowly coming back to life after a night of drunken hijinks. Blinking in the bright light, one of the guys staggers into the living room and stops to stare. Are his eyes playing tricks on him? Did somebody slip something into his drink last night? Beginning to panic, he calls for his roommates: "Does anybody know why there's a penguin sitting in the middle of our carpet?!" Nope, this isn't a scene from The Hangover Part 3. That won't hit theaters until 2013, but who cares? In the meantime, there are plenty of regular old wasted buffoons doing outrageously ****** (and hilarious) things to keep us entertained! Like the aforementioned three dudes who just got busted for drunkenly breaking into a Sea World in the middle of the night to swim with dolphins ... and steal a penguin. Of course. Cause if you're gonna go to all the trouble of having an inebriated theme park caper, you might as well steal a penguin in the process. Otherwise, why bother? The best part, though, is that none of the thieves can even remember what they did. They just woke up the next morning with pounding headaches and a penguin inexplicably wandering around the apartment. So naturally, the next step was to brag about their new feathered friend on Facebook. Which was great fun until the trio realized they must have STOLEN said feathered friend. So naturally, the next step was to get rid of the evidence -- by letting the penguin (who's 7 years old and goes by the name of Dirk) loose in a canal. A canal in which sharks are often spotted. I won't keep you in suspense -- Dirk is back home at Sea World, "disheveled" but otherwise unharmed. Meanwhile, thanks to their genius trail of virtual breadcrumbs, his kidnappers are bein
  7. Dr_Osman;820947 wrote: Thank god somaliland is back in isolation. Wallahi the talks had me worried they would actually get secession. Iga tag dheh its better for somalis and also hargeisa itself to remain isolated buuq badani meeshan loogama bahno :eek::D classic osman. you're right. the snm triangular state needs to stay put. i welcome 20 more years of political isolation.
  8. GaroweGal;820827 wrote: If you are interested in "leasing" services, do contact me. signed, J.P. Morgan CEO this remains me of the time a girl in my after school program proposed her idea of making a nice living. she said, once the teacher asked her what will you do for a living and this is after she said she does not need to focus on school/homework; i will marry a basketball player. then the teacher explain the odds of her finding a rich basketball player and the odds of someone making it to the nba. suffices to say, she was not happy.
  9. Somalia;820816 wrote: He lives in a paranormal world where third wheels are center of attention. :D
  10. The Sage;820809 wrote: Center? More like the awkward third wheel that tries to tag along to things he has no business in dealing with Garowe Principle I and II makes PL the center for Somali Politics.
  11. Garowe(Puntlandi)–Heavy rain lashed some areas in Puntland on Thursday ,Puntlandi reported. Areas which received heavy rain included Qardho and Garowe . The rain broke the hot spell which had griped Puntland for the past several weeks. Garowe, the capital of Puntland on Thursday received first spring season rainfall .Heavy showers hit the capital city of Puntland and its surrounding areas . It has not yet been recorded the extent of the rain by Puntland metro officials. Meanwhile Heavy rain was reported in Qardho, the capital of Karkar Region. People in the area relieved after drought and host season preceded the rain.. Qardho’s receives rainfall with thunderstorm that resulted in several low-lying areas and roads getting submerged in water. According to the Local people the rain seems very weighty comparing to previous rains . While the rain continues, a throng of people was seen at different areas of Qardho where they were seen enjoying after a long spell of hot weather
  12. Caano_Geel;820802 wrote: Somaliland is right, wada hadalku waa inuu noqdaa mid u dhaxeeya, labada dawladood ee midoobay 1960, ee Koonfur iyo Waqooyi maxaa Puntland meesha soo galiyay, dee waa faduul dheh. :eek::(PL is the center of Somalia politics. so, live with it. :cool:
  13. Roobabkii Guga Oo Puntland Ka Curtay Roobabkii guga ayaa ka curtay qaar kamid ah deegaanada Puntland. Goobaha uu roobku ka da’ayna waxaa kamid ah magaalada Qardho ee xarunta gobolka Karkaar. Roobka oo mudo 1-saac ka badan socdey ayaa ah mid si weyn loogu diirsaday. Deegaanada miyiga ah ee degmada Qardho ku xeeran iyo tuulooyinka hoos taga ayaa sidoo kale maanta roobkaas mahiigaanka ahi ku hooray. Dhamaan wadooyinka magaalada ayaa ah kuwo ay biyuhu qul qulayaan, waxayna dadku isugu hanbalyeynayaan curashada roobabka guga. Weriyaha Horseed Media ee degmada Qardho ayaa kusoo waramaya in roobka maanta Qardho ka da’ay uu yahay kii ugu xooganaa ee in mudo ah ku hoora. Xilli roobaadka guga oo si aad ah loo sugayey ayaa kusoo beegmaya xilli qaybo kamid ah gobolada Karkaar iyo Bari ay abaaro darani ka jiraan. Dhowaan ayeyna ahayd markii degmada Qardho laga dhigay dibad bax roob doon ah kaas oo ay dadku ilaah kaga baryayeen inuu raxmadiisa soo gaarsiiyo.
  14. 'Liibaan';820605 wrote: If Puntland want to be part of the talks they are welcome, but Puntland will NOT represent the People of Khaatumo/SSC, because Khaatumo people and Khaatumo Region are NOT part of Puntland. Puntland can represent Bari, Nugaal and Mudug. well if it was up to you, then yes, but since its not, the people of SSC will be represented by PL. :cool:
  15. ya allah. the toothless 'afweyne' needs to be stopped.
  16. Shinbir Majabe;820536 wrote: ^^ yes, that's what i'm talking about.. (bal u fiirso waxaad ka hadlayso, Sool iyo Sanaag.. LOL).. Caqligaan tuulooyinka ku xiran, meel mana gaarsiinaayo haddii aan nahay Soomaali.. fadlan no calaacal. PL made it clear that the talk will involve PL or there will be no meeting. if SL wants to back out because of PL, good. as far PL is concerned, they can go back to their triangle cities. it's that simple.
  17. Shinbir Majabe;820533 wrote: Caku iyo caqli xumada siyaasiyiinta Puntland. Qadiyad guud ayaa laga wada hadlayaa ayagana waxay lasoo taagan yihiin, tuula hebel anagaa iska leh ee Somaliland haka baxdo! :mad: fadlan stop yourself before you make an a@@ of yourself. Sool and Sanaag belong to citizen of PL and PL wants to make sure those two regions have adequate representations and that no hostile regions whether its nw or konfuur decide the faith of the people of sool and sanaag. simple as that. you don't like it, go jump in a lake.
  18. told you, no PL, no talk. if the snm enclave wants to go back to isolation, i for one welcome it. seen you in another 20 years. :cool: