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Everything posted by kingofkings

  1. Freedom;785345 wrote: Troll if you read my response I am saying everything he said is opinions not facts lol, wow you slow anyway I thought Somalis liked banannas lol. Know be good boy and stop trolling since you don't seem to get the question, let me simplify it for you. How can administration that lacks the ability to generate income from port, tax, and tariffs, come up with a 90 million military budget? This is one of the questions you failed to answer. since i'm nice guy, i will give you a third try. Remember, answer the question without getting emotional, illogical, and defaulting to your usual self; name calling. okay give it a go.
  2. Freedom;785345 wrote: Troll if you read my response I am saying everything he said is opinions not facts lol, wow you slow anyway I thought Somalis liked banannas lol. Know be good boy and stop trolling wow. stop it. , a troll calling others troll. what is this world coming to? Anyway, didn't i say stop calling people names? or is the one calling other slow, slow himself? As for the banana remark, who eats banana after posting on a forum? Do you? I thought somalis eat banana with a meal.
  3. Freedom;785343 wrote: King I did but you can't hear me with that wax in your ear lol go eat banana and relax and stop trolling lol dr. question; total nonsense $90 million budget why cant it defeat locally armed security guards in buhodle neighbourhood? your respond; Dr. Who for guy that DR in front of his name you know nothing it's comical. Everything you say is opinions from a warped clanist mind I can say this or that pirate land but it's not facts opinion not facts lol. again answer the good dr.'s question. This time no name calling and labeling. p.s., what does troll and banana have to do with each other? I know you and your crew lack logic, but this is new low for you. As i said to another troll, it takes one to know one. You are no better troll than all the trolls on this forum.
  4. ^^^^^meanwhile, the wandering twinks from the failed triangular enclave are babbling once more. just answer the good Dr.'s question. okay.
  5. Freedom;785339 wrote: King of what lol when did they let the nuts out of the asylum lol troll some where else foolish man lol
  6. Nin-Yaaban;785324 wrote: LoL, i guess trolling here with these kinda topics is some research alright. It had to had some substances if you felt the need to respond. As the saying goes, it takes one to know one. Thus, you are no better troll than anyone one on this forum. Again, I'll aks the question, how about you? Will you be a crash d@#$ing?
  7. Nin-Yaaban;785315 wrote: Dr. Osman, sxb, they are looking for Volunteers as a crash test dummies to see how safe these cars are. Why don't u go try 'em and tell us how safe the car's are. Dr. Osman is busy with his next research, but since you have free time on your hand, how about it:confused:
  8. Dr_Osman;785309 wrote: The ppl who are critising this. Mark 2 attached with a lexus and nonsense arguments, why dont you take spare parts from mark 2 and a lexus and create something as good, your ppl cant they dont have the creativity. This was made from nothing but spare parts and they put it together and got it operational and spray-painted it and tinted windows and the whole 100 yards and presented their creativity to the community. Before anyone criticises please come and show me what your ppl have done, NILCH, NADA, EBER, HABA SUGIN is what we know of other regions in Somalia such as mogadishu and hargeisa well, because they can't and so rather than find out why, they think somehow that they can bring others down; except it does not work. oh well. better luck next time.
  9. Dr_Osman;785306 wrote: King excellent thing is to wont be the first there is many more to come. Puntland Automobile Industry we will look back at this in 20 years and say look at where we came from i know what you mean. i was surprise to hear that they are working on more cars. way to go Puntland.
  10. one shade is not enough for this occasion. :cool::cool:
  11. Freedom;784972 wrote: Not crazy but facts, unlike you lot that use woman like emotions when stating your case lol. There you go again. I asked a simple question and what did i get? Same nonsense that makes you and your crew illogical.
  12. Somalia;784958 wrote: Listen, these people are afraid for clan reasons, nothing more, nothing less. After 20 years of eating each other, they want to eat you sxb. not happening. They can eat one another, each other, or eat whom ever, but no us. Not on our watch.
  13. Somalia;784951 wrote: You will question what is not good for your clan, that is expected, just down give us the excuse that it is for Somalia . Somalia as you wanted it is gone, and for good reason, it's Federal, so it is not for you to worry about Puntland's regional affairs. I explained it to you before, oil is not a national matter anymore, but you know that. something will be hard for people to comprehend even if you say it a thousand times.
  14. Freedom;784950 wrote: Somalia old man were you getting your facts. For old Somali man your opinions used as facts is said for some one your age: I understand the youyounger members but you lol better question is, where do and your crew get your crazy logic from?
  15. Oodweyne;784942 wrote: ^^I really don't indulged script of any kind; hence, see to it to find another thread to troll, endlessly, for all you are worth... :D I really don't indulged script of any kind, but you do write meaningless paragraphs. Is that another side of effect of self thought delusionalism?
  16. Oodweyne;784913 wrote: Hello Folks , I see our unionist friend (likes of Mr. Baashi and the rest comes to mind) are as usual already getting their blue knickers in a twist in a haste. And, by that I mean, their argument seemed to be based on some fiction call TFG and what their official said about Somaliland. And therefore, their hope (of a desperate kind) is to think that is done and dusted with where Somaliland being ready to have jaw-jaw with Soamalia is concern... I am so sorry to dissapoint them, but, in our neck of the woods in Somaliland (recognition or no recognition) Somaliland is "sacrosanct" as as the unity of Somalia is to them. Hence, short of other things happening, I can ensure you what will not happen is what you wish to see in here, in-terms of Somaliland talking to some one about some sort of union and what not with Soamlia. And, secondly, some of us still hold that it was "categorical mistake" (bordering on crimes of impeachment) for the current government in Somaliland to have accepted the attendance of this conference from the Brits. Hence, if ever the current leadership return from that conference with anything less than comprehensive benefit (both politically and economical) that is far and above of what in turn that can justify the sheer sort-sightedness that is in action on their part; then, I can assure you, this current leadership of Somaliland (particularly the current president Silanyo) will have nothing to contend themselves with other than that "charges of treachery and high treason" of the worst kind. This is reality in Somaliland. For there people are the last decision makers, not here today gone tomorrow politicians.... As for the Mr. Carafaat argument; one could only say, that is height of delusion on his part, and I am beginning to think, that he is just another pretender who thinks that Somaliland could be fobbed off with silly talks like his. In other words, if he really is in touch with back home as many of us are, then, he would not need any evidence as to the sheer mendacity that he is trying in here. For no one, and I mean no one, in Somaliland would give any time of the day to any talk of union sort with Somalia and whatnot. And, even, the politicians back home knows this in their bones. Hence, the reason, president Silanyo, is having a great deal of difficulty in even talking straight about as to why he is planning to come and attend that meeting in London; much less to talk about some sort of union and whatnot with Somalia, as some of our friends in here of SOL, are so desperately hoping that he will pull off, indeed. And, in here is the bottom-line reality that is operating in the ground in Somaliland, not the fiction some of our friends in the union camp warm themselves up with. But, we shall see as to how current elected leadership in Somaliland square this foolish circles in which they decided, in a clever by half manner, to get involve in here, indeed... why write meaningless paragraphs when you can watch with own two eyes your leaders attend the meeting:confused: Afterall, if it was up to you, and it's not, you wouldn't be here moaning and complaining.
  17. Xaaji Xunjuf;784886 wrote: What dialogue between somaliland and somalia there is nothing to sell you have no products
  18. AfricaOwn;784745 wrote: Just ignore em', tell him that his country is pathetic, no insane man would want to be part of it. And yours is not real, no functioning person would delude themselves into thinking it's real. Go for the one everyone believes is real; even if its struggling to get its act together.
  19. Timur;784790 wrote: This is the essence of this entire exploration venture. This project is the dreams of an entire nation of people being realized. Let us certainly hope and pray for the best outcome, and better yet let's work towards it. Amin Insha Allah this will be the ticket to Somalia's emancipation from hunger. guul to success and dignity