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Posts posted by SuRvIvEr

  1. Hi sisters? i hope that after this that my two problems will be solved insha allah,anyway let me get to the point u see i have PIMPLE problems + blemish i have tried every product that says either it gets rid of pimples or dark spots i,m very light which makes the problem even more greater cuz i look like 101 dalmations everytime i go out i have to put on make and recently i have learned that makeup is haram so i wanted to stop plus i hate putting makeup on all the time it really sadness me to see my face looking the way it does.I think what is causing to get none stop pimples is cuz i have very bad oily skin.So ladies what would u recommend for this kind of problem?.Also what are some ways to grow ur hair?,and what shampoos is good for oily hair as well.

  2. alxamdulilah ido pray even though i pray 4 times a day sometimes cuz its so hard to wakeup early in the morning for moring prayer but insha allah i,m gonna work on that and pray my five times.

  3. Damn i,m as thin as a tape worm that it makes me SICK everytime i look in the mirror,i just wanna gain weight and have some meat in me be a big beautiful woman.Some actually think i,m anorixic except i,m not even close to being one cuz i eat everything that comes my way and still never seemed to gain any weight.OH WELL. I guess i,m gonna have to like my thinness.

  4. i think this whole love thing in the net is happening to me even though i don't like to admit it.But seriously i guess it just depends on how soft hearted u are, i wasn't really expecting this but it kind of happened out of no where .His really great i think and i hope that his just as great of a person as he sounds whenever we chat. SO I SAY IT COULD HAPPEN TO ANYONE WHEN YOUR LEAST EXPECTING.

  5. hey yall i was wondering what happened to the COMMUNITY section?,where u click on the community and than it shows pictures of somaliaonline users.If yall know where it went please holla and tell me where else i can go for that.




  6. listen up ladies let them brainless brothers of ours date whom ever they want cuz in the end they are going to be the ones who will get deadly diseases and when they come crawling back to yall ladies than make u kick him to the curve. not only that he got a disease or his little bum got dumped but cuz he called u hard to get just cuz u didn't open up ur legs to him and finded that a bit insulting.lets face it ladies and i don't care if u guys say there might be other reasons to why ur with them, but we all know that the only reason somalian guys go out with other race girls is not cuz of love but bcuz they are all EASY. LETS FACE MALI BOYS ITS NOT OUR LOSE BUT URS JUST YALL REMEMBER THAT.

  7. listen up ladies let them brainless brothers of ours date whom ever they want cuz in the end they are going to be the ones who will get deadly diseases and when they come crawling back to yall ladies than make u kick him to the curve. not only that he got a disease or his little bum got dumped but cuz he called u hard to get just cuz u didn't open up ur legs to him and finded that a bit insulting.lets face it ladies and i don't care if u guys say there might be other reasons to why ur with them, but we all know that the only reason somalian guys go out with other race girls is not cuz of love but bcuz they are all EASY. LETS FACE MALI BOYS ITS NOT OUR LOSE BUT URS JUST YALL REMEMBER THAT.

  8. listen up ladies let them brainless brothers of ours date whom ever they want cuz in the end they are going to be the ones who will get deadly diseases and when they come crawling back to yall ladies than make u kick him to the curve. not only that he got a disease or his little bum got dumped but cuz he called u hard to get just cuz u didn't open up ur legs to him and finded that a bit insulting.lets face it ladies and i don't care if u guys say there might be other reasons to why ur with them, but we all know that the only reason somalian guys go out with other race girls is not cuz of love but bcuz they are all EASY. LETS FACE MALI BOYS ITS NOT OUR LOSE BUT URS JUST YALL REMEMBER THAT.

  9. listen up ladies let them brainless brothers of ours date whom ever they want cuz in the end they are going to be the ones who will get deadly diseases and when they come crawling back to yall ladies than make u kick him to the curve. not only that he got a disease or his little bum got dumped but cuz he called u hard to get just cuz u didn't open up ur legs to him and finded that a bit insulting.lets face it ladies and i don't care if u guys say there might be other reasons to why ur with them, but we all know that the only reason somalian guys go out with other race girls is not cuz of love but bcuz they are all EASY. LETS FACE MALI BOYS ITS NOT OUR LOSE BUT URS JUST YALL REMEMBER THAT.