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Everything posted by omar12

  1. Alshabab are slimy scum that should be put death. They know nothing of Islam.
  2. haha i know, but it would be funny to see.
  3. Somaliland should wait till the goods appear, then nationalize everything
  4. Analysts said that no matter how much the Obama administration invests in proxy or Somali security forces, it won’t be able to ease Somalia’s chronic instability without a political solution involving its many clans. Most important sentence in the article. It'd be nice if things were like in the movies, where "shock and awe" worked. But real life just isnt like that.
  5. HAHAA He is a black gay guy, who hates being black. is he sure he wouldnt want to change something else about himself. i wish he could be dropped in the middle of africa, with no way out.
  6. Abtigiis couldn't agree with you more man!
  7. its weird he ended up in the hospital. The waitress said he was acting very nervous before he left. Sounds like a crazy movie plot.
  8. why the hell am i not on the ballot. I've contributed 40 solid,emotionally driven, thought provoking comments on here.
  9. ^^LOL he's done more to help somalia, then anyone on here actually
  10. black on black crime is the story of africa
  11. Foreign armies has now prolong the suffering of Somali people. is this whats in our interest? No, we must oppose this. This is kinda true about the past. But for right now dont the ends justify the means. If al shabab is gone and international aids agencies can work in southern Somalia to help people suffering from famine shouldn't we put our pride to the side?
  12. lolol the thing is all this talk about other african countries or IGAD, or even western nations wanting to control somalia for their interest is crazy,Somalia has no gold, silver, and even after all the rumors not a drop of oil has been found. It has nothing to even plunder. All kenya, wants to do is shut up the barking dog so it can sleep. I wish things were different but they're not, and blaming everyone from USSR,US,UK,EU,NATO, AU to IGAD wont solve a thang.
  13. what are the foreign interests? it seems to me that having a peaceful and stable Somalia without pirates or terrorist is in the best interest of foreign and somali people as a whole.
  14. xiinfaniin Somalia needs an exact replica of Ataturk! Whats funny though, is how many people from Gamal Nasser to Siad Barre tried and failed to replicated him.
  15. this makes me reflect on the worlds of biggie " Money hoes and clothes. Blunt smoke comin out the nose, is all a n**** knows"
  16. He seems like a good man, i wish him the best. Some parts of that story were honestly heart wrenching.
  17. We concluded the last column with a global picture of receding democracy and rising authoritarianism. Globally this isn't the case, more and more countries are becoming democratic.
  18. MashAllah, its nice to see good news for a change. nuune, i just have about 3 things i don't agree with you on. I agree that foreign aid can have unintended intended consequences like dependency, but done in the right way it can be a good complement to developmental and help many people. Somali will neglect his farm and take the easy way of not farming, and as a consequence, the farmer is being made to depend on that from time to time until the US withhelds its grain 1. this is one of those negative consequences(dependency), but is it really the aid's fault? shouldn't the farmer take responsibility for himself and only use the aid as a complement and not as a substitute for farming. I really don't think dependency is forced on people i think its a choice. BBC did good job on 6th of July saying Somalia Islamists lift aid ban to help drought victims (BBC LINK), and then on 22 July telling the world that Somali Islamists maintain aid ban(BBC LINK), how can Alshabaab maintain a ban that they lifted just 2 weeks ago, of course 2. They simple reversed course when they saw how they were losing grip on the people, everybody knows anyway that if youar a western aid agency you'll have a hard time in Al shabab territory. and the big boys will benefit from us, as they did recently, that food aid destroyed our national food agriculture, once being the bread-basket of all Somalis, not anymore.. 3. The US is the largest doner for famine reflief with more than 500 mill, thats more than all Muslim countries combined. Okay so maybe a photographer gets paid to take pictures and sends them back, and then perhaps there are the NGOs that get funding from goverments. But then those NGOs also outsource to local somalis and that creates jobs. The photographer shows the pliate of the people and that may help to donate which may help to save a life.Who are the big boys and how does anyone ever benefit from a famine? ps International Community, International agencies, International Media, the first one is indeed politics under the cover of Western countries, second being UN and other so called relief agencies who always smile about our tragedy, third one being Western Media, the three combined can cause not only a famine, but human annihilation. Come one man conspiracy theories wont get you anywhere. Human annihalation are you serous :confused:?
  19. if it bleeds it leads, the media rarely ever focuses on good thing they want sensation head line and titles, nothing sells better then wars and terrorism. The people going around building schools and orphanages never get the kind of attention that the people who blow themselves up get.
  20. wow, that room was kinda empty, professor should have offered extra credit lol! But he said some interesting things. he hit the nail on the head in 20:18.