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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. sharma-arke451;760683 wrote: You mean he licked your azz?? War wuxu ceeb badnaa. How does a somali girl know licking an azz, except if she did it herself. I have nothing else to think. Am so sorry to have asked that. Am still sorry to have inquired about your licking an azz life. Btw, is there anything else you lick?? Enjoy the licking game gal. Ps. If you think, you can talk rubbish all alone, plz keep it. Spoken like the true FAGGOT that you are! Did I touch a sensitive topic you being a gay no wonder he was being so defensive sensitive and all emotional about it when I found out about him being gay. Don't come in here and tell us about your personal experiences with the azz since your a gay takes one to know one. Gay men often act like women and we can see that back from you everything is falling into place. Your are a retarded girly man you can't even defend yourself trying to use the things I said to you back at me how pathetic. All you can do is copy my words and make some things up by your imagination like a lil kid indeed signs of retardedness. One common sign of mentally disturbed people is that they make things up by thier imagination and that's what you do you keep making things up when I throw real facts at you. Rejected by all women virtually and in reality. You have been called a kitty aka girl LMAO people are starting to see that you are a girly man too. I suggest you visit a psychiatrist because your mentally retarded! :rolleyes: genius pauper.;760689 wrote: sharmarke you are a gentleman stop being problematic, and bluelicious, stop being dirty. albeit the tough exchanges of words, sharma didn't spoke as dirty as blue. Anyway, let us stay in peace while in sol, and lets refrain from insults. Infact the duo are newbies Him a gentleman?! Then you must not know him very well and his actions. You mean a girly idiotic man who bashes Somali women for no reason that's what he is. Your right this loser is being problematic he is the one who searches fights with me everywhere I comment on and keeps cheerleading for Somalia because he holds resentments towards me and Knight. He got issues perhaps a psychiatrist can help him. princesshafsa;760727 wrote: people..people ..people this thread was supposed to be a nice farewell to 2011 and the welcoming of the new did it turn into a kitty fight ?:rolleyes: sharma and blue dar alliyo danbiil moosa ku daga. Lmaoo damn you killed him softly right there calling him a girl indirectly. That loser is the one who ruined your thread and started talking about marriage and afterwards searched a fight with me all I did was defend myself. Princesshafsa enjoy your thread girl, sorry that I have lowered my standards to that moron I will respect your thread atleast one of is woman enough to be the bigger person. This case is CLOSED!
  2. sharma-arke451;760260 wrote: Lol. at least you have a point. Ps. Someone you don't know, who insulted you, how do you love him so dearly immediately??? What an irony. Lmao he's still cheerleading and licking Somalia's azz it's obvious he's one of Somalia's other profiles he uses to back up his current profile. What a imbecile he keeps using the nonsense he made up because he has nothing to say about me characteristics of a mentally disturbed person perhaps psychotic! Keep biatching and crying out loud around the forums because you got rejected by me and dissed by Knight. It must hurt so much huh to be talking about our friendship 24/7 and you can't stand us being together. Again go grow some balls you are a biatch azz fruity man. Valenteenah.;760304 wrote: ^ A gentleman, you are not. Bluelicious ma xoolo ayey kaa dhacdey mise carruur bey kaa dishey? Maxaad u dabo socotaa? Blue, calm down dear. You don't want to be thrown over the same wall as KOW. He is a lowlife loser who can't get over things keeps dwelling on the past. Loool exactly my point why is he following me around, because he is still hurt by my rejection and how he got dissed by Knight. It's the truth that's hurting him he can't stand me being with Knight so he keeps talking about our friendship 24/7. You can taste the bitterness, jealousy, hurt and resentment that is coming from him. He's a chauvinistic pig who his only aim is to bash women he's probably been rejected all his life so he comes online trying to act a internet thug because women find him disgusting. Let this moron keep bleeding and crying out loud on the forums. He has shown his true colours and put the whole of men to shame. I doubt he still got any respect left from the community of SOL.
  3. Aaliyyah;760536 wrote: lol blue ur weird..akh I am glad I deleted. Now do me a favor and delete some of ur initial post ..- ewwww... Oh no I can't change it anymore sorry Aaliyyah it won't allow me
  4. Bon apetite girl! Why did you edit there was nothing wrong with it
  5. uchi;760504 wrote: Let it go Somalia, I can vouch for Bluelicious. Thanks for believing in me I appreciate that
  6. Noooooooooo don't change it's fun!
  7. "All the men here have it long and thick" :eek: Loooooooooool true you can never please a woman. I have read this joke before but the story was a lil different describing the mens character and appearance. Do they mean what I think they mean or do I have a creative mind lol. We as women need to be more appreciative about the current guy you have in your life instead of looking if the grass is greener on the other side because the next person your looking at can either be better or worse then your previous one that's a risk your taking but this also applies to men.
  8. Somalia;760482 wrote: I believe the admin can solve this by checking Bluelicious ' IP address and comparing it to any Knight of Wisdom used. People can't be this ignorant and not see there's a trait of resemblance. As you said i'm the female version of Knight what's wrong with that we all come in pairs of 2 even flowers come in pairs!
  9. Aaliyyah;760493 wrote: No I would die I am serious it aint no funny business dee..and ur probably right abt reporting the utube user, but walahi I dnt see that as a point. The best thing is never upload a picture of yours online. Period. Regardless of where twitter, fb, I dnt give. salaam That's a better option to prevent and be safe then to be sorry. But the problem is mainly caused if you got strangers whom you don't know on your list that you accepted. I suggest people stick to family and friends on their social networks.
  10. Aaliyyah;760479 wrote: ^That is so true sweetie. waad caqli badantahay. Keep it that way salaam p.s one day I was listening to somali songs and I stumbled over a link that some crazy person upladed bunch of pics of somali girls that they collected off fb. It was scary! subhanalah..anu kolay I would die if I ever saw my pics there..waaba sharaf daro! and what made it all worse was the comments how negative they guy goes..waa qaxbooyinki umadu so nacday LOL.. I have come across such videos too it's sad people on youtube mainly men who watch those videos judging those girls and calling them all kinds of names under the star. When majority of those girls don't even know that their pictures are circulating in youtube and getting stolen from their Facebook profiles. Lol at I would die if I ever saw my pics on there, who doesn't it's for the whole world to see but you can often report those videos to Youtube so they can take it down and close that persons account. Mainly Somali men are quick to judge a book by its cover.
  11. Narniah;760448 wrote: Great people don't get to that stage without fighting and struggling for it. But every time they're knocked down they stand up. You cannot destroy these people. And at the end of their lives they've accomplished some modest part of what they set out to do. The Road to Jannah isn't easy. It is only with struggles and hard-work that it is achieved. Indeed very true nothing comes easily to you thanks Narniah for this great post. If you give up you will never achieve anything in your life, you need to always keep looking forward and not look back, stand up everytime you fall down and get up again.
  12. Aaliyyah;760472 wrote: looooooooooooooooooooooooooool. Blue inajaad uu ka waalin. The only person who did that was that white guy in SOL. I remember seeing a picture of him in sol..i guess they wouldnt believe he was a white guy so he was showing them- although he shouldnt have cared what anyone thinks of him. Aniga the idea of uploading pics on sol puts me off bt then again he was a guy.. salaam Lmaoo you just made me laugh hard. Seriously did that really happen miskiin. I'm not that gullible to believe Ina Jaad and send him my pictures hell no. You never know where your pictures end up and nowadays people abuse other peoples pictures it's just scary.
  13. Che -Guevara;760458 wrote: Blue waa naag rag ah.loooooool Loool hello Che Well I can't stand people who talk smack about someone who's not even here to defend himself.
  14. sharma-arke451;760451 wrote: I pity the lack of originality in you. be more than an oaf clumsy person. It sickens to see a somali girl being so pathetic and desperate about an instant love for an unknown man, who coerses her mental sanity in abuse. do tell us, damiir malihid miyaa mise laga rooni ayad tahay.?? Ceeb caleyk. Ps. All this miles, just to cover the distance of a handicaped mental journey?? Accept the reality that you are hurt by the truth. hahaha It's interesting to see how you keep an close eye on my tracks going offline and as soon as you see a reply of me going online again with the minute. Do you never get tired of stalking me pssh. Lmao again resorting to attack me and Knight's friendship when real facts have been thrown at your face so you decide to change course and talk about our friendship. Keep crying out loud in this thread because the truth hurts and has even hurted you more by what I said to you. Again we see the pms-ing emotional girly man that you are trying to use handicap when you felt even more hurt did it touch you that hard obviously it did mac sonkor. Wow what a drama boy such a loser. I'm better then that to use handicap as a insult I respect people with those disability and don't degrade them goes to show again how more emotional and hurt you even got. But I can say that your mentally not right and should check yourself at the mental hospital. The jealousy towards Knight is just abnormal and the fact we are friends and that i'm not interested in you and dismissed you. Loser bitter talk to come and create some dirt between me and Knight and trying to call me desperate. The real truth is your so desperate that it kills you inside and you cant stand the fact i'm friends with your enemy and that I also dismissed you and have no interest in you so your trying to talk shit about our friendship so typical. Keep bleeding and biatching girly man this is just hilarious continue kill yourself what a worthless girly man you are.
  15. sharma-arke451;760443 wrote: I have a comprehending problem, yet i understand?? Language really matters. Dhoocil warkeeda Keep biatching like the girly pathetic man that you are. That's the only defense you know and resort to using the dhocil word what a loser. As if everyone who got beef with you and dismisses you is a dhocil keep living in that fantasy world.There is difference between reading and understanding go back to ESOL class.
  16. sharma-arke451;760442 wrote: What an ignoble action. Stand your ground and be a dhoocil at work, than coming around accusing other's for the sake of your lover, who insulted you for seeking a night out with you. I mean, why does the truth hurt? He insulted you without shame, and you expect me to buy your lame cyber imposter of loving him? Only if you are his replica. I though of your ill naturedness, but you are coming with more fickle zeal and illogic underdog uttarance, that spills the evil in you. you lack basic ethics and ride high on immorality. Words of a defeated loser who doesn't got anything to say after being caught red handed. Weren't you accusing me of being Knight hypocrisy at it's finest, keep cheerleading for Somalia you have embarassaed yourself and proven my innocence. Atleast I got a job unlike you who's here to track my goings around the forum and is to busy hating on me and Knight. You keep uttering rubbish over and over again. Get over it and grow some balls you keep calacalin at me over and over again about the same thing aint it funny. I wonder when he is gonna stop bleeding all over this thread and he is supposed to be an old man. Knight of Wisdom;755873 wrote: Bluelicious, haha, you guys can't get it both ways. The so-called Feminist movement of the 20th and 21st Century gave you women freedom, which I personally support, but if I remembered it correctly, it wasn't meant to subjugate the men for the women. Washing the dishes for Aaliyah and you should be enough for one night, especially on a Monday night Football. Valenteenah.;756138 wrote: Holly crap, talk about a misunderstanding. Bluelicious you took it the wrong way. Clearly the man is saying washing the dishes for both you and aaliyah (labadiinaba) should be enough for the one night, yacni he thought you guys wanted a regular dish washer. Especially when he had already acquised to do the dishes on a football night. Get it now? Goodness me, talk about getting the wrong end of the stick. And the Sharmaarke one read it in the same vein? Miscomprehension galore. I actually feel sorry for this poor knight, he thought he was being a good sport, agreeing to wash weel when he saw himself as a noble in a macawiis, only to receive abuse and accusations for his efforts. All because of how he phrased his words. If anyone should receive an apology, it's the poor man who thought he could joke with you. Knight has NEVER insulted me take a look at his above post I had skipped a few words when I was reading and that caused my misunderstanding and you can also see Valeentah pointing it out too that it was a misunderstanding on my part and he never insulted me. Keep trying to search and create some dirt between me and Knight pathetic man. Look who it is coming from talking about the truth hurts, yes the truth hurts and we can see that from you you are a clear prove of that. Your just a fool who got comprehending problems and can't seem to get over things. Every reply of you shows the anger and hurt you got and the resentments towards Knight. So basically i'm getting attacked for being Knight's friend as soon as I became Knight's friend that's when the problems with you and Somalia started doesn't that show how stupiid and silly you guys are.
  17. Garnaqsi;760433 wrote: This thing you are talking to is the father of all trolls. He one of those people one shouldn't take seriously under any circumstances whatsoever. I eliminated the inconvenience of having to read his gibberish posts by adding him to my ignore list few days after I've joined. Ok thanks for warning me there will be more people i'm gonna be putting on that list too I also don't need to read their gibberish posts
  18. Axmed-InaJaad;760429 wrote: prove it, send me a picture of you wearing a nice dirac and holding a sign that says 'bluelicious'. then and only then will i believe you. Lmaoooo you will soon find out that i'm not him. Isn't that a bit extreme to go to that length to prove something.
  19. Axmed-InaJaad;760424 wrote: bluelicious and knight of wisdom are the same trolls We are NOT!
  20. sharma-arke451;760420 wrote: what a dainty nag. Good muslimah, who is going for umrah, hhmm I do share the feeling, that you are him, And you are here in sol, basically to defend him. all your talk is, he beat somebodies azz, he licked some else's azz, just idiocy of the highest order. Lmao you have followed me around very well. Your an imbecile who calacals too much who can't get over his resentments and anger hurt that Knight caused to you. I have ignored you and yet his running behind me to go and be a cheerleader for another man. You keep talking about yourself your are the idiocy of the higest order because your the one who got hurt and biatching and crying around like a bleeding girl and cheerleading licking Somalia's azz no one else so don't come talk about other men who haven't done anything. Somalia;760316 wrote: He has a track record of making 2 profiles to support each other, it's trolling on a whole new scale, one that I admire, so that's it. Lmao WE can all see this above quote in action! You must be one of Somalia's other profiles he trolls with to support his current profile. Even the way it touched you and you became emotional after you read the word gay. It's amazing how you hasted to this thread to cheerlead and lick his azz and you are also like Somalia having resentments against Knight because he dissed you crying like a baby of what another man said to you get the funk out man and shaqo yeelo. Your the only 2 of this whole site who are on his case 24/7.
  21. sharma-arke451;760415 wrote: hypocritical at best. you talk of the gay, and ***, and talk about religion?? What a fib. The religion is not a shirt worn only when in need, but all times. It sickens to see your farfetched multiple personalities. Be honest to yourself at least. Ps. If you are a muslim truly, repect should be the way. Are you his cheerleader licking his azz, mind your own business old man this between me and him. I will disregarad anything you say since you got a comprehending problem and are a emotional pms-ing man so get lost! if you READ his and my post you would understand what i'm sayng but you don't with your fob english. Trying to cheer for him because he is still hurt shaqo la'aan coming here with his nonsense.
  22. Hmm nice song. Are you the member they call A&T?
  23. Come on don't underestimate yourself like that. Your capable of being a teacher too you proved yourself in this thread.
  24. Somalia;760316 wrote: Why would you swear on graves or Allah's name since you are an Atheist? I believe you are him, so what? Until an admin looks at your IP addresses you'll be him. He has a track record of making 2 profiles to support each other, it's trolling on a whole new scale, one that I admire, so that's it. That's a big risky accusation your making right there calling me an atheist for no reason when i'm a muslim. Whoever accuses another muslim of being a gaal is gaal himself that's a fact. I'm not suprised because your not a religious person you don't even value the word wallahi it holds no meaning to you. It's clearly to see that your so obsessed with Knigth of Wisdom that it reaches a whole new level. Your so obsessed with him that anybody who even associate with Knight or becomes his friend gets immediately accused of being Knigth as if he is not allowed to have friends. Just because your maybe socially inept doesn't make him the same as you. You should check yourself in the nearest mental hospital you sound so paranoia and psychotic. Are you a in the closet gay who caught feelings for Knight because you are so obsessed with him its borderline psychotic. You stalk him watch and follow every step he makes every forum he comments on. Even keep talking about him and accusing him while he is banned thats so low to even be talking about and accusing someone who is not even here and is banned and can't defend himself. You are the biggest annoying troll of this site. About the 2 profiles it's clear that your speaking out of personal experience and that you do that takes one to know one. I have one profile and that's Bluelicious and i'm not Knight of Wisdom that's where my story ends any admin or mod can see that because I don't need to prove myself towards a annoying pyshotic troll who's whole aim is to get my attention so resorts to tell lies about me because this is his only way of trying to get my attention. Keep on begging telling lies and trolling for my attention make me famous be my number 1 fan. You are a fool and a fools jabber is not worth anything and worthless to be valued.