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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. ONLF Unit celeberates performing a traditional warrior dance in the Ogaden region. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  2. The film Silent Cry is a documentary made by young British Somali students to raise awareness about the hidden genocide taking place in the Ogaden region of Ethiopia, the film documents and interviews some of the many hundreds of thousands of people fleeing the hidden genocide being committed by the Ethiopian government in the Ogaden region. The Ogaden region, the heart of the Horn of Africa, has witnessed one of the worst crimes against humanity. The Ethiopian government has done everything in its power to conceal the suffering and the human rights abuses taking place in the region. The hidden genocide in the Ogaden has gone unnoticed by the international community because the meles zanawi regime has expelled all humanitarian, human rights, and media organizations from the region and has placed an economic and humanitarian blockade on the Ogaden, many people are dieing due to the man-made famine created by the Ethiopian government. This is a call to action for all of humanity to end the genocide in the Ogaden. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  3." frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  4. The truth About Ethiopia " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  5. Somalia;762977 wrote: The people of Somali Galbeed make SSC look good. Very disorganized, refugee mentality and no progress in 21 years. Somalia;763022 wrote: We work with them you do not, which is why the people live like peasants in refugee camps across 3 borders. I suggest you drastically change your politics. Compare Somaliland and Puntland to your region, Gode looks like it did in 1977. People do not fight when they know they can't win, they fight when there's a chance of winning. Somalia;763028 wrote: Jigjiga is not well off for a city that has been at peace for over 30 years. there's nothing advanced in that city. You can judge for yourself what we do or do not, but you have seen where it got us. "People can multitask", ok, sure, build your land while he oppresses you, I have yet to see the results. You have tremendous support even in Jubboyinka to create a state but still, you haven't gotten together at all. I don't mean to insult, this is just the way people view the situation. @Xaaji, I am afraid we are on the same boat, you can run away as much as you like sxb. These are opinions, not bashing people. Seeking out my attention again by hating SSC and comparing it to Ogadenia talk about a hate comment. Comparing SSC and Puntland to Ogadenia, a nation that is voiceless silenced and oppressed for nearly 200 years who don't got no human rights nor political rights the three are absolutely not comparable. Look at him saying no progress in 21 years as if Ogadenia was part of Somalia 21 years ago jeez your dumb I trully pity your ignorance, illiteracy about Ogadia and foolishness. The Ogaden people are fighting for their land and freedom for nearly 200 years with the Ethiopians so where does this 21 years come from pure illiterate ignorance. A nation that's been fighting for their rights for nearly 200 years and are still standing strong and proud and refuse to surrender to the Ethiopians that's what you call true heroes and legends. At your comment ''People do not fight when they know they can't win, they fight when there's a chance of winning'' Battles are won because people fight for them not because they sit around and do nothing, freedom comes with fighting and sarcifices, this again shows your dumbness, ignorance and that you don't got no honour and dignity. You don't know anything about the history or present of Ogadenia and it shows from your ignorant illiterate comments so shut up and throw yourself out of this thread with your made up lies. You know nothing about facts, politics, Somalia and it's different states and their people. You should change your name to Puntlander because you don't represent Somalia at all your against it and only contradicting yourself. Your against Ogadenia, NFD, Djibouti, Somalia and Somaliland from how you always bash them and insult them all you care about is Puntland as if Puntland is a own country and superior to the other countries and Somali states. Puntland doesn't hate and compare itself to other Somali countries and states eg Ogadenia and NFD so stop talking falsely about them and talk for yourself no Puntlander shares the same ignorant views as you, it's YOU who's filled with hatred, ignorance and tries to divide Somalis and make them against each other, you are a true qabiliste and put Puntlanders to shame. You got some fairy tales going on Jigjiga is part of Ogaden region and isn't in peace they are also struggling for freedom get out of here with your made up lies. Ogadenia has zero support from the world because Meles Zenawi shelters them away from the world and doesn't want the world to know about the injustice, torture and violations of their human rights he does to them he wants no one to know about his massacres and genocides and he bans US diplomats, journalists and aid workers such as Watchdog, NGO, Human Rights and independant media outlets entering Ogaden region. Their daily life struggle isn’t shared with the world that is why no one knows about their pain and they feel as if they are forgotten by the rest of the world. Get the funk out coming in here trying to hate and insult Ogadens and then turning around and saying ''you didn't mean to insult'' yeah right, no one needs your false ignorant illiterate opinions. Ps This is a peace thread we don't need your hatred, ignorant and qabilist comments so go roam in your own political threads :rolleyes:
  6. Carafaat;762915 wrote: This song is made originally by Muuse Ismaaciil Qalinle (Allah ha u naxariste). Very emotional and moving words indeed. Indeed an amazing beautiful video with moving words how courageous of him, thanks Carafaat Paragon;762950 wrote: "It gives them courage and willpower to stand against something so powerful To say no to suffering and no to all the malicious crimes committed against them It takes a lot of audacity to stand up for what you believe is right My people had been fighting for their rights and freedom for a long time They have been saying no the ethnic cleansing of the people of the Oga d en region Their stories aren’t written in many books, hence Their expressions define the true meaning of their struggle" Beautiful, truthful and moving. The OLNF are legends and heros indeed. May Allaah give them guul iyo gacan sarayn. When I remember, read, hear about, listen or watch a video about the sacred cause of my brave ONLF brethren, righteous emotion engulfs every atom of my existence! I should re-join the OG freedom campaign in UK when time permits, Insha'Allaah. Or better on the ground. I hope to. Its a wish. Aluta continua my beloved brothers, aluta continua! Aaaww I don't blame you for getting emotional it's a emotional story that would move everyone who has emotions. The ONLF has done an amazing job for the Ogaden people and may they all rest in peace for all of them who have fought for our freedom they have made alot of sarcrifices many of us wouldn't be here without them. You should definitely help out in anyway you can we can all contribute something and make a change. That's my wish too to help on the ground one day inshallah sharma-arke451;762962 wrote: if only the onlf warriors could drop the girls from the naftood hurayaasha club, and encourage the diin It's their life and their chosen path we can't force no one, who are we to judge them
  7. Paragon;762941 wrote: ^ Bluelicious Viva darwiishadda Saado Cali - yaa diidi kara. Laakiin Saado waa waddaniyad taarikh dheer ku leh Soomaalida dhexdeeda....balse newcomers have to be welcome into the wadani caravan, don't you agree? Doesn't Jaango's OG dhaantos count as wadani since Somaliland is in the list of nominations? Whats going on here? Where's Abtiigiis iyo Tolka when you need him? Tol la'ay! Oo sidee waxan (hoos qooraanso).... " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Looga illaawi karaa list of wadaniyiinta nominations. Alla ciil waynaa! Lool thanks for the beautiful song I like it Paragon darling calm down I think some persuasion will do with Carafaat to get your artist on the poll. Of course I agree with you and should new comers also be given a chance to prove themselfs instead of veteran singers walking away with the award every year. Jaango is the man he made some great dhaanto songs and personally I think he also belongs up there in the voting poll but it's not my list but Carafaat's. Ps Carafaat would you like to be so kind to add Jaango and Cabdi diini to your poll that would make me and Paragon happy thank you
  8. Looooool that just cracked me up the Xaaji Jacayl & Mr Smooth Trickster part I have nothing against him i'm all for L.O.V.E the lovey dovey and all that but all i'm saying is that you just can't get around it anymore every singer singing about love so we are all getting sucked into that world.
  9. A Somali gabay talking about the ONLF fighters fighting for freedom in the Ogaden region of Ethiopia. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  10. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  11. This song is dedicated to all the Ogaden heroes that have died and are dying while fighting for freedom. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  12. Ogadenia way xoroobi xaqiiqdii waa sidaa! " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  13. Great songs but love songs are overrated. Every artist around the globe sings about love nowadays.
  14. No singer deserves it more then Sado Cali. She has made alot of wadani songs that goes to show what a legend she is and how dedicated she is to her country. Viva la Sado Cali
  15. A Message to Meles Zenawi: Down with that dictator! " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Nimco Dareen's Message to Meles Zanawi: " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  16. Nin Yaaban your not the only one the new look sucks I dislike it prefer the old look much better. What you can do is on the right bottom of your browser you can give a feedback and maybe by the outcome of that feedback they probably gonna keep the new look or maybe change it again.
  17. A_Khadar;762591 wrote: Thanks blue.. Roda Afjano is a legend poetor.. You welcome I will keep you updated about her other poems.
  18. This is a poem by a ONLF mujahid he died in fighting. The poem talks about fighting the oppresors that are occupying the land of (Ogadenia).The one who is mainly reciting the poetry ( in the middle) was captured and literally torn apart by the tigri! (Ethiopian tribe) For those that don't know about Ogadenia and the ONLF, let me give you some insight. The ONLF is a grassroots social and political movement founded in 1984 by the Somali people of Ogaden who could no longer bear the atrocities committed against them by successive Ethiopian regimes. Today, the ONLF as both an advocate for and defender of the people is dedicated to restoring the rights of Somalis in Ogaden to self-determination, peace,and development. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  19. Che -Guevara;762483 wrote: ^I am all for the thread, I was flushing out saboteurs like Zack...loool Keep your head up and keep fighting for a good cause since you support us Narniah;762488 wrote: Such a beautiful poem.❤ May God grant the brave people of Oga d enia their long awaited Freedom ameen. Ameen. That's so beautiful to see and hear definitely a good message and aaw so cute how the guy next to Sado sheds a tear at the end because it has touched him at the heart A_Khadar;762515 wrote: great poem Ya Blue.. Post those Afjano.. I love her poems.. she got the beuaty of voice and lingo.. Here is your special request that you asked for about Roda Ibrahim (Afjano) I like her poems too enjoy will post more of her poems some other time Waa gabay ay tirinayso Rooda Ibrahim (Afjano) Itoobiya in ay taris xuntahay dumar lalaayaa og: " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  20. A_Khadar;762572 wrote: Absolutely Blue.. Probably lack of resources is blame.. Let us dig this resource in underground and we will be a happy family... Those who enjoy high mirqaam will have all they want, those who enjoy having daanto sessions around have them, with those Moxog desire, let them enjoy, those love Malaay will catch more, those can live with Waarikow, let them have always and I will enjoy my camel milk.. True also because we are too busy dividing our country into smaller independant countries and fighting each other. If your always in drama and trouble it's hard to make progress. Wish we could all fight for the same cause and not for like example 20 different causes lol.
  21. Carafaat;762502 wrote: Indeed the UAE is an example of a real Union, working for its people after more then 40 years and where the Somali one failed after less then a year in 1961. Inshallah one day Djibouti, Somaliland, Somalia, Somali region of Oga d enia , NFD will sit around a table and deliver throught unity and cooperation for their people as well. That's better I corrected for you Only if we were united as one we could have achieved ten times more then what they have achieved.
  22. The Zack - Aaww thanks your making me blush. Aren't all caghdheers and Somalis beautiful Carafaat - This is political hence why it's in politics secition! You're always complaining about threads belonging in another section chill man!! Che-Guevara & The Zack - Would you guys stop arguing in this thread and put your differences aside. This is a Ogadenia Freedom appreciation thread not a verbal war thread.