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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Aaliyyah;771345 wrote: ^ur somali is that bad? or you are tripping? lol..anyways that maahmaah simply means a man who can be your father can take care of its good idea for women to marry an older men..and the irony is that this proverb was probably said by an old man lol oo labo ilig kaso taganyihiin.. salaam Yeah hun my Somali is that bad. Loooooooooool I laughed at the made up by a old man with two teeth. The only reason why a woman would go for a much older men is if he was loaded you know women like to be financially secure.
  2. Narniah - Beautifully put together I couldn't have said it any better. *Does the International Love dance*
  3. ^^ Loool but its the truth dont we love bananas too much. Look at Canada it says take one passport get one free is that true?
  4. Che don't tell me you support Al-Shabaab, dude come on why? They are bad boooo thumbs down :eek:
  5. Che -Guevara;771310 wrote: We know what's wrong with point listing what's already known. What we are going to do about it might be a better list on to work on. Agreed! So Dervish what are we gonna do about it? It takes one good person to start the good work you start first and I will follow you second. That sounds like a great plan right?
  6. ^ Showqi looool that map is too funny. It will give Al-Shabaab ideas to get some AK-47 from Afghanistan
  7. Lmao @ how this dude from the Americans Against Hate organisation is contradicting himself.
  8. Rudy-Diiriye - Mac mac right back at ya my west coast buddy, say hi for me to the sun lol
  9. Looooooooooool @ weed for Amsterdam and banana for Somalia. A truthful world map
  10. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;771175 wrote: Haween nin dhali karaa dhaqi kara . Ever heard this? Anyway, where did you get the idea that the brides are younger than the grooms in the picture. The reason I said that was if you look closely you notice those are older women about the same age as the men. And those men probably didn't like getting married to them which may explain their facial expressions had it be younger women they would probably be all happy and blissful. What does that somali proverb mean? What can a older woman not offer that a younger woman can except for child bearing?
  11. Daamn what is it with men and wanting young women?! Men should marry women around their age group and not go for much younger women then themselfs.
  12. Oz - What a gentleman are you to decide to introduce yourself first well it's a pleasure to meet you too. Nice verse I like it, it speaks the truth I learned something new and it is relevant since we also talking about all of the countries around the world So what do you think of international love do you believe in it?
  13. Oz - What does that even mean, is that arabic? :confused:
  14. Showqi - Loooooool @ do you want me to add to your Somalis Behind Bars Thread your just too funny man. Stay a gentleman and never hit a woman. Since when does beating your partner mean showing some love? In our culture there is too much fighting going on there should be less fighting and more love. I once witnessed a friends parents fighting and her mother hit the father on the head with a pan :eek:
  15. Carafaat;770155 wrote: The women accuses him of terrorism not magic. Pay attention bluelicious. Lol what I meant was what made that woman get locko after only knowing him for 4 days it's as if he put a spell on her and she suddenly is all over him.
  16. Hey Khadar what's up with you these days you went MIA, just checking whether your still alive and passing my greetings to you You got my support for 100% hope the conference ends in a positive outcome for you guys.
  17. Showqi;771091 wrote: Now do I get the some points for butchering the Dutch language.......... Well done!
  18. Since it's friday lets seek out the light. Jazakallah khair for sharing and reminding us about the quran. Keep up the good work.
  19. It has been ripped into smaller pieces blame it on the brits and italians
  20. Chimera;770994 wrote: The Dutch word for how has a different meaning in English, which is why it has been censored lol. Loooool your totally right I forgot about the censorship of some words. It's ironic though that a normal word used in everyday vocab could be offensive in a another language :eek:
  21. Rudy-Diiriye - You welcome and yeah I use it sometimes mostly to watch missed shows, I don't know why but I rarely watch movies on there maybe 2 or 3 times a month max. I gotta say that you can watch all of their contents in good dvd quality.
  22. Nin Yaaban - Aww thanks, you are a cool insightful person. You know me better then you think if you noticed that i'm only loyal towards family and friends. Showqi - Aww poor you it could also be that it was her way of showing you she fancied Showqi and didn't know how to express it otherwise. Anyways she probably don't know what she is missing now the new and improved Showqi Narniah & Nin Yaaban do you guys believe in international love?
  23. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;770777 wrote: I have a vague memory of going to that same beach, called Liido, in early to mid '80s as a very young boy. Our eldest sister used to take us every other Friday, I and many other older brothers along with my sister's two young sons. She had and drove -- oh, ladies used to drive in '70s, Xamar was so liberal, thousands of years ahead other African towns -- a Talyaani car Xamar caan ka ahaa, whch was called Fantikuwataare , aka venti quattro. It was this model. Also it was the model used by Muqdisho taxis. I only vaguely remember each of us getting the towels and shorts and squeezing in that car, many of us boys. It lasted until the sister and her family moved to Sirte, Libya in mid '80s. Aah, the memories. First time I heard Sirte was back then. Aww that was a beautiful childhood with good memories. It's good you have good memories about your childhood and experienced it in a peaceful time. They had churches in Xamar? So that means christians lived in the country too :eek: