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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. The man got some sense of humour for sure looool :cool:
  2. I wouldn't know how long I still wanna stay in the west. As long as there is no 100% peace in Somalia and further economical developments there is no reason for me to go there and risk my life? Maybe when there is no clan wars anymore (it's unlikely that will ever happen).
  3. ^^ Caano are you claiming Valenteenah to be your wife?
  4. ^^ Lool you noticed that too that baffled me too.
  5. Abtigiis;772410 wrote: loooooooool@'hope you still don't think I am bootylicious'. Occassionally, I do. It is an involuntary reflex. No, there is nothing growing here. VAL is out of stock. All I did was to post her picture and show her contributions to the SSC cause. Yes, the SSC men are half-crazy, pass-by-myside-and-step-on-a-stick-that-will-touch-my-toe and we have a fist fight types. But I find it easy to talk to them and generally consider them good-hearted. Therefore, I am keenly following the SSC triumph. I know darling you only wanted to show and share the positive contribution that the woman had and there is nothing wrong with that we are proud of her. Don't worry about I was only joking about the two of you didn't mean it for real . Lol at half crazy I never thought that the always calm and collected Abtigiis is a fighter but I find them SSC people also good hearted folks i'm also therefore supporting and following their SSC triumph. Inadeer it seems we have the same cause which is good
  6. ^^ lets leave how he was perceived by some people behind and enjoy his quote which makes sense. We all have a bad side to us no one is perfect.
  7. A funny song: " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> A classic song: " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  8. Istaqfurallah did she actually pray like that :eek:
  9. Yesss that's the best news ever that will teach them it's about time Holland woke up and banned khat. Now only UK is left to follow which they probably will do soon because the two always copy each other because they work together and they don't wanna be the only country where it's legal. This will not only have a great impact on Holland but also in the other European countries that used to get khat from Holland. The main source is out of the game expect this khat trafficking to soon fail Showqi nearly 5 years huh so you were not totally faking it last time with the translations you do know a lil some some lol. Your right they are in big tacsi and crying their hearts out. It's for the better Carafaat - This is great news. Have you already read it?
  10. I couldn't agree more with the following quote by Martin Luther King. So many people forget about what he is talking or simply don't know about it. Hatred paralyzes life Love releases it Hatred confuses life Love harmonizes it Hatred darkens life Love illuminates it. - Martin Luther King -
  11. It's looking positive so far so I think they will succeed inshallah!
  12. Abtigiis;771951 wrote: Bluelicious - you seriously don't expect Val to say 'yes there I am', of course! This is elementary stuff you should know, inaadeertay macaan. Loool that's true darling but it's not the case here, from my short stay at SOL I know Valenteenah is a sincere woman and I believe her if she tells me it isn't her. Inadeer I have a lie detector and I agree with her not being into politics Hope you still don't think i'm Bootylicious lol I see some international love is starting to grow between Abtigiis and Valenteenah lol Valenteenah - He got some love for you don't you see he made a thread about praising you
  13. A_Khadar;772138 wrote: Lol @ blue, I didn't know you're Alliyah's league, Say Walaahi..Just teasing you guys. So far, last three days were opening speeches and collecting opinions from the speakers and some side meetings for specific groups such as women, youth, and Isims to collect current issues of SSC and suggestions. Now the second phase of the conference is started where only selected representatives from home and Diaspora will meet and discuss the issues thoroughly. To sum it up, the theme of the conference boils down to three questions: 1. Do SSC have issues? 2. What are they? 3. What are the solutions to come over? Hope that helps.. Lol you know me my somali aint too great it's average. Great thanks for summing it up your the best. I bet there are more people who are in the same situation as me and need a summary in english. So i'm not the only one benefiting from your english summary. Now i'm up to date and understand the missing pieces
  14. Where is the Somali guy I read Swedish guy :confused: Nin Yaaban - Looooool and the girl seems to be all happy about the whole situation and that her cousin got a ticket.
  15. Che -Guevara;772041 wrote: Sounds like an orgy of sorts Loooooooool. Alpha Blondy - How does it even feel to be spiritual stoned?
  16. Sighnomore;771841 wrote: lol it's that the sharia of the land? I guess I'll keep the personal avatar I wanted as my profile pic. Lol yeah rules are rules we didn't made them
  17. Welcome to SOL make yourself feel at home As for the avatars they are predestined by SOL so you can't upload your own images. You can instead only choose a avatar of your choice through their collection.
  18. Valenteenah.;771802 wrote: No dear, it's not me, Abtigiis just used me as a Soler from those regions (guessing it was a toss up between Malika, Aaliyah and moi). Did you find the video then? Would love to hear her speech. Okay well anyways welcome back MMA just posted the video. MMA - Thanks for the link to the video. If this is from today then it is her. MMA & Val - You can see the photo of that woman on A_Khadar's Khatumo 2 update thread.
  19. A_Khadar;771464 wrote: Blue - Thanks for your warm greetings.. I was around but offline for couple of weeks when I was out of town.. Thanks again the wishes KH2 to succeed. What are the main topics being discussed I need a lil update in English as I haven't understood everything what's been said in Somali.
  20. Valenteenah.;771780 wrote: Val baa iska ba'day. Damn you, Abtigiis. I haven't seen the video you are referring to. Is the lady in question by any chance the same lady at the forefront of some of the Taleex photos? Trendy-attired, tall, curvy and light-skinned? If so, she is indeed a beauty, Masha'Allah. She got my attention by appealing for more involvement for haweenka. It's not you Val? Abtigiis really punked us then. Whoever that woman was she did give a impressive speech she is a tigress and we need more women like her.
  21. Where can I watch this speech other then on Somali Channel TV which I don't got?
  22. I already knew this but it's good to be reminded again once in a while. That's why I don't drink cola or other fizzy drinks often your literally killing yourself from the inside. People who drink cola too often develop osteoporosis and weak brittle bones which becomes a problem because your bones can easily break at the slightest fall or hard thing you bump into and it takes a very long time to heal again.
  23. Daamn that's the dumbest thing ever other people are homeless and poor and she is playing with money and houses as if it's nothing. Nin Yaaban I agree with you she probably doesn't know the value of money since she didn't work for it.
  24. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;771359 wrote: Are you serious with this su'aal? Dadka casrigaan ku nool can perhaps understand this su'aal, but ask that to a nomad in some miyi. Haddii lagu dhihinba ma 'guumeys' baa la barbardhigeysaa mid yaroo dheylo ah. Lool I know what it could be but I asked it because I wanna hear it from a mens point of view. The way I think about it is different from how you think about it.
  25. ^^ The Canadians must be too generous people to do that. If it's on the map must be true they would not tell a lie. It's okay if you don't want to. Rudy I uploaded your pic for you: