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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Jacaylbaro;773374 wrote: Bluelicious, I prefer staying around and making sure I sleep till mid-day everyday ... NG, Norf maxaad ka dooni adigoo halkan hawshaan ogaa ka helaya ,,,, Waar isaga laftiisa soo kexee Good idea to catch up with the sleep loss from during the working days. Enjoy your deserved holiday just don't do anything I wouldn't do
  2. The Zack;773369 wrote: Blue, thanks a bunch for the warm welcome! You know you are the only one here I have missed. Feel special. Lol@liking deer. Aaww that's so sweet of you to think of me, I mssed you too on the forums. Yes I happen to like the deers because of the whole bambi thing aren't they just cute. So where were you rushing to that late at night and the suspicious texting that could mean only one thing your cheating lol *Puts her interrogating glasses on*
  3. Jacaylbaro;773360 wrote: Galab wanaagsan dhamaantiin ,,,,, weekend starts now. Few more working days before i officially start my long awaited month-long holiday. Where are you going to? Are you gonna seek out the sun and the beaches?
  4. Abtigiis;773277 wrote: The short and the long of the story is if Somalia is divisible, so is Somaliland. We owe a lot to the hearty support of the SSC people to our struggle whereever they are. They may not be helping materially or may not have the means to do so, but they love the struggle of the Somaligalbeed people from their heart and wish them victory. It is time we show soildarity with them.
  5. chubacka;772703 wrote: Answer to question posted on search engine Where can i get free stuff? I get most of my free stuff from young children at the park who are to small to stop me from taking their stuff. This works for candy, toys and the occasional puppy. For bigger things you need to go to the other end of the spectrum. The Elderly. hehe. Looooool.
  6. Zacky the Zack did you finally woke up and decided to come out of your lurkdom... just joking good to see you back Agah your a naughty boy for killing that deer you gonna have some problems with me since I like deers
  7. I like the first video it has potential to become a success. Intel is good but not the best. Lol at saying ultra book being the new ghetto blaster.
  8. Loool at internet addicts. So what's only left now is opening a internet rehab place lmao
  9. Oday that was a beatiful piece of written work so when can I expect part 2?
  10. There is a link between insomnia and vitamin deficiency. For some people taking supplements is a natural and simple solution for sleep problems. Natural solutions for insomnia and vitamin deficiency can help ease your mind and promote rest in your body. It's also a cost-effective way to treat sleeplessness without the side effects or dangers of prescription sleep aid medication. Vitamin A, C, E Supplementing with vitamins can help you to overcome some of the effects of sleep deprivation. Vitamins A, C, and E (remember “ACE”) can help you keep stress levels in check by regulating your body’s use of hormones. Magnesium Magnesium aids in calming the nerves and relaxing the muscles, which in turn can help individuals to fall asleep. Similarly, a deficiency of the mineral is sometimes responsible for the nervousness that prevents sleep. Magnesium deficiency hampers the ability of the body's motor nerves, which carry electrical impulses from the brain to the muscles to send the correct messages. Magnesium acts as a depressant calming the nerves and inducing sleep. And because Magnesium can make you sleepy it's a good idea to take it before bedtime possibly with with some calcium too which also makes you sleepy. It's a natural defense against sleep problems, and the suppement may alleviate anxiety that can prevent sleep, lead to restlessness, or cause waking frequently in the night. Some foods that contain magnesium are nuts seeds and dark leavy greens. Vitamin B complex Lack of Vitamin B2 and B3 (niacin), B6, B7, and B9 is linked to a number of health problems, including insomnia. Taking a Vitamin B complex at the beginning of the day can help treat insomnia naturally. Melatonin Melatonin is a hormone in the body that helps promote rest. A deficiency can cause sleep problems and the use of melatonin as a natural cure is popular. Melatonin can be especially helpful for jet lag or for people who cannot sleep due to shift work. Older adults are more likely to be deficient in melatonin, but lack of it can occur at any age. Vitamin D Vitamin D is a powerhouse for helping the body stay healthy and encouraging sleep. Vitamin D helps the body absorb minerals, promotes cell growth, and regulates the immune system. It can be found in oily fish such as salmon and mackerel, as well as in fruits and fortified milk. It's hard to get enough of this vitamin from foods alone or from sitting in the sunlight, so experts recommend taking a supplement.
  11. Stress One of the main causes of sleep deprivation is stress. The link between stress and sleep is deep and can sometimes be a self-perpetuating cycle: If you are stressed, you can't sleep, and lack of sleep makes you more stressed. The body and brain are not built to endure hours upon hours of stress day in and day out. Yet that is often what we ask our bodies to do. But unfortunately, today we live at a much faster pace than any generation before us. The body and brain need time to recuperate and regenerate. Allowing too much stress during the day can make the body forget how to relax, even at night when you're exhausted from the day's events. It is similar to a baby being "overtired," and is not good for healthy sleep. Be sure to avoid daily stressors and take time to eat properly and take brain breaks throughout your day. Diet Diet is one often overlooked sleep deprivation cause. Eating a balanced diet is essential to overall health and sleep. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains, while avoiding fried foods and sugars, is optimum. Your body is still working while asleep and needs the proper nutrients to accomplish all of the delicate organizational tasks in your brain. Not eating properly can also affect your sleep patterns by creating problems such as obesity, which raises the odds of developing sleep apnea, or heartburn and related digestive problems that can prevent a sound night's sleep. Caffeine – found in coffee, tea, chocolate, cola and energy drinks – can also contribute to poor sleep. The best rule of thumb is not to overdo it during the day and to avoid caffeine in the evening hours. It takes less than an hour for caffeine to begin affecting the body and a mild dose wears off in three to four hours.1 Caffeine revs your body up while taxing your adrenal system, creating artificial energy. Too much of a good thing can lead to sleep issues. In order to ease caffeine-related causes of sleep deprivation, doctors recommend drinking no more than 200 mg (about two cups of coffee) per day. They also suggest limiting your caffeine intake to morning hours. Alcohol/Drugs Alcohol and drug use, drug abuse and drug withdrawals have all been linked as being causes of sleep deprivation and disorders. However, since chemicals work differently in each human body, their effects can differ from person to person, making it difficult to determine exactly how much a certain drug can impact a person's sleep. It may seem that alcohol might help induce sleep since it is a depressant. While this may be marginally true here and there, overuse of alcohol can impair sleep. Alcohol can cause a person to sleep less deeply and have more restless sleep. And the use of alcohol as a relaxant will likely only work a few times; the body becomes quickly desensitized, requiring more and more alcohol to accomplish the same sleep-inducing effect. This is why alcohol should never be relied on as a sleep aid. Additionally, substance abuse of any kind, including alcohol, can alter body chemistry drastically. When the body is not operating normally, sleep will be impacted. Drugs and alcohol induce highs and lows that inhibit the body's natural ability to regulate itself, whether awake or asleep. Smoking Smoking has been found not only to disrupt sleep but also to reduce total sleep time. In studies, smokers have described more daytime drowsiness than nonsmokers. If you're a smoker experiencing sleep issues, you might consider quitting smoking all together, though experts warn that sleep disruptions stemming from nicotine may not be resolved overnight. Talk to your physician to see if he or she can prescribe a medicine to help you overcome symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. Travel Another sleep deprivation cause is travel. Many people travel quite often for work or leisure. Jetting off to a distant locale can be great for work or play, but it can be hard on your body. Traveling on a plane can alter a person's sleep habits just by introducing unusual circumstances to a daily routine. A nap might be taken on a long flight, or a poor night's sleep might be endured on a red-eye flight. People also have internal clocks that run on 24-hour intervals known as circadian rhythms. When a person travels to another time zone, this biological mechanism takes a little while to catch up, throwing off sleep patterns. You can minimize the effects of jetlag and travel by doing some of the following: Bring earplugs, an eye mask and a special head pillow for the plane. Set your watch to your destination time when you board the plane. Try to get as much sunlight as you can when you arrive to help reset your body‘s clock. Overwork Overwork and shift work can take a toll on the body‘s 24-hour internal body clock or circadian rhythm. Some people can cope with shift work, while the ongoing manipulation of the body clock can be too hard on others. People suffering from symptoms of work-related insomnia may find themselves falling asleep at work, while watching television or while driving. Rates of car accidents are higher than normal among night-shift workers, a group who are at a high risk for symptoms of insomnia. Environment A healthy, nourishing sleep starts with the right sleep environment. Use a pillow and a mattress that are comfortable for your body type. Be sure your bed is big enough to stretch out comfortably, especially if you have a sleep partner. Consider making your bed off-limits to your children and your pets; their sleep patterns may be different from your own and may affect your sleep. If watching the clock makes you anxious about sleep, turn the clock so you can't see it, or put it in a drawer. Reduce the noise in the house, or mask it with a steady low noise, such as a fan on slow speed or a radio tuned to static. Use comfortable earplugs if you need them. Maintain a comfortable temperature in the bedroom. Extreme temperatures may disrupt sleep or prevent you from falling asleep. It‘s best to try to keep the room cool and dark. If you can't darken the room, use a sleep mask. If possible, wake up with the sun, or use very bright lights in the morning. Sunlight helps the body‘s internal biological clock reset itself each day.
  12. Somalia;773124 wrote: Someone leaked all of their "sketches" (of themselves of course) and put it up on YouTube. Some of them are normal pics as well. The videos were removed, this is the bad version. The good videos were removed but according to sources, they will be reposted soon. Cheers for the link, wow that's some big qarxis :eek: But on the other side it's partially their fault for uploading their pictures on to that site big mistake. The place and mods/admins are hated by many folks so this doesn't come as a big suprise to me. Maybe if the fourm leaders changed their attitude and set the right example the forumers would change as well it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. Keep me updated when it gets reposted.
  13. Abtigiis;772924 wrote: Years after I narrated this story to you, I wonder if Ardo's husband was as cruel as I initially painted him to be. Indeed, passing through the mid-life crisis is a tough thing, they should call it the Second Adolescence , or to be more precise the Second Coming orgasmically. It is this mid-life crisis that makes men like Caano-geel feel he is married to any and every women whose sight he relishes in SOL. As far as I know, Caano-geel has a wife and he should be content with her, instead of claiming VAL. His wife is "Google Earth". Looooooooooooool.
  14. Lol at the conversation of the guys above. Are you guys now regretting to have deep voices. Jacaylbaro - :D Abtigiis - Lol a sexy voice on top of you being calm and collected that's deadly as in women killer. Don't forget to add jiqjiq (normal - high pitched) voiced men also treat women better. They seem to be more in touch with their feminine side because they got less testosterone hormone levels. Know you know this information what are you gonna do next time? Somalia - So you have a deep voice huh sexy. But you got the short end of the stick lol. NGONGE - Quality control is the same for both men. The case study was about sperm count not it's quality. Malika - Men they want everything to go their way or it's the highway. Off to find myself a man with a normal to high pitch voice no more deep voiced men. The deeper his is voice is the crappier his sperms are that's something to take in account if women wanna have kids No wonder Justin Bieber, Akon, Chris Brown and Usher got so many millions of female fans dying for them they all got high pitched voices it makes sense now.
  15. Somalia;772991 wrote: ^^ Lol you really miss the dude. Anyway, I love the song as well after the disaster at SomaliNet. I hear they are still trying to seal the leak Yeah I miss the guy What disaster has happend over there? Post me the link whatever it is.
  16. Soon UK will follow and also ban the khat it's only a matter of time. Carafaat - Looooool.
  17. (Medical Xpress) -- Women look for tall, dark and handsome. Those chiseled features and that deep sexy voice have gained the attention of women for generations. However, a new study published in PLoS ONE shows that those men with high-pitched voices may be better when it comes to mating. 9 January 2012, The study, led by evolutionary biologist Leigh Simmons from the University of Western Australia looked at 54 heterosexual men between the ages of 18 and 32 and 30 heterosexual women from a local college campus. The researchers recorded the voices of the men and then had the female participants rate the voices in terms of masculinity and attractiveness. As expected, the majority of the women voted the deep voices more attractive. Next, the researchers had each male participant provide a semen sample to the lab. Each sample was entered into a sperm-analysis system which rated the sperm on its ability to swim toward a female’s egg. They also examined sperm count. The results of the analysis showed that the men with deeper voices produced ejaculate with fewer sperm cells than the men with higher pitched voices. The research suggests that the link between deep voices and a decline in sperm may be an evolutionary trade-off. Traits such as the deep voice which tend to be associated with success and dominance are traded for a low sperm count. While testosterone does play a role in the creation of sperm, too much can impair sperm production. While those men with the deeper voices did show lower sperm counts than the other men participating, all sperm counts measured in the study were within healthy parameters.
  18. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Lool never seen a white (latino) guy doing a booty shake @ 3:00 *Doing the Pitbull dance*
  19. This is a better approach no yelling involved. Just drag him and if he stribbels one knock is enough. If women ruled the world loool
  20. walaalkis;772773 wrote: Good point . We out of luck with tribalism. We feed on it on clan wars is sort of Somalia Hollywood entertainment . As far of staying out from somalia , you better make sure you have a good retirement in plan or else retirement home. Loooooool @ clan wars being Somalia's Hollywood Entertainment but sadly your right it is. Wish there was no such thing called tribalism who knows where we would be right know. I'm gonna work on my retirement plan and on where to stay after my retirement, i've still got a long time to think about and work for it. I've never really thought about this maybe because i'm feeling too comfortable where i'm now but you made me think so great thread to raise that topic.
  21. Lol @ my butt bumps into everything and the mother of all pears.
  22. Carafaat;772469 wrote: He already said how it feels like, check the title of the thread. Lol I was having a blonde moment
  23. Jacaylbaro;771343 wrote: Oh my God I so regret clicking on that link of yours Loooooool come on there are underage kids around.
  24. They some boys having fun, lol at that's my shit, great short movie