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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Somaliland should accept the forced returnees they have no right to decline their own people of their country.
  2. Carafaat;773881 wrote: I am now in Amsterdam. But I dont think u here. Loool guess what i'm also from Amsterdam! Amsterdammer for life woohoo
  3. Carafaat;773861 wrote: Holland is a small country. wouldnt suprise me, if we bumped in to eachother before. Are you sure about that because I think your probably far from damsko. Damsko is where all the action happens and there are not alot of Somalis there anymore so I doubt that.
  4. OdaySomali;773832 wrote: I also used to think that when I lived there... Right I know what you mean until you visit some other country that's when you realise the so big country is actually small compared to other countries
  5. What are you guys talking about of course he can leave his clan he can distance himself from it and never associate with his clan again.
  6. The Zack;773839 wrote: ^lol thanks but why just women? Kidding kidding! What! *smh* Where is my reward?
  7. Jacaylbaro;773817 wrote: Thank u for the reminder ,,, I guess I should do that just right now Are you gonna break a mirror? Didn't know you were a second Chris Brown :eek: Still waters run deep!
  8. Don't walk under a ladder or break a mirror or you will have 7 years of bad luck. Can you live with that? Lool.
  9. Carafaat;773805 wrote: So am I. what if we know eachother? or are actually neighbours Holland is big so it depends in which city you live. Uit welke stad kom je?
  10. Carafaat;773803 wrote: what is against the rules? Come on are you telling me your not aware of the forum rules. According to the forum rules you can't use clan names and OG is a clan name.
  11. The Zack;773635 wrote: Blue, LOL@cheating, who said I was married in the first place lol. Masjidkaan u socday walaal. . Mashallah that you were hasting for your prayer still doesn't justify the dead of that poor deer. Lol darling I know your single it was a joke let me make it up to you since you think I closed your market because some people might actually think your married here it goes: Attention: Zack isn't married! So all women feel free to attack him! He is still single and ready to mingle. This one right here is a good catch don't let him go How about that? I expect a reward in return
  12. ^^ Yes of course i'm still in Holland take a look under my avatar.
  13. Carafaat;773795 wrote: you removed the OG from your avatar. did you get married? No I didn't get married, I would never get married that fast I have fear of commitment. I realised it was against the rules as I went through the forum rules.
  14. Born in Banadir Hospital in Xamar and left the country after a month. Bred and raised in Holland.
  15. Am I glad that i'm a woman and that women don't have clans oh yeah
  16. Aaliyyah - I Got one thing to say JB is a naughty boy. Incase you curious and wanna know it's about the different ways men have orgasms. Jacaylbaro - Aaliyyah is right you have a thing for explicit things but I have to admit it was hilarious. Your nasty.
  17. Narniah;773599 wrote: He's cute:) but he's not like outrageously HOT. At least I don't think Wiz Khalifah is a hottie lol Imagine that! I know girls who lose their breath over him when his name is mentioned. No he's not hot I was generally talking about Trey Songz. Looooooool and your right Wiz Khalifa isn't a hottie but he definitely is charming, got charisma and a cute laugh in those areas he wins from Trey Songz. Maybe i'm hard to please but I got a different view about men and their looks I like the manly man types you know what I mean
  18. Loooooooooooool your the one who posted that video into this place so how can you ask me who he is :eek: The guy who originally posted on Facebook is called Dalmar Ali so I then asked you whether you was him.
  19. That was a brilliant idea but fail. How much does he even weigh to think he can send himself by package. Are you by any chance Dalmar Ali?
  20. Aaliyyah;773569 wrote: Lol alright blue my sincere apology if ur somali is average khaati iyo alle baan ka jooga somali leh somali ma aqaano and some of them are in their became some sort of trend! again im sorry..loool...its just one of those issues that piss me off i dnt know why..why should I care right who speaks somali or who doesnt..or who pretends not to speak it..or who sincerely like u has some grasp of the language but not there yet lol.. salaam Lool I accept your apology it was a mistake of yours it can happen. I understand what you mean and where your coming from because there are people who think claiming not to know somali or being poor in somali is a good thing and that it makes you more western and younger. As for those people it's best you dont keep yourself busy with such things and let it go truth always comes out. Putting the weight of the world and such things on to your shoulders is stressful and not worth of your time. Showqi - Why would Zack get mad he's a relaxed guy such things don't make him mad maybe I could also be wrong and maybe he also has a dark side lol.
  21. ^^ Looooool at you tossing him back to Narniah. Narniah;773529 wrote: Lol Blue doesn't that guy look a lil like Trey Songz. Check video @ 2:40. Hmm... now that you have mentioned that he indeed does look a lil bit like Trey Songz and he knows how to dhaanto which is a plus. Speaking of Trey Songz it's as if i'm the only girl who finds him a turn off I don't think he's hot at all. I don't understand what girls see in him
  22. Aaliyyah;773437 wrote: Bluelicious I THOUGHT u couldnt read somali half of what that dude wrote was in somali .. what do ppl get out of pretending they cant speak their native tongue anyways, dacayada ka joojiya Zack. Things happen... salaam Loool what's with this false allegations about me babes you twisting my words you misinterpret and misunderstood what I initially said in my original post I've never said or even implied I can't read somali. What I said was that my somali was average which means I don't understand everything that's been written but I can read and understand most things aslong as no difficult words has been used This is the orginal post that you are referring to: Bluelicious;772279 wrote: Lol you know me my somali aint too great it's average. Great thanks for summing it up your the best. I bet there are more people who are in the same situation as me and need a summary in english. So i'm not the only one benefiting from your english summary. Now i'm up to date and understand the missing pieces I'm only teasing Zack and he knows that so don't take it serious Aaliyyah darling
  23. Showqi;773389 wrote: When Zack pulled over to the side of the road and immediately got out of the car, to see what happened to the poor deer he just collided head on his first reaction was not AGGAH. But instead he was panicking, screaming and crying with the words like: Allah ba'ayeey, hoogayeey. Naa go'do maxaa wadadda dhexdeed ku fadhiisiyey, maad duurkaas waasaca ah iska daaqdid maxaa laamiga ku keenay:mad: mise Jaad baad raadineysay. Dee Marduuf baan sitayeeye aan qayb kaa siiyo. Nasiibdaro wax kasta oo uu Zack isku dayey Deeradii way u jawaabi weyday. Markii uu ogaaday in ay Deeradii dhimatay ayuu isaga oo murageeysan oo caga jiid ah gadhigisii dib isaga fuulay. Isaga oo aan wali eegin khasaaraha gaadhigisii soo gaadhayna uu halkaas Xaaji Zack safarkisii isaga sii watay. Loooooooooooooooool. Did you ever consider becoming a stand up comedian because your funny you have a way with words. Your replies always crack me up
  24. Jacaylbaro;773380 wrote: ..... Waaba sidaas dee. Weliba this time, i shall take a leave and go to Sheikh for a little refresher trip. ... and what is that u wouldn't do ?? ,,, Loool no comment!