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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. I can understand English and Somali but we don't need to learn Italian!
  2. The Zack;774184 wrote: Ehem ehem adiguba soo single ma tihid? The Zack;774193 wrote: ^ :D Adigu qarxiska nooh..qoftaan aan ku qaban rabaaye u sheeg inaan single ahay. Looooool yes babes i'm single but that's not a way to hit on girls. So you were deliberately closing your own market knowing what you were doing umm I feel flattered. Are you divorced?! If no and your lying as Aaliyyah said then I have to change that advertisement about you. Wait till i'm at the corner I will pull those ears until they become red like a tomato and sell you a slap that's what you get when you trying to hit on me with the 'im not married card' Aaliyyah - Lool @ bacdi madobed balo turay. Thanks for giving me the heads up girl Showqi - Lol true Zack keeps holding on to that it was the deers fault that she was in the way and that she messed up his bumper lol :eek: His exit went something like this loool: " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  3. ^^ Loooooooool. Don't blame you it's true! Worse you can't get it back lol
  4. Showqi;774231 wrote: Why was your posts censored? Aaliyyah and Blue labadiinuna ma Qabyaaladii ayaad barateen.........Acuudu-bilaah:D Oh my goodness I just realised that this has to be the first thread that has many posts deleted, edited and censored :eek: Loooool babes come on you know me i'm against practising qabyalad and qabil. I used a nickname to desrcibe certain people that live in a certain area nothing negative but turns out it wasn't allowed. I will tell you why many things got deleted, edited and censored because last night there was a fight in this thread and it got personal some guys ( FreshPrince & MoonLight1) from the politics section were fighting with Aaliyyah and I got caught up in the middle witnessing the whole thing Aaliyyah is my friend and I tried to help her didn't work but I had to hold myself back because i'm already known for fighting with members so I didn't wanted another fight added on to my record and to become my exit i'm a changed woman now so I remained cool. As things went further Xaaji Xunjuf stepped in and tried to return peace that didn't help either eventually the big lion aka MMA came in and took control over things and the buffalos aka FreshPrince & MoonLight1 run off lol. It's funny how things started so innocent about the lion and buffalo story and changed into reality lol. Aaliyyah - Oh ok got it. They all need to take a chill pill they are not gonna gain anything from making war with each other. Everybody take a deep breath in and out chill relax and say alhamdulilah to your good lives don't take it for ganted many would want to trade with you so leave these clan wars behind it's not cool! " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  5. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;774167 wrote: Xigasho Instead of Xamar, now Hargeysa ayee u dirooyaan because they have realized it is easier to deport northern part of Soomaaliya. And whoever caadaqaata ah that signed the 'Memorandum of Understanding' is sick. Jeebkiisa -- and it is always a male -- u darnaa. Yaa ogaado a few euros la siiye uga fiican than Soomaalida rafaadsan la celinaayo. Good for letting OdaySomali know that they can't refuse and that they have no other choice but to accept them. He is worrying too much but that's understandable. OdaySomali - Dear chill for a second
  6. Aaliyyah;774161 wrote: yeah blue it was funny in the event that the lions run away thus making them cowardly. Have you ever heard the term toothless lions.. Lool no never what does that proverb mean?
  7. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;774155 wrote: No problem, sister. However nicknames ayaa ka daran qabiil names magacyadooda. Qaarkood waaba aflagaado qabiilada kale lagu caaynaayo. I know it is harmless, but dad sick ah meeshaan ku jiro and if allowed in no time dadka ku caaynaayo. It is the same reason ereyga 'mooryään' is censored and is automatically asterisked. Why? Because in the beginning dad ayaa ereygaan u isticmaali jiray inay qabiil kale ku caayaan in their sick minds. I understand the whole point about it and your right about that there are always people who try to misuse words in a negative way. I'm all for it from now on for the whole no clan names and nicknames. Atleast it forces people to look past clan and communicate about other things which further promote peace and civilisation between people so yeah keep up the good work
  8. Aaliyyah;774143 wrote: Yea my mom told me just now, hada ka hor mamaqlin and yea I guess anything referring to qabiil isn't allowed here (he edited both our posts - I saw wat u wrote haha u didn't have to write in english dnt provoke the admins lol) I have edited it before I dig my own hole and get thrown out looool The whole lion and buffalo thing was funny eventhough it got out of hand.
  9. Aaliyyah;774136 wrote: blue, who are the *****? lol never mind my mom just told me.. Loool It got edited but you know who I mean right? Didn't know that wasn't allowed to write but never mind MMA - Sorry about that I thought the rules were only directed to clan names and not nicknames.
  10. OdaySomali what can we do about their laws? Their isn't much we can do about their laws. And according to the following quote Holland can't deny them either they have to accept them. So it's a tough situation. The Dutch authorities have a binding obligation under international law stating that anyone seeking protection cannot be forcibly returned and/or deported against their will.
  11. Aaliyyah;774120 wrote: ^yea its the same event, but different video..i guess they were video taping different parts..and i cant post being offline lol..when I posted I logged off. Yea reer SSC do dhaanto as well...I guess all somalis do dhaanto nowadays. salaam It's possible to roam in the forums and post while being in offline mode but I don't know if members have access to it. Oh really I always thought only ******* do dhaanto guess it has been adapted throughout whole Somalia now.
  12. OdaySomali;774118 wrote: This is completely the right thing to do. I dont know from what angle you are looking at this but would you like it if the government of Nederland returned you forcibly now ? It's about Somalis who are staying there illegally not about Somalis who are there legally. We will see how this ends instead of making false assumptions.
  13. Aaliyyah;774109 wrote: check the cultural is so cool salaam Do you guys also do dhaanto? :confused: That's the video I posted but this one has the dhaanto dance and mine didn't. This is off topic but I noticed you can write posts while your offline so weird how do you do that? I know the mods have the power to roam in the forums invisible but your not a mod so what do you do?
  14. OdaySomali;774024 wrote: You've got completely the wrong end of the stick. They should refuse forced returnees . If they want to return volutarily they can always by a plane ticket. Deny Wilders this potential victory. You are right I totally forgot about that racist Geert Wilders. They should ship that man to a deserted island. Anything that he supports we are against it. But on the other hand Somaliland is being selfish they should also be open to welcome their people back and not deny them entrance.
  15. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;774090 wrote: Waxaan arkaa gabdho aad u qurux badan labis qaaya badana wato. Kuwaas hoosguntida iyo surwaalada isku gishtay, however, ... They are colourful isnt it and the way they integrated those guuntino with their normal clothes is creative I like it too. I own a guuntino in those colours too but I never wear it. Aaliyyah - Note taken
  16. Aaliyyah;774072 wrote: bluelicious loooooooooool no girl I stand by my story...cuz at the very end they save their small buffalo (ie free laascaanod)..and thats where this song comes in "libdhi mayside laascaanod labo ma aha dalkeenu" how can the buffalos be the enemy?? they were wronged? the lions took one of their small buffalos? you are not adding up dee see weeye? When I first watched the video I skipped the beginning so I didn't see the part where the small bufallo got captured by the group of lions. Guys why are you guys ganging up on Aaliyyah does politics mean so much to you that you need to throw a fit and insult a person who doesn't share the same views as you grow up man. This is not what's called politics this is taking things to a personal level :rolleyes: :mad: Xaaji Xunjuf - Good job man!
  17. Aaliyyah;774065 wrote: loool they were the ones who started this whole thing by taking a small buffalo, how can u even think of them as brave looool..tuug bay ahayeen see weeeye..sacificed beel Loool dear Aaliyyah your story has to be the other way round the way I explained it. Buffalos are big and intimidating and represent enemy, lions on the other hand are smaller but respesent courage and braveness and strong character. FreshPrince - Don't insult a woman just because she doesn't share the same views as you! That's looked down upon respect her views!
  18. Aaliyyah;774062 wrote: loooooooooooool I love your creative way of thinking, but that wasnt what I had in mind!!. Dont you see the lions are the ones who actually took one small buffalo and then in the water the crocodile is fighting with them and he wants the small buffalo as well..hence the lions and the crocodiles are sl and pl lool...and later on the buffalos come back in huge numbers and united..and they save their small buffalo (ie laascaanod) now I had to explain it to you and here I thought it was easy to get it..OH well.. salaam Eventhough the lions got overpowered by the bigger buffalos they were brave and one of them died as a hero. He sacrificed himself for the others.
  19. Aaliyyah;774056 wrote: Blue lol that was the msg and you nailed that part...but you didn't quite get who the animals till the end bal and try again! Fresh war heedhe nacnacdaada meel kale la aad.. salaam Of course I know who the animals represent the buffalos they are in the majority and represent Puntland & Somaliland and the lions who are in minority represent the SSC folks. Puntland & Somaliland are fighting against SSC and SSC is fighting back bravely eventhough they are in the minority and it doesn't scare them intimidate them or make them back off and step down.
  20. Juxa;774043 wrote: Maaddeey hadalkeyga intuu kaa maray. Imaqlaay I arkaayda necbahay ee xaradheere manecbi and did not mean to insult it. That is where my awoowe's goof is Blue reer guuraa baan islanahay Lol we indeed are reer guuraa but there are other undercover dutchies on this site you know that. I have seen a few of them. Do you know Showqi is one of us.
  21. Aaliyyah;774037 wrote: love that song too..thanks bluelicious..I appreciate ur positive comment. but pay attention to my video lol...u missed the fun part. Lol no I meant I love the Libdhi Maysid Laascanood song. I have watched your video it's amazing and brave how the lions all work together to fight the crocodile to get their prey back that he stole from them and I understand what you trying to protrait with the video. In other words your trying to say if all the SSC people stick to each other and help each other to be one and fight back they can win and get their land back. Great message Aaliyyah well done!
  22. Juxa;774030 wrote: Aah blue wat denk je nou? I am getting easily annoyed lately dulqaadki dhan baa guurey@ lily Oh my God you too i'm suprised I would have never in a million years guessed you could speak the language.There are many Dutch Somalis on here we are taking over welcome to the club hun lol
  23. I actually love this song. I wish SSC succeed in the Khatuumo 2 conference and become their own state. Good luck to you guys you guys deserve it. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  24. Juxa;774010 wrote: Meesha kaaskop badanaaa. Born & bred in xaradheere can you not spot the dhoorenimo seeping through my veins Loooool darling who learned you the term kaaskop? :eek:
  25. The Zack;773879 wrote: Blue I will send it in the mail That means my work of advertising you was for nothing. Do you realise your closing your own market by saying that. I'm sorry to say this Zack but keep the mail I don't want angry women going after me lol :eek: