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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Bunch of cowards! Ps: Check out the music thread.
  2. Carafaat - I appreciate you doing this for me it's all cute and nice of you. The reason I didn't ask you anything is and you already know this because I only like one guy from this whole place who I have a crush on and that's Knight of Wisdom no one else and as you know he is no longer with us. Sorry Xaaji Xunjuf - Looooooool true that. You wan't him to stay within his clan do you? Don't worry about that he is all yours
  3. You already know i'm single so that's out of the question.
  4. Lool well you can explain yourself now
  5. Carafaat;775186 wrote: I thought Chimera was a women. He has quite an imaginitive mind for a man. No no no the second sentence isn't about Chimera but Showqi. MMA - We gonna kidnap Showqi back to our town from all the way in Canada.
  6. Looooooooooool. This is a joke right? Nevertheless aaww it's cute and no I never expected that from you Uuum I wonder what that deleted post was.
  7. Carafaat;775172 wrote: I know Shoqwi as well. Add Chimera to that list. I would believe that, he is friendly in here too and a funny man.
  8. Narniah;775160 wrote: Thanks abaayo. I added heyl and cinnamon in the tea that's how we all like it and I go a lil easy on the sugar(:..I know what you mean with the spices, and the prolonged tea bag in the kettle, not my thing. I like it light. Exactly you know what i'm talking about! A little goes a long way
  9. Hmm looks delicious hun I bet it tastes delicous too. Somali tea isn't made for me too much sugar and spices.
  10. The Zack;775126 wrote: ^True daaat. He fired more than three hundred high-ranked military officials including 13 generals few weeks ago. Yesterday, he changed all his "secret service" team. The man is not trusting anybody any more. Looooooool that was expected he is starting to get paranoia he also knows that he can't keep up with this any longer so he is taking measures what a fool. I heared he got deteriorating health problems that worsen day by day.
  11. The Zack;775114 wrote: Blue, inaan kaa xariiftimo rabay as a reward for you (soo day day ma tihid )but Aaliyah messed it up. Xaas buu leeyahay bey lasoo taagan tahay. She is not aware that I am looking for #2 as I have declared in another big thread. What?! Omg you gotta be kidding me right?! That must be my thread. Are you thinking what i'm thinking because there was only one person who was obssessed about getting a number 2..umm naah you can't be :eek: Ps: Define xariiftimo.
  12. The Zack;775117 wrote: Yea look at the old Swedish ladies out in that cold downtown protesting against Meles, the world is indeed fed up with the fool. I smell his downfall is near and he is soon gonna join the fallen dictators of 2011. He doesn't only wrong the somalis but also his own people not a smart move.
  13. The world is starting to get fed up of this ill mannered dictator! Day after day his true colours are starting to show! Beautiful video and pictures with a great message eventhough I don't understand swedish I feel the love. The Ogadenian flag will always fly high above the sky word!
  14. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;774582 wrote: Stick with it laakiin shuunkeeda iyo bahalaha ka raaraco qari ceeb waayee. I can't help it that she is a angry cavewoman have you seen the face not risking to get hit with that baseball bat. Reminds me of Jacaylbaro's joke about the man that got 2 black eyes for wanting to help the woman to get the crease of her dress out of her butt.
  15. Somalia;773175 wrote: They definitely had it coming and I sure will. Guess what the video you mentioned to me that used the international love song got reposted. I accidently found it when I was watching the other videos. All I got to say is damn alot of people and many clear photos.
  16. This thread is just hilarious! Lmaooo! I still stick by my picture.
  17. MoonLight1;774484 wrote: I can't name names but the 4 are the main geeljire and well armed tribes, and the half are the minority non armed tribes. Thanks dear I got it now. I was baffled at first what this 4.5 could be that kept coming back in the Somali news. Somalia;774486 wrote: One is very angry. One is very horny for power. One wants to disappear into the wind. One is quiet but a trouble maker. The half-man can't talk. Loooooooooooool that must be your personal definition for each own.
  18. ^^ Looooooooooooool you joker! OdaySomali is gonna think your Dutch now quit playing with the old mans mind lol Oday I will write this maybe tomorrow right now I can't be bothered as it probably gonna be long.
  19. FreshPrince;774472 wrote: Bluelicious, thanks. But, frankly, I don't deserve to claim that I'm from SSC or Somalia. The day that my people stood together, united and determined than ever, I betrayed them by willingly going along with my reer abti and their fading away dream. I did the unthinkable and for that, I cannot claim to be from SSC or Somalia. I'm officially done. I'll leave the issues pertaining to SSC to the fellow SSC members of SOL. Aaliyah, I apologize to you personally for saying what I have said to you. It was wrong and uncalled for. Oh come on shit happens and we make mistakes all the time so what but don't feel sorry for yourself and treat yourself harsh that's uncalled for. Go back to your SSC and show that you really changed and are ready to support them from today it's never too late to start and besides they still need you. Actions speak louder then words and the game is still not over until the whistle has been blown they are almost there don't give up when your so close to the finish that wouldn't make sense.
  20. Guys what is this kind of attitude the guy is talking from his heart and asking for forgiveness give him that don't mock his apology! Eventhough you have never wronged me in any way the whole action with Aaliyyah made me like you a litlle less but after reading this I take that back. Glad your showing your ashamed, sorry of the things you did and apologising that's a good thing. If it helps you are forgiven by me and don't be so harsh on yourself things happen
  21. This video has been posted few months ago but nonetheless the xamari guy is funny a real joker he got some sense of humour. Could someone tell me what this 4.5 is that I keep hearing about :confused:
  22. Omg the resistance of the water will make him/her lose fat looooooooooooool.
  23. So how is this personal journey of yours going so far in finding yourself?
  24. Caano_Geel;774409 wrote: Why English and Italian...There could be one official language, Waana mother tongue SOMALi. Luuqad aan Soomaali ahayn cidina uma baahna. True well said. On first place somali and then on second place the world language english.