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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. A_Khadar;775962 wrote: Carafat's poke gone wrong terribly.. Blue is down to earth somali sis with very straight forward personality, sincerity and honesty are pluses (++). So Carafat, if you like her, be precise and say so.. Otherwise give an apology to the sister.. Thanks darling very indeed true words I was being misunderstood here
  2. A_Khadar;775957 wrote: @malware indeed.. Becareful folks.. JB's malware after losing! Tell them Khadar wallahi it's true antiviruses don't lie I have a good one. So anybody who clicks enter at own risk you gonna regret it later when your computer gets infected!
  3. Aaliyyah;774531 wrote: No one cares about your political views, you are entitled to believe what u want edab uun yeelo and dnt ask me to forgive cuz when all is said and done you are a character in a forum the minute I log off maba xusuusto wax layidhi laakin ilahay weydiso in uu ku cafiyo sababto ah qofku hadu ilaahay ka baqayo umada wuu ihtiraama . As a practising muslima you should know that next to asking for Allah's forgiveness it's also obligatory on you to forgive him no matter how angry you are at him. You can't expect Allah’s forgiveness for your sins unless you also forgive those who do wrong to you. You don't forgive him your not gonna get forgiven either by Allah so you see it's a losing battle there is no gain for both of you. Forgiving each other even forgiving one’s enemies is one of the most important lesson of islamic teaching. I learned about that recently and I wish someone told me that long time ago so consider yourself lucky that i'm telling you now lol. Forgiveness is a virtue of the weak and an ornament of the strong The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. - Mahatma Gandhi
  4. According to my internet security its a malware page watch out folks!
  5. Carafaat;775893 wrote: I have never met a girl calling guys, dude , or one that scares guys with baseball bats or makes a big sijui like Faarax Brown run for his life. Looool that's because your Dutch we don't use that word he is American that's why I said dude to him. Lol blame it on the tomboy side of me. Glad to see you smiling again Ps: Faarax Brawn - I rock in that baseball American sport of you guys. Carafaat you can always join
  6. Chimera;775779 wrote: ^Hey Somalische kaaskop please niet trollen in mijn topic, die persoon Ahmed is niet 100%, negeer hem. Anders bell ik Geert en dan ben je op de eerste vlucht terug naar Somalie! Looooool that Geert can't do nothing to me you should know that. Note taken about him after I read his disturbing post you might be right. By the way great thread there will be more women like those women in the near future
  7. Axmed-InaJaad;775774 wrote: powerful women scare me, im reminded of caraweelo and you know that didnt end well for men. Aawww how cute powerful women scare you atleast your being honest about it. Darling Caraweelo days are over you are safe. These women are focused on their careers not in how to kill men or how to give them hell on earth. This are the women your talking about:
  8. Axmed-InaJaad;775770 wrote: YOU'Re so smart. did you think of that all by yourself? Thanks darling unfortunately those are not my words but I think we can all benefit from them since we tend to focus on the wrong things. Often we say I need a man/woman without looking at ourselfs first and making sure we are the right person first
  9. ^^ Why are you against these successful powerful women? After all women rule the world.
  10. Thanks for your reminder great thread. I have one good advice. For the women: Don't be a woman that needs a man be a woman that a man needs. For the men: Don't be a man that needs a woman but be a man that a woman needs. Forget about looking for the right woman/man instead focus on being the right man/woman.
  11. Faarax-Brawn;775747 wrote: ^Adiga xanaaq dhawidaa? mise dabci xumo unbey kaa tahay? OK, iga raali noqo walashey, cafis? Omg you can't take a joke do you? Did the baseball bat part scare you I was playing your joke along with you relax dude
  12. Faarax-Brawn;775736 wrote: Not really-But i am trying to know how to say, "Oh No She Didnt" in dutch.(i am on your side here btw,lol). I am tryna stick it to carafat in dutch(precisly,i wanna tell him, "take that biaj")- Lool coming from a woman hater your not on my side your on Carafaat's side that's not some wise advice to give him! Who you calling the B-word? *grabs and pats the baseball bat in her hand*
  13. Faarax-Brawn - Are you trying to be funny. FAIL!! Aaliyyah - KoW is Knight of Wisdom. Loool you and your always odays without teeth
  14. With all of the press coverage about the wonderful health benefits of tea in all its myriad forms, including the many discussions regarding the specific brain health & anti-aging benefits that we've covered here at BrainReady, more and more people around the world are adding some form of tea into their daily diet. From black teas to green teas to Matcha green tea powder Ooolong to white teas and the many in between, there's been something of a worldwide tea Renaissance in recent years, with some people looking for a caffeinated alternative to coffee while others continue to expand their existing tea tastes to new cultural frontiers. For many of us, a prime motivator for adding more tea into the daily diet is health – and rightly so, given the overwhelming body of research studies illustrating the wide variety of health benefits that many teas provide. And as with coffee, many (perhaps even most, in the West) choose to augment the flavor and texture of tea by adding that magic ingredient that makes almost anything taste good: milk or cream. Sorry, but that's where the problem comes in, according to some fascinating recent research by scientists in Germany (and elsewhere). Did you know that simply adding a bit of milk or dairy to your tea can completely block the health benefits of the tea itself? Yes, it may sound hard to believe, and surely many will be disappointed at the news, but this research shows that dairy negates the very antioxidant benefits that are the reason many people choose to drink tea in the first place. This is big news for the millions of people out there who add milk to their tea each day, thinking that they're getting all of those wonderful tea antioxidant benefits in their daily ritual. What's the problem with milk and tea? The culprits in milk are a group of proteins called caseins that interact with tea, decreasing the concentration of catechins -- the flavonoids in tea that are responsible for tea's protective effects against heart disease, the effects of aging, dementia, and other areas, according to the authors of a landmark study in Germany: "There are a lot of studies that show that tea is protective against cardiac diseases," said lead researcher Dr. Verena Stangl, professor of cardiology at the Charite Hospital, Universitatsmedizin-Berlin, in Germany. "If you look at the studies, you see that in Asia there are less cardiac diseases, but in England that's not the case. So the question is, is the addition of milk a reason for this difference between Asia and England, where tea is often taken with milk?" she said. In the study, 16 healthy post-menopausal women drank either half a liter of freshly brewed black tea, black tea with 10 percent skim milk, or boiled water --on three different occasions and under similar conditions. The researchers then measured the function of the cells lining the brachial artery in the forearm, using high resolution ultrasound before and two hours after tea consumption. Stangl's team found that black tea significantly improved the ability of the arteries to relax and expand. "But when we added milk, we found the biological effect of tea was completely abolished," she said. Additional experiments on rat aortas and rat endothelial cells -- which line blood vessels -- found that tea relaxed the vessels. But adding milk blunted the effect. "If you want to drink tea for its health effects, don't drink it with milk," Stangl said. Stangl also noted that not only does milk block tea's benefits for blood vessels, it also destroys the antioxidant effects of tea and perhaps its cancer-protective effects as well. Her team is also comparing the effects of green and black tea on the function of blood vessels. "It's a question whether green tea, with its higher catechin content, is better than black tea in regard to endothelial function," she said. Other experts agree that you should hold the milk when drinking tea: "This is actually something we tell patients to do -- not to have milk in tea," said Dr. Robert Vogel, a professor of medicine at the University of Maryland Medical School. Tea is one of the greatest sources of antioxidants, Vogel said. "In countries where they drink a lot of tea, heart disease is decreased, except for the British Isles. It is typical in Great Britain to add milk." Vogel's advice is simple: "Add lemon not milk. You should not add milk or cream to tea -- it's a very good drink, but not with milk," he said. Wow. This may come at quite an unpleasant shock to not only the UK, but to the other millions worldwide who enjoy taking their tea with milk or cream, at least for those who care about the wonderful health benefits that their daily tea could provide. Of course, if you drink tea with milk only for flavor and don't care about the health benefits of tea (as some surely will choose), tea with milk is still surely a healthier beverage alternative than the likes of soft drinks or milk-fat-and-sugar-laden coffee drinks. So what about coffee, you ask? Since the news about tea and milk hit, coffee drinkers have feared that the same no-dairy news is true for coffee as well. Does this mean no more latte drinks, no more dash of cream in my daily coffee? The answer is no, and yes: in separate studies (done based on the tea/milk findings), researchers found that the casein/antioxidant blockage problem did not occur. The chemical structures of tea and coffee are of course different, despite the fact that both are powerhouses of antioxidants. Hurray! So does that give license for all tea-with-milk drinkers out there to switch to coffee-with-milk instead? Time to hit Starbucks and order a Venti octuple-frappa-carmel-smoothiatto-topia-with-whip-and-sprinkles? Hardly. Although it's a large enough subject to fill multiple articles, adding milk to your beverages also means adding carbs, simple sugars, and in many cases, unwanted elements such as growth hormones and other artifacts of the mass-production dairy machine that enables the ubiquity that is dairy. Dairy can also cause allergic, gastrointestinal, blood sugar spiking and other effects in many people, as is well-known, so despite some valid health benefits of certain forms of dairy (particularly grass-fed, organic varieties in moderation), it's far from being the "health super-food" that one should make sure to get multiple servings of each day, as the many advertisements and multi-billion dollar campaigns would have us sheepishly believe. But that's for another topic. Our take: we recommend taking your tea in what we at BrainReady believe (based on available research, evidence and common sense) to be the best way: straight, pure, and unspoiled by the likes of dairy, sugars, sweeteners, and the other common things that many people whose tastes have been corrupted by the ever-increasing sweetening/salting/refining/homogenization of mass-produced foods in recent years. Once you get off the "everything must be sweet, salty, creamy!" mass-market food machine, it's truly sublime how the complex, delicate tastes of foods and drinks in their pure form astound your senses. And this is more true for tea and coffee than almost any other. Here's to taking it straight!
  15. I used to love watching Charlie Chaplin he was hilarious didn't know that the series also were dubbed in Somali. He was a great actor and the mustache that Adolf Hitler had was inspired and copied from Charlie Chaplin because he liked him so much.
  16. I haven't been mean to him i'm not the bad woman. As my friend Carafaat knew all about it that I liked KoW but yet he still stubbornly decided to proceed his plans. I gave him an honest answer because I didn't wanted to lead him on or hurt his feelings and not lose the friendship we have but he on the other hand was trying to deliberately hurt my feelings with throwing some false accusations about me in my face from the past because he didn't get his way and decided to turn against me very ungentlemanly behaviour. He is the one that betrayed me I never betrayed him. My real cyber male friends Som@li, Nin Yaaban, Showqi, A_Khadar and rudy-diiriye would never do that infact they were the ones who sticked by my side, believed me in me and even vowed for me when I was being falsely accused. I will always be there for them too. Again i'm sorry Carafaat if you took whatever I said the wrong way and got upset or hurt that wasn't my intention you put me in a awkward situation. I find it very brave of you that you had the guts to ask me on the public forum not many would have done that
  17. Wow that's amazing what those nasty maggots can do. Diabetes is dangerous if it can do that to your foot.
  18. I'm truly happy for the darwish people but I don't like the name change liked the SSC name better! This is a good day in history In your face to all the haters and the haters who were falsely being all blissful about a cowardly attack. I'm proud of the SSC folks for standing up for their rights and not being silenced or intimidated by their neighbours! :cool: Alot of egos are bruised today lmao!
  19. Looooooool damn that was hilarious and so true. Btw I love the nari nari song. This is the full song: " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  20. A man of bad character punishes his own soul. - Imam Al Ghazali
  21. Carafaat;775261 wrote: Yes, I tend to be rough againt women sometimes. But some like rough man rather then the softi man. You misunderstood the term rough. Rough is meant in another context bedroom and not act rough aka aggressive in communication. Your just rude towards women and no women likes rude men! Omg you don't know nothing about women it shows. Enjoy the song I got dedicated to him. In your face muwahahaha loool don't talk evil about him anymore " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  22. Carafaat;775246 wrote: Blue, I am sorry for hurting your feelings. I just got a little bit mad and jalous when you mentioned that online failure of KoW. So, ask me out for a movie stricly as friends. How about the Tushinski theatre? Or standup comedy. Even been to the Comedy Cafe? Che, you seem like an experienced online dating pro. Give me some tips. You didn't hurt my feelings you offended me and Knight because you didn't like my honest answer. Obviously your one of those men who when they get a no suddenly start a war with a woman instead of respecting it and taking it like a gentleman. I can forgive you but I won't forget what you said and things will not be the same anymore. You betrayed me and showed your true colours! KoW would have never said that to me I blindly know that also because I sometimes had arguments with him. Ps: Knight is not failure he is the opposite. He knows how to treat women and respects them. Obviously he is doing something right that your not doing. He got alpha male qualities that you don't got!
  23. Somalia;775233 wrote: @Blue - You know what's what The person who did that must have been very... very angry. @Jacaylbaro, I watched it like 15 times, 5 of them was with my friends As a sign of unity we must give you a girl. :cool: Yup indeed he/she was as we can see from the videos! Loooool at 15 times you 2 are crazy
  24. Carafaat;775229 wrote: Xaaji, indeed its strange world. Sometimes you dont even know if you are talking to man or women. Take for example Bluelicous, many say KoW and Blue are the same guy. But I am sure she is a lady. Loooool don't stoop to that level it was only one person that accused me of that no one else! Leave KoW out of this your being on thin ice right now! I thought you were my friend guess you were just faking it, I never expected from you to say such thing about me and also believe it! :rolleyes: Xaaji Xunjuf- Hook Carafaat with one of the ladies you know from your clan lol. Ps: Are you turning against me know because i've honestly told you that i'm interested in KoW?! Trying to dig out things from the past :eek: