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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Cawaale;776786 wrote: Blue, stop giving advice to the sheikh, dooteer guruuga. take it from him Now my question to the good dooteer is why did u leave somalinet? and what do hate/like about SOL. Mahadsanid dotoore. You right darling thanks for reminding me. Dr InaJaad - Thanks for your great advice I will use it one day you spoke the truth. I think it's good that you opened this question thread so people could benefit from your intelligence and life experiences but also get to see a different side to you. I can tell that you really know what your talking about and not just saying things. Carafaat - Sorry can't do, you have to wait for the great Dr InaJaad to give you his wise answer this is his office lol.
  2. ^^ Thanks for your concern but I woke up at the right side of the bed :rolleyes:
  3. Here are the 11 qualities to be the 'perfect' husband. I will also post the woman version about how to be a good wife. I don't have time to do that now so I will post that next time i'm online. Hope you all benefit from it whether your single engaged or married. 1) Be Pleasant: Nobody likes an arrogant man. Be pleasant to everyone around you including your wife, friends and family. Be warm, kind, positive, understanding and friendly. It is often heard said that ‘What we give is what we get back.’ Try to arrive home as cheery and lighthearted as you can even if you had a bad day at office or is physically exhausted after driving through the traffic jams. Just because your wife does not go out to work does not mean that her work is less strenuous. She might have been struggling with the children and the housework all day. 2) Respect the Vows: Faithfulness or Loyalty is one of the prime qualities a wife wants in her man. Have a sense of honor and duty.Remember that when you got married you took the sacred vows. The honorable thing is to fulfill the duty to your wife that you took upon yourself the day you got married. It is the duty of a man to provide for his family. Never expect your wife to contribute to the smooth operation of the household. Even in this day and age of women in the workplace, most prefer to have that as an option rather than a necessary part of their lives. Motherhood and caring for a husband and home usually takes priority for her. Never assume that the money you earn is yours to do with as you like. You have a family to think about now and their needs must always come before your own. 3) Reliable, Responsible and Supportive: Every Woman wants her partner to be reliable and be there for her when she needs her. Support your wife in all stages of life. Provide reassurance when she is feeling down. Do not belittle her or hurt her ego. If she is a working woman understand her work pressures and problems. Be proud of her on her accomplishments and do not forget to complement her. Be available for her when she needs a shoulder to cry or when she needs support from you. Let her know that you care for her. When you are not near her at least make a phone call to her even if you talk to her for only a minute or two. When you come back after work or on weekend do things with her or help her in whatever way possible. She would appreciate even if you are not much of help because you are tried to help her. Be a friend to her. When you don’t agree with her views respectfully let know that you don’t agree with reasons. 4) Adaptability and Sensitivity: As years pass on you'll see that glowing woman you fell in love with years ago does not look the same or behave in the same manner. She may be tied up with the pressures at home like needs of children, financial obligations etc. Allow her time to relax by taking some work off her shoulders or take some time out so that you can spend some time together relaxing. Be sensitive to the needs of your wife and looks to meet them. Do not let your feelings toward life's changes affect feelings toward your wife. An Ideal Man needs to be sensitive to the requirements of the partner, treat her as an equal, understand when she needs to stay late at work or help with housework and contribute to the expenses. 5) Show Respect: If you expect respect from others you need to treat others with respect too. Respect can be reflected in the way one talks and behaves. Always speak in a loving manner and refrain from speaking harshly. A good husband never chooses to belittle strike, humiliate or otherwise harm his wife in private or in public. It is better to watch what you say and to think your thoughts through before speaking as it is not possible to take back the words once they have been spoken. Treat her with respect in front of others and at home. Do not look at other ladies in front of her. Take in consideration her opinion when making important decisions of the family. If you are bringing your buddies home let her know in advance. 6) Judgment and Emotional Baggage: Many of us have emotional baggage. But do not bring that emotional baggage into the marriage. Many men praise their previous wives, girlfriends or mother in front of their wives. Avoid judging every action or opinion your wife has and understand that she is different from you. Her experiences and likings may be different from you too. Comparing her or making her feel that she does not measure up only would ruin your marriage. 7) Communication: Communication is the key to a good and solid marriage. Women also expect honesty in men. Honesty is what builds trust in your relationship with your woman. She may even forgive your mistakes but only if you are honest with her and promise not to do it again. Women like their men to be open to them at all times and not keep them in the dark about what is going on in their man’s life. Find time to sit and talk with your wife on a daily basis even if it is during the Dinner time. If you let things bottle up and feel that you cannot share with your wife then your marriage is in trouble. Be a good listener when she talks. Your wife too wants someone to listen to her and empathize with what's going on in her life. Listen avidly to your wife's complaints. Woman cannot resist a man who understands her moods, attitude, feelings, values, likes and dislikes. This would encourage her to open up with you and don’t keep secrets. Good Communication helps in building trust and strengthens your relationship. Make your woman laugh often. Women love men who are witty and have a sense of humor.Fights or problems may happen in between the two but do not let the world know about it rather solve it between yourselves. The fight you had last week over shopping or whatever is over and done with. So move on with it and stop rehashing old stuff and reminding her of her faults. Do not resort to name calling, hitting, spitting, breaking dishes or anything else when you lose your temper. 8) Love and Affection: Show your love and affection to her as often as possible. Every woman is a sucker of affection. If you only give them that stuff to get to bed, your wife is going to notice and think it's insincere. A good husband will appreciate his wife and will notice her, even after twenty or fifty years of marriage. She needs you to notice when she gets that new haircut or dresses up in something sexy for you to come home to. If you fail to notice what she is doing for you too many times, she may just count it as fruitless and quit. Gift your Partner something fancy when she least expects it. Surprise her by planning a trip, preparing a nice dinner, giving a bunch of her favorite flowers or taking her out for shopping. Every Woman likes to be pampered. Women, one way or the other, are nothing but over grown babies who constantly need care. But every woman has their likings, give things what she likes instead of forcing your likes on her and show her that you care and would be always there for her. Never forget the special days in her life. Make an effort to initiate spontaneous affection with your wife. Build the companionship by doing things together whether it is a common interest or hobby. Give her a hug or surprise kiss and tell her how much you love her. Hold hands with her when you’re out together. These small gestures show your wife that you’ve thought of her and help you reinforce your commitment to your wife. 9) Offer Protection: A woman need to feel safe and secured with her man. She needs to feel that when he is with her no one can harm her. You don't need to be a muscle man but at least when you are with her others should not be making a pass at her. She wants her man to behave like a man and treat her like a lady when she is with you. 10) Give her Space: As a Husband you need to understand that your wife has a life other than you also. She has her Parents, friends and colleagues who too are part of her life. She also may have some hobbies or passions he is involved in. Don’t expect her undivided attention. Don’t stop her if he wants to go out and hang out with her friends sometimes or engage in a hobby or want to spend some time with her parents. 11) Keep her happy in Bed: Sexual intimacy is one of the most essential things in any marriage. Good Sex helps tostrengthen your emotional and physical attraction to her. Please your wife in bed and be faithful to her. No woman would tolerate a cheating partner. Good sex plays a vital part when it comes to a satisfying relationship and if you are not skilled in bed that is going to be a major turn off. Never grumble about having to support children you didn't want to have. If you were irresponsible enough to help her get pregnant, then it is your duty to pay for that child.Do not bring porn into a relationship. Porn will only create unrealistic expectations in your mind about your spouse’s libido, body, and comfort level with weird sex positions. In short, if you don't like how you partner treats you, take a minute to notice how you treat your partner and correct your behavior. If you are an ideal husband, that will help your wife to be an ideal wife. A wife usually responds to the way that she is treated. If she is treated like she is worthless, she will be worthless to you. But, if you treat her well, she will be a jewel in your crown, a pleasure to you and a forever blessing.
  4. Mashallah they are talented girls and it's good that our country gets represented in sports for the very first time. Watch out world here comes Somalia
  5. Che -Guevara;776611 wrote: I laughed when I was reading not cuz the subject being but illustration :-) The site is well crafted and not sleazy. Looooool at the subject you first visited, Che you were totally giggling and laughing about the subject you were reading atleast your being partially honest about it. This is your lucky day huh Carafaat - Don't tell me you don't know what kamasutra is. Since this is Dr InaJaad's thread I will let him answer you.
  6. Continuing my previous post.... As a woman you have the power to break or make a man. So instead of you nagging about his shortcomings or flaunting your degree at him you should fully support and encourage your man in whatever he wants to do in his chosen field that he feels comfortable with making a career in. Where do you think the proverb behind every succesful man there is a wise woman came from for indeed only wise woman know this. Women start breaking out of this society prison that your in and start thinking for yourself only you know whats best for you not the society. If your husband is happy and succesful you will also be happy and succesful because it rubs on you too it's a proven fact just take a example at women who are married to succesful men, celebrities, sportsmen etc. The following men have only obtained their high school diploma but still got far in life with their intelligence and became some of the most richest and influential men in the world. So as you see obtaining a college/university degree says nothing it's only a way to help you launch your career. So don't judge a man/woman because they don't have a college/university degree. Sir Richard Branson - Branson dropped out of school at the age of 16 and is known for his brand Virgin, which includes Virgin Records, Virgin Atlantic Airways, and over 300 other companies. Also adding to his grandeur, Sir Branson bought his own 79-acre Caribbean island when he was just 24 and he was knighted in 1999. Estimated net worth: 8.6 billion USD Ralph Lauren - He studied business for two years at Baruch College but never graduated. Estimated net worth: 3.6 billion USD Steve Jobs - In addition to being the CEO of Apple Inc, Steve Jobs became the largest individual shareholder of the Walt Disney Company after selling Pixar Animation Studios in 2006. In 2007, he was chosen as Fortune Magazine’s most powerful businessman. That’s quite an honor for someone who dropped out of college after just one semester. Estimated net worth: 5.7 billion USD Michael Dell - Michael Dell started a computer company called PCs Limited while attending the University of Texas at Austin. It became successful enough that Dell dropped out of school to operate it, and the company eventually became Dell, Inc, with revenues of $57.4 billion in 2007. Estimated net worth: 17.2 billion USD Bill Gates - Bill Gates has topped the Forbes list of “The World’s Richest People” continually since 1995. Gates took an interest in programming while attending preparatory school in Seattle. To earn time on early shared computers, Gates and his classmates offered to debug corporate software. When he was 14, Gates earned $20,000 from his first programming venture. After scoring a near-perfect 1590 on his SATs, Gates enrolled at Harvard but left, without a degree, to co-found “Micro-Soft”. Estimated net worth: 58 billion USD
  7. At first I thought you were funny with your jokes and all but now I realise that your a chauvinist. I was disgusted to read what you were saying about Buhoodle and the SSC together with your friend. I don't find this funny or amusing at all it's disrespectful, hateful, humiliating and insulting Somalia, Puntland and The Khaatumo State under a hidden tone. Your always degrading and insulting Somalia, Puntland and Khaatumo. Without Somalia there would never be a Somaliland today and to be insulting where you originally came from and are rooted back is foolish and dumb whether you like it or not you will always be linked to Somalis and Somalia. Grow up and respect Somalia and the other independent states without it you would not be the person you are today and the country you have now. You are a true qabilist and lost my respect! :mad: Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people! Ps: I will notify the mods about this because this is unacceptable! This is a Somali promoting site and spreading hate amongst Somalis isn't allowed and you broke the rule!
  8. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  9. There is more to marriage then only basing it on education of course it's important but not the only thing you can judge a person by. Their over all skills, dedication and knowledge about the deen, intellectual level, sophistication and manners should be far more important then wanting only someone who finished college/university. Having a college/university degree doesn't mean they are intelligent it only means they are now educated only about the subject they have learned nothing more it doesn't say much about their overall intelligence level. I know one or two people that graduated but are dumb. Personally for me it's partially about education but mostly what counts to me is his overall intelligence level. I would want someone who is a bit smarter then me. Why? Because I wan't someone who stimulates my mind and can challenge me, that can teach me things and I can teach him things back. There are many people with high IQ levels who are self taught who never went to college/university for some reason but are very smart and know alot of things. An good example is Bill Gates billionaire co-founder of Microsoft, one of the richest men in the world, philanthropist. Dropped out of Harvard after his second year to work with Paul Allen on the venture that became Microsoft. As he noted, “I realized the error of my ways and decided I could make do with a high school diploma.” It's your intellectual capabilities that bring you far in life and not only because you have studied one course for 3 years. You could have been a college/university graduate and not be able to get a job and settle for less because you have other underdeveloped skills that is important to employers and empoyers are looking for which you don't have. And someone who doesn't have the degree but the skills get hired and moves up in the company over several years and eventually they reach CEO. That's why also alot of companies take IQ tests form their prospective employees to see whether you have the abilities and can you handle it. You need to evaluate and investigate things from different angles and point of views instead of blindly believing in the stereotypical comments about the subject. This is one silly taboo. So the answer to whether you should settle with a man/woman who doesn't have a college/university degree but is overally intelligent or very intelligent should be definitely yes!
  10. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;776130 wrote: Si feyla in goroda dooga. Haye, tana manoo micneyn kartaa? Diinleeya - adalee Diinleeya - adalee Diinleeya - adalee Diinleeya - adalee Adduunyadaan lan deeri la waayee Deeqii ii maal Darajo lan diido la waayee Malagii ni dili jiray sidiisiyo Ii Aakhiro lan doona la waayee Diinleeya - adalee Diinleeya - adalee I duleysadee I duleysadee Aashakuun i duleysadee Alle i daawee I know this song it's a nice song sang by that Italian guy too bad he died from aids. No wonder the lyrics seemed a bit weird to me and unsomali because it's another dialect called af maay maay things are falling in place now lol Ps: This is the first time i'm hearing about this af maay maay dialect.
  11. Axmed-InaJaad;776550 wrote: what's wrong with being sexual walal? sex waa caafimad and its a good way to relieve stress.inshallah i hope your having/will have great sex. My advice to you as a woman is when you get married, don't be shy and demand everything from your husband or even boyfreind. Looooooool was only saying what kind of person you are, I didn't say there was something wrong with it there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. You should only know your boundaries when to talk about such things and when not, not everyone appreciates it and some folks feel offended by it, it's best if you avoid talking about such things on a forum. Lool i'm not a demanding person and never will be one I leave everyone in their own values and accept them for who they are.
  12. Axmed-InaJaad;776541 wrote: Walal somalida are jelous creatures, ma fahantay? They jelous me because of my unresolved dedication to the diin and the truth. Okay that's mashallah keep it up. Anyways I don't care about what others think about you I think your cool and normal there is nothing wrong with you except for you being a sexual person or maybe you like to joke about such things. Lol you are indeed blunt and say whatever you feel like that comes in to your mind and some some people feel offended by it and others don't. Sometimes you need to keep some things to yourself tone it down a little bit
  13. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;776134 wrote: Anyway, the 'ditoore' is awaiting the questions. Fire him a question nooh. I already asked him a question and i'm waiting for his answer.
  14. Paragon;776135 wrote: Blue, alxamdulillaahi. All's well. How have you been? My blog? Oh thanks. Surprise its still there. PS: Cutey? Erm, Odayna cuteydu ma qabataa talow? Ragga haygu hor ceebayn gabaryahay. Doing good and yes your blog is still there interesting stuff you got on there but I liked it. Loool don't be shy about it you either got it or you don't and you have it so it can be said cuteness doesn't have a age it's a compliment dear.
  15. Paragon;776127 wrote: Greetings from the city of Coventry, proverbially dubbed the hub of SSC outside the SSC-proper. Odayaasha SOL: Sheikh Xiin, Baashi iyo General Duke, salaan sare. Having read through the write-ups, I'm somewhat inclined to say that this time, our veteran Sol pundit, Baashi, has floored this sucker to the mutuleelo, as my friend would jovially remark marka xuminta hadalka iyo murtidaa halkay ku mudnayd la dul dhigo. I think it is fair to say that contrary to our resident Oodweyne's persistent delirium, the very success of the SSC will not only herald a political clout for PL's Faroole and Ilkajiir clans, but also such a success squarely settles the kinship scoreboard which was in deficit since the take-over of LaasCaanood. Faroole, Ilkajiir, Galayd and Weeciye families on the same side want to put up a front in future Somali politics, the great lineage-keepers have, in a whisper, hinted to me. The plans are grand, I hear. And if these rumours are even remotely close to the truth, the Khaatumo spirit and success is just the beggining - talk of incooperating larger swaths of regions falling under the family tree is the understated ambition, was another implied message. And Puntland far from being irrelevant or sidelines, is undeniably the key and the force behind the grand plans. Thats what I was actually forced to listen to, though I lately don't enthuse in Somali realpolitik, the threat being, adeer waad na dhagaysanaysaa, hadii kale maxaa tol lagu yahay? Waa iska cajaaib. Lol. As for Liibaan and Som@li and those who argue against them, I would agedly plead, war nimanyahow stop squabbling over siblings' tittles; you are all on the same side! Time to put old rivalry aside and surf the mother wave in current. Ps: Hey cutey (saying it for a reason ) I have read your blog. How have you been?
  16. Faarax-Brawn;776126 wrote: Ive never met a more patriotic somali loving person ever in my lifetime until i met her. She does love Somalia,thats one thing for sure. You met her in person?
  17. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;776109 wrote: Hee, 'raaxada guurka' waa xalaal nooh. Read it, you might learn one or two yaa og perhaps. There is a full book dedicated to this subject and written in Afsoomaali with the same name of that blog. It is mostly based on translated Carabi book, though. Here is the book's link if you have time and appetite to read the whole book. I know it's a perfectly normal and halal thing. Personally I find a normal thing and i'm comfortable about the whole sexual relations aspect and talking about it I have no problems with that but to most Somalis not everyone though it still seems to be a big taboo and they believe you can't talk about it so that's why I was suprised seeing that blog talking about it in a open liberal manner and also seeing it was written in Somali. Lol MMA you know I don't understand half of what they are saying on that blog let alone reading it from a book I tried reading there are some difficult words in there I will stick to the English and Dutch version which I fully understand
  18. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;776094 wrote: Kamasutra oo Afsoomaali ku qoran haddaa rabo boggaan oo wada dhamestiran ayaan aqrisan lahaa. At least it is dedicated solely to that subject. What?! There is actually a somali relationship blog talking about sexual relations in details, oh my goodness Somalis are starting to evolve and become liberal slowly when did this happen. I'm seeing a whole different side of you lool
  19. Looooooool @ i'm well read in the kamasutra damn. So Axmed why is it that some folks think you are kuku? To me you seem like a normal cool person who occasionally likes to be blunt about random explicit things.
  20. I don't know what to say about this i'm suprised. Does this also mean that he denies his family back home and doesn't help them financially it looks like it since he doesn't wanna have anything to do with Somalia and for the rest I agree with what Showi and Chimera already said. He is making a big mistake that he isn't realising right now.
  21. A_Khadar;776073 wrote: Thanks Blue.. No seriously this occasion deserves a firework show.
  22. Juxa;776047 wrote: Blue is also very liberal, sweet and overly generous with ' darling' A phrase ayeeyo does not approve Nou de vraag is dariska maxay usoo dhaweyn weyday? Carafaat being he daris and all Ps I do appreciate there is an element of qaabdaro from wiilka Dank je schat, your good the way you described me and it also happens to be very true I tried to but he misbehaved on something small that shouldn't be a big deal. Makes me think if this is the way he reacts to answers that he doesn't like to hear how will he be about other things in general pretty much the same I assume and he also said he is a rough man I completely don't like rough men. I like strong men whether it be physical or from character but who are the same time also gentle and sensitive furthermore eloquent and also well mannered I don't like rough or rude man at all. That's why I like Knight of Wisdom he has all of that I mentioned. Are you from outside of Damsko or you moved away? Why do you dissaprove the word 'darling'?
  23. I like the flag but it's too close to the one from Somalia it will be a bit confusing at first. Dervish - Here is your picture:
  24. Hello Khatuumo nice to have you here finally. Make us further proud. Can I get fireworks: