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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. ^^ That's not true she is pretending I read it somewhere I don't remember where anymore.
  2. Carafaat;776962 wrote: Caawa waa jeudi soir.Dottore xadka ayuu ka baxay. Since Dr InaJaad went mia I will tell you what it means. He is probably busy chasing women and getting slapped in the face, have you seen his page he called himself a professional panty sniffer I laughed when I saw that the guy is a joker and funny loool. The kamasutra meaning rules of love is a ancient indian book that talks about the rules of love when it comes to life, love, career, women, sex and marriage also how to maintain it, polygamy, attraction towards the opposite sex and the process of finding a woman till how to treat them. In the western world it's thought to believe that kamasutra is a sex manual while that's not true the reason being for that is because the chapter that talks about sex education got copied and made in to a book and sold world wide containing only that chapter and that's how it got spread around the world falsely. The orginal book doesn't contain images and talks about everything in life and is resourceful that's the one you need to read you would be suprised if you read it. About the question whether it's halal it is halal. It's a great book I would recommended to anybody who wants to learn more about love, life, marriage etc. and who is getting married or is married. Hope that my detailed summary was helpful to you.
  3. What a coincidence I was reading this yesterday and there is alot of contradictions and sugarcoating when it comes to polygamy trying to give it another name such as open marriage but the act still stays the same what a bull.
  4. Carafaat;778086 wrote: What is a manly man? Opposite of the metro sexual? Blue, we need to this discuss further in anew thread. Open a tread and explain what you mean with a manly man? Cause some might think you are talking about hairy men or about something else. Explain yourself lady. Lool okay I will watch out for it.
  5. xiinfaniin;778120 wrote: Reports out of the city of Lascanod are heartbreaking. As what remain of the city's ever dwindling population organized peaceful demonstration in support of SSC community's Taleex conference , Somaliland militia whom the city remains under the mercy of their gun brutally killed and maimed the protesters. Anti aircraft guns are used against unarmed protesters. Scores are wounded and undetermined number of people died. What is even more worrying is the fact that Somaliland admin is instigating further violence and tribal strife as clannish protests are organized in major cities of that secessionist admin, to support this new desperate turn of events by the admin. The city is cut off by armed militia. There is systematic displacement of the city's population. Politically outmaneuvered by Taleex conference and diplomatically isolated by its own drive for separation from Somalia, the Somaliland regional admin is now desperate and increasingly reckless. The only card left for the admin to show for its claim on the SSC regions is to forcefully hold Lasanod. their previous attempts to capture the city of Buhodle failed as their militia was driven back by the local population. It is inevitable that the newly declared unity among the SSC community and the new Khatumo political entity in Talex will change the political and security dynamics of the region. The subjugation of the residents of Laasanod can no longer stand and must be stopped. Although certain political puppets, illegitimate and with no base, are purported by the Hargeysa admin to represent the Lasanod community, the truth of the matter is if the people of Lasanod are content with the Hargeysa admin Yesterday's tragedy would've not occurred. I live in a city with large population of SSC community, and it appears that the region is set on a dangerous trajectory. Reality has finally caught up with a twenty year delusion. Lasanod residents are now braving in this turbulent political storm. As we know the majority of city's population had already fled when the city switched hands and fell in the domain of Hargeysa admin. The conflict is around unity against secession. Lasanod is a unionist stronghold and with the new momentum pushing from Taleex toward Sool region, residents are peacefully expressing their desires and wishes in this great struggle. It is unlikely they will be silenced by Hargeysa admin guns...but it is a tragedy nonetheless to die for the simple truth of affirming the unity of Somali people. Please keep the people of Lasanod in your prayers, they are needlessly dieing because of other's delusion to keep Lasanod by force and under the gun. Abtigiis;778127 wrote: We will heed the Horseman's call, and pray for Las-caanood. Indeed, more than prayers, we will contribute our resources for the cause of defending this town and the SSC people. More than Tolnimo, it is the urge of decent human beings to stand with the wronged, and measured by all standards, the people of SSC are wronged by the delusional lot in Hargeisa. Thanks Xinn for posting this timely call. Indeed, the last couple of weeks were good for the unionists in Somalia. The SNM clan agenda which used to hide behind colonial borders were made to lose its useless facade and it is now in the open for all to see. There is no freedom without tears, without blood. And the first tears of the final chatarasis is shed in Las-Caanood. The secession agenda is unravalling quickly and what we see in Buuhoodle and Las-Anod these days is the last kick of a dying SNM clan delusion. The wise men aka professors of SOL have spoken enough said! Truth has to be told injustice never rules forever. I'm glad that there are a few who give a honest neutral political view about the situation instead of giving a biased opinion or be cheerleading for your clan. I don't like clan cheerleaders they are deadly because they are blinded by their ignorance. Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable. Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals. Everything has a beginning and needs to be build from the ground and it takes time, you may come across failures, failure is part of life so we need to accept it for there is always wisdom in failure without it there wouldn't be succesful countries, businesses etc. all have failed at one point in time to be where they are right now
  6. Narniah;777925 wrote: lool you just such a trey songz hatta Blue, seriously! Whiz khalifah pales in comparison to trey songz. I saw the 'Takers' movie with a couple of friends. Being a Paul walker fan, I was soo excited to see him in it. But talking about manly man Idris elba takes it home hmm. Does it get more manlier than that? Lool honestly I don't hate the guy he is just not my type. I'm also a Paul Walker fan the man is sexy with his blue eyes. Who's Idris Elba I never heared of that name must be a celebrity from the country where you reside. Oh that guy I had to google to see who he was I have seen the movie Obsessed a few days ago and he was in it along with Beyonce that was the first time i've seen that guy. You are right I agree with you he is a manly man
  7. No one is hating on Somaliland, the truth be told your the one hating on Somalia all day everyday! Your threads are the proof of it, there is a difference between being patriotic of your country and being a chauvinist.
  8. Here are the 10 big differences between men's and women's brains. Experts have discovered that there are actually differences in the way women’s and men’s brains are structured and in the way they react to events and stimuli. 1) Human relationships: Women tend to communicate more effectively than men, focusing on how to create a solution that works for the group, talking through issues, and utilizes non-verbal cues such as tone, emotion, and empathy whereas men tend to be more task-oriented, less talkative, and more isolated. Men have a more difficult time understanding emotions that are not explicitly verbalized, while women tend to intuit emotions and emotional cues. These differences explain why men and women sometimes have difficulty communicating and why men-to-men friendships look different from friendships among women. 2) Left brain vs. both hemispheres: Men tend to process better in the left hemisphere of the brain while women tend to process equally well between the two hemispheres. This difference explains why men are generally stronger with left-brain activities and approach problem-solving from a task-oriented perspective while women typically solve problems more creatively and are more aware of feelings while communicating. 3) Mathematical abilities: An area of the brain called the inferior-parietal lobule (IPL) is typically significantly larger in men, especially on the left side, than in women. This section of the brain is thought to control mental mathematical ability, and probably explains why men frequently perform higher in mathematical tasks than do women. Interestingly, this is the same area of Einstein’s brain that was discovered to be abnormally large. The IPL also processes sensory information, and the larger right side in women allows them to focus on, "specific stimuli, such as a baby crying in the night." 4) Reaction to stress: Men tend to have a "fight or flight" response to stress situations while women seem to approach these situations with a "tend and befriend" strategy. Psychologist Shelley E. Taylor coined the phrase "tend and befriend" after recognizing that during times of stress women take care of themselves and their children (tending) and form strong group bonds (befriending). The reason for these different reactions to stress is rooted in hormones. The hormone oxytocin is released during stress in everyone. However, estrogen tends to enhance oxytocin resulting in calming and nurturing feelings whereas testosterone, which men produce in high levels during stress, reduces the effects of oxytocin. 5) Language: Two sections of the brain responsible for language were found to be larger in women than in men, indicating one reason that women typically excel in language-based subjects and in language-associated thinking. Additionally, men typically only process language in their dominant hemisphere, whereas women process language in both hemispheres. This difference offers a bit of protection in case of a stroke. Women may be able to recover more fully from a stroke affecting the language areas in the brain while men may not have this same advantage. 6) Emotions: Women typically have a larger deep limbic system than men, which allows them to be more in touch with their feelings and better able to express them, which promotes bonding with others. Because of this ability to connect, more women serve as caregivers for children. The down side to this larger deep limbic system is that it also opens women up to depression, especially during times of hormonal shifts such as after childbirth or during a woman’s menstrual cycle. 7) Brain size: Typically, men’s brains are 11-12% bigger than women’s brains. This size difference has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence, but is explained by the difference in physical size between men and women. Men need more neurons to control their greater muscle mass and larger body size, thus generally have a larger brain. 8) Pain: Men and women perceive pain differently. In studies, women require more morphine than men to reach the same level of pain reduction. Women are also more likely to vocalize their pain and to seek treatment for their pain than are men. The area of the brain that is activated during pain is the amygdala, and researchers have discovered that in men, the right amygdala is activated and in women, the left amygdala is activated. The right amygdala has more connections with areas of the brain that control external functions while the right amygdala has more connections with internal functions. This difference probably explains why women perceive pain more intensely than do men. 9) Spatial ability: Men typically have stronger spatial abilities, or being able to mentally represent a shape and its dynamics, whereas women typically struggle in this area. Medical experts have discovered that women have a thicker parietal region of the brain, which hinders the ability to mentally rotate objects–an aspect of spatial ability. Research has shown this ability in babies as young as 5 months old, negating any ideas that these abilities were strengthened by environmental influences. 10) Susceptibility to disorders: Because of the way men and women use the two hemispheres of the brain differently, there are some disorders that men and women are susceptible to in different ways. Men are more apt to have dyslexia or other language problems. If women have dyslexia, they are more likely to compensate for it. Women, on the other hand, are more susceptible to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. While handedness is not a disorder, these brain tendencies also explain why more men are left-handed than are women. Men are also more likely to be diagnosed with autism, ADHD, and Tourette’s Syndrome.
  9. To include an image that is not uploaded as an attachment and is located on another website, you can do so by copying the full URL to the image, (not the page on which the image is located), and either pressing the 'Insert Image' icon or by typing after it, ensuring that you do not have any spaces before or after the URL of the image. The same applies for videos but instead you click on the 'Ínsert Video' icon. For images use this code: For videos use this code: insert here your link" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  10. Poets have a way with words and these two are very talented guys. It takes skills to put your thoughts into words and actually make sense. Anyways check out the following interesting videos about religion and Jesus. The first one is the orginal one. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> This is the muslim version and is a response to the orginal video here above. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> What are your thoughts about this?
  11. Bluelicious

    ila qosol

    Showqi;777378 wrote: Blue, Thread-kan dadka waalan ayuun baa soo gala. Can't you see: Wyre, Fisher Man, Rudy iyo Mustafe kuligood waa Qac Lol well I like the crazy club atleast they are funny and entertaining which is always a good thing. I know Rudy is hilarious but I don't know about the other guys.
  12. That's very creative but that bottle will fall out of the tap when you use alot of water cause of the gravity. Why do you have a dishwashing soap on your sink that's a no no and not good for your hands.
  13. Carafaat;777369 wrote: Ooooohhhh yeaaaa. 2012 is Somalia's year!!! Bluelicious will you do a Dhaanto or Niiko dance if Somalia inshallah becomes peacefull this year, with me ofourse. Right in the centre of Amsterdam on Dam aquare. Actually, its not a question. I challenge you for a Dhaanto dance battle. I will bring my big footed crew, you bring your big boned xalima's. Looool at big boned halimos, hmmm... actually I live for the word challenge. Oh what the heck bring it on we got ourselfs a deal but on one condition i'm not gonna do a niiko on Dam Square and end up being being captured on camera by those tourists who have never seen such action on there before. They film everything I mean literally everything. I will do the dhaanto
  14. Che -Guevara;777169 wrote: This looks like survey. Most people either hurry through without thinking or lie about surveys. Che -Guevara - You are right most people don't like being interviewed that way it sets off a wrong vibe and makes them uncomfortable and more prone to lie their way out of the situation. Samjamaa - Oh you welcome hun if I have inspired you to do your own thing. You have raised good questions there and of course one shouldn't ask a person in a questionaire type of way. It's better to hold a conversation and casually dropping your questions inbetween and taking things from there by the replies you get. You only need about 3/4 good questions to weed out unwanted people.
  15. Aaaww babies are so cute with their innocence. I think no was the only word she knew. Narniah that picture of the baby on the beach got me laughing eventhough he is mad he is still cute and adorable. Somalia - You like Narniah don't you how cute. When did this happen, did I miss something?
  16. Carafaat;777351 wrote: thats what dirty old men do. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeew!
  17. Big OUCH right there and embarrassing, I would like to see some of those qabilists faces too in what their reaction would be. Hey Carafaat this is THE year of Somalia we just entered the new year and good things are already coming our way. We have had quite of successes so far it's only going the good direction. Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah this thing is going down *hi5 & fist bump*.
  18. Che -Guevara;777184 wrote: Maybe we should define the meaning of prominent in this context? two possible meaning noticeable or celebrated? Certainly, Ayan Hirsi is one of the most noticeable Somalis while Ahmed Gurey is one of the most celebrated. Meaning and context people without accusing each other of ulterior motives. Agreed!
  19. Bluelicious

    ila qosol

    Looooooooool what a hilarious thread.
  20. Carafaat;777314 wrote: Yes, it will absolutely turn him on. sadistic isn't what some people see as excitement. So you are a young girl dont give this old men these leasure's! Looooool you got it wrong the aim wasn't to turn him on, hell no! Don't give the story a twist and plant ideas in his head. He got lucky that always bright big grin got me out of my game. How am I suppose to stay mad at that contstant bright big grin facing me it's everywhere
  21. Carafaat;777275 wrote: Why you asking what she is wearing? that is kind of rude! Lol rude indeed but that's just his character.
  22. ^^ Oh really is that so? If he gets satisfaction from these kind of things it's absurd and twisted. You mean something like this * gives JB a smirking smile*
  23. Narniah;774060 wrote: ~bump~ *Fist bump* :cool:
  24. Here are the 12 qualities that men are looking for and how to be the 'perfect' wife. 1) Be pleasant: It is said that 'we need to treat others the way we want ourselves to be treated’. Never be rude to our husband, family and friends. Be warm, kind, positive, understanding and friendly. Work to be pleasant toward your husband. Don’t be one of those people who make everyone around feel bad just because they have had a hard day. Welcome your husband with a smile when he comes home instead of a sour face. A good wife honors her hubby by keeping a pleasant tone in her voice, a happy smile on her face and a neat and clean appearance. Listen to him talk about his day especially if it was a difficult one. If you don't like how you partner treats you, take a minute to notice how you treat your partner and correct your behavior. 2) Treat your Husband with Respect: If you expect respect from others we need to treat others with respect too. Haven’t we all heard ‘Give respect and take respect’. Respect can be reflected in the way one talks and behaves. Always speak in a loving way and refrain from speaking in a harsh manner. A good wife respects her hubby and she never chooses to belittle, strike, humiliate or otherwise harm him in private nor in public. It is better to watch what you say and think before speaking as it is not possible to take back the words once they are said. A good wife will treat her man with respect in front of others and at home. 3) Communicate: Communication is key to a good and solid marriage. Do not hide things from your husband or keep secrets after marriage. Be honest to him. Find time to sit and talk with your husband on a daily basis even if it is for only half an hour. If you let things bottle up and feel that you cannot share with your husband anything then your marriage is in trouble. Be a good listener when your husband is talking. You may have a dozen important things to tell him but allow him to talk first. Don't greet him with complaints and problems the moment he comes back from work. Good Communication also helps to build trust and strengthen your relationship. After marriage the wife and husband are a team or partners. Do not take any major decisions about the family without consulting with husband. Fights or problems may happen in between the two but do not let the world know about it rather solve it between yourselves. The fight you had last week over shopping or whatever is over and done with. So move on with it and stop rehashing old stuff and reminding him of his faults. Do not resort to name calling, hitting, spitting, breaking dishes or anything else when you lose your temper. If you do he may actually start to fall out of love with you and you could lose him all together. 4) Be Supportive: A husband expects wife’s support and understanding especially in times of troubles. A good wife loves her hubby through his successes and failures and provides reassurance when he's feeling down. She is a nurturer and an equal partner in the marriage. Support your husband in all stages of his career and life. Do not belittle your man or hurt his ego. It is often heard saying that ‘a wife can make a man or break a man’. There’s no quicker way to build resentment in your man than to criticize him or belittle him especially in front of others. Be proud of him on his accomplishments and genuinely complement him. If you do this you can expect your husband to behave with you in the same manner and also respect you more for your support and thoughtfulness. When you don’t agree with him respectfully let him know you don’t agree. 5) Do not nag: No man would like a nagging wife. If you want to get your own way ask him nicely. Many wives think that is the only way to get her husband to do things is by nagging. But the truth is that your nagging can create unwanted rift or can make things worse between the two of you. Your husband is a grown man with his own thoughts and desires. Just because you think he should be doing something particular doesn't mean he has to do it. 6) Give him his space: As a wife you need to understand that your husband has a life other than you also. He has his family, friends and colleagues who too are part of his life. He also may have some hobbies or passions he is involved in. Don’t expect his undivided attention. Don’t stop him if he wants to go out and hang out with his friends sometimes or engage in a hobby or sport that he likes. An interfering wife can sometimes be too irritating. 7) Keep him happy in Bed: Sexual intimacy is one of the most essential things in any marriage. Please your man in bed. If you cannot keep your man happy in Bed he would go where he can get it. After all, a Man is a man! 8) Plan Surprises: Men like surprises too. It can be anything like organizing his birthday party without him knowing about it or planning a special night of passion by playing a seductress. Your surprises do not have to be elaborate and can be as simple as making him his favorite snack or any of his favorite dishes once in a while even if you would rather eat something else. 9) Express your love and appreciation often: Men likes praises and appreciation. Make the best of your time together. Men like to hear the words ‘I love you’ too. Also join him in activities that he's interested in even though you would have preferred to do something else. Give him a thoughtful gift once in a while. Make it a point never to forget the special days in his life. Pamper him very often, especially when he is at home. You can even cook for him or give him a good massage. Making him dependent on you by doing his chores when he is at home is not a bad idea. Let him miss you and think about you when you are not around. These gestures won’t go unnoticed and it may even inspire him to do something nice for you. Don't withhold affection. 10) Honesty, Loyalty and Dedication: A good wife would be honest, loyal and dedicated to her husband. Marriage is a life long commitment and the vows you have taken at the time of marriage should be kept in all conditions. 11) Prepare yourself: A good wife honors her hubby by keeping a pleasant tone in her voice, a happy smile on her face and a neat and clean appearance. Take special care about your appearance and everyday. Include exercises or yoga in your daily routine. Be hygienic. Some woman feel that once they are married why they should dress up or take care of their appearance. A man likes his wife to smell good. If you are unhealthy or not presentable your man may cheat you behind your back. 12) Prepare the House: Maintain a clean house all the time. Clear away the clutter and spend time decorating the house. Apart from this be wise with money and take all the responsibilities of a wife seriously without complaining.