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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Carafaat;778998 wrote: Juxa, you are right. Me and Blue have much in common. She likes manly man, I am the most manly they come in. We both love in Amsterdam. We both have interest in the eastern philosophy of gymnastic for mind and body, she is fast and I am xuuf. We have so much in common, but clearly cant see and maybe has been tricked by SSC Sixirooleh KoW. Dear Carafaat with all due respect let's be honest here you don't like me in that way at all I can tell the only reason why you're suddenly interested in me is because we happen to live in the same city. The things you say don't come off to me as sincere. And the fact you talk bad about Knight of Wisdom who was also was my friend and the other men isn't gonna make me like you more or get close to you because if you can't respect and treat your fellow men with respect I don't think you gonna respect a woman either. You change from character easily when things don't go your way so therefore your untrustworthy. Always maintaining a good steady character no matter the situation that's important to me you can't handle it. As I have told you many times i'm only interested and have a crush on Knight of Wisdom he is my cyber hubby no one else. Why can't you not accept and respect my decision. I will give you points for being tenacious, intellectual and a overall good cool person. So please don't force things on me. Juxa - Loool at the milk thingy. He is a good guy I don't see him as a bad person person or anything, he has a way of ruining things for himself I don't like his way of approaching things. He just doesn't seem to get it all I see is red flags. You know who's also cute Paragon, he is also pretty and a cutey. A_Khadar - That's also the case here. Carafaat is the same as that man he blows things up for himself each time with rude comments. In his mind he thinks being or acting rough or rude is a good thing and that it will work on me. But it's the opposite that's the one thing that keeps driving me further away from him. Narniah - Lool you nailed it with the Blue guide you got the message right. Loool @ the discussion about long necks and tall girls. This whole thing only makes me miss Knight
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  3. Kamaavi;779354 wrote: Garaad A&T, maya ina adeer. Laakiin Iley waanu ka gam'i lanahay. Sagag iyo Dh.madow oon mudo arag ayuu ESTV naga tusay marka horumarka iyo dib u curashada xaajo kaga waranto caasimada gobolka ayaan oogu abaal gudayaa. Iska raali ahaada.. Qorahayonline, oo saaka fiiriyey, iyana waxa ku daabacnaa gabaygii Abwaan Dakhare oo midhihiisu ka mid ahaayeen.. Nin dadaala uun baa hela wuxuu doon is leeyahaye Kuman dirira, kuman dooda iyo kuman daraawiish ah iyo Kuman dabkoodii sitoo dowlad xoog badan ah iyo Kuman dacwada faafiyoo dunida gaadhsiiyey iyo Kuman waxay daba galaan dam ka siinaya iyo Kuman diktoorina oo shacbiga wada daaweyneysa iyo Kuman dhaqaalaha dabara dirirtu waa saase Culumadan ducaynaysa ee Daa'im fahansiiyey Dalkastoon joogneyba haddii la isku soo duubmay Daacad baan hungoobine hadaan darajo weyn gaadhnay Haddii uu dadaalkii ONLF doorkan hanaqaaday Dambarkii xornimadeena waa wiigan dabadii P:s. Somali galbeed way xoroobiye,.. guusha inuu Allah inoo soo dadajiyo amiin dhaha. Ameen. Beautiful poem by Abwaan Dakhare. Jigjigaaaaaaa that's my city, i'm happy to see that they are progressing and getting more development. We will get freedom one day. Long live the O region
  4. Juxa;778941 wrote: let me clarify this:) chimera is a man. Blue you misunderstood, Carafaad was just in middle of eliminating process, he meant no harm. this was your opportunity to tell us how gorgeous you are (certain ladies would actually jump and say oh i am 18 with geri-neck, yada yada ). oh by the way, blue i admire your classiness. Carafaat you cant say i did not help Chimera back off.........your fantasticness is getting in the way of this love story. I figured that out that he was trying to know, I just think that was a wrong rude way to approach it that's so ungentlemanly alike. I'm not one to go advertise how I look to others and especially not on a public forum because I know how I look like and i'm comfortable with it and I don't need to brag about that. Also if you have the need to go advertise how you look like it's another way of seeking reassurance about your looks and that your not comfortable with yourself and you need a confidence boost. All I wanna do is socialise with my Somalis is that too much to ask gosh lol. Chimera was only trying to help him and gave him very good useful tips but as usual Carafaat was being too childish and acting as if he is too good to accept Chimera's advice. Carafaat - Loooooool Xena is tha bomb she is a whole lotta woman I used to love that show. Don't you even dare to talk negatively about Chimera first it was Knight and now Chimera. I like Chimera he is mature, intellectual, creative and is imaginative every woman's dream. On top of that he seems to understand women very well and knows how to treat and communicate with them that's a big double plus and that is what I would consider a manly man you could learn alot from this man. A guy like Chimera would get a woman faster then you that's just reality. I absolutely don't like how you treat other men especially when one gives you good tips and you go talk bad about them in a negative way. It seems that all men are a threat to you and your not comfortable about yourself. How you treat others is a reflection of how you really are.
  5. Carafaat;778898 wrote: Indeed, Dr.Inajaad is well read in the ancient ways of farsamo fooraris. Ugh your so childish you can't hold a mature conversation just take it how it is don't implement your own ways of thinking :rolleyes:
  6. Narniah;778809 wrote: 'omigod' I'd so wack you with that, any day. Wow is that a 41? I'm 37..a 5. Blue & Showfi , Somalia is basically making fun of my thread:p (He can't help himself).:rolleyes: Where you been all my life blue? lol Yeah I know high heels aren't healthy for our pretty feet, that's why I hardly wear them (hi5). Omg that shoe looks good enuff to eat. I want it! We are united again hahaha... hi5 right back at ya. We can always start our eye candy high heels collection that we only drool about and on the most wear one time for the rest of the time they sit right there to drool about it and eye it up lool. On the long term we can fill a whole store with our eye candy high heels collection.
  7. Showqi;778800 wrote: that was good decision not to post the video. But you can still make the Video and show it your family I've always known you were a good hearted person one can trust. You are one of the few good people around here i'm proud of you Showqi
  8. Narniah;778787 wrote: Hey blue hun, I changed my mind I'm not going to post it on here. I'm going to show it only to the people I trust. Thanks:) Okay if that's what you want we can all live with that and I respect your decision.
  9. Narniah;778774 wrote: MMA lol malwax iyo adi ..This video will be different from the rest (believe me). Bleu thanks abaayo, your support means alot to me:) I have trouble now posting the video, cause I tightened the security on my account to the maximum now I can't enable it. (Working on it). You welcome darling for you anytime. Only post it if you feel totally comfortable with it otherwise don't do it until you're feeling ready.
  10. Narniah;778260 wrote: Omg yeah, Mason is soo adorable! Just wanna pinch his chubby cheeks. I'm totally familiar with their annoying ramblings, I'm an auntie to quite a few babies (all under 3 years) lol I even know how to talk like a baby lol. Babies mess up with your mind I'm telling you, they own you! Before you know it you will talk like them act like them, it's the end of you! lol but they're worth it. I'm not good with kids they demand too much time and attention from you on top of that they whine, cry and complain too much it's headache only one who loves kids can bare all of that. Indeed they mess up your mind that's why i'm staying far away from them lol
  11. Aaaw Narniah that's cute and brave of you to do such thing, don't be afraid there is a first time for everything i'm 100% supporting you in what ever your choice is. The video sounds interesting i'm curious about it.
  12. Carafaat;778266 wrote: OMG, are you serieuz? There is more to Kamasutra then only sex and diffrent ways of Fooraris? Yes there is absolutely more to Kamasutra then those love making techniques, the original Kamasutra book was a way of life for the Indians back then and it was made for newly weds or couples that are already married. Loool at you believing in some picture book that only has pictures about sex positions to be the Kamasutra dream on Carafaat. Why do you think Dr InaJaad said i'm well read in the Kamasutra meaning it's a text book that he read. He read the orginal Kamasutra book not some fake picture book that got stolen that's why he also said he has knowledge about alot of things and life. So do you understand his first post better now.
  13. Nin-Yaaban;778731 wrote: This was posted here a while back. The kid can sing and has a talent. I dunno how true its, but i heard he died in that shooting in Sweden. Can anyone confirm that? No that was another guy not this one.
  14. Taleexi;778735 wrote: Shukaansi version 2 iga dheh! Loooooooooool I guess so.
  15. Naxar Nugaaleed - These are proven scientific facts proven over and over again, you can't oppose things because you don't like it they have more knowledge about it then you and know what they are talking about. grasshopper - Could be possible darling it's nothing to be embarrassed about happens to everyone at one time in their life. Everyone got his/her flaws one more obvious then the other don't fuss about it. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar - Lool you're right women have different tolerance to things then men we are short wired. Men are more more patient were as women are more impulsive on actions and situations.
  16. Carafaat;778489 wrote: Blue, I think I saw you this morning in the metro 51 at Central Station this morning. Short girl around 1.60m (kind a short for an O girl?), bit round/chubby cheaks and behind, around 23yrs old, nice tan, a lot of hair. Tried to get your attention and smiled but I think you didnt see me, I had to get out at Waterloop plein. you seem to be distracted, even looked worried or absent. Was that you? I agree with Chimera that's not a way to shukaansi me by portaiting me that bad by made up lies, for your information i'm none of those things you mentioned and I didn't even took the metro today your were flirting with some other woman. This is not cool your offending me because I look nothing like what you mentioned. This must be a cheap attempt from you trying to find out how I look like and this isn't the way to do it. Chimera - I'm speechles darling you basically said it all, I couldn't have said it any better or add anything to it that's exactly what I would do. You seem to know what's up, experienced Chimera you could learn this Carafaat a thing or two he has a long way to go. If I may ask because i'm confused about this and I like to know who i'm talking to. Are you a man or a woman?
  17. This is the Def Poet version: " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  18. He got an amazing voice and can actually sing pretty good. Never seen a brown skinned Somali with blue eyes they look naturel so I assume it's his real eye colour because if you have a darker eye colour wearing blue contacts will never make your eyes like a real naturel blue.
  19. Carafaat;778354 wrote: Nobody hates Somaliland. Folks are just annoyed, who wouldnt be when you see everyday Landers distracting Somalia with a new sheeko on irrelevent issue's. Exactly that's the issue here on SOL. First they bother and fight them on their land and now they are bothering and fighting them on SOL. Talk about clan cheerleaders gone wild aka locko because of blinded ignorance, hatred and frustration because they are losing, embarrased themselfs and their country is in chaos. I find it ironic how they are the ones bullying the Khaatumo State on SOL and yet they are the ones claiming to be hated on what the hell that doesn't even make sense. They are blinded by their own ignorance that they can't even see that they are the haters.
  20. Oh no you didn't lol :mad: Just kidding, didn't you ask me to make a thread about what a manly man means to me and the rest of the women. What's this, you couldn't wait for me to arrive. I don't like hairy man hell no, it's either all shaved or neatly short groomed yes. You raised a good question and i'm sure there are more men who wanna know what a manly man is and how you become one. I was impressed how you were confident enough to actually step up and ask me because most men think they know it but they don't. Anyways i'm gonna merge my thread with yours so I will be posting it in here good thing I saw your thread before I made one. To be continued..
  21. Showqi;778610 wrote: Hey Somalia, what are you gonna do with one shoe:confused: Looooooooooooooool dont you know it's only an example. I'm more shocked about the comment he made then the shoe itself. Narniah - Your my lost twin sister, i'm a sneakers girl too and wear my high heels sometimes/rarely only on special occasions. It's all about comfort with me too. To wear heels frequently is actually bad for you, you're gonna develop flat feet on the long run it's also uncomfortable and also gives other health problems such as lower back, foot and knee pain, bunions. Those shoes may be looking all gorgeous but your gonna get ugly feet from them they really mess up your pretty feet. I love this one eventhough I would never wear it because it's too high i'm not made for it Somalia - OMG! You didn't just say that. Are you feeling ok today? :eek:
  22. Carafaat;778360 wrote: I feel honoured. But why mention my little charater here in the same thread as Maddeey, Boko Haram and other suicical bomb makers?? You should feel honoured, he only talks about what kind of person they are in a positive way. When professor Abtigiis makes a thread about you that's when you're officially inaugurated as a SOL member lol. We all been there before you he even done one about me so it's all cool
  23. Narniah;778223 wrote: Blue yeah I think she only knows 'No' so adorable. I bet what she's really trying to say is 'Yes' I love the way she says no no no, priceless lool. Had me laughing for days to come. Oh and that gansta baby can kick *** for sure. Loooooool babies are hilarious and they don't even know about it. I like that gangsta baby the chubby face just kills it. Have you seen Keeping Up With The Kardashians that little toddler Mason he only knows the words oh yeah repeats it all the time. It's cute and all at first when babies do that but in the long run after a while it's gonna start to irritate you lol.
  24. Showqi;778207 wrote: Blue, Was she trying to get some money from Pharmaceutics company who made the flue shot? Could be possible you know there are wackos out there who do anything for a bit of money and go to extreme lengths for it.
  25. Showqi;778202 wrote: Huh!!!! I'm confused too don't know what to believe anymore it looks realistic but then they are saying it's fake so I don't know what's the real deal about it.