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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. IAmRevolution;780896 wrote: Ladies and Gentlemen and cowards, I'd like to present to you, the one and only, he needs no introduction, he is beloved by the Creator of the Heavens and Earth. His humbleness and patriotism surpasses that of any of the cowards he has faced. He is Revolution, IAmRevolution. haha Welcome back manly man! The name suits you perfectly you indeed are a revolution a legend. What a comeback, watch out politics section! Lol. How are you darling? Showqi - Hmm..your sharp i've never looked at it that way but know that you have mentioned it KoW does mean number 1 and he is number 1. Maaddeey is only concerned about our country and I wouldn't know what's driving him to support Al-Shabaab but what I like about him is that he is nice he is not a clan cheerleader, he always talks about his views in a civil and intellectual way, doesn't insult or force his ideas on to people. He respects everyone even if they have their own opinions and treats them right.
  2. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;780451 wrote: Blue, so goormee waaye e-arooska? We can't wait to get the e-soori nooh. This is the best e-jaceyl I had seen my tme of the net since 1997. Aaww. Looooooool I don't know yet but when that happens your gonna be the first. Tell me about the one in 1997 did that one end in a happy ending and are they still together? Are you qualified to be a e-sheikh lol? Narniah - Lol Narniah hun it's ok your free and allowed to do that because it's a public thread. Yaaaaay at last reunited what a suprise it's been 2 months but it felt like it was longer
  3. Narniah;780461 wrote: I see caskets, how did these people die? Where was that held that funeral ceremony? what does 'AUN' mean? AUN= Allah u naxaristo= May God have mercy on them. They died in the ocean on their way to Italy they were refugees. This is sad news may Allah have mercy on their souls and bless them even a 2 month old baby died.
  4. Juxa;780419 wrote: Hey take it easy on the kid. We are ladies and we don't kick our geeljires down. Maybe gentle haraanti or two but never malicious mean kicks Ps: I like carafaat he was brave enough and to it public makes him less cigaal shiidaad and more hmmm maxaan kusheegaa? Don't you see that he is the one with the malicous act, look how bad he wants him to get banned again he can't wait for it and on his thread he was also talking bad about him constantly. He is going too far with his immature behaviour showing resentment. I lost respect for that guy when I saw how ill mannered he is. He is putting up a show a fake face and you're falling for it. I'm seriously contemplating about my friendship with this guy I don't need such person.
  5. A_Khadar;780351 wrote: Blue that wasn't what it looked like, but just gave my little Alliyaha I know what I saw my eyes don't lie, looooooool I agree with Che that came out wrong that's a no no.
  6. Aaliyyah;780320 wrote: Blue marna dheh he is your knight of wisdom marna dheh I dnt know who he is either way keep him on a leash mala yacnigisa loma baahna lol Hmm.. so the Khaatumo party waved over to Holland now huh. No it's official this time it's him. I gotta agree with him and MMA you and Khadar were flirting how cute loool
  7. Juxa;780333 wrote: So we got kow back. Let's see bal Yessssssssss! Che - You're free to talk to whoever you want whenever you want, I don't belong to that guy he is the one forcing himself on to me.
  8. Che -Guevara;780319 wrote: ^It's juvenile but cracks me every-time. Carafaat.....Now, you know one thing that tickles Blue's bone. You got sense of humour you always got funny videos I like them That was too funny if he doesn't find that funny he is a uptight man.
  9. IAmRevolution;779796 wrote: Bluelicious, how is it possible that you understood what I wrote in Swedish, if you don't live in Sweden nor speak Swedish? Ladies, ladies calm down. The shouting and the beating of your drums is surely turning me into a Crow and I'm about to fly away towards the horizon. Darling I used Google Translate to translate what you were saying aint that just smart. God bless Google Translate :cool: Breaking News: Knight of Wisdom is back! ATTENTION: Attention it's been confirmed according to my own resources this is Knight of Wisdom. He is testing us he is such a teaser. Let's all give him a warm welcome, Knight of Wisdom is in the building. All of us were too excited that we missed the key point MMA's comment. I should have known it when MMA made that comment that the topic starter was Knight. I wanna make a shout out and thank the mods Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar, Nuune and the Admin for bringing Knight of Wisdom back he is a great man. Aaaww look at the cute avatar of Simba and Nala, no man got the guts to put up such avatar except for Knight. Stop being a tease hun and tell us how have you been Somalia - Don't pay attention to Zack he is pulling your leg. What he is trying to say is the reason he is still here is because he never got banned lol. His IP never got banned he got lucky, he was half banned meaning only his right to post got revoked for his account. You can go and take a look at his page it says clearly last time logged in 24 december 2011. Why are you suprised you do know right we got mods that can ban you and bring you back. He is been brought back. Showqi - If you trust and believe Maaddeey so will I because I trust and believe you. Maaddeey is incredible he was the first to tell it was Knight from now on i'm always gonna trust Maaddeey's instinct except for when it comes to his political views. The Zack - It's impossible to hide your IP on a forum your hidden IP will get detected like a sore thumb that sticks out and get banned again not a smart move. What's the point in going to all that trouble when your account has been banned and your posting rights revoked it's useless I tell you. Did you forget nicknames get checked and approved first by the mods and admin before it gets accepted and you become a member. Carafaat - He never got banned for participating on the politics section get your facts straight first then come back your talking like a scared wimpy man :rolleyes: Narniah - That was some real talk! We know why Carafaat got resentments, his thread about me enough said. He can't take things like a real man. :D
  10. IAmRevolution;779531 wrote: Never mind. This is Knight of Wisdom. He is BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!! Valenteenah - It's annoying isn't it no is no simple they need to understand otherwise they are the ones who are burning themselfs. It's not a good look to force yourself on to people if your unwanted to them. Che - Looooooooooool that griffin video cracked me up follwed by that milkshake
  11. Aaliyyah;779863 wrote: Imrevolution? Another script ? Shaqa yeelo Africaown this is my thread and none of u who support the dhigyacab silanyo are wlc here so find something else to do with yur time Taleex lol@technique ...sheko waalan Lool do you know who he is first?! He is Knight of Wisdom darling your fellow SSC'er, don't you see by his comment that it's someone who knows you and Khadar very well. This word script is that a typical American/Canadian term because the only script I know is a written piece of work. He is back!
  12. 4. It also congratulates the O'gaden diaspora which has effectively thwarted Ethiopian government attempts to mislead the O'gaden and other Horn of African communities in the Diaspora, while consistently demonstrating against the head of the Ethiopian regime whenever he ventures abroad They are right, the Ethiopian government has been trying for nearly 200 years to get the O people to surrender with all of their power yet the O people never gave up and surrender to let the Ethiopian government be boss over them and their land that's truly amazing they are strong people who fight for their land. Respect!
  13. Whaaat?! JB is also a Dutchie didn't see that one coming. See I was right when I said that there are alot of undercover Dutchies on here. Altijd grijnzende kaaskop lool
  14. Juxa;779614 wrote: Blue you crack me up. You are innocent and unspoilt. Ayeeyo juxa will look out for you insha Allah. Boys are useless when it comes to this so don't mind Jiqjiqdooda Carafaat I normally charge for my talo but I am bored so here it goes 1) never mention another guy. Pretend you are the sole runner in this marathon called jacayl 2) don't be so eager, be aloof and at times clueless 3) I write this when I know the first two inaad igu raacday Val & malika get yr diracs ready Thanks ayeeyo Juxa the puma. Lol don't put out the dirac yet, don't encourage him any further I don't want this I gave him my answer. I agree men can be useless at times. Old school romance has died I repeat died lol. Carafaat - Lool at you planning things while I just said that i'm not interested in that. What is it that you don't get from all of my posts. I've been nice to you throughout this whole thread it's time you stop with this it's starting to annoy me. Don't be stubborn and leave things as it is.
  15. Aaliyyah;779725 wrote: blue ur right abt the career..and how everyone spends many years studying and what not that they forget how important settling and having kids the qabiil thing isnt really as important as it used to be and it also depends how old u that im in my mid 20s my mom can careless lol..tis more of naa balayo kuguma dhacdee ii dhaaf with duca qabiilku rabo ha noqdee..ofcourse marrying outside my race maba aha choice walidkeygu isinayo..taas wa sheeko kale salaam Lool it's not as important as it was in the past but there are still many who swear by tribe. I think there is nothing wrong with marrying outside of your race as long as the person is a muslim and a good person. But you can't say there aren't any good men/women anymore in my race so i'm gonna look outside of my race. Every race has good and bad people so you gonna bump into the same problem again. Best thing is to do is evaluate yourself and your situation and then see what you can change about it or add. Some people have high demands and unrealistic lists of what they are seeking so obviously then no one is gonna qualify to your list.
  16. Hmm.. we got a fishy case here. It's either one of the following things: 1. It's Knight who's pretending/testing us 2. It's somebody who knows him 3. It's a imposter Because this person seems to know too much for a newbie. How does he even know Knight is Swedish no one mentioned the word Swedish in Carafaat's thread and the fact he seems to show too much interest in me to even make a thread about me weird.
  17. Good luck with it. Make sure you win!
  18. Juxa;779740 wrote: Ok ladies regroup bal. Our excitement for buraanbur is causing us to make mistakes First there has to be system of vetting, second we must pick our battle field and bring all potential geeljires under one goof! Agreed? Good One final point, no public display of the favourites yet. It is open field as faarax is concerned Yes we need to talk about this and pick our battlefield at the right time. What geeljires are you talking about? He got scared and run off when he saw a screaming group of girls being excited
  19. Girls you're right I don't know who this newbie is but he isn't Knight dammit Maaddeey and the others for letting me believe it was him loooool :eek:
  20. IAmRevolution;779728 wrote: Arent' you in Sweden and in Sweden they speak Swedish. So, don't you know how to read and write in Swedish? Who is this Knight of Wisdom, you speak so fondly of, Blue? Wait! Who are you newbie?! No, i'm not from Sweden nor do I speak Swedish. You better not pull a prank on us.
  21. IAmRevolution;779715 wrote: Vilka är dessa människor pratar om? Vilka är de välkomna tillbaka? Bluelicious bör det finnas något som jag bör erbjuda? You're the one who has got something to say so go ahead and spill the beans. One more thing write in english please. Aaliyyah - You're going to fast let's do the welcoming party first.
  22. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;779706 wrote: Dadka amaan siiya yaaqeey, ha idinka leersadaanee. Thanks MMA your the best! Juxa - Ok my keyboard is zipped you take it over do all of the questions for me, test the waters lol Aaliyyah - I guess Knight of Wisdom.
  23. OMG, uhm... what do you got to offer lol? Let me hear your story first Loooool @ Showqi & Juxa.
  24. It's probably because of many people wanting to pursue their careers and also because of tribe. Many people get told by their parents don't marry such and a such tribe. Even if they found a suitable person their family would reject it cause of tribe difference it's all bull.