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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Don't be a woman that needs a man be a woman that a man needs. Forget about looking for the right man instead focus on being the right woman. If you're the right woman men will be naturally attracted to you and notice you. Be a phenemonal woman one that is hard to be topped by other women. If you're a phenomenal woman it's hard for men not to notice you it's a like a rock that's infront of him that he can't get passed by. Re-evaluate yourself see where it's going wrong and what's the problem and solve it. It could also be that you're not going to the right places to meet the right men. Love and respect youself firstly that's the most important thing that way you come across as a confident woman men don't like insecure, needy and clingy women. How is a man gonna love and respect you if you don't love or respect yourself. Don't tell me you believe in that BS that all good men dissapeared and there is no good man left. Newsflash there are plenty of good men around, the reason why you're not attracting good men is YOU. You're your own worst enemy and you don't even know it you're the one blocking your own success. It could also be that you don't have the qualities that good men are looking for. Good men will never approach you that's a fact because they are nervous, afraid what you're response will be and of being rejected or laughed at it's mostly the bad men and the players who will approach you. So make sure you're a good woman that's approachable who isn't arrogant or rude or treats people around her bad that will only give the guy a positive feedback from you and you will get approached faster and more often. Always have a genuine smile a smile is contagious and will attract men and give them the greenlight that you like them and they can approach you. Don't play hard to get it's gonna work against you and will only make the man confused about you and not even know whether you like him or not and lose interest in you. Be a high value woman a classy woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to let a man know if she likes him. Playing hard to get only disempowers you and makes you a woman of low value it means you can't take action so you're playing the victim. So remember in order for a good man to be attracted and notice you, you need to be a good woman first because good men are looking for good women.
  2. I thought you were going off to holiday when I read the title
  3. I agree with Som@li this should be posted over there as a warning for them, I think some of them would beat each other if they came across each other for something that's been said about their clan they take things too serious over there.
  4. Loooooooooool this is hilarious it cracked me up, look at how the man's facial expression changes. The woman probably thinks in return oh he seems happy to be willing to do all of the given tasks if only she knew how he translated it in his head lol. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  5. I'm AGAINST the war on Khatuumo State! I agree with Dabrow on this no one is gonna benefit from this clan warfare. How can you leave your dead soldiers cold blooded just like that when they are the ones fighting out their on your command, soon the Somalilanders civilians will also come in action against their ill mannered president. He clearly doesn't care about anybody not even his soldiers. This man will go down soon it's a matter of time only.
  6. I don't know you but anyways welcome back Wiilo.
  7. I agree with everything that's been said in the article. Having strong conservative beliefs and being prejudiced leads to less progression, development and stagnation of the mind which makes you dumber. Open mindedness is the key to progression and more development which results in a higher intelligence and higher IQ because you learn more. The mind is like a parachute it doesn't work if it isn't open meaning that an open mind is a mind that is non judging open to new thoughts, ways of doing things that does not see obstacles but opportunities. Nin Yaaban - Qabil is a mental disease it messes up your mind.
  8. Bilqis Abdulqaadir sounds like a Somali name to me even how it's written. They seriously need to recruit her.
  9. Psych The Dog Whisperer Dirty Jobs House CSI CSI: Miami True Beauty Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Family Guy Nothing Personal
  10. IAmRevolution;781116 wrote: Sweetie, I asked Obama to pardon me. He immediately contacted MMA and asked him to release me. I am one seductive Revolution send back thru time for one lucky lady....Bluelicious. lol Looooooooool @ Obama you don't need him your a Revolution. That was so sweet and kind of him i'm so thankful to him. Yes I know that too well that you have a seductive character I like it. Aaawww that's so romantic that you came back for me I feel flattered
  11. IAmRevolution;781106 wrote: Allow me not to rush you into any decision, which you haven't thought twice of it. *Michael Jackson Voice* Due think twice! 8. How do you envision your Knight's appearance and do you think he'd like your appearance? lol As the saying goes beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I guess you're either skinny, slim, chubby or fat. I'm happy you're back I couldn't believe it at first they must have liked you or they heared my cries on the forum lol
  12. IAmRevolution;781101 wrote: I didn't say I took that serious. Lol 7. How would you like to take this to the next level? haha You and your always next level lol . Let me think about that I can't make a decision right on the spot I will get back to you.
  13. IAmRevolution;781089 wrote: I would answer them, but unfortunately, the Interview isn't done, yet. You're still on the hot seat. 6. On different occasions, you were accused of being Knight of Wisdom, however, in on post, you were accused of being Somalia himself. How would you explain this? Loooool I remember that one it was a joke that some girl made because fingers were getting point everywhere. You took that serious?! Come on you were being accused of being him in that same post too :eek:
  14. IAmRevolution;781083 wrote: You had to ruin it, huh. smh Okay, I'll stop. Bummer! You know, I can't send Private Messages, yet. So, what's your number? haha Lol joker do you really think i'm gonna buy that. Why don't you go back to your list of questions and answer them but this time the answers coming from you.
  15. IAmRevolution;781077 wrote: I think he's permanently banned. lol Why not forget about that dude and uhm, get with me? Seriously. Lol at you talking about yourself as if you 2 people. Anyways enough with the questions and stop being a tease.
  16. IAmRevolution;781070 wrote: Lol, thanks to a dear friend of mine whom posted what he posted on my behalf. I didn't even know what Topix was. 5. Hypothetically speaking, assuming that I am your Knight, how would you take this chance to further stabilize the beautiful relationship the two of you have build over the course of 40 days? haha Lol I haven't thought about that yet because I thought you were never gonna return again and that you were permanently banned. I was told that once you get banned from this place you never return and they have strict policies.
  17. IAmRevolution;781050 wrote: How touching. Damn, the guy was like a shooting star, so bright, so hot in flames, he was able to be sensed via SOL. haha 4. Have you tried to go search your "Knight in Shining Knowledge", apart from showing your loyalty by defending him in his absence? Seaching? Where am I suppose to search you I wouldn't know. I would get updates from Somalia sometimes where your last whereabouts were but other then that no. I found you once through Somalia on Topix that was shortly after you got banned.
  18. IAmRevolution;780997 wrote: Lol, I'm flattered. I thought I had no swag, let alone a signature. How mighty of Knight of Wisdom to leave behind such an impression. 3. How did you and Knight of Wisdom first met? How did he opened a valve in your heart, thus smuggling into it? Lol we first met in your very first thread which was called the shout out for SSC thread. What made me to like you so much was that you was such a kind friendly and calm person you always seemed to understand me. You never provoked me or said any bad things or treat me bad. The true identity of a person comes out when one of the two is angry and the way the other person handles it. Instead of not getting also mad and maybe saying things you don't mean at the time you always kept calm and collected and asked me why are you mad that made me suprised. So that showed you cared about what made mad and were willing to listen to whatever I have to say.
  19. IAmRevolution;780990 wrote: How fortunate would it be to be in your presence. You too are a goodhearted person. 2. What makes you think that I am Knight of Wisdom, your e-Lover? Your swagga, your vibe and your individual signature. In other words I recognise your walk lol Juxa - What happend to you?
  20. Showqi;780966 wrote: Kuwii yar yaraa iyo odeyaashii meeshan ka bakh bakh lahaa waa in ay sheekha khudbadiisa si fiican u dhageystaan.......... True!
  21. IAmRevolution;780977 wrote: Let's begin the Interview, shall we? 1. What have you seen in Knight of Wisdom, which made you fight for him during his absence? Because you were a genuinely goodhearted person, brave and strong, treated everyone with respect and was polite, you bring out the good in people. When a good person leaves you always notice they leave a mark the vibe of the place changed it went dead and boring. I find it disrespectful and low if someone tries to talk shit about someone who wasn't even here at the time so he can defend himself, I find it a cowardly act and I don't tolerate or accept such things.