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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Chimera;784303 wrote: Sorry guys but I was referring to you two in my previous post, There is no need to attack a fellow nomad like that, Carafaat got his flaws but he doesn't deserve that. Blue, if you were in his position with Knight ignoring your advances and then see him attack you with the Girl he does like, I would've similary object to that behaviour, its very venomous and unnecessary in my opinion. You don't need to ingratiate yourself with someone you like by humiliating another person, it's very artificial. First of all I wanna say that your post is full of bullshit and lies! If you go back to read his thread about me and read this one you can clearly see that he is the troublemaker and he instigates problems and is the common denominator and all I did was defend myself may I add that I even ignored one of his post in this thread did he stop no he came back back for round 2 and that's when I wrote my angry post. I never wanted to fight Carafaat but he kept provoking me and instigating problems by offending and insulting Knight eventhough I gave him many warnings. He put me in this situation every action has a reaction he got what he deserved nothing less nothing more he is not innocent. You are contradicting yourself because the only person here who was attacking and insulting Knight was Carafaat eventhough Knight has done nothing to him and wasn't even here at the time, and that's where the whole thing started. So are you telling me Carafaat can insult Knight but I can't insult Carafaat that's bullshit! Plus the only word that Knight has said to Carafaat was that he was a jerk nothing else and he has the right to say so in defense of himself. This has been a battle between me and Carafaat right from the start till now Knight didn't help me or ganged up with me on Carafaat, no he isn't that kind of person, Knight was the person that was telling me to ignore Carafaat. So don't only look at my actions and give a blind eye to Carafaat's actions that would be unfair. Carafaat was the one who had bad venomous intentions right from the start because he was jealous of Knight. Why did he need to insult Knight like that he didn't deserve it especially when he wasn't around and has done nothing to him and then go turn himself against me and accuse me of being Knight and don't come justify it and say it was banter because it wasn't it was part of his bad venomous actions. Carafaat needs to take things like a man and move on he knew exactly what he was entering when he made that thread about me he knew I liked Knight and when I told him in a nice and polite way I wasn't interested he started getting jealous and mad and accuse me of being Knight and insulting Knight. I have been nice to him throughout his whole thread and he just wouldn't stop he crossed the line and that's when I got annoyed with him. Second thing what baffles me the most is wasn't it Carafaat that was insulting you repeatedly in his ''Date with Bluelicious'' thread and calling you a feminine teenage boy and so on and I was the one who defended you and told Carafaat to leave you alone and that what he was doing wasn't a good thing and now you wanna go around and side with him very odd. Boy you must have felt on your head when you were writing that post. How can you side with Carafaat the troublemaker that has insulted you repeatedly no sane person would do that and then even justifying his bad actions and making it seem as if he is the innocent man and i'm the bad woman and completely turning a blind eye on his bad actions and only focusing on what i'm doing. While what you should have done was return the favor and be honest and neutral about the whole situation and be a problem solver like Narniah and not a problem announcer that makes things worse. I didn't expect this from you I thought you were better then this but I guess I was wrong in you and you aren't as mature I thought you were. Next time read better and evaluate things before you make false assumptions and make up lies, I know enough about you now! Narniah - Thanks darling for your honesty and integrity I appreciate it respect girl. You are the only one who said it exactly how it is honestly from a neutral point and that's exactly what's going on. You know me very well i'm not the kind of person who goes of to attack people for no reason i'm always nice and treat everyone fair and with respect unless someone wanna start a beef with me and is attacking me then of course i'm gonna defend myself who wouldn't. Some people should take an example from you we need more people like you who are problem solvers not problem announcers that make things worse Juxa - I'm always kind and polite unless someone is searching beef with with me on purpose and in that case they not being nice to me either. I don't need to be nice or kind if he is not being nice or kind to me either. It doesn't make sense, it was clear to see he had evil bad intentions and was acting so inappropriately and rude. It's a two way thing not a one way thing if he wants to be treated nice and with kindness he gotta start with himself first and earn that right but you can't tell me that it's ok for him to act inappropriate and in a rude way and expect from me to stay nice and kind it doesn't work that way. It comes across that you are siding with Carafaat and not being honest to both of us that to me is a problem announcer and not a problem solver. You were right there when he was throwing insults left and right and being rude so why are you turning a blind eye on that and only focusing on my actions?! Is it because he is your friend and you know him longer then me well in that case your not being a good friend because good friends don't help each other with bad actions they are the ones who should tell you the truth. And the only one who did that was Narniah. Carafaat - I'm not your ordinary Somali girl and maybe you should stop comparing me to the handful of women you know because i'm an individual so you should stop putting me in a box and stereotyping me change is good atleast I stand out by doing my own thing instead of keeping up with the Jones. I'm not mad at you but dissapointed. I'm glad this whole thing happend because now I know where I stand with you and what kind of person you are. At first I thought you betrayed me when you turned against me and starting acting jealous but now I know that you were being jealous and mad because you didn't understand why I was acting the way I acted towards Knight and being faithful to him eventhough he wasn't here at the time. You can't just start insulting another man especially when they have done nothing to you because you were being jealous that's where you started losing points with me and put us in this whole situation that's not a way to deal with such thing. What made me annoyed about this whole thing was that you out of all people knew what was going on between me and Knight and yet you proceeded to make a move on me and I understand you must have thought Knight isn't around and his probably never gonna come back so let me make my move on her and make her forget about Knight. But little did we know he would get released in the midst of your thread about me from that point on things got complicated. You should never come between a man and a woman and start trouble that's disrespectful because I would never do that to you. On the other side looking closer into things and evaluating it back your jealousy was a good thing a blessing in disguise because it made me realise a few things and open my eyes for certain things and look different at both of you and your motives. You were only looking out for me questioning about Knight's behaviour eventhough you handled it wrong. You don't need to do that i'm a big girl I can take care of myself. I take full responsibility for the harsh things I said and I hope you're mature enough to realise and take responsibility and accountability for your actions. I hope we are cool now and we can go back to the way things were before, if not it was nice knowing you and I had fun with you
  2. Knighty uhm I mean IAmRevolution, I need to get used to your new name. Come to my office and make sure you're dressed and carrying your portfolio with you lol
  3. They have embarrassed us! If your lying to get more benefit your asking to be caught and islamically it's haram what they are doing.
  4. IAmRevolution;784169 wrote: Bluelicious, you don't need to waste your time reply to a Hypocrite. This is the same guy who has sits with the Secessionists one day, and then roots for Somalia the next day. He is far more pathetic than a flip-flopper. His Abtirsi goes into the most cowardly men on the Horn of Africa. lol Lol @ Juxa being a female. I thought Juxa was a dude! Lol yes Juxa is a female. I've noticed that aswell that he is two faced and just fake, I do agree with Chimera''s statement that he is taking things here on SOL way too serious. He looks up to you he wants to be just like you little does he know that he is only giving you compliments and flattery lol. This is for Carafaat let's ignore this bullshit creator: " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  5. Showqi;783944 wrote: Blue, you miss understood me. What I said was: Dadka qaar baa aaminsan (some people blief). So please don't include me those peole:mad: I am a peace loving brother. Ma'anigaaba dagaal xasuusanaya, intaan qoslayo ayaabu wakhtigu dhamaanayaa. Now tell me did your friend's mom used a flat pan like this one, kkkkk kkkkkk Loool yeah it was that pan I have never seen such thing before. Darling I was only saying it to you in generally since Nin Yaaban was telling you why didn't you hit her. I know your a proper gentleman and don't hit women because if you did you would have hit that woman who had rejected you and hit you with her dacas. BOB - Loooooool your post made me laugh. What's wrong with if they help me? And by the way Knight of Wisdom is back with a new name IAmRevolution. Maybe you should train them according to your bootcamp regime since you know how it should be done lol IAmRevolution - What do you mean? Garnaqsi - Lool I was only saying it, blame it on the internet where you can't tell the difference between serious and humour
  6. ******************please respect the rules of the website and stop the insults. This is a warning. ***************************
  7. IAmRevolution;783328 wrote: Oh! How lovely! My cheeks are turning red. I feel flattered, speechless and completely blessed. haha I'll dedicate a song to Bluelicious! Give me a sec. lol Aaww that's so cute and adorable bless you Carafaat - How ironic that you call every man that you're jealous of a feminine boy and start attacking them when infact you're the feminine boy that acts so insecure and gets so emotional about what other men say to you and start crying about it. Knight is a confident man who is comfortable with himself and knows how to express himself in a healthy positive way and isn't afraid to do so that's a real man. I can't say the same about you why don't you go off my case you jealous hater. Garnaqasi - You misunderstood everything. This was literally the first time I saw Oz and conversated with him hence why he said barasho wanagsaan because we didn't know each other so where do you get that me hitting on him from. Second of all if you have watched the video you would know what he was talking about. He wasn't talking about me but that he doesn't find the city Brasilia the place to be he would rather picked another city that's why he said feel free the world is big and go around it etc. because it was my opinion. You need to read things better next time the truth was right infront of you don't just make assumptions.
  8. Juxa;783421 wrote: Seriously waan daalnay, be it your nikaah or your ticket to see one another, i offer some contribution. young love must be encouraged and all, but waan daalnay ee do something Looool darling have some patient we will see how things turn out. You don't choose to do a nikah just like 1 2 3, when you want to spend a lifetime with a person. You have to first toss and turn them around and test them on everything if they after all that didn't crack they are in and if they crack they are out. There are people who do nikah after only knowing each other for 1, 3, 5 months etc. but that's not me I like to be 100% sure of my case and I can't do that in that short amount of time. I appreciate your encouragement and your help with everything you're really a great genuine woman one can build on. You have done enough take some rest and treat yourself with a relaxing day at the spa on my expenses and we will take it over from here lol
  9. That was some real talk, you said it exactly how it is hardcore. Best thread I read so far on this whole Khaatumo situation!
  10. IAmRevolution;783294 wrote: Wait, you went out with a him on a date? I see. Haha, I know, I know. You wouldn't be caught dead with that jerk, right? Tell me, how can we move on from SOL to another dimension? I see a lot of strangers starring at us, dear. Lool no he made that thread to ask me out on a date. Oh hell no I would never go out on a date with him he isn't my type he is twofaced. He is a jerk yeah especially how he is treating me now just because I told him in that thread that I wasn't interested in him and didn't want him but that I was interested in you. That's why he is trying to make cheap resentment comments out of jealousy in this thread. In the end his thread got lenghty and out of hand and he started to attack guys for giving him advice or anybody who got close that chatted with me and diverted the attention away from him. Anyways you can read the whole drama here: I recently made a thread about you: Ps; I gotta bounce I will continue this next time. Good night
  11. IAmRevolution;783271 wrote: I just described my city. God! Blue, you gotta pay attention a bit more, sweetie. It's L.O.N.D.O.N ! Lol hun how am I suppose to know London is the city of Shakespeare I don't know much about Shakespeare and I have never read that book or seen the play. Well there was this thread about where are you born and raised and I told him in that thread after he asked me because we happend to live in the same country. After that he made a whole thread about it the one that's called ''Date with Bluelicious'' that's how he blasted it around but I don't mind because I wrote it publically myself in the first place.
  12. IAmRevolution;783260 wrote: Uhm, I can't disclose that matter at the moment (in public). Take hold of my hand and take me to your Luuq (Preferably Facebook). lol Seriously, I'm not from Sweden. Now, I live in the United Kingdom, in a city that is so majestic, it'll turn you into Shakespeare in the matter of hours. haha So your city is a secret? What's there so secret about a city it's just a city. You know I live in Amsterdam and it's no secret no more after Carafaat blasted it around so yeah.
  13. IAmRevolution;783246 wrote: You know, that'll cost you. haha I'm in the UK right now, so how should we work this out? The pie won't stay warm for long. lol What you mean cost me hun I should be getting it for free you know. What are you doing over there in the UK I thought you lived in Sweden?
  14. IAmRevolution;783236 wrote: Lol, I won't change. I'm not a fan of change. *Starts working on the pie* Dear, what type of pie would you like? Cherry?Apple?Lime?Chocolate?Vanilla?Strawberry?IAmRevolution? A cherry pie mixed with a lil IAmRevolution
  15. IAmRevolution;783195 wrote: How could I be done with conversing with YOU? Do tell me, what would you like to see this Knight of yours do, really? Keep doing whatever you're doing now don't change stay who you are. I missed you alot when you were in cyber jail. I'm loving your cute adorable avatar you got guts. Ps; I want you to bake a pie for me it's your turn now lol
  16. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;783194 wrote: LoL, Blue. You reminded me to this childhood friend of mine. Back in somewhere in mid 2000s, he used to email me from Nayroobi, telling me to call this special number that he got from this 'congratulations, you won' website. Since the phone number was an American number, he told me to call it for him. I told him iska iloow waxaas, oo waa beentood. He wouldn't believe it. Scam iyo waxaas muu kuu yaqaan. I told him, haye waa kuu wacaa. But ma anaa u wacay. No frigging way. Looooooool good thing you never did most of them have hidden contracts. They don't tell you about it, they write it in very tiny letters that no one can barely see at the very bottom of the page.
  17. I seriously hate that pop up with the annoying text "Congratuation, You Won". They wanna mess up with your mind.
  18. Are you done with the interview or is there more to come? Let me know before I change my mind and decide not to co-operate anymore.
  19. The many fallen dictators of 2011 now that was a suprising thing. Spring cleaning came just right on time lol.
  20. Malika;782605 wrote: Asalaam Aleikum As far as am aware two or three divorces in one does not exist in Quran, nor such permission given in it states in surah baqarah verse 229 “ a divorce is only permissible twice: after that the parties should either hold together on equitable terms or separate with kindness” – this verse is self explanatory that there is no concept of three divorces in Islam, neither two in one. Talaq should be given once[talaq e-raji], then reconciliation during iddat period, then again if a second talaq [talaq hasan]is given – it is after the second divorce that a man can either retain his wife or get separated. The verse clearly states that there’s only two talaq and that the couple should either reconcile during the iddat or separate therafter. If and when the iddat period has terminated, the talaq –e-raji / hasan will became an irrevocable divorce – in other words the wife is no longer his wife – she is free to marry another man [of course after the three months waiting period]....and if in the future, she is divorce by such a man, the ex husband can marry her. So in summary: No such a thing as two talaq at once and when the iddat [three months waiting] period is over – there is no reconciliation or remarrying.. I hope it made sense, divorce is such a serious topic - I will urge you to seek advice from your local Imam - Insha'allah kheyr. Darling I agree with everything you said except for that there are two talaaqs. I wanna clear that up before he gets the wrong impression about it or takes it the wrong way. There is only 1 talaaq and 2 divorces that's it and nothing else (from the waiting period when a man has the option to take his wife back 2 times, that's where the 2 divorces came from) Those 2 divorces can't be counted as a talaaq on it's own and adding up on top of the first talaaq. Issuing more then 1 talaaq in one session or separately over a period of time is an innovation made by people and is islamically prohibited and not permissible. Therefore we need to be cautious of when to use talaaq and how to use it since the final outcome of it is irrevocable.
  21. This is helpful to you and explains exactly the rules of divorce by a muslim scholar named Mufti Menk. He explains things in a simple and clear way for everyone to understand and also clears up famous misunderstandings about things. When it comes to marriage talk he is the best and gives indepth and detailed information. Personally i've learned alot from this lecture and his other lectures so I would recommend you to watch his whole 14 parts on the topic marriage if you find time. It will save you alot of drama and mistakes and misunderstandings for your next marriage. I've only picked out the parts where he is talking about the rules of divorce since that's what you have asked for. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> In islam you can only give 1 talaaq for divorce, after you have issued the talaaq once you have 3 months waiting period, In those 3 months you can take your spouse back for a max of 2 times and send her back to her family twice which is also called 2 divorces. If the 3 months are over and you haven't took your spouse back during the waiting period it becomes official and you're now officially divorced or if you took her back 2 times and send her back 2 times you're officially divorced now aswell. You can't remarry your wife unless your wife remarries another man without your interfering and consummate the marriage with that partner and later that partner divorces her. Only then you can remarry her. In islam it's not permissible to issue more then 1 talaaq so this two in one that you're talking about would count as this way: as soon as you said the first talaaq in that sitting of 2 that's when you're waiting period goes in immediately so as you see there is no 2 talaaqs in one sitting the second is getting disregarded because there is only 1 needed to activate the process.
  22. That's fascinating but also scary. Virus developers are becoming more smarter each time the technology improves the world is doomed if that STUXNET is really that poweful and not detectable.
  23. IAmRevolution;782084 wrote: This is ridiculous. You don't need to thank the guy, he only pardon me because he wants my endorsement for the next election, which is this year. I think I should stop making you feel flattered. You're starting to become a balloon and my unintentional compliments are filling you up with air, a lot of air. No hun I wasn't talking about Obama but MMA you got it wrong. Your first compliment and you taking it back, why oh why?
  24. samjamaa;782154 wrote: guys, all what you said it is true and i appreciate you advices but i just want to clarify some points. 1) I am racism becaues my target are only to marry Somali man with all my respect for other nationalities. 2) search husband in online or local masjid is not solution. 3) I am not worrying at all because i believe that allah knows what is good for me. However, I’ve realized the most important thing is to first work on myrself. As Ms.Blue said When we work on ourselves, we attract what we look for. Maybe not all the time! However, if something is meant to be, it will happen inshaa allah. and who knows i may invite you all to my wedding party soon. Salaam Darling i'm truly happy for you that my advice was beneficial to you and that it made you realise that you do have some things on yourself that you need to work on. You're now 1 step closer to your goal. Don't set a certain age as a goal to be married or you're bound to dissapoint yourself and please avoid bad men and players like a plague. Don't forget to inform us when you land yourself the right man and good luck with your soul seeking journey. Miriam1 & Aaliyyah - Thank you ladies you welcome. Taleexi - I haven't read that book but well done you understood the message very good, who knew you read such books I only knew your political side. I'm glad that you as a man agree with everything that i've said and it's also a comfirmation for Samjamaa that it's a reliable and right advice. Who better can explain to you about what men want in a woman then a man himself and vice versa but there is a exception if one knows both genders very good and is experienced.