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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. A_Khadar;787320 wrote: ^^ Adeer, I have no idea meeshaad igala qaadaye.. 1. Relax 2. The person you're speaking on behalf can talk for himself 3. This ain't about who insults who but to point out it's very low to divide you own people regardless esp this critical time and that is what this script you thought he is KoK is doing. He isn't who he clamined but a script. He clearly stated his reasons why he made the thread why don't you read and try to understand what he has to say to you and the rest of the Khaatumo people he doesn't have any bad intentions you're misunderstanding him. I can see the reason why you starting to dislike him and attack him is because you don't wanna hear the truth. He says things how he sees it and it may be blunt sometimes but that's because he cares about Khaatumo and thinking of ways to better it and book further progress he is merely only trying to motivate you guys into action and not just stay within your comfort zone. You need criticism to move on and make things succesful that doesn't mean one is a hater or undercover Somalilander you need to open your eyes for the reality the truth hurts and is blunt we know but it should motivate you because he raises good points. Obviously he wouldn't have put so much time and effort in to whole thing if he wasn't from Khaatumo I can tell he is sincere he means no harm it's just you guys take it the wrong way and don't wanna hear about it. You and your followers who cheer for you are ignorant! Second of all I can state my opinion and say something about if I see injustice and unfairness done to someone. He is not the first member nor will be the last that I have defended and came up for their rights. Keep the wrong accusations to yourself and don't insult a person when they haven't insult you in the first place. It doesn't make you a better person.
  2. IAmRevolution;787311 wrote: Sweetie, the only reason I'm criticising my fellow brothers from Laascaanood and Sool iyo Sanaag in general is to wake them up. It's to show them their wrongdoing, their "Doqonimo". Let me give you good examples. Today, we had about 60 men defect from a group of soldiers that were being led by a guy named Mahad Cambashe. Now, the soldiers of Mahad Cambaashe are originally from Yagoori, they have been arresting, beating, and even killing their own people in LAASCAANOOD for the past 5 years. Now, one who's smart, would ask himself. Would the men (Mahad Cambaashe's soldiers) who tortured their own city (Laascaanood), bring goodness to Buuhoodle? I'm just saying, as reer Buuhoodle, we appreciate their decision to leave Somaliland, but in the same token, we (as Reer Buuhoodle) would like to see them gather themselves in SOOL (around Tukaraq) and wage a war against Somaliland in SOOL. Let Reer Buuhoodle defend Buuhoodle and Gobolka Cayn, and let Reer Laascaanood defend Laascaanood and Gobolka SOOL. How hard is it to understand that, walal? I understand that the truth hurts and that's why some people rather don't wanna hear about it. It doesn't motivate them to do better the opposite happens with them they go on attack mode instead of thinking let me see what he has to say and makes them think and say maybe he is got a point or etc. If people are close minded you can't do much about it.
  3. Freedom;786983 wrote: Iam is clownish stop it kid You must be his number 1 fan looking up to him, you are literally in every thread of him uttering the same BS. If you can't take the heat and don't have the capacibilities to hold a decent political debate please for the love of God hit the X and bounce yourself out. We don't need immature ignorant people who get all emotional and go on a insulting rampage just because they disagree or oppose a thread or comment. Newsflash this is politics section not the kindergarten playground you don't belong here. Repeatedly harassing a member or insulting them isn't allowed on this forum I suggest you stop or soon I will be laughing at your exit. Mess with Revolution and you mess with me! :rolleyes: A_Khadar;787171 wrote: Guys, Alliyaha and Abdul, please don't listen and try to reason some of the sick people here.. some of them are scripts and some others are bunch of lost. khatimo and its people are united. Successionists can try other means after so many defeats and one of tacts that they are trying is to divide.. Are you looking for reassurance and backing up from those people above you what a coward and a sad man you are honestly you are the one who lost it. Obviously they are smarter then you they decided to debate and tell him the truth instead of being an ignorant mind who goes on a emotional insulting rampage because you couldn't take the heat and whatever that was presented to you. Isn't this your Khaatumo brother who is from the same city as you so why you acting so foolish. I can clearly see that you are encouraging people to fight and gang up instead of talk and debate you're a problem announcer instead of being a problem solver. You are two faced because AsadSL had a thread where he was dissing the Khaatumo name and calling it Kastumo what did you do and I will quote your words: A_Khadar;787180 wrote: Markii awood kale la waayey cayda waa furantahay? Did you go on a insulting rampage with him no. Did you call for back up no. So why do you have to insult your Khaatumo brother when you didn't even insult your ''enemy'' for disrespecting and dissing your states name. IAmRevolution - You can be proud of your city and point out the things they have achieved but don't talk negatively or degrade other cities in the process refrain from that. You can make your point across without provoking people. At the end of the day whether you're from Buhoodle or Laascanood you're brothers and sisters and represent one cause The Khaatumo State. It should be one for all and all for one and it shouldn't matter which city wins more battles. This is for Freedom, A_Khadar and all of the rest who have similar behaviours (you all know who you are)! This is just crossing the line that members are getting personal attacks because they made threads you don't agree with. It's a well known fact that the truth breeds hatred I can see that back in this thread and other threads of other members from the politics section. This needs to stop and all of the immature ignorant people needs to get weeded out. Treat people how you would want to be treated and with respect. Nothing brings two people together faster then the hatred of a third person. So don't be a cowardly person who has no dignity and pride fight your own battles and don't come act emotional or go on a insulting rampage because you oppose an opinion or a factual article because that says more about your intelligence then the topic starters intelligence. Great minds discuss ideas average minds discuss events and small minds discuss people. Only small minded people attack and discuss people rather then attack and debate the ideas that the other person has presented in a mature and civil way. Some guys don't belong in the politics section the only thing they are good for are being clan cheerleaders nothing else they can't seem to debate whatever that is presented infront of you. That is a characteristic of an uneducated and ignorant mind.
  4. Showqi;786924 wrote: Blue, Xabad i qancisa iyaan ilaa iyo iminka radinayaa! Markaan Saddex iyda oo kale ah helo, aduunku jano ayaabu isu badalyaaye Heey. No I would stick with one. You better stick with one if you don't want to become crazy. I seriously don't know how some men can manage to have 2 or 3 wives, they can't split themselfs in 2 or 3 and treat each of them the same that's impossible. Any man that marries a second or even a third doesn't care about the first wife he only cares about money he sees the women as a means to increase his money may I add money from the government.
  5. Interesting biography I would read it to find out more about his life. So where can we get this book from?
  6. Showqi;786905 wrote: Ninku waa nin fiican oo akhlaaq leh, marka saddex haduu hayo waa in Suubis loogu daraa..... :o Would you take 3 wives?
  7. Timur, Freedom and Aaliyyah, Nothing brings two people together faster then the hatred of a third person. So don't be a cowardly person who has no dignity and pride fight your own battles and don't come act emotional or go on a insulting rampage because you oppose an opinion or a factual article because that says more about your intelligence then the topic starters intelligence. Great minds discuss ideas average minds discuss events and small minds discuss people. Only small minded people attack and discuss people rather then attack and debate the ideas that the other person has presented in a mature and civil way. You guys don't belong in the politics section the only thing you guys are good for are being clan cheerleaders nothing else you guys can't seem to debate whatever that is presented infront of you. That is a characteristic of an uneducated and ignorant mind. Aaliyyah I can clearly see that you seem to be so deeply hurt and still hold grudges and resentments over the insults that FreshPrince said to you that night. Your hatred for FreshPrince has blinded you and made you drift away from the truth and also made you irrational, emotional. That you even started accusing a innocent man for being FreshPrince without any proof and start ganging up on him with two other guys and insulting that's ridiculous and a very cowardly act considering that the night FreshPrince insulted you you didn't even insult him back and went all holy on him. But now that you have found 2 guys who were insulting IAmRevolution you suddenly got wings became devilish and started insulting. Don't pretend to be something you're not go back to your old self the religious good girl Aaliyyah that never insulted nobody. Obviously you spended too much time on the politics section that it messed up your mind get out of it while you can. You may not see it because your caught up in the moment but I can clearly see it. Anyways what I want to say to you is why do you give FreshPrince this satisfaction we know he is a rude guy and he sometimes makes ridiculous comments but why do you take him seriously he is just a insignificant member from the internet whatever he has to say shouldn't matter to you. The only thing that matters is what you think of yourself you're better then this don't let this get you and destroy you from inside because that's what's happening right now. Forgive and forget life is too short to be wasting too much time on such things like this and by the way he also made a thread where he was apologising for his actions why didn't you accept it and forgive him and forget about the whole thing and move on. This is my first and last reply in this thread that's all I wanted to say period.
  8. Kool_Kat;786389 wrote: There's no such thing as men/women stealers, everyone leaves on their own free will...Oh how I loath when people say "Caasho ninkii naag Canab ladhoho ayaa ka qaaday", not ka raacay, but ka qaaday? Muxuu yahay isaga markii la qaadanaayo ama laxadaayo, a honey roasted peanut? Naga dhaafa yaaqoo... People, InaJaad has a point...I've seen so many men who like and go after married women and visa versa, even after they find out they're married (which in some cases motivates such individuals even more)! May be those kinda people just like what they can not have or knowing the fact that this person actually has another is a turn-on for them...Whatever the case might be, InaJaad ma'aha dhibka, ee waa tii ka yeesha fal-falaad xumada uu rabo inuu kula kaco...Some women (married or not) like in lagu fal-falaado...InaJaad and the likes of him bistoolad madaxa kama saaraan, I'm sure! Looool @ is he a roasted peanut. You're right that's what Somalis often say and I used the wrong term for it but the rest of my message is correct since it takes two to tango. I know it's their choice that's why I added that part in my second post because I forgot to add that in my first one. Some people are easily persuaded then others and there is often different factors why a person cheats and of course there are slightly differences between men and women. What does fal falaado mean? Carafaat - Why are you sad? I'm still alive you know KoW is my boo lol.
  9. Maaddeey thank you very much for your honesty and for your wise words, I really appreciate it coming from you since your a solid person. Like I said to Showqi earlier in this thread I will always trust your words and intuition because they seem to be accurate most of the time
  10. Axmed-InaJaad;786074 wrote: Blue, you're one of my favorite posters here because you're not a prude like some of the others and you're always willing to discuss any topic. Maybe you're right, maybe I like them for the thrill and the challenge involved in being with a married woman. As humans we all ways want what we can't have. Or maybe I'm a philanthropist and i want all women to experience good loving. I dunno. But clearly, cheating is a reality, why that is and what makes married women cheat, i dunno. men cheat for obvious reasons. but what about women? Well thank you I think you raised a interesting question that's a common problem that does exist in the society that we live in and there are people who go through that and not everyone talks about it especially Somalis they don't. I only know about one case that happend to a friend of mine some other woman stole her husband. That's the main reasons why you like a married woman because you like the thrill, the forbidden fruit and because you think they are experienced. Isn't it better to have your own woman then stealing another man's wife? Eventhough it takes two to tango and those women agree with your actions and are ok with being with you. Never trust a man or a woman who cheats on their husband or wife with you because what makes you think they wouldn't do the same to you those kind of people are not trustable. Your better off without them just show them the door lol.
  11. Maaddeey;786051 wrote: ^ , maxaad ugu maleysay? Blue, Xumaan ha u arkin. Waxaad u egtahay qof aan talo waxba ku falayn! So you think I wouldn't take your advice, if it is good I would probably take it if it's not good in my eyes I would probably weigh the pros and cons against each other and see which one wins lol. You can keep it Maaddeey. Knighty - I forgot to tell you this I watched My Name is Khan on your recommendation I must say it's a beautiful inspirational movie best hindu Hindu movie I seen so far. It was worth watching.
  12. Maaddeey;786024 wrote: ^Adiga maaha, waa iyada. Lakin dib baan ula noqdayba! Ok suit yourself I gave you the chance to tell me, no problem if you have changed your mind and you don't want to
  13. IAmRevolution;786002 wrote: So, why did you went to Prague? I dream of a day where I backpack thru Europe. Do Somalis in Europe travel or backpack thru Europe often? As soon as they activate it, I won't hesitate to let you know. I can't tell you why I went there on public. I love travelling seeing new countries and cultures see how other people live I find it fascinating and I do wanna back pack around the world one day if I get the time and money for it.
  14. IAmRevolution;786005 wrote: Well, apparently, I never heard your voice or seen a picture of you, let alone in real life. So, quit frankly, that's all I can say at the moment. lol You remind me of a dandelion flower. Reading your comments, is like walking thru a field of dandelion flowers with blue sky over your head, with cool breeze hitting your face, on a sunny day. True the same goes for me. Lol so I have a soothing and a calming effect on you huh cool. Maaddeey - What do you wanna say shoot it.
  15. IAmRevolution;785994 wrote: ^ Pardon me? lol What else is there about me that I should know about?
  16. IAmRevolution;785972 wrote: Hold up! Didn't I tell you that my message system is still down? I can't send or receive messages. It has been activated, yet. How was Czech Republic? Ma Socialist-Communist baad tahay Huuno? lol Prague was awesome eventhough the people over there aren't so friendly I definitely enjoyed myself. This is the second time I went there and lool no i'm not a socialist communist. Can you believe there are actually Somalis who live there I was suprised. I met this Somali girl over there and she told me she lives there guess Somalis are everywhere lol. Ok fine but let me know when they have activated for you.
  17. IAmRevolution;785977 wrote: ^ Your passion, your loyalty, your ingenuity and sophistication has really dazzled my mind, and shaken my heart in appreciation of the day I met you. Oh really how lovely Whatelse is there?
  18. Nin-Yaaban;785963 wrote: That's why i don't watch any videos with less than 200k view counts and never click on YT's "suggested/recommended" videos. They just waste your time. I've been around, just chilling. Lol great minds think alike I also do the same thing. And don't get me started on the commercials before each video that's a whole another topic. We have been crossing each other lately, when i'm here you're not here and when i'm not here you're here lol
  19. Che -Guevara;785710 wrote: Join your local swinger club Best advice tell him! It's not wrong to like them but it's wrong when you start making a move on them.True some women are in loveless unhappy marriages but still that doesn't justify cheating. Just like there are men who like married women there are women who like married men it's a common problem so keep a close eye on your man or woman because there are man and woman stealers. Maybe the reason you like them is because they are experienced women and you know can't have them and you do it for the thrill. Knowing that you're a panty sniffer I would say you probably do it for the thrill. I don't know whether you're telling the truth or not but if this is true and some women indeed pm-ed you, then I have no words for this i'm shocked :eek:
  20. Nin-Yaaban;785945 wrote: With the Internet and Youtube everyone is now a singer. Even those that can't sing. True, have you noticed when you're looking for a song on Youtube you have to through atleast 3 pages of bullshit videos to get to the video you really wanna see it's so annoying. All these people think they can be the next Justin Bieber or Esmee Denters who got famous on Youtube. Anyways if we haven't got our lost buddy Nin Yaaban, where have you been?
  21. Somalia;785871 wrote: Hahaha, the day one of them finds out the others age Loool don't creep me out man. You know Somalis and age don't go together it's their worst nightmare
  22. Faarax-Brawn;785931 wrote: I actually like the new breed of Somali singers. They are refreshing-and gives a new life to Somali Music. I think the old singers should retire. Shelf their music and save it for future generations. I like Qarami,but, lets be honest, those one string kaban songs can be annoying(especially if the kaban takes half the cajalad-and you wonder,is this singer ever gonna sing? )... I second that we need new inspiring artists eventhough for me it wouldn't make any difference since I don't listen to Somali music that often.
  23. IAmRevolution;784821 wrote: Blue, I thought we were suppose to go to the next level here. Email exchange? Facebook, perhaps? Number exchange, maybe? Come....on! Relax will ya I have only been away for the weekend I was in Prague, Czech Republic. Haven't I clearly told you to come to my office because I can't come to yours since I will bump into a closed wall. Cut the chase and enable your pm if not and you start making excuses for it then just forget about it.