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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Nuuuuuuuuuuuune Your back well so am i! I missed you around on the forums, last time I have seen you was when I was a proper newbie. You were one of the few people I clicked with right away. Where have you been you totally went mia. Gosh did you have to come back when I left Back to the topic: What's that food in the picture I have honestly never seen such food.
  2. I'm permanently leaving this place for good. Goodbye everyone! :mad:
  3. A few more true quotes that i've witnessed relating to the political war: That represents the perfect response to any troll. The mark of a gullible lunatic that will almost certainly believe anything you tell them. A total group embarrassment. Award yourself a Troll Gold Star every time you get one! A malicious troll arrives with the intent of being blatantly abusive to the group and/or specific individuals within the group. One of their characteristics is that within a very short time of gaining access they begin targeting and harassing members using both low-end and high-end tactics. In some cases, the troll has a prior history with the group or someone within the group. In other scenarios, the troll is simply looking for a fresh meat market. Troll feeders love to see the drama unfold on their computer screens but they love hiding behind the mask of "I didn't do it" where they feel secure in their role not as a trouble-maker but simply as someone trying understand the other forum users. An Internet 'troll' is an abusive anti-social user who delights in causing disharmony and conflict online Sometimes an average troll can be elevated into majestic proportions when several trollers spontaneously join forces via the medium of the follow up troll. That's exactly how the whole political war started and got spread like fire between the Khaatumites. Indeed that's very embarrassing shame on yourselves.
  4. Aaliyyah;788495 wrote: lol@ reads my sol live in your lil bubble ma istidhi...war leave reer laascaanod alone. Your comment when he was present. Aaliyyah;788544 wrote: oh wow this script is banned yet again..but whats the point? shaati kale bu so sameesanaya lol..I think the admins should just leave him/her alone. lmao Your comment as soon as he left. Do you spot the difference?! Stop trolling you coward! So typical of you to start talking trash behind someones back as soon as they leave! You are really two faced problem announcer!
  5. A single prostitute served nearly 11 men and there were more than 200 men wanting to celebrate Zambia’s first qualification to the Africa Cup final since 1994 in style. “I think when Zambia plays the final, free condoms need to be provided so that we can protect our young men. Many of them had sex with the prostitutes without condoms,” Tembo said. No wonder these people have a high rate of AIDS in their country :eek:
  6. The Sage;788221 wrote: Forum rule #3 - Language: do not use profanity, vulgarity or objectionable language. Referring to people as retards in the topic title is definitely violating that. Let's try to bring some civility into these conversations. If you can't argue without resorting to name calling then maybe you shouldn't be debating in the first place. Well done The Sage
  7. Freedom;788350 wrote: TaleExi stop with the personal attacks Well done Freedom!
  8. Most of these cases happen in The States how weird. Maybe the Americans take this whole unfriending on Facebook way too serious then the rest of the world. I bet people gonna think twice now before they unfriend someone after these scary cases :eek:
  9. 'Liibaan';788092 wrote: IAmRevolution/ Fresh Prince/ Knight of Wisdom is imposter, liar and also bigot/tribalist. This creature created multiple accounts to insult Khaatumo SSC People ( Reer Nugaaleed & Reer Hawd), he get banned so many times , and he comes with a nick name each time. the fool tried very hard to divide Khaatumo/SSC people, and he failed big time. Every time he is claiming new SSC town or subclan, and his intention is to insult another SSC town & subclan. Not long ago he was claiming he is from Yagoori, and today he is claiming he is from Buhoodle. I'm really starting to question this guy's intelligence. First of all Knight of Wisdom got banned on the generals section on a thread about religion and not for his participation in politics section. Second of all his old account Knight of Wisdom got permanently banned that's why the admin gave him a new account and the admin and mod are the ones who brought him back and even the mod announced and confirmed his return back. They know more about you so go cry me a ocean tribalist. Your trying way too hard that it makes you come across like a emotionally unstable fool. I rest my case because i'm no longer gonna try reason with this maniac. You will soon greet the cyber jail from inside. TROLL ALERT!! DON'T FEED THE TROLL!! REPORT HIM!! Taleexi;788096 wrote: Khatumites care less what trollers/impostors ku hantaatacaan! Stay out of this you are better then them don't feed the troll. We have an emotional troll who is on a troll rampage.
  10. Cambuulo iyo bun;787868 wrote: lool blue ninka waku khafiiftay ma is tiri Lool no just telling how it is because that's not acceptable. My job is done so I have closed the case now. Have I told you before that I find your name so cute Ps; These following quotes are so true I have seen them during the political war. An "Internet troll" or "Forum Troll" is a person who posts outrageous message to bait people to answer. Trolls delight in sowing discord on the forums. A troll is someone who inspires flaming rhetoric, someone who is purposely provoking and pulling people into flaming discussion. Flaming discussions usually end with name calling and a flame war. Trolls are immune to criticism and logical arguments. True trolls cannot be reasoned with, regardless of how sound your logical argument is. An insecure person can get a sense of power online, without ever having to face someone directly. With the Internet being a world of imagination and fantasy for some, cowardly users can forge an alter ego for themselves, and act out their feelings of anger and inadequacy. It's sad and unfortunate that our advanced communications also brings out the darker side of many people. Trolls will incite broad arguments and provoke angry responses by making controversial statements. (e.g. racism, religious intolerance, bigoted or elitist views, mysogyny, extreme political views) Trolls will start many off-topic threads, seeking to derail users from the focus of an online community. Trolls will post abusive and hurtful comments directed at a specific person (aka "flaming" another person)
  11. IAmRevolution;788055 wrote: That was exuberant. You have surely put a smile on my face, sweetie. You grabbed his eyes and literally placed them into reality. After their failed attempt in reasoning with my and many other people's arguments of why the Reer Nugaaleed are not fighting back, they turn to accusations and avoiding the questions. You welcome hun I know that some people can't hold proper debates that's why they become emotional and try to derail us from the real focus of the thread with false wrong accusations, setting you up and by avoiding the question that's been raised. You shouldn't try to reason with tribalists who have bigot views in the first place. Next time put the quote here under into action, I suggest you read the ''How To Deal With Trolls'' thread. Let's go to our place shall we? Trolls are immune to criticism and logical arguments. True trolls cannot be reasoned with, regardless of how sound your logical argument is. Showqi;787689 wrote: Huh! I thought we were twins. Waad i nacday soo maaha, waayahay wey inoo tahay,,,,, No I didn't you know me love you, oh yeah that's right we were twins good for reminding me haha.. Carafaat;787693 wrote: Blue, excellent research and good for standing up for your man. Liibaan almost convinced us that Iamrevolution isn't SSC to disqualify him. Thanks my lovely buddy, someone had to bring them back to reality and tell them the truth. I missed us
  12. Forum trolls love to come into threads and stir up trouble, start arguments and generally make little sense just for the fun of getting people riled up. An Internet troll is someone who abuses their online anonymity by purposely sowing hatred, bigotry, racism, mysogyny, or just simple bickering between others. Because trolls like to promote fighting. Yep true seen that around in the past few days during the political war. First of all thanks for this great thread, I see alot of truthful lines very useful information for the mods, admin and the members. I'm glad that my political posts has inspired and encouraged you to take action against trolls. You wrote exactly what I was thinking and trying to say all this time. And that i'm not the only one who wants peace and a civil environment where everyone can get along with each other and can have civil debates. We the members of Sol are the ones who can make a difference to this place by starting with ourselfs and then encouraging others to do good and thus promoting the good atmosphere and civilisation of the place. Positivity and good behaviour are contagious. Sometimes, Internet troll is trying to spin conflicting information, is questioning in an insincere manner, flaming discussion, insulting people, turning people against each other, harassing forum members, ignoring warnings from forum moderators. This came at the right time for the current political war going on at the politics section all started by Aaliyyah. Aaliyyah has been the common denominator in this whole political war that was based on personal unresolved issues that she has had with the member FreshPrince. She started to blast around on the politics section that IAmRevolution was FreshPrince (after she remembered an incident from long time ago where one person jokingly said that IAmRevolution at the time called Knight of Wisdom was FreshPrince it was all banter and a one time thing but she being gullible took it serious and has hold on to it ever since shame on her for believing everything she reads) without any clear proof and started to harass him about it and insulting him because she is a bigot and he had different views then her which she opposed and disagreed with. Soon her Khaatumo clique (Abdul, Liibaan, A_Khadar) saw the message and just copied it and believed it gullibly like headless chickens without even being sure of their cases and then even they started further blasting wrongful accusations and insults towards IAmRevolution shame on them. Not only that but she was also acting tough infront of her clique and making insults and hide behind her crew and at other times acting tough to gang up on IAmRevolution and insult together as a clique to troll and harass together was their motto you can spot the difference between their solo comments and gang comments. The worst one was Liibaan he even went to great extents purposely to sabotage and set up IAmRevolution to make people against him and started to post falsly edited quotes originally belonging to FreshPrince making it seem as if it belonged to IAmRevolution and that he wrote it. He is the biggest troll and fits all of the descriptions of the article and only wants to spread hatred, promote bigotry, fight and and make members against each other, stir trouble and arguments. Anyways I hope she aint proud of her bad behaviour and actions of bringing 4 members against each other promoting and spreading hatred, fights, arguments, trouble and promoting bigotry. They brought bigotry to whole another level this is hardcore harassment! Repeatedly accusing the members IAmRevolution, Carafaat and Xaaji_Xunjuf but mostly IAmRevolution for being the member FreshPrince without any proof and just because you feel like it to stir trouble, hatred and promote and start a fight because you have unresolved issues with that member is a form of harassment so I suggest the Khaatumo clique (Abdul, Liibaan, A_Khadar and Aaliyyah) especially Aaliyyah the starter to stop with the false baseless accusations and harassment. I don't think you guys would like to be wrongly accused of being another member that you aren't and be harassed about it so it doesn't make any sense to be doing it to another person. FreshPrince has taken full responsibility for his bad behaviour and actions and had even made a thread where he was apologising and asking for forgiveness to everyone and stopped ever since with his bad actions he is a changed man now. But some people feel the need to re-open a closed case and make his name black and cause unnecessary trouble and fights on purpose because of holding grudges and resentments. Political war is good for nothing especially when you make it personally, you gain nothing out of it. Respect everyones personal opinons even if they differ from yours because everyone is entitled to have their own opinion and you don't need to shove your bigotry views down to people's throats and start to harass them. I suggest the Khaatumo clique leaves FreshPrince, IAmRevolution, Carafaat and Xaaji_Xunjuf alone and move on! That is the hardcore truth and nothing but the truth, my work is done here
  13. He seems to be doing more humanitarian work lately great job. The amount of people from the west that goes to visit our country is slowly starting to grow at first no one wanted to be seen or go there being afraid of their own lifes and the dangers. Is 50 cent still a rapper or did he retire?
  14. rudy-Diiriye;787569 wrote: Born down in a dead man's town The first kick I took was when I hit the ground You end up like a dog that's been beat too much Till you spend half your life just covering up, now Born in Somalia, I was Born in Somalia, I was Born in Somalia Got in a little hometown jam So they put a rifle in my hands Sent me off to a foreign land, to go to study with the yellow man Born in Somalia, I was Born in Somalia, I was Born in Somalia Then flew to Beverly Hills Hiring man said "Son are you Jewish" I said, I think so....By they, what is Jewish? He said "Son don't you understand now" I had a brother at middle east, fighting off the Arabs They're still there, he's all gone He had a woman who lived in Jerusalem, I got a picture of him in her arms, uhh Down in the shadow of the peni-tentiary Out by the - gas fires of the - refinery I'm - 25 years burning - down the road Nowhere to run ain't, got nowhere to go Born in Somalia, I was Born in Somalia, I was Born in Somalia Born in Somalia, I'm a cool rockin' daddy who is addicted to dark colored xalimos!! I'm in the U.S.A., now So fine me a doctor who can cure me!! Lol what a great introduction good to have you back buddy
  15. Liibaan, You're delusional and irrational did you really think the truth wouldn't come to surface a really dumb move. God bless for my excellent memory that I have recognised each of those posts and that they belong to the member FreshPrince and not IAmRevolution. Harassing members and sabotaging them to set them up and create trouble and fights isn't allowed on this forum. You have reached a very low point. Anybody who clicks on the links below for the original threads can see that you have done some editing to the posts you quoted, first of all you have changed the orginal name from FreshPrince to IAmRevolution and secondly you have erased all of Aalyyah's name out. The reason why you have erased her name out some of the posts is because you are bootlicking for your clique member after all your motto is together we troll and harass members. Any sane person with a God blessed mind like Lander would doubt and question your falsly edited quotes because the politics threads are read on a daily basis so anything odd would stick out like a sore thumb and make people question as they have not seen it before. As you can see if you click on the links below First it was IAmRevolution and now even Carafaat and Xaaji_Xunjuf are not safe anymore they get accused of being FreshPrince. Why? Because in these peoples twisted minds they believe anybody who has different views then them or even questions things or tells the truth is immediately labelled as FreshPrince without even further thinking. Liibaan and Aaliyyahs accusations are baseless and are the results of thinking irrational and delusions I can clearly see he is trying to jump up and down for her false accusations she got it from someone who was joking at one time and took it serious that's where she got it from that's so gullible. What's worse is they even copy each others words like a chicken without head and don't even try to bother in finding out whether it's true or not that's so gullible. Maybe they should emigrate back to Khaatumo and attack the invaders on their ground and not come attacking and ganging up innocent people on SOL. All I have to say is 3 2 1 and bam there they are your followers your clique bootlicking and cheering for your disgusting action. The reason you have done all of this was to get attention and reassurance and backing up from your clique but most of all because you are really a bad person who wanted to create chaos trouble and fights here in SOL. You guys are a bunch of sad people who can't even properly debate instead go all emotional and try to sabotage and set up the member IAmRevolution because he seems to have other views then you and tells the hardcore truth about things and questions them. Yes we know IAmRevolution is Knight of Wisdom he already said that openly and publically tell us something we don't know but he is not FreshPrince the two aren't comparable. Please for the love of God hit the X and bounce yourself out you don't belong here crying out and being all emotional because of views you oppose hey newsflash he is entitled to have his own opinions and anybody else too get lost and take your false baseless accusations with you problem announcer! A friend is like a chain he will either drag you into paradise or drag you into hell. He will either cause you problems or he will help you solve your problem - Sheikh Abdullah Azzam THE TRUTH BREEDS HATRED!!! These are the original threads where he got his false edited quotes from: Ps: I have notified the authorities about your disgusting action!
  16. NASSIR;787049 wrote: Bluelicious, Walaal, that's no "factual article" nor is this Mr.Revolution "innocent". And don't get incensed by the differences of opinion; your presence is in this forum is much needed, so don't depart and deprive us of your valuable inputs. I wouldn't know whether this article is 100% true but I assume it is since it's from a newsportal. In general yes he isn't innocent and has his fair share in things but in this thread he is he hasn't done any crimes towards them to deserve to be insulted like that. It's the same lame people who are doing it no one else it's as if they have nothing else to do. Those weren't opinions they went straight to attack him with insults. That's really sweet of you to say such thing after my warning that I make a difference in this place and shouldn't get myself exited if I get exited atleast I would know i've done good things I have fought injustice and i've educated so many people so I wouldn't have any regrets. Maybe you're right I didn't notice it myself but maybe I did made a difference because Jaceylbaro is a changed man now. Don't worry about me Bluelicious is here to stay I aint going nowhere. I know there are people who would like to see me go and can't wait for that day but hey everybody got a pack of haters behind them especially after a rebel with a cause so it's all cool. Jacaylbaro;787056 wrote: Didn't I tell you qabyaaldu waa basal oo kele ,,, and it doesn't stop till the end ? ... Now this is a good example. It is not even few weeks, and there is already a division and reer hebel maxay qabanayaan and reer hebel maxay sidaa u samayn waayeen ...... and now we have even websites (like Taleex and Allboocame) discredited by some coz of their sub-sub-clan thing. Time to grow up and think nationally .................... Somaliland all the way I definitely agree with you about the qabyalad and that it's time some people grow up and think nationally. You have really suprised me how quick you have changed, have come around and stepped up your game. I remember getting angry at you few weeks ago for insulting Somalia and instigating fight and hatred between Somalis with your provocative threads i'm proud of you that you have stopped those bad actions. And look at you now the roles have been reversed you're the one now telling them that they are acting foolish. Some clan cheerleaders and other people should take an example from you. Keep up the good job Showqi;787081 wrote: Soomaaliya hadii aad dooneyso in ay kaa simirto, adiguna Sool, Sanaag, Cayn iyo Buuhoodle ka samir. Hadii kale dee waa la is jiid jiidan uun ilaa daa'imal abad. Well said my brother from another mother
  17. IAmRevolution;787408 wrote: OH BOY! You're a feisty one, aren't ya'. lol I'll be glad to answer them ALL, but not now. I'm heading off insha'allah, later on. If you could drop your email, that would even be better. Oh yes i'm feisty but it's not like it's a suprise to you now is it you already knew. Toodles hun have a safe exit don't trip on your way out lol.
  18. IAmRevolution;787399 wrote: Hahaha, I'm ready for the HOT SEAT! Throw your questions, but I'll answer them later on when I come back to sign in! Ok I wasn't planning to ask them right now I thought of giving you a warning before hand. I'm the best interrogator but i'm not gonna ask all of my good questions on here.
  19. IAmRevolution;787381 wrote: Hahaha, I'm glad you experienced that. I have a soft spot for Humanity, regardless of who they are. As for watching a second time, I don't think I'd be as teary as I was in the first time. Generally speaking, somehow for me, all things in life has a first time for me. In comedy, I won't be able to laugh the second, third or fourth time, as I did in the first time, same goes for movies and other things. We are truly, two that are inseparable! I'm the opposite of you I can watch things a few times and I don't get tired of it or uninterested now that's a skill lol I think it also takes patience to do such things watch things a few times eventhough you know what's gonna happen. Oh yeah you can say that again we are inseparable they try to divide us and come between us but they don't succeed. Hey darling Revolution it's time you went on the hot seat and got interrogated don't you think and put you in the spotlight if you try run away you're gonna get tied down Taleexi - Looooool that won't happen in here don't worry.
  20. Taleexi;787378 wrote: Oh girl, did you cry? Oh my a lil bit it wasn't like I was pouring my heart out it was more little cry
  21. IAmRevolution;786964 wrote: I'm glad you did. That movie was one in a billion, really. It's what a MOVIE should be, to a certain extend. lol Imagine if we watched it together? *Food for thought* Yes it was a great movie it was moving and made me emotional I had teary eyes. There are not alot of movies that move me like that infact it rarely happens. I have a soft spot for humanitarian actions always ready to fight for a good cause and ready to defend the injustice to people around the world. The person whom I was watching with was suprised because I hardly ever become like that about a movie I think I need some tissue next time if I watch it for the second time We are the Bonnie and Clyde of Sol, the Simba and Nala, the Blue and Revolution... you can go continue