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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. This is bad the only words I understood are butac and gafuur. Sorry Mukulaalow can't help you I need help myself
  2. Paragon;805213 wrote: Khatar cadiim. Well hello if we aint got Paragon
  3. K.O.W;804583 wrote: Lol, you got played by an impostor! Lol by you, quit this acting it's starting to get childish. You can't fool me I know exactly how you are anyways it's late gotta go, good night.
  4. K.O.W;804581 wrote: What do you mean? :? Last time I was banned, I was using Knight of Wisdom username. I made K.O.W account and left January, decided to come back few days ago and that's about it. Whatever :rolleyes:
  5. K.O.W;804578 wrote: Why here? WhatTheF, who's this guy that's pretending to be me? Seriously don't start the same guessing game you did at the start of this thread gosh.
  6. K.O.W;804572 wrote: What thread?
  7. Knight If you got anything to say write it in here.
  8. K.O.W;804567 wrote: How can I PM you, when it's telling me that my PM system hasn't been activated, YET. Let's get out of this cranky old man's thread who thinks his sahara thread is all that when it's not. Bring up the "Interview with Bluelicious'' thread you can talk over there.
  9. K.O.W;804560 wrote: ^ What are you saying? We're done? Yes we are done you don't leave me no choice. You are probably never gonna change old habits die hard. You making exuses for your pm is also one of the reasons. I'm no longer gonna talk to you about things on the forum Oday is right there is something called a pm. If you wanna talk to me pm me if not then just leave me alone. OdaySomali - I'm out of your thread.
  10. K.O.W;804536 wrote: I came back for YOU. lol I feel indifferent about that, everytime you leave after about 3 weeks. Should I be happy about your return normally I would be but not this time because I don't see the point in being happy about it when you probably be gone soon because you can't seem to change those stubborn bad habits of yours that always gets you in trouble. Prove that you have staying power it's time you settled down instead of getting yourself in situations that gets you banned. I'm big time dissapointed and a bit mad in you and I think it's best if we keep things platonic no more Knight and Blue love this is the end of us.
  11. K.O.W;804529 wrote: What happened? Why did you decide to come back?
  12. K.O.W;804526 wrote: I didn't know you were around! It's a long story.
  13. K.O.W;804518 wrote: ^^ Bluelicious? :eek: Yes the one and only. Why you so suprised?
  14. chubacka;804512 wrote: There should be a point below which ppl should be afraid to go. When reasoning goes out of the window people become animals. That's the only thing that separates humans from animals the reasoning.
  15. AYOUB;726107 wrote: But lot's of people have been killed and maimed because of the poor road conditions. I'm with Oday on this. LOL. The Flintstones where on a whole another level.
  16. It's gonna happen it only takes time. Kaaskop I was looking for you
  17. Che -Guevara;804070 wrote: ^LooooL.....I had my share. Do you remember Carafaat's ''Date with Bluelicious'' thread how he kept saying the wrong things unintentionally and how you tried to save things for him with your sexy back Griffin video haha. That was a fun thread those were the fun times. Speaking of Carafaat where is he I haven't seen him around, I like him he is fun
  18. ^^ Ameen "The police used pepper spray, they Tasered him, but nothing, and then they shot him twice." Was he a devils child nothing could stop him just joking. I agree with Narniah though when someone loses his sanity and act mental, it's not really them something else takes over their brains like subtance abuse or a trauma and thus they lose control over themselfs. It's wrong to judge those people just because you still have your sanity it can happen to anybody.
  19. Wow that's really sad to see a total transformation. What a psycho man who can't handle that she left him, he deserves to be jailed and on the other hand what was she thinking having an affair with a married man gosh some women.
  20. Hey I heard you were a wild one..... I am a wild one tame me now " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  21. Che -Guevara;804061 wrote: loool talking from experience haye. You know its true that's why you laughing because you could relate to it as a man Every man has gone through that stage at one point in their life if you haven't then your not a man. For example how many times have you tried chatting up a woman things were going good for you and then suddenly you use the wrong word or sentence and things turn disastrous for you.
  22. Cambuulo iyo bun;804042 wrote: lol Okey blue thanks for the advice:) You welcome you bean lover. Just make sure you don't say the wrong things, men have a way of ruining situations for themselfs. Other then that you should be fine just believe in yourself.
  23. Lol at saying girlfriend at first and then calling her your fiance afterwards talk about downgrading the relationship status, your lucky if she doesn't see this or you might go back to single lol. Maybe it's time you became a romantic man start of with the lil things and work your way up from there no one becomes a romanticus over night. I would suggest The Vow that's my personal pick it's such a beautiful movie and makes you also look different at the world and make you appreciate your partner more and not take things for granted.