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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. K.O.W;806827 wrote: Actually, I think from here on, we should talk in private. I don't want to share your chat with anyone, let alone you as a person. lol Loool not even me alright that sounds top secret you can share it with my shadow Cambuulo iyo bun - Didn't you already know Knight is my boo
  2. K.O.W;806823 wrote: Stop it! I'm flattered! lol Can we take this to private or at least wait till the privacy thing is activated? Aww how cute did my compliment make you shy. So what do you wan't to talk about since you saying I can't talk about most things in public. What is allowed and what not make it clear because I don't know, what maybe could be normal to me would for example not be normal to you.
  3. 7000 dollars is enough it's not too much if you can afford it. It all depends on whether you can afford it or not to make such a decision. A woman shouldn't burn a man beyond his financial capacity.
  4. K.O.W;806786 wrote: I like your sarcasm! My debating skills are very minimal. I have no skills in debate, nor do I have anything that could distinguish me from other guys, apart from my real life character and that, I don't it can be seen via online. lol But, thank you Bluelicious! You don't know how to take a compliment do you. I wasn't being sarcastic I was being serious I mean it you do have a talent maybe you not aware of it but I can see it you are a excellent debater for me to say that it means I have compared you with others. Like I said maybe you don't see it yourself but I did notice you are different then the other men in a good way. You seem to be articulate and sophisticated you sound like the ideal man.
  5. K.O.W;806770 wrote: Wow! I like what you did. You're talking about the writing right? The About me section, too? Or am I missing something else? The picture is mesmerizing! lol When I said profile picture I meant the picture, it's yours remember it represents you. Glad you liked my whole page Howcome you are different then most men in here? You stand out from the rest and are distinguished. I must say you are a very excellent debater you have talent in that department you are gifted.
  6. K.O.W;806764 wrote: In that case, let's wait this talk till my PM is activated! Would you stop contradicting yourself it's annoying. Take a look at my profile picture on my page. I did that when you left suprise suprise Do you like it?
  7. K.O.W;806753 wrote: Let's take this into private! lol Just what I thought, you would elope with a younger woman tut tut tut you FAILED :mad: What private?! You don't have a private space.
  8. K.O.W;806749 wrote: ABSOLUTELY! I was afraid you were going to say within a year or two. lol Are you sure about that and not thinking of running of with a younger woman. You know Somali men and their habits for running after women who are much younger then them. 1 or 2 years that's too soon for me I don't do that I take my sweet time.
  9. K.O.W;806741 wrote: I don't know! You tell me! What do you mean you don't know i'm sure you got some rough drafts of the things you wanna do. I'm gonna settle down when i'm thirty are you gonna wait for me for such a long time lol?
  10. K.O.W;806731 wrote: Fine, I won't do it. I wanna know though how would you propose to a woman?
  11. K.O.W;806724 wrote: That's why I'm proposing to you! Are you serious. Now why would you do that?
  12. K.O.W;806718 wrote: Hahahahahaha! Fine! You caught me red handed! Like I told you, you can't fool me.
  13. K.O.W;804588 wrote: Childish? What are you talking about? :confused: I am not who you think I was, regarding the person who made this thread. Someone must've been keeping eye on me, learning how I type and all and they did pretty good, to be honest! WOW! You have been caught red handed lying. Lying about your other name won't get you far so hush it. Those are your words there is no denying about it! You keep using the same exuses :mad: IAmRevolution;785972 wrote: Hold up! Didn't I tell you that my message system is still down? I can't send or receive messages. It has been activated, yet. How was Czech Republic? Ma Socialist-Communist baad tahay Huuno? K.O.W;804567 wrote: How can I PM you, when it's telling me that my PM system hasn't been activated, YET. Personality match: CHECK
  14. sharma-arke451;805321 wrote: blue, my intention is to have a family resource center in SOL. one stop shopping for all family issues. don't you think that is worth it? welcome back Thank you for the warm welcome I like your idea you got my support. Do whatever your heart is into if you feel passionate about it go for it. Make sure you don't give up on the first hurdle you come across.
  15. I used to play the keyboard. I didn't like playing on the piano so that didn't last too long.
  16. Are you serious?! You telling me I used semen bull in my hair that's messed up *is grossed out* I find this hard to believe I will look into it myself.
  17. Showqi;805938 wrote: Blue , huuno Soomaaliya daawo dacalada.. Does this one qualify for your collection? " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  18. nuune;806174 wrote: mine was March 3, I was told after a week later that it was indeed my bday, never celelbrated, and no need for it, at least I know inaan geed hoostiis ku dhashey, and that is what matters. Young Carafaat , congrats for your 29th birthday. Nuune oh my you aswell what is this the march baby boom lol. Since you say March 3 isn't your real birthday and you were born under a tree I will leave yours out since you dont like celebrating it but I am gonna say to you happy birthday Nuune.
  19. Narniah;806165 wrote: Happy birthday Carafat, I wish you a beautiful happy long life InshaAllah. My birthday was on March 10! Oh my it's been your birthday too Narniah let me edit my first post. Happy birthday to you aswell darling.
  20. Happy birthday to Carafaat and Narniah I know i'm two days late sorry buddy but better late then never right, it's the thought that counts. Your such a great nice person and totally deserve it you are the live of the party no fun when there is no Carafaat around. Narniah you deserve it equally aswell your such a kind sicere very genuine person you are one in a million. I wish both of you a happy birthday with lots of good health and may there be many years to come. May all of your dreams and wishes come through. Let's all show some love to Carafaat and Narniah. Hip hip hurray! " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  21. It looks like your parents have made up their mind about getting divorced there is not much you can do once they have made up their minds and the divorce process starts. The divorce of your parents is not the end of the world eventhough it hurts you. Count your blessings that you still got both of your parents there are so many children around the world who don't have their parents anymore and are orphans who lead horrible lives. If your dad is a good father and cares about you which I assume he does he is still gonna be part of your live and and every aspect of it. You can always see him and he can always visit you and your siblings so don't stress too much about it. Everything happens for a reason.
  22. Cute ah? I think she is not, older women and cute don't go together they past the cute stage. The song is alright but I think Sado Cali is a better singer then her.
  23. Every woman and man should know what they are getting themselfs into before entering a marriage it's a dead serious thing that can change your whole life. There are 3 things needed attraction, personality compatibility and spiritual compatibility. If you do that you have a very high chance of succeeding. Whatever the mind can conceive it can achieve so therefore you should have the right mindset and intention to wanting to get a lifetime partner till death do us part not a partner for 1,5 or 10 years. If your mind isn't set on being with a person a lifetime it will never happen. Good preparation is half the work the most prepared people are the most dedicated. So Sharmarke what are your plans, by the way this is a great thread it's much needed.