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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Showqi are the women you saw thieves. Why would they need 2 or 3 big handbags it sounds suspicous.
  2. oba hiloowlow;807775 wrote: Lol@Taleexi thanks sxb ! Blue i dont know exactly what hooba hiloowlow means weydii Malaaq MMA laakin i know hiloowlow means qof loo hiloobay (a missed person) Thanks for the welcoming You welcome nice to meet you, now we are no strangers no more lol and thanks for the explanation Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;807831 wrote: The brother got it from this famous song originally sung by Sulfa. But in this case by Sheegoow Band. And here is a more newer version by Khaalid. Hoobaa hilowloow, hoobaa hilowloow Bogga iyo beerka i duleelaa What it means? The literal meaning of 'hilowloow' the brother sharxay. However, spirits ayaa loo qaadoyaa heestaan. Hoobaloow too was one of the old spirits in Soomaalida aaminsanaan jireen in pre-Islamic as well, though not many people know it nowadays. Here is in a traditional way. I remember while I was in Nayroobi last year, I was listening to this song when islaantoo wadaad ahayd oo guriga joogtay maqashay. She forgot she was a wadaad for a moment and kept singing because waayo waayo soo xasuusatay. She knew all the words regardless of not hearing it more than two decades. I guess it is the very spirit of the song. It used to be a very catchy, popular song. ______________ Hoobaa Hilowloow, soo gudub, xaaji. Warka keen. Intaa maqnayd mataankaa Awcambuulo ayaa meesha sii camiraaye. I can relate to that once you know a song it will always be stuck in your head even after like 10 years you can still sing the lyrics as if you learned and heared the song today. Thank you very much for the detailed explanation. Because of you and some other lovely members but specially from you I have learned alot in a very short period of time. Ever thought of being a teacher in Somali
  3. Valenteenah - Yes thanks for asking i'm well and alive alhamdulilah. Yeah you are right I figured that some time ago but he can go to far sometimes there are boundaries but I have nothing against him. He acts mean and hard but he's not, he's a softie from inside he just knows how to hide it well with his meanness, this is his way of conversating with someone he likes eventhough it's twisted lol. This guy things it's bad to put your guard down with new people How have you been? Narniah - Dutch connections huh oh mama mia they taught you well, you wrote it perfectly. Do you know how to pronounce the ''G'' if you don't know it's the same as the ''KH'' in arabic. You English people don't pronounce the ''R'' and the Dutch people pronounce the ''G'' strongly. at xxjes hahaha... Take a look at how this English guy pronounces the ''G'' it's funny. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  4. Blessed - Indeed motherhood changes women for the better. I have seen women who led a wild and risky life then after having kids they change 360 degree and become a different person it's amazing.
  5. Nin-Yaaban;807635 wrote: Taloow hadii uu arki lahaa musqusha toilet paperka ii taalo, muxuu oron lahaa.. Looooooooool. There is also one made from dollars. That guy was such a racist I hope he gets what he deserves. Some people don't know how to handle power and misuse it. Those Americans think the land is theirs when it's not.
  6. Welcome back oba hilooowlow. What does your name mean?
  7. Carafaat - You nailed it bravo. Ever since I was gone NGONGE became crazy due to missing me and started to bully you because he saw a lil bit of me in you and the same with Narniah that's why he's accusing you two of being me. Then once I came back he comes to me accusing me of us three being one to draw my attention since he is socially awkward and doesn't know how to conversate with me so he uses the accusations as an icebreaker lol. He feels left out that I never conversate with him that explaines his behaviour. Who would ever thought that he would fight for my attention like this NGONGE - You contradict yourself alot. You are beyond depressed you sad troll you need to seek my attention in a negative way in order to feel good about yourself. Maybe if you weren't so negative, a bully towards others and in a bad mood all the time I would conversate with you. Take a hike with your childish ways.
  8. One of the most popular stories is about how pregnant women become scatterbrained and forgetful as their pregnancy progresses. While you may have experienced a few forgetful moments throughout your pregnancy, there is now evidence that supports that pregnancy and motherhood may actually make you smarter. Here is the lowdown on the brain-boosting powers of pregnancy! Pregnancy and Memory Loss Many women report symptoms of memory loss and forgetfulness throughout their pregnancies. In fact, about 50% of pregnant women admit to episodes of absentmindedness, particularly in the third trimester. You may find your self misplacing your keys or temporarily losing your glasses; some women report missing scheduled appointments or even forgetting information that they learned just hours before. This type of memory loss is often referred to as short-term memory loss and may be the result of: - lack of restful sleep during pregnancy - trying to learn a lot of information in a short span of time - general pregnancy discomfort Though you may feel like you are losing your mind thanks to these scatterbrained moments, there is now evidence to the contrary. In fact, it appears that pregnant women actually gain brainpower throughout pregnancy! So ignore those momentary memory lapses, and focus on how your pregnancy is actually making you smarter! How Pregnancy Makes You Smarter: The Study A recent study performed at the University of Richmond and Randolph-Macon College in Virginia illustrates that pregnancy brainpower actually doesn’t decline at all during pregnancy. Neuroscientists examined the activities of pregnant mice, rats, and humans and found that all three showed significant increases in mental acuity and memory throughout pregnancy and after giving birth. Specifically, the researchers noticed that the pregnant mice and rats: - had more energy - were more curious - ran mazes more quickly - retained detailed information for longer periods of time Human subjects in the study also showed increased brainpower. Specifically, the pregnant women showed: - increased visual acuity - improved sense of smell Why The Boost in Brain Power? The neuroscientists involved in the pregnancy and memory study found that the hormones released throughout the nine months of pregnancy and during breastfeeding actually contributed directly to this increase in brain power. The hormone oxytocin, which is released in large amounts during pregnancy, appeared to directly affect the structure of the brain, allowing pregnant animals to experience improved brain communication. Brain changes included: - Increased Dendrites: Researchers reported a doubling of the number of dendrites in the pregnant animals in the study. Dendrites are the connections in the brain that allow neurons to communicate with one another. The more dendrites a person has, the better the different areas of the brain can communicate. - Increased Glial Cells: Researchers also reported that the pregnant animals had twice the number of glial cells in their brain as non-pregnant animals. Glial cells also play a role in brain communication, acting as signal transmitters for different areas of the brain. Is This Improved Memory Permanent? One of the most significant findings of this and other pregnancy and memory studies is that the added brainpower caused by pregnancy appears to be permanent. Increased memory retention and improved cognition appear to continue throughout motherhood; in fact, parenting only seems to contribute to a woman’s brain power, allowing her to become: - increasingly motivated - less fearful - more empathetic - better able to multitask and prioritize What About Men? Women aren’t the only ones who appear to benefit mentally from pregnancy and parenthood. Men also appear to show increased mental performance, however, this occurs on a much lower scale than it does in women. In particular, men seem to show an increased ability to empathize with others. This is believed to be the result of an increase in estrogen and prolactin that occurs in men just prior to labor and delivery. Not only do the brains of pregnant women get bigger due to certain hormones but they get smarter as well which results in a higher IQ and the changes are permanent. Ladies this is not an excuse to start producing a football team lol
  9. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;807314 wrote: Sadex kun euro ma xumo. It is a start. But ogoow meher money la isma siiyo isla markii. Vast majority of Soomaalida pay it later, especially kis kis u bixiyaan. Qaarkoodna maba bixiyaan, oo markee i fur dhahdo ayee ku xujeyaan haddee furitaan rabaan, then they should forgive and forget their meher. They put her in a rock and hard place. Usually, the sisters choose in la furo and jaamacyaasha gleefully don't pay. That is why guurka u sahlanyahay in la isku furo these days. And it is abuse of xaqeeda, too. Wadaadada kuwa sheegto ayaa ka koow ah who abuse this, naaga afar afar u guursadana. By the way, you also also need to add this: Gabdhaha usually also want a set of dahab minimum, some want several sets. Marka if meherka is $7,000 using the thread starter's number, plus another $4,000 for the dahab. That is a lot nooh. What the hell, is that what most Somali men do wow that is wrong and unislamic to decide not to pay her no dowry because your dowry (meher) needs to be due before the wedding contract is signed. You can't delay it until after the wedding or during their marriage life that's only gonna cause you problems. My future hubby needs to have his act together and pay the dowry upfront like it's supposed to be if he refuses to do it and rather wants to pay in installments well that's something i'm not gonna accept and he can start saving for the money and come back when he has all the money or there is no deal he is out. The reason i'm saying that is because a man who comes with excuses that he doesn't wanna pay all the money at once or prefers to pay in installments that shows a lack of financial commitment and that is gonna grow into your marriage life but if a man pays you your dowry at once it shows he is finanically responsible and probably also organised since he most likely was saving for it. I believe a man should propose to a woman when he knows he's been saving money it would prevent alot of drama from both parties and everyone is happy. Every man and woman should educate themselfs better about islamic marriage and what their rights are and the right of their spouses. You can't step on your wives rights and demand you have rights it doesn't work that way. I'm not married but yet I perfectly educated myself about the whole marriage aspect and every step and stage. I wanna know what my right are and what his rights are so no one can try tell me wrong twisted information. I didn't include the jewelry money because i'm not really jewelry obsessed he can buy me that after the wedding when we are married.
  10. Valenteenah - Welcome back darling Narniah - Mashallah you are mature for your age. Whoa... who learned you the Dutch slang you are good Juxa - I'll go easy on this grumpy old man just because you said it and i'm not one to go fight a weak oldie but he's been bullying Carafaat no one bullies Carafaat in my presence. NGONGE - You contradict yourself. Put your hate down your always angry, despiseful, hateful and in a bad mood. Go jump off a bridge instead of throwing your hatred and negativity on the members of Sol. You don't mess with Carafaat or Narniah and you certainly don't mess with me you annoying troll! Don't address me anymore I don't want your attention seeking conversation! This is for Carafaat, Narniah, the newbies and all the others you bully. Take that!
  11. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;807295 wrote: So, Blue, how much are you planning to ask the future xaaji now? Well MMA it depends on his financial status and whether he is debt free or has alot of financial responsibilities such as alot of expensive bills to pay and supporting family. Bearing that in mind I would probably ask for the following after i've done my calculations about the things I mentioned. My aim is to have a debt free start and live a life without financial burdens If he turns to be: Poor: € 3000 Middle class: € 6000 Rich: € 8000 Ps: I would donate 1/3 of my meher money to the poor and needy because I think it's important to give back to the poor needy if you have a large sum of money it's our responsibility. By doing so you also gain alot of good deeds and it purifies your money which will in turn increase your money over time.
  12. Narniah;807284 wrote: ^Such a beautiful song, I ❤ Chris Rene since he auditioned for the x factor. Awesome Video! Btw I posted this before the raw live version. Gives me chills! " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> I have been following him throughout X Factor he is such an inspirational artist. His music video premiered today. It's beyond beautiful I love him too he is such an amazing person his story about his past touches you.
  13. Yunis;805849 wrote: ^Cajeeb - every Somali is an expert authority. Sierra ...From experience don’t take sides. I'm not from the authority I only know average about it but thanks for the compliment
  14. Nice very detailed map but which map is the most accurate I keep seeing different maps so I don't know what to believe anymore.
  15. nuune;807243 wrote: They are languages, do you speak them? No I honestly never heard of them.
  16. Lool this is funny especially the fourth picture. What photoshop can't do
  17. nuune;807229 wrote: Can only speak qudqud and bucgur languages. What are those?
  18. Narniah;807226 wrote: Oh I see. Why would they disable it? This place would be a lot less dull if we had signatures. Exactly what I was thinking too. I wouldn't know maybe they had negative experiences with it like spamming or something.
  19. STOIC;807011 wrote: Ngonge, remind me the story you told us once where a sijui dude refused to sign the papers when the amount of meher exceeded what was orgininal agreed on...I remember mine where my a wife (a first class clueless fish&chips) didn't know she was supposed to say how much her meher will be...I had to explain to her and she had to make a frantic call to her sister to ask what she should ask..I was praying the older sister (who has been around many Somalis) will not corrupt the end it all worked out.Of course mother-in-law assumed we already talked about it...thats when i knew i got a good deal...haha Lol I didn't know either that you have to say how much you want your meher to be I found out about it on Sol. Always thought the guy comes up with the money. Thanks for letting me know and saving me for a big mistake
  20. Narniah;807217 wrote: Why don't they have it? They have it, it's only disabled by the administrator.
  21. I can speak, write and understand: English, Somali, Dutch and German.
  22. I tried the signature option aswell but apparently it has been disabled I don't know why.
  23. Narniah - Mac mac back at your way, love you too darling, for you anything Translation of what Carafaat said to you is: ''Narniah congratulations, kiss kiss and how old are you now?'' K.O.W - Me and Carafaat have always been good buddies don't look too much into our lil fight of two months ago. Do I sense a hint of jealousy? Carafaat - There is not much I can add to, Chimera has said it all perfectly. Chimera - Beautiful advice I definitely agree with you. Nice to see someone who thinks the same way about it like I do. wyre - Don't pay attention to NGONGE the old grumpy troll he is a big bully who goes after newbies to entertain himself. He probably missed me so much when I was gone that he started to accuse other members who are close with me of actually being me how crazy. NGONGE - Get lost you old grumpy troll, go find other means to entertain yourself if this is your way of seeking attention from me :rolleyes:
  24. K.O.W;806832 wrote: Not even your shadow, baby! I feel like we have Somalia and his types watching every move we make. Looooooooool I genuinely laughed. I seriously don't get such people they are creeps. I can't believe I already know you for 5 months but it wasn't straight. We came together as newbies and here we are. I honestly thought you wouldn't be here after what happened in november. You sure are no quitter I like that