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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Omg Narniah darling this is freaky wallahi I was about to make such thread as this one of these days. Great minds think alike. It is narrated from Abu Huraira (radhiallahu `anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam said, “ Souls are like recruited soldiers, those that recognise one another unite in harmony and those that do not recognise one another are at an aversion.” [sahih Muslim] Knight.Of.Wisdom is my soulmate I just know. This explains everything. Narniah this means you me and K.O.W were soulmates who later got separated lol right and now we have found each other. It was said that they are similar attributes that Allaah has created in them, or that they were created in a group and then dispersed in their bodies, so people who have similar characteristics will like one another, and those who do not have similar characteristics will not like one another. This is the same reason why some of these people accuse me of being Knight because of our similarity in attitude and character because me and Knight are soulmates. I'm looking forward to your next chapter of your great thread. It's very informative and detailed why do you wanna delete it and start over I have the following to add which is written by Sheikh Navaid Aziz: Imaam al-Bukhaari (may Allaah have mercy on him) reported in his Saheeh that 'Aa'ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: "I heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) saying: 'Souls are like conscripted soldiers; those whom they recognize, they get along with, and those whom they do not recognize, they will not get along with.'" (Saheeh al-Bukhaari, Kitaab Ahaadeeth al-Anbiyaa', Baab al-Arwaah junood mujannadah). Ibn Hajar (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in his commentary on the hadeeth: "Concerning the phrase 'Souls are like conscripted soldiers.' al-Khattaabi said: 'This may refer to their similarity as regards good or evil, righteousness or corruption. Good people are inclined towards other good people, and evil people are similarly inclined towards other evil people. Souls feel affinity with others according to the nature in which they were created, good or evil. If souls' natures are similar, they will get along, otherwise they will not be on good terms with one another. It could be that what is being referred to is the beginning of creation in the realm of the unseen when, it is reported, souls were created before bodies, and used to meet one another and express their pessimism about the future. When souls have entered bodies (come to the physical realm) they may recognize one another from the past, and may be on friendly terms or otherwise based on that past experience." Someone else said: "What it means is that when souls are created, they are made in two parts, and when the bodies in which the souls reside meet in this world, they either get along together or do not, based on the way in which these souls are created in this world." I say that this is not contradicted by the fact that some people who do not like one another at first may get along well later on, because the hadeeth is probably speaking about the moment of first meeting, which has to do with the original creation and nothing else. If they dislike one another at first but later come to like one another, it is because of something new, a new quality that makes them love one another after the initial dislike, such as a kaafir becoming a Muslim or a sinner being reformed. The phrase "conscripted soldiers" refers to different types or classifications, or groups brought together. Ibn al-Jawzi said: "What we learn from this hadeeth is that when a person finds that he feels dislike towards someone who is known to be virtuous or righteous, he should try to find out the reason for that so that he can make the effort to rid himself of something undesirable. The opposite (if a person finds himself liking someone who is known to be evil) also applies." Al-Qurtubi said: "Although they are all souls, they differ in different ways, so a person will feel an affinity with souls of one kind, and will get along with them because of the special quality that they have in common. So we notice that people of all types will get along with those with whom they share an affinity, and will keep away from those who are of other types. [birds of a feather flock together - Translator]. We may also note that within any given group or type, people may get along with some and dislike others, and this is in accordance with issues or qualities that form the basis of love or hate." We have narrated a mawsool report in Sunan Abi Ya'laa, at the beginning of which is the story narrated from 'Amrah bint 'Abd al-Rahmaan, who said: "There was a woman in Makkah who liked to joke, and she came and stayed with a woman in Madeenah who was like her. When 'Aa'ishah heard about this, she said, 'My beloved spoke the truth. I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) saying.' and mentioned a similar hadeeth." The hadeeth was also narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh, 4773. Al-Nawawi said: "With regard to the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), 'Souls are like conscripted soldiers; those whom they recognize, they get along with, and those whom they do not recognize, they will not get along with', the scholars said that the meaning is groups gathered together, or different types. As for them getting along, this happens because of something in common between them that Allaah has created. It was said that they are similar attributes that Allaah has created in them, or that they were created in a group and then dispersed in their bodies, so people who have similar characteristics will like one another, and those who do not have similar characteristics will not like one another. Al-Khattaabi and others said: this getting along with one another has to do with what Allaah decreed from the outset about the ultimate destiny of souls, whether they will be among the blessed [in Paradise] or the doomed [in Hell]. Souls are of two opposing kinds, and when they meet in this physical world, they will either love or hate one another depending on the way they were created. Good souls will be inclined towards other good souls, and evil souls will be inclined towards other evil souls. And Allaah knows best.
  2. Nin-Yaaban;809116 wrote: Oh ok. I didn't now that. Blue, since u speak dutch, would u understand them? I spoke to one before and I didn't have any problems understanding that person.
  3. Che -Guevara;809108 wrote: They don't like to call Dutch. That's why they call it Afrikaans.
  4. Nin-Yaaban;809111 wrote: Afrikaaners is Dutch? Since when? It is even the word you just wrote is Dutch.
  5. Did you know they speak Dutch in South Africa.
  6. ^^ Think like a man and act like a lady
  7. K.O.W;808327 wrote: We sure are, INSEPARABLE! Aaawww you know how it is insparable you are so sweet. You made me blush, special song from a special man Maaac
  8. Che -Guevara;808319 wrote: lool@Send PM, you are just tease Bluelicious p.s. Warriors must have rules of conduct-we lack rules. You are right we are a bunch of chaotic people. Lol why does everyone keep saying i'm a tease. Okay Okay press the charges on me. K.O.W - Sure I will send that PM. You sure are a true Knight in the battlefield twice and your still standing never gave up. They seem to like you as well for they accept you back again each time I don't blame them you are a charismatic man. You have strong presence whenever you are around the place turns upside down in a good way and strong presence generates more viewers and more viewers bring more money I guess. So it's all about keeping their site popular and the money. Guys i've to bounce out of this place. See you guys around.
  9. Nin-Yaaban;808317 wrote: As long as u don't bring KOW aka Knight around, we're cool. :) Come on you know where I go K.O.W goes too we are inseparable. I promise to you he won't cause no drama he's nice you need to get to know him. But if that's what you want I respect that I could leave him behind for this once lol :cool:
  10. K.O.W;808316 wrote: Somehow, my PM activation is taking too long. Make a temporary email, give it to me, I'll add you to my email and we can chat via there! Che-, I got you! Why the rush hun? Be patient and shall I send the Admin a message on your behalf? I could do that for you if you want.
  11. K.O.W;808309 wrote: Lol, I'm not accepting this answer. I'm not asking you to give me your breast size. What I ask of you is, a normal body/complexion description. You can drop it on my profile. Lool you can ask me that again when I see the "Send Private Message'' option on your profile alright. Che - Fighting is in our blood we are land warriors we are always ready and set on fight mode lol
  12. Conspiracy;808300 wrote: So this is how Cupid feels ! You know guys you can private message each other :=) Loooooool it's not what you think. We are just friends and being friendly. There is no love going on here Nin-Yaaban - Thanks dude for the compliment. You are cool to chat with as well. Carafaat doesn't mind he can even join us since he's also a mutual friend of both of us.
  13. Che -Guevara;808290 wrote: Bluelicious....Glad I could help and I would tell K.O.W, in the spirit of Somaliness, let's defy the Somali norm and make peace:D Lol how can someone make war with you? You are a peaceful man K.O.W - I don't advertise myself online. You know how a woman looks like right that's all you need to know loool
  14. Showqi;808240 wrote: Oooh Thanks Blue, I am honored that you could learn one or two words from my posts. Just don't give up Insha'Allah you will learn the Somali language. Conspiracy, you are almost 10 years on Sol, you are Moderator and you don't like to read Somali!!! I don't know what to say to you man..... I will inshallah it's a temporary thing which is gonna perfect with time. I couldn't do it if you weren't so patient with me and willing to translate some things for me when I don't understand it. It seems to work when you write in Somali and I write back in English BOB - That's very true. Don't forget to add the accusations of being another member. Nin-Yaaban - Who would you wanna chat with in the chat room?
  15. K.O.W;808278 wrote: Loooooooooooooool, baby why would I be jealous over something so insignificant as wishing a "birthday" to a fellow member? I was in terms with you in the beginning of this thread, I just decided to derail it a bit, to cause a little scene. Shall we make up? YES yes yes, let's make up not make war Mac mac.. Che - Looooooooool. You started of a lil rocky with your ''toying with the boys'' comment but thanks for intervening you somehow helped to get things to the right direction
  16. K.O.W;808261 wrote: LOL, okay, okay. Just trying to get you pissed off! Just for the record, I ain't jealous! lol Did you forget? I wouldn't have that picture on my page and neither would I write something about you on my ''about me'' section and I wouldn't be defending you when you in trouble right if I didn't chose you. Glad we could come to an agreement and get this over with. I don't like having arguments with you. You are a jealous man and I find it cute in a way as long it's in moderation. I care about you too sweetheart but I wouldn't get jealous over something like this
  17. K.O.W;808249 wrote: Why wouldn't you want Che to share his theory with us all? :confused: Btw, I didn't misinterpret what you said, I read it like the way you wrote it, which is, "You are confused as to which one to pick between KOW and Carafaat". It's whatever. :rolleyes: If you scroll up you see that Che doesn't want to share it because he doesn't wanna add more fuel to the fire. What you think you read isn't what I was thinking obviously I was talking about about me you and Carafaat's conversation in this thread and that I don't get why you're being jealous there is no reason to. I'm not confused about who to be with I chose you long before I befriended Carafaat i've even made it clear to Carafaat that I was with you even when you weren't around. We go back right from the start
  18. K.O.W;808241 wrote: Caught in the middle? So, you're saying, you don't know who to choose between Carafaat and myself? I'll make it easy for you....Carafaat is the perfect man for YOU. Not me, a selfish, piece of consistent jerk like myself! You take things the wrong way don't misinterpret what I said. I meant everytime I seem to be caught in the middle of you two arguing about the smallest things. You are making a mountain out of a molehill. I have told you this many times Carafaat is just a friend he even told you that earlier on. You are being upset over nothing :eek: Would you calm down. Che - PM me about your theory I wanna hear it.
  19. Che -Guevara;808230 wrote: ^loool...I just read what Carafaat wrote. The man got too weepy-what have you done Bluelicious. Something ticks these guys when you are around. I don't know either what's with these guys i'm baffled, i'm caught in the middle :confused: You are a man you tell me you can relate to them. K.O.W - What's wrong with you? Relax dude.
  20. Che -Guevara;808222 wrote: ^NGONGE baad ka jaqjaqsiisay:D Not to mention you are toying with these boys...loool Lol you are adding more fuel to the fire by saying im toying with them. All I did was wish Carafaat and Narniah a happy birthday there is nothing wrong with that. I wasn't even flirting or anything he's taking things out of proportion. There is nothing to be upset about.
  21. K.O.W;808213 wrote: ^ Loool, this is ridiculous. :rolleyes: Whatever. Che - What did I do that makes me an instigator?
  22. K.O.W;808206 wrote: Lol @ Bluelicious and Carafaat. First, Jealousy is spelled with an 's' and not a 'z', Carafaatow. If I was jealous, I would've said certain things, but I haven't. Go get yourselves a room and see if I get mad. lol :mad: Look at that face enough said! Of course you refrained from saying what you really wanna say because he's my friend that's stopping you and I wouldn't appreciate it either.
  23. BOB;808053 wrote: Women are FOREVER insecure about their weight, butt and breast sizes. ( They don't know that we love their body regardless...we're not fussy). I don't know why but women actually need to cry and the funniest thing is, they won't do it alone unless they know you can hear them. Women will always ask questions that have no right answer, in an effort to trap you into feeling guilty. ( what did you say JB? manipulative devils?) Women can't keep secrets. They eat away at them from the inside. And they don't view it as being untrustworthy, providing they only tell two or three people. ( Nuune, ina aabow I'm sorry but everyone on SOL knows about those private messages that you've been sending to you know who) Women always go to public restrooms in groups. It gives them a chance to gossip. (Yes ladies, we do know that thanks to the snitch among you ) Watch a woman eat an ice cream cone and you'll have a pretty good idea about how she'll be in bed. (JB get to the ice cream parlour quickly) . Women do not know anything about cars. "Oil-stick, oil doesn't stick?" (They think petrol head describes those who sniff petrol ). Women love cats. Men say they love cats, but when women aren't looking, men kick cats. (it's ok guys, no shame in that ). Women keep three different shampoos and two different conditioners in the shower. (NGONGE only needs one shower gel ). Women love to talk on the phone. A woman can visit her girlfriend for two weeks, and upon returning home, she will call the same friend and they will talk for three hours. (women have more patience that men…simple). Ladies this is for you. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice. ( we need your ears and not your counseling). A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you. (Che sorry to give you away like that my brother) Guys love girls with brains more than girls in miniskirts. (I know I do and it’s actually the gays who spread this nonsense that men are intimidated by smart women, we love smart abaayo macaan) Guys virtually brag about anything. ( What? You’ve never heard me brag about my toothbrush yet?) Guys cannot keep secrets that girls tell them. (I guess now you know why his friends look at you in a funny way because thanks to him they know all about your monkey business now ). Guys think too much. (and most of the time it has nothing to do with girls and yet we tell you that we think about you 24/7) . Guys' fantasies are unlimited. (Girls act shocked when a guy shares with them his dirty fantasies but in truth they love it for they are far more dirty minded than a man can ever be) Guys tend to get serious with their relationship and become too possessive. So watch out girls!! (women love this and sometimes they delibrately flirt with others just to tease the guy more, they just love attention that’s all). When a girl makes the boy suffer during courtship, it would be hard for him to let go of that girl. ( Guys love challenges in courtship and the more you turn his advances down the harder he will try but you have to be careful not to put him off completely) A guy has to experience rejection, because if he's too-good-never-been-busted, never been in love and hurt, he won't mature and grow up. (Alpha, sorry bruv ) Guys are tigers in their peer groups but become tamed *****cats with their women. (NGONGE, what were you saying?) Guys don't comprehend the statement "Get lost" too well. (Ask Nuune, he’ll tell you that if a girl says NO, she means Hell YES). When a guy is conscious of his looks, it shows he is not good at fixing things. (My seaman uncle used to tell me that man should always be proud of his manliness as women prefer confident man to shallow but good looking one! be a man and look the part, the so-called metrosexual term is invented by gays, show me a woman that doesn’t appreciate a man who isn’t afraid to show his masculinity) Peace, Love & Unity. I got that men and women version of your list few years ago in my mail there is alot of truth in it. I like how you put your opionion behind every fact.
  24. We haven't met before, nice to meet you Conspiracy I actually feel the same about threads in Somali I usually also don't read them because I also don't have the patience for it and have a hard time understanding what's written so let alone understanding the dialects. The only 2 members thread I read and reply to if they are written in Somali are Showqi and MMA because they are cool dudes who you can have fun with. I learned alot from the Somali language from those two.
  25. K.O.W - You seemed suprised about our friendship and you see him as your competition. Aaww you care huh Carafaat - Exactly tell him he thinks you are predatoring on me cause of your thread