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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. I feel happy and sometimes shit happens but hey that's life and you gotta keep smiling and make the best out of it. Never let the challenges of life defeat you or affect your happiness I just finished a whole research on vitamin D. It's amazing how many processes in the body are running on vitamin D it's so much more then just for your teeth and bones. Did you know that having good vitamin D levels help prevent cancer and diseases such as heart disease diabetes etc..
  2. Somalia;822573 wrote: Omg Bluelicious how are you?? Where is KoW? Hey Somalia i'm okay just been busy lately since summer is approaching, I have been around. KoW is pretty much busy too I guess and has his own things going on. So how have you been?
  3. Carafaat;821972 wrote: Excuses meid! I am sorry Blue. It's just that In the UK they don't get much told in schools about sex education. Like here in Holland. Remember when you were 12 or 13 years, 1st class Biology when the teachers start telling about sex and all these details. In the UK they are not told as much as we. So I thought we could help the young Alpha out? Why would I be helping out Alpha about the bees and the birds hey that's your job not mine your the man, don't push it to me. I won't be teaching nobody about sex education and the anatomy of the body they need to learn it on their own too bad if they never learned it on school. How dare you chat to me and drop my name to get my attention after you have called me a mean heartless girl i'm still mad and waiting for my apology or else i'm gonna be abusing you like the woman in the picture. Like i've said before i'm not chatting to you until I see an apology :mad: Showqi;822039 wrote: Hahaha, waxaan doonayey in aan Carafaat la taliyo. Laakiin markaan arkay dhirbaaxadii ku dhacday, ayaan aniguna lafahayga u baqday.. Loooool... Aww your such a gentleman, one in a million for wanting to beat Carafaat for me. Do it Showqi and don't miss a spot lol, don't worry about yourself I would never hit you but Carafaat he is a whole another story I would beat him anyday. The reason I responded that way to him was not because he said something bad about me which he didn't but it's because i'm still mad at him for calling me a mean heartless girl how dare he. this is what happended to him loool.. Is there a Islamic Kama Sutra called Closer Than Garment? Hmm I need to check that out and add to my collection
  4. Garnaqsi;821915 wrote: If you use Chrome - the best browser there is - you can simply install this extension: StayFocused . I know lots of students use it around exam time. With this you can limit the number of minutes you wish to spend on sites which you feel you are addicted to. It automatically assigns a total of 10 minutes per day to all the sites which you feel you use too much -- you can change this 'before the day begins', so to speak, but I find the 10 minutes pretty well calculated. It's far better than trying to stop it altogether, as with this you can go to the concerned sites two or three times a day without wasting that much time getting 'your daily fix', as it were. This is the best advice! It really works I could recommended it to you Will Cusub! Wiil Cusub - Too much of everything isn't good so you need to find where your balance is and spend less time on internet then cutting it off permanently out of your daily life. If you use it with moderation you should be fine. Making a plan for yourself what you will be doing on the internet is helpful and gives you a goal and spend less time on internet.
  5. Narniah;822542 wrote: Hey sgatje! I missed you too! I'm fine. Good to see you Homie, been awhile! How you been? Hope everything is pretty awesome on your ends. xxjes! To those who said it must be photo shopped, It's real! Everything is great sgat as you can see i'm still alive and kicking lol. It's been to damn long xoxoxo Che-Guevara - I've been contemplating to get a tattoo and yes I know tattoos are permanent and for life.
  6. Che -Guevara;822129 wrote: Wilt Chamberlain That's some record. Bingo that was the name I was looking for thanks Che. You can say that again it's more then a record it's insanely shocking.
  7. Garnaqsi;821886 wrote: What do you mean? These professional basketball players spent alot of time away from home. With that being said it means temptation is everywhere and its big temptation since there are always basketball groupies who throw themselfs at them everywhere they go. It doesn't matter whether their girlfriends or wifes are beautiful and intelligent at the end of the day their sexual urges over power them then the faithfulness of the love of their life so they cheat on their girlfriends or wifes. Which woman would want to always spent alot of time on her own and always be constantly moving from place to place unless she is only after his money and is a golddigger. Many women who date professional basketballers are golddiggers. People only tend to focus on the bright side of basketball but basketball has also a dark side where not alot of people know about. Many basketball players are male whores. There was a basketball player I don't remember his name anymore and he claimed to have slept with more then 20,000 women while being on the road in his basketball career. These girlfriends and wifes are of no use for them.
  8. Taleexi;820376 wrote: Bueno, ahora we see things eye-to-eye. I was raised in Scandinavia thus know what Hollandia means. Even the proper name is The Netherlands as Holland is associated with some parts of the country not its entirety. Bingo! You know your homework very well excellent. Of course we see things eye to eye be cause we think alike, great minds think alike So which language from one of the countries from Scandinavia can you speak?
  9. Showqi;821858 wrote: Blue, it's Shaq o'neal the famous basketball player and his girlfriend. This picture was already posted on Sol about a year ago. Don't ask me what JB's response was when he saw this picture. :D Yeah his face looked very familiar to me. Playing professional basketball and having a girlfriend don't go together. Showqi knowing him I bet he was thinking the same thing as Yunis & wyre but then more explicit and probably added some things they didn't even thought of lool.
  10. Mukulaalow;821848 wrote: Actually old days Somali women used to be very slim but with curves, men used to describe the perfect woman as follows. Laba ha u dhuubnaato. Weist & fingers. Laba ha u weynaato. *** & eyes. Laba ha u yaraato. feet & mouth. Laba ha u madoobaato. Hair & eye lashes. Laba ha u dheeraato. Hair & nose. List goes on, cant remember the rest. I don't know about that if you say so it must be true going by your poem. Back in the old days in Africa fat women were considered beautiful and wealthy where as skinny meant less attractive and that you were poor. But now it all changed every woman wants to be thin like a supermodel and thinks being normal or fat is a bad ugly thing. Che -Guevara;821844 wrote: What about pregnanct Farahs and their chicken legs Look no further its wyre. I always play drums on his pregnant belly at least its good for entertainment lol We don't wanna hurt or insult the fat women so this is for you all. Big girls you are beautiful!
  11. LOL @ the guys above me. Loooooooool. Oh my dear heart this so cracked me up. Who are they anyways the man looks familiar. This reminds me of a couple I used to know where the woman was very tall like the man in the picture and the man was very short like the woman. It would always crack me up seeing them walking hand in hand. Anyways my ride and die chick I missed you, it's been so long since we both came across each other in the same thread due to busy hectic lifes. How is it going with you?
  12. wyre;821832 wrote: Centric sida magacaaga iiga dhadhameyso you are so caaaaaaaaaaato, Blue ayaa isa saaran iyadaan ku qabsanayaa Looooool. Wouldn't you wish that? But too bad there is no love handles you can grab as a pillow or whatever you use it for. Go back to your fatty bombastics Blue finds your chicken legs a turn off :mad: Taleexi;821837 wrote: Blue ... anaa ku haysta ha isku keen dirin ... inay xoogaa shilistahay bay ii sheegtay. Lol you know i'm in tip top shape. It's highly unlikely you will ever see a fat Dutchie. Say hello to my little friend Lol guys guys knock it out don't fight over me.
  13. This is the best website if you wanna read books and magazines online I use it sometimes. You can read books form whatever genre you want and the good thing about it is they are not old outdated books and you can also transfer it to your mobile such as Iphone and read it on there great for when you are on the go. Hope my tip was useful to you
  14. Interesting study. "It's the first really strong evidence that romantic relationships are driven by women," he told BBC News. Lool this is so not true.
  15. That's the way to go, hope they keep up the good work. Fight that fat because fat is the enemy lol
  16. Are you gonna go to this casting?
  17. ^^ Klootzak gebruik mijn naam niet!! :rolleyes: Congratulations Alpha with your engagement and upcoming wedding Make sure you are not one who gives up easily at the first hurdle and gets divorced after a month. I hope for you that this is a life long commitment and not one you only keep in Somaliland as some Somalis do and then come back to the West.
  18. Taleexi;820371 wrote: Blue .... Haddaad mid ku haysid Alle ha kuu barakeeyo balse kaasi wuu gacan galay . Bal wiilkaana rag kale ha ku hor shukaansan, oo dhiig kar ha ku ridin, anigu haddaba kugulama talin arrintaas. Hollandia ku lahaa, mar baan ku aqal galay oo meel khayr iyo sharba lagu hayo bay ahayd. Do you work for the homeland security? how did you know I was in Atlanta mise halkan baan ku soo dhejiyey? ... if I did blame the seniority moment. Thanks alot Taleexi for the well wishes. I don't flirt with the opposite sex when i'm in relationships because i'm a loyal person. Didn't you know Hollandia is a foreign word meaning Holland. Lol at me working for the homeland security nope man but because of this thread:
  19. Taleexi;820358 wrote: Bluelicious: Anigu kor iyo hoosba wax kuugu sheegay, inaan kugu daadiyo baad igu kelifaysaa... Btw,. that thing called shukaansi in my books is like an open market - A capitalism one - that is not to say seduction is exercised similarly around the globe but in the western world that we found ourselves in.... where shukaansi doonayaashu gather, both males and females, and trade their feelings, lusts or caashaq digaagooda engraved their shallow excitement ... thus, if you are saying in the magnificent market with threats and opportunities, I've to yet be dumped, where in the world are you living in?., oh girl, what fun you are missing, haddaba waa kuu digay anigu, the earlier you learn how to manage the daadiska the better prepare you are for life's future homeworks ... The moral of the story, go out this weekend, and by all means get be dumped and we shall discuss your experience on Monday. Taleexi seduction is a art you need to master. The art of seduction is a dangerous thing if you know how it works and know how to use it lol. I'm guarded and close hearted when it comes to matters of love. Most people find me cold hearted in my speech and action which I disagree with i'm not that cold hearted. I have liked, been infatuated, had crushes but never been in love due to losing interest quickly in men that's why now I only tend to choose challenging men. Alot of people don't know the difference between infatuation and love and think they are in love when they actually are infatuated. I don't really go out anymore my days of going out are over. I only sometimes do a girls night out because I have other priorities in my life right now and partying all weekend isn't part of it. I have a boyfriend at the moment I don't think he would like me flirting with other men, he's the jealous type so I don't wanna fuel that green monster called jealousy and create unnecessary problems. I disagree with you I don't think i'm missing any fun by not being dumped, there are bigger things in life to learn how to cope with then a broken heart. Don't you already know i'm from Holland. P.s or maybe I should flirt with other men in his presence so he gets jealous and dumps me. How about that? P.s.s how is going with your hay fever you were suffering from during your trip to Atlanta? Showqi - Looooool. What's the undervalued market? You guys are making it to be as if the being dumped group is the bomb lol
  20. Taleexi;820351 wrote: Bluelicious: Meel aan laguguba daadin meel rag door joogo ma aha.... Alla maxaa weli nolosha kuu dhiman haddaad suugada halkaad cusbo kaga dari lahayn aadan ku darin sonkor, shaahana cusbo ku karin, hooyadaana dhihin gabadhadaydii waa la galay beryahaan oo mingis kaa tumin yaa is gaarayba .... Haa, Showqi told the truth .. bal qof shaahii laga bixin waayey weli soo taagan Illaahay amarkiis waa halkii Wiilwaal'e ... tani waa amankaag. Sheekada layguma daadin waxaan aqbalayaa oo keliya hadday da'daadu u dhexayso 9 ilaa 11 sano .... wixii intaa ka soo hadha shimbirayahow heesa baad waddaa. Loooooool that was funny! Why you blaming the problem on the men, I always outsmarted them because I was a smart lady. Actually I was a heartbreaker and broke alot of hearts (not something i'm proud of) I never really stuck around that long to get to that point of being dumped. If I saw something that I didn't like about a guy I was dating I would throw him out and exchange for a new one I was that picky and lost interest that quickly. You so mean why do you want a man to dump me as if it's gonna increase my happiness in life lool.
  21. Taleexi;820343 wrote: Dadka ha ka waalin adiga waa lagugu daadiyaaye ... life goes on Loooool by who? Honestly I never got dumped, yes I done my fair share of dumping but never the other way round. I lose my interest quickly. You don't need to be dumped to know that what Showqi has mentioned. Are you objecting the truth?! Showqi told the truth :eek:
  22. What a disgrace she doesn't even deserve to live and she got away with a way too mild punishment WTF! How could her aunt and uncle she was living with not notice her growing belly, were they blind :confused:
  23. Showqi;820335 wrote: I think the Pretty Boy was trying to exercise odhaahdii Soomaaliyeed: Qof weyn tag lama yidhaahdee wuxuu ku tago ayaa la tusaa......... LOL. You could be right, some people are like that