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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. wyre;825421 wrote: Loooolz @divorcing me and you wanting to marry me, Who is talking ab't marriage or divorce here jinnooley :D Shuush it's too late you can't take your words back! Where is that famous angry face of yours you throw at me half of the time Taleexi;825423 wrote: Wyre ... haween baa weligii rag isku gubi jiray yay Xaliimadani inoo been guurin . Teeda kale if Blue isn't a shorty she is all yours .... Lol you and your love for short women. What have tall women done to you?
  2. Che -Guevara;825399 wrote: King...his is for all folks, Blue....How could both be practiced? It helps in the economical growth and success of the country and develop in a fast rate. Second of all in the past their were foreigners who worked and lived in Somalia when it still was peaceful and the country was booming and progressing. At this moment eventhough our country is in a critical condition people are still interested in it like Turkey. So if you do allow naturalisation you would reap benefits for your country because now that Turkey has crossed the fence to help and some of them might be interested to work and live in Somalia more countries could follow their lead. Those people will then go back to their country and say good things and their experiences about Somalia which in return could get more people interested to come to Somalia as a tourist or someone who wants to work there. They could promote the stability to the rest of the world which would only increase the tourism towards Somalia. More tourists means more promotion of your country and more money. All that would help in the ecocomical growth and success. People like to keep up with the Joneses wether it's in politics or not. All they need is a leader who will show the way and do things first and the rest of the people will follow them. I'm not a politican but you get my drift right
  3. ^^ Lool. Both should be practiced.
  4. Showqi;822876 wrote: Forgive Blue, I can understand how some people can mix politics and Sukaanse. Those two things can not get to gether!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ps. Politics is fake,,,,,,,,,,,,,Shukansi is real You are right it's as if you are trying to mix water and oil, politics and shukaansi means war loool. Babes don't get yourself wind up about such things it was only meant for entertainment purposes it wasn't real. wyre;822880 wrote: :D Taleexiyow shukaansi is real siduu sheegay Showqi, balse waa goorma?? Waa marki inta blue indhahaas cas cas igala xishooto oo sidii gabar gaari ahoo gayaankeed wax dheer howsha iila waddo Anyways adiga waxaan filaayaakitaabkeeda inaad hore u laabtay, hadduuse hadda kuu kala furan yahay ii sheeg aniga aan laabee Ngonge Believes something else about her, Sometimes waxaan is idhaahdaa Ngonge has a point, saa 2011 ki iyo wixi ka dambeeyay SOL waxey noqotay Facebook-gi labaad balse aan xeerada salkeeda soo taabanno bal:D:D Loooooool wyre why are you asking such thing to Taleexi. Lol at me being married to Taleexi and him divorcing me and you wanting to take his place. Tut tut tut is that what you would do trying to get married to your friends ex wife, that wouldn't make you a good friend. I'm not shy to look you in the eye you just have scary eyes. Anyways there can only be one knight in shining armor and that's KoW, he is my boo and if there was someone I would get married to it would be him, I miss that charming charismatic man ♥
  5. wyre;824945 wrote: Horta miyaa lagu qabaa adigu :D No i'm not married.
  6. Che -Guevara;824858 wrote: ^If the Caveman is calling a man, he's projecting something beyond the scope of this discussion:D Carafaat however deserves your mercy or even pity. The man is already confused and not mention fighting the entire Pland clan in the politics section. About the qabiil reference, I am talking when gabadha lasoo doonto, good tradition glazed with qabiil. Lol you think he has a big crush. I know exactly it's beyond this discussion, your so on the same wavelenght as me. Carafaat is doing it mildly and that caveman NGONGE is being so bold about it to scare men of because most men are homophobic. That man isn't even suppose to show such deep interest in me for Godsake he is married that's haram. Loool at fighting the entire pland clan you are funny. I have always been treating Carafaat good he is a sweet nice man. I don't see where I have been harsh to him. Maybe some of the things I say come across to him that way but it's not how I meant it.
  7. Che -Guevara;824833 wrote: Blue...Well, without actually saying it and through his actions, he led us to believe you were off the market. Perhaps it was his way chasing off other primates ogling blue. Qabiil when it comes to the issue of marriage is not actually bad thing! lool@Paragon Thanks for the information. So he wrote it in a indirect way you say, hmm that man is dead when I see him lol. You were right when you said something drives these men crazy when i'm around. This action is the proof of it, to act in such way as he did just to prevent and chase off other men from chatting to me. That caveman NGONGE is doing exactly the same thing, he thinks by calling me a man the men will back off and not chat with me and is also intended to chase away men who show interest. Bunch of crazy jealous men! :rolleyes: Qabil can have a bad effect on marriage especially when two people are of different qabils the inlaws can discriminate and treat each other bad it's messed up it happens.
  8. Che -Guevara;824820 wrote: ^lool...I didn't say you practiced or had to pay dowry. He's your friend you say, I guess he has been misinforming us:D I was just letting you know that I have never practised qabyaalad. What has Carafaat been saying to you and the others, no wonder some of them think I have something going on with him. It's always been Knight aka KoW right from the start there is no one else, we have a history together, I only got my eyes on Knight mark that Che spill the beans!
  9. Che -Guevara;824809 wrote: Blue...What odayaal will receive Carafaat when he comes to ask for your hand in aroos? Usheeg Blessed. Women are essential part of Somali qabyalaad yet they pay the highest price for the evils qabyaalad creates. I have NEVER practiced qabyaalad. Che i'm not a hindu why should I pay the dowry, the man has to pay the dowry not the woman. Carafaat is my friend. KoW is my boo boo and only he can ask for my hand in marriage ♥
  10. Khat chewing men are a big turn off, that green stuff looks so disgusting.
  11. *Blessed;824794 wrote: ^Qabiil doesn't benefit women at all, they don't get the perks odayaasha enjoy and suffer the most when tribes go to war, some don't get it laakin. Qaadhaan is the tribal trust fund, used mainly to bail out the killers and sometimes to build schools. Cheers, you are right it doesn't benefit us in any way.
  12. Carafaat;822052 wrote: Let me guess you are an October girl. fierce ladies. Looool you believe in horoscope. By the way about me being mad that you said that I was a mean heartless girl was only a test and you passed congratulations you are a drama free man. You should know better then that I don't get wind up about such thing. Alpha - Great thread and nice pictures. Are you ever returning back to London or are you staying in Hargeisa/Burco for the rest of your life?
  13. Che -Guevara;824759 wrote: ^You are not lucky at all Blue Yes I am Che.You wanna be in my position and not be responsible for all this miserable qabil but you can't too bad. You carry such a burden Xaaji Xunjuf;824760 wrote: Blue at least u don't have to pay Qadhaan:D Excuse me my Somali is not that great. What does Qadhaan mean? *Blessed;824767 wrote: Dumar qabiil ma laha. Heh. Greatest lie ever told! Loooool, is it correct to say qabil was made for the man and not for the woman.
  14. I'm glad I don't have a qabil how lucky am I lol :cool:
  15. Married couples need to understand your husband isn't the enemy, your wife isn't the enemy, the devil is the enemy. The devil hates marriage and will do anything in his power to make you two divorced. Marital issues are caused by the devil he is pleased with the separation between spouses and also with the breaking up of the family and its destruction. Marriage is completing half of your deen which means you are one big step closer to your devotion towards Allah. The devil doesn't like devotion towards Allah. Jabir (Radi Allah Anhu) reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Iblis places his throne upon water; he then sends detachments (for creating dissension) ; the nearer to him in tank are those who are most notorious in creating dissension. One of them comes and says: I did so and so. And he says: You have done nothing. Then one amongst them comes and says: I did not spare so and so until I sowed the seed of discord between a husband and a wife. The Satan goes near him and says: 'You have done well. He then embraces him.[sahih Muslim: Book 039 'Kitab Sifat Al-Qiyamah wa'l Janna wa'n-Nar', Number 6755] The devil leaves a home when you say Salaam Alaikum at entering your home and can in that way prevent trouble caused by him. You need to practice tender love and care and have patience with your spouse. Never disclose the faults of your spouse and marital problems on a public forum to people who you don't know who could give you a negative answer such as: " did he say such and such to you or do to you, divorce him! " which only makes your problem even bigger and stay unresolved. You shouldn't even disclose it to your friends and family except to your parents. The best thing to do if you have problems with him is to talk to him about since he is the only one who can change that act not other people. This is the reason why Islam encourages you to marry a person who is good in their deen and has good character because such person understands that the devil is the enemy and that it's the devil's world and also knows what to do about it which only promotes towards having a succesful happy marriage with peace. Therefore choosing a spouse who has a good knowledge about the deen over their looks wealth and status makes you a winner. Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Whoever marries a woman solely for her power and position, God will only increase him in humiliation. Whoever marries a woman solely for her wealth, God will only increase him in poverty. Whoever marries a woman because of her beauty, God will only increase him in ugliness. But whoever marries a woman in order that he may restrain his eyes, observe cautiousness, and treat his relations kindly, Allah puts a blessing in her for him and in him for her. When the husband is happy 1 person is happy. When the wife is happy the whole family is happy.
  16. Taleexi;822859 wrote: Dee siduu naag isaga dhigi karayaa? yaabnay.... Lool no I would give a topic about what I want to write about and he could give me suggestions. wyre;822864 wrote: :D :mad:
  17. NGONGE;822848 wrote: Warya Blue, macawis sadix meel ka dhaluula waligee dirac ma noqon karo. Bax warya. Hey crazy caveman do you have some secret dying love for me or something. Stop trying to get my attention where ever I go by trying to offend me as a man it aint working. We have talked about this get lost and ugrade your shukaansi lines from the stone age akhas what a turn off. Every man in this place has a better game then you. You are actually complimenting me all the way act like a lady think like a man! Now spread the word ''Blue she is the man" I know i'm a phenomenal woman nuune;822849 wrote: ^^^^^^ Thought sxbkeen he gave up waxan waa hore, wuuba wadaa miyaa, waa Blue dee I didn't get it what are you talking about? This crazy caveman called NGONGE feels intimidated by me that's why he assumes I must be a man because in his twisted mind he can't believe that a woman can be confident and drama free. He feeds on drama and if there is no drama he creates one sad man. You see he is Jealous I asked abtigiis for help that's why he suddenly got upset. He only comes out of his cave when he sees me.
  18. nuune;822835 wrote: ^^ Asking AT&T to write a love letter for you is asking a snake in your pocket to wait there and stay in the pocket until you throw the whole shirt or trouser. Lol nuune, are you saying Abtigiis isnt trustworthy? I'm not asking for politics stories and I already know what I want it to be about so it's all good and you better start recognising the man's talent. Showqi - Why you mad today. Where is your bubbly happy face? Something must have annoyed you today. Who do I need to punch for you?
  19. Amazing and she didn't even break a bone she's lucky.
  20. Since you are so gifted with a creative writing talent mashallah. I need you to help me write a love letter to someone that's if you want to and got the time for it
  21. I saw this yesterday on the Dutch news on tv and on the MSN page. Basically it's about a Dutch man who has been recording his daughter of 12 and son of 9 every week since the day they were born infront of a white screen. Apparently it's a unique thing which no one has ever done before and because of that the video went viral on the internet. The funny thing is people started to bombard them with calls on their house phone after they posted the video.
  22. Somalia;822582 wrote: I'm alright, things have been slow as of lately, his debates were kinda good. Yeah he is an excellent debater he will be back around in time Things have slowed down around for many people because of exams and work deadlines.