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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. wyre;826255 wrote: Waa inaad iska soo matajishaa waxaas, 3 maalmood oo xiriir eh mantag illaa beerku ku caddaado:D Anyway I had a feeling for you laakiin haddaadba Scorpion cuntay, Xeeraa kaa yaallo Looooooool. That's nasty. Too late for that its been digested and left the body long time ago. Sweet of you that you like me. People suffering from boulimia do that all the time make themselfs throw up after each meal that's sick but it's an eating disorder.
  2. ^^ Said! rudy-Diiriye;826010 wrote: B Hassan is not my name....I never get along with Hassan's or Husseins anyway. They 2 much mom's boyz. name starts with k... animal wisei like your suggestions. Cheetah is kol. I would say u more like what they call somali cat. Yesterday this white lady was driving an suv before me and here plate number was somalia...can u believe that. So she turned into gas station, i followed her and ask why the name somalia. She told that she has 3 somali cats and loves them. It looks like somali cats are big deal in usa!! lol So i want my somali cat....word!! I have never seen a Somali cat but thanks babes. Meoow hahaha.... I have seen a Sint Bernard and have been eye to eye with one and damn those dogs are huge. You can imagine the horror I was in until I suddenly realised they are rescue dogs so they are friendly not aggresive dogs that will attack you.
  3. She is the woman! Having two men to boss around and to dominate over.
  4. Coofle;826240 wrote: Is that Halal?.. I don't know I hope it's halal otherwise I have a problem. Would that make me guilty even if I didn't know at the time? Isn't it all about the intentions you had when you did the act in Islam.
  5. I didn't expect this thread to be about food. I love Greek and Mexican food. The weirdest thing I ate that actually tasted good was roasted scorpion I didn't have no choice I didn't want to offend my Chinese friend.
  6. Has anyone seen the chef of Sol Som@li he could make all of these food.
  7. Faarax-Brawn;825857 wrote: Someone on the first page jokingly,said that why would any1 want to be a Somali citizen?(Cant remember,cant be bothered to go back)....Look, Allah could make Somalia a great economic powerhouse thereby making every1 want to be a citizen. If and when we become a functioning govt, We could use Human capital, especially a diverse and a well educated human capital...If those people, are deemed to meet the criteria for having sharci, lets welcome them. It is funny those with foreign passports are the very same ones who are yelling the loudest against this so called sharci...Ma anaa waalan or is someone singing from Cadan and Sanaa(and the entire Arabian Penissula for that matter?!). Look people,There will be a ministry in charge of these things, I also believe this ministry will have an application process to vet the applicants, i am also sure there will be an immigration hearing, you will either be granted or denied. If there is need to believe that the system is abused or mismanaged, then we can always ammend it and make it better. Lets be Tolerant we have been tolerated in some many different countries worldwide. Great answer I agree!
  8. Che -Guevara;825897 wrote: The Chinese was funnier My response was to the Chinese prank I haven't listened to the Indian prank. This man is ballsy to do that.
  9. The best rule is: If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance!
  10. Looooooooooooooooooooool. I'm dying over here from laughter damn this was brilliant the best prank ever!
  11. wyre;825889 wrote: Nice to know that you are old enough to be tricked Anyway, I really don't know or thought of what you were thinking, Iga raali noqo If you are referring to which city i'm from and calling that being tricked well you got the short end of the stick. It's well known from which city i'm I have said it before on the forum it's not a big secret nor is it a big deal. A city is just a city I don't see what's the fuss about it. You are cool wyre apart from when you sometimes act weird and throw this face :mad: for no reason just because you wanna act hard to get lol. I find it funny when you do that. Did you know Men In Black 3 is coming out soon
  12. ^^ I think you are called Abdikadir. It says Nomad under your screen name too lol. rudy-Diiriye;824252 wrote: war heedaha...why xalimoos dont want their names guessed!! xalimooyinko waa deep undercover!! baalyoo Ama guess Bluelicious's name: i betchya its Muuna. she got that good Muuna umf! Looooool you joker, so you give women a name according to what kind of personality they got huh cool. Wrong Rudy but I like the name you guessed you think i'm called. I think you are called Hassan. It would be better if you made a thread that we could choose an animal to link to a persons personality or character. If I could choose an animal to describe you I would say you are a cheetah you are fast and witty
  13. Raamsade;825525 wrote: ^So, do you also find all green vegetables disgusting too? No it's the thought of knowing that it's khat. Call me a khat hater lol
  14. wyre;825883 wrote: i knew you will say that Anyway KoW is cool i like him I'ld like you to connect me with family over there, where In Holland do you stay? Lol and I knew that was your reason so typical man of you. You men are so predictable sometimes. Sorry wyre I won't link you with nobody knowing that your a Somali you probably in contact with every Somali that's your family around the globe. Maybe you could ask Carafaat we happen to reside in the same city Amsterdam. Nice try though I wasn't born yesterday.
  15. wyre;825879 wrote: Nice choice blu, mine favorite actors aa Johhny depp and Sharon Stone horta KoW halkuu ka baxay loooooooooolz@ abtigiis She will really appreciate that :D Lol at Sharon Stone you probably like her because she is a seductive sensual woman do you? KoW is probably busy I think, he will be around. His presence is never unnoticed lol
  16. wyre;825879 wrote: She will really appreciate that :D You don't get it do you brick head. He is gonna help me with my love letter not whatever twisted thing you are thinking of
  17. Abtigiis;825874 wrote: Bluelicious, labadan ciyaalka ah ee isku kaa tuur tuuraya ka talo bax, anigaa hawshaada dhameeynaya oo aroos la diyaar ah ee PM aan kuwada xidhiidhno! Lol Abtigiis it's all jokes between the three of us don't take it for real, good looking out. They know I deliberately closed my own market long time ago with KoW. Great that is nice of you
  18. wyre;825606 wrote: So, you watch hollywood movies, haah? who is your favorite actor :D Of course I watch Hollywood movies they are the most entertaining no Bollywood for me. Channing Tatum and Eddy Murphy are my favorite actors:
  19. Cooking isn't one of my strenghts I need to pay attention to this thread and learn with time lol.
  20. finestsista2005;825471 wrote: I second that. I dont like a man who lies. Has multiple women and is self made broke man. Oh I forget the most important one a man who lies is a turn off because a lie can destroy more then you think then when you tell the truth even if that truth would be something the person dislikes.
  21. I find it a turn off when a man is indecisive, gossips and has a bad character. Furthermore men who bite their nails, use drugs, smoke wether it's shisha or cigarretes, drink alcohol or chew khat and last but not least men who complain all the time.
  22. I like the shirt it's cool. Would I wear it no. Rudy - Maryoleey is another word to describe Somalis. I used to think it meant clothes.
  23. Taleexi;825433 wrote: Mar walba kursi isma daba wadi karo haddaan u baahdo inaan shumiyo. Cakuye naag dheer. So you are a short man well you shouldn't make it an obstacle towards choosing a partner, what if your miss right turns out to be a taller woman then you, would you reject her because of her height come on. Look at Tom Cruise he is a short man but yet with a taller woman and still happy it's what you make out of it.
  24. ^^ I have a feeling not for long anymore.