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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. I like Barack Obama I hope he gets re-elected for presidency in november.
  2. wyre;827910 wrote: See That :D LOOOL I know just like you said. Forget about that jealous caveman he is harmless barking dogs don't bite. Just throw some meat in the direction of the politics section and he will run faster then Usain Bolt to get it. I'm more concerned about Carafaat. He's been distant lately and not himself there is something wrong with him. He's always been there for me I need to check up on him and have a word with him.
  3. Mario B;827771 wrote: ^^Lol, time waits for no one @ Bluelicious Blessed, good thread. I hope we all benefits from it, InshaAllah. That's the scary part knowing that time will not be guaranteed to me nor is tomorrow. Only if I had a remote control to stop time like that movie Click I could ....
  4. Nothing you said agah and I was suprised by that. That word isn't used that often anymore.
  5. Looooooooooooool. wyre & OdaySomali - My real name isn't Blue it's my nickname here on SOL Thank God there is something called name changing for when you get a lame or embarrassing name.
  6. LOL. Their daughter is called Blue. How can you call your daughter Blue. Those celebrities give their children the most lame and embarrassing names. Their kids are so gonna get bullied at school.
  7. Great tips will look into it i'm so not ready for Ramadan yet. Is it me or does Ramadan seem to come around faster each year I guess it has to do with the time going faster with each year.
  8. Loooooooool. OdaySomali your replies were hilarious man. Thanks for the good laugh.
  9. Juxa;827726 wrote: Liefde is ............ Alow uusan nucmaan isku kaya qarxin:) Chubby people amaan hala siiyo yaah! Meeshan cayuunta kunacay Juxa watch out that wyre doesn't spark fireworks your way because he is a loving man. Chubby people are cute they are better then the boney people and a good companion. Everybody seems to be fond of chubby people they are so bubbly most of them then. Je deed me denken aan de liefde is.. plaatjes ik weet niet of je ze wel eens bent tegen gekomen.
  10. I agree with you. I'm against all the unjustice and unfairness done to people.The worst people are those who bootlick the ones who treat others unjustly or unfair just to fit in as if they have no personal opinion or a brain. Change starts with ourselfs and we should treat people the way we want to be treated. We need to practice patience with other people just like Allah has been patience with us our whole lives through all of our mistakes. The prophet Muhammed PBUH has said: “God has no mercy on one who has no mercy for others.” “Be merciful to those who live on Earth so that the One in Heaven may be merciful to you.” “God is most compassionate to those of His servants who are themselves compassionate.” “Actions are judged according to their intentions and every person will be dealt with (in the Hereafter) according to what he intends.”
  11. wyre;827711 wrote: Like that Oooh so you meant to say you wanted to cause fireworks between us. Aww how cute of you darling
  12. OdaySomali;827708 wrote: Just promise not to do it again You hereby got my promise babes
  13. I sun bathe in the summer of course with protection, it gives me a nice tan and the right dosage of vitamin D. Otherwise I will get 10 different colours depending on which parts I expose.
  14. wyre;827693 wrote: Like this :-* I think You Got Me :Da I honestly didn't get you :confused:
  15. Mario B;827671 wrote: Bluelicious and K.O.W ruined a perfect thread! OdaySomali knows i'm sowwie and didn't meant it like that. We are cool with each other.
  16. wyre;827689 wrote: It seems Inaad I fahmeyso Haddeyr, Whateva Ngonge is Gonna say, Inaan Isku kaa qarxiyaan Dooni As the Reer Muqdisho's Say What do you mean by inaan isku kaa qarxiyaan dooni?
  17. Juxa;827624 wrote: ^^^waa runtaa Alpha I am sorry insha Allah kheyr for the future, waanu kuu soo duceyn Cheers darling
  18. wyre;827670 wrote: Blu Thanks Huunno for highlighting me the + thing "My Ignorance" , on the other side I'm not chubby, these guys want me In Habluhu iiga kala cararaan Ninkaan wuu calool kuusan yahay they can't see me dee anigoo adiga kuu sheekeynaayo, As you said be4 waxey doonayaan ciddi afka kuu kala furtaba Iney either way kaaga fogeeyaan, Hadalkoodu Ha u bixin :D You are right about that it's the same people. You are now under my wing they can't do nothing to you. wyre when they make something up about you to ruin your game then you know you are doing something right. It's just all banter though to flatter you
  19. Are you for real? This is funny it made me laugh thanks wyre. The reason why there is a plus behind his name when you view the site is because it means he is in your friends list and he got you in his friends list. So what if you are a bit chubby you are who you are. You are beautiful in your own way. Honesty is the best policy keep up the good work and screw the rest
  20. Alpha Blondy;827332 wrote: it should have been the greatest day of my life but it was everything but that. i no longer wish to discuss my personal business on a public forum. for our cordial relations, please refrain from asking me questions about such personal matters. the bride is well and has expressed joy and heartfelt appreciation for AT&T wedding present - a kettle and VHS video player. the latter i hope will allow us to relive such wonderful memories over and over again. I'm sorry to hear things didn't work out for you. See it from the bright side she wasn't meant for you. Maybe this marriage would have been a burden for you or if you continued would be harmful for you and instead you got saved from it. You see sometimes there are things in life we like but are not good for us and things we dislike that are good for us but we don't see that at that moment. What am trying to say is you dislike that your wedding didn't go as planned but in reality it was better for you that you didn't get married to that girl that's where there lies more good for you. In that decision lies more good for you. You are a young man there is no rush you have a bright future ahead of you inshallah. Your future partner is already written for you all you have to do is be patient and have faith in Allah and things will be alright. Carafaat;827209 wrote: Oday, it seems Alpha called it off. wuu na ceebeyay, toloq qoloma ayee eheed. xaal wa inaa bixino. Why are you ignoring me?! I'm not a pscyhic nor can I smell what's wrong with you, speak up. If it's about me teasing you in this thread well that was a joke I was pulling your leg and I already said that in another thread, don't know if you read it or not. Gosh Carafaat you are so sensitive! PS; People get of Alpha's case you guys are not not better then him! You have all had failed and successful relationships in your life some never even had a successful relationship.
  21. Somalia;826929 wrote: You insulted Islam, is that you KoW, how many names you've got? Stop bad mouthing him and trying to give him a bad name it's not him. Even when he is not here you try to give him a bad name. There are many atheists on this site some undercover some not.
  22. faarah22, I edited your post out because of your wise action. You deserve a chance for doing so. Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and small minds discuss people. So don't be a small minded man to insult the man just because you don't agree with his views and can't discuss the topic in a respectful manner or have the capacity for.
  23. Wow that would be so cool. Imagine a life where technology does literally everything for us.
  24. OdaySomali;826471 wrote: ^ Yh its more than likely that Carafaat is the age he says. As for old minded, I was having you on... I will just add it to my ever growing list of compliments... :cool: You do come across as mature but also laid back and easy to get along with Thanks darling Abtigiis;826614 wrote: Wa ayo ninka anigoo 47 ah waa 53 ileh? Maxaa sidaa la isugu bahdilayaa? Since you are the professor of SOL that means you possess wisdom. Most of the time wisdom is linked to an older age hence why he guessed you older then your actual age and since this the internet it's your personality and character that people see so this is a compliment from OdaySomali