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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Yunis - Someone has misinformed you. GaroweGal - He's only thanking me for helping him with a girl he's involved with, nothing more nothing less wyre - Carafaat - This is for you " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  2. That's right we are private persons who value their privacy. Being shy is normal when you are young you will grow out of it as you get older it's not something you need to worry about. We have all been shy at one point of our lives whether it was in our childhood adolescence or in our adult life. The best thing to do is start with small talk and things will move on by itself from there on. I was shy until up to 15 it was more of a normal shyness not painfully shy and right now that i'm older i'm a communication expert. Some people find it hard to believe if I tell them so you see it's possible and I have seen other people too it just needs time. One person might get over it quicker then another and for another it may take a while but at the end you reach the same goal but at different pace.
  3. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;829188 wrote: Dhaqan xun ma arki. Soomalida qurbaha ku raagtay ama ku kortay dhaqamadeena suuban la badalo rabo. Soomaali 'stranger' iyo waxaas nagama dhaxeyso. Hadduu qofka Soomaali yahay, isla markii walaaltinimo dareemaa, su'aalo caadi ahna wuu ku weydiinaa. If one finds that 'personal,' then qofkaas iyadaa u baahan dhaqanka Soomaalida inay soo barato. Lool you were talking about me, atleast you could quote me or mention my name I don't bite. Well me and you are from different times, where as you have grown up there and I have never seen that place. To be honest I don't like that aspect of the Somali culture that's just my opinion.
  4. Showqi have patience you may not get a Somali passport today but you can in a few years so drop this hastiness of you. Or you could move back to Somalia live there and apply for one.
  5. wyre;829157 wrote: I don't care ab't Nuune's Jiman eyes and how much but among the ten he saw there is ONE which is correct, I don't know about the rest, But You GOT it too Blue, I didn't mean you the Ookiyaale thing I knew you made a mistake and meant to say my name it's cool
  6. sharma-arke451 & Paragon - And for all the people who don't know that love exist or are not sure about it this applies to you. Love is something that exists in this world and is also mentioned in surat Ar-Rum verse 21 in the quran. You can find love before marriage or after marriage just look around you in the world and you will see. “And among His signs is that He created for you mates from among yourselves that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between you; verily, in that are signs for people who reflect.” (Quran, 30:21) So as you can see Allah has put love and mercy between your hearts and it's something real and does exist. It's people who have been hurt in relationships that make it seem as if there is no love and that it is fake.
  7. nuune;828960 wrote: Blue, I have studied all major HADITH books, by name if I list them, shanta sunan, lixda sunan ee loo yaqaan Situ Umuhaat , labada suxaax, and others, very long time I studied them all, my memory is fresh like a chicken who laid an egg just seconds ago, and I never came across such hadith. Ps: Don't write it then if you don't have a reference, this is not a news or a university assignment where you forgot to mention Harvard style reference, this is Islam we are talking about, hope you understood my concern, yes it concerns us all including you and me and everyone else! Mashallah if you studied all major books and also remember them. That's my goal one day, currently i'm learning Bukhari. I understand where you are coming from and note taken!
  8. Aaaww this is so sweet of you, thank you for the honour darling Happy to hear things worked out for you. For you anytime you know that i'm always there for you I'm loving the name Dr Love spreading some love lol
  9. nuune;828257 wrote: It is an Arabic saying, not Hadith, and not Hadith Qudsi, at least yaa Blue, when you are writing such statement, reference it, it is not a Hadith or Hadith Qudsi. It is very dangerous to make a quote like that, and attribute it to a type of Hadith! Ps: The woman doesn't look anywhere near beauty, I can't see anything that looks or even can be said beauty, in fact, she looks more like a man with two ashuun attached to its upper body. Nuune it's not an arabic proverb that's a mistake a few make. I don't write things that i'm not sure about. This is a hadith from Qudsi I have read it somewhere but I don't got the reference anymore because it was some time ago. Maybe you are not familiar with it and because of that it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. It's not like me and you know every hadith by head is it, I may know some hadiths that you maybe don't know and vice versa. I agree with Che stop hating on the woman she is beautiful, everyone is beautiful
  10. Aaww that's so sweet and beautiful to see that they love each other after all those years. True love never dies it only gets stronger with time. That's my ultimate goal to grow old together So fascinating how the cycle goes and after death they get reunited in paradise:
  11. Narniah sgatje you are not the only one I find that awkward too. Oh lord the 21 questions don't get me started on that. I don't like strangers or people who I don't like holding a questionaire with me. I'm a private person so I don't like to broadcast about my personal life to a person if they are not my family or a good close friend. I believe not everyone needs to know alot about you especially if it's someone you see one time.
  12. wyre;828791 wrote: Anyway the correct answer waxaa helay Chimera iyo Nuune, The rest of you Ookiyaale weyn soo iibsada Wyre babes I think you need glasses me and Chimera gave the same answer saying that we saw 1 man in the right lower corner and nuune said he saw 10 men yet you didn't give me a point. So what is the right answer 1 or 10? Both can't be right.
  13. I think the aim of the picture along with the title is to see one man and if you see more then one man your a schizo. This looks like a test that a psychiatrist would take from a patient. Showing them a picture and asking what do you see. By the way you can find the man in the right lower corner.
  14. There is a hadith that says half of a man's wisdom is lost between the legs of a woman. That perfectly describes this situation and it's found in hadith Qudsi. Men become dumber when they see a beautiful woman it's been proven
  15. Somalia;828250 wrote: The owner of this website has already denied me a bikini picture avatar and does not allow a custom avatar, not even a signature! Who is he really and what is his goal? That's the real question. Looool what do you need a bikini avatar for is it not enough for you that you can take it as a screensaver on your computer
  16. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;828232 wrote: LoL, Blue. I tried to help Maadeey last time. It didn't help. Why bother again. Okay boss I guess AYOUB got lucky.
  17. *Blessed;827797 wrote: ^guess what, you can't! So get moving.. I know good thing you came along to remind me thanks blessed you are indeed blessed
  18. Haatu;828223 wrote: KK! my beloved human dictionary, ma nooshahay? But what alternatives do we have, nooh Blue if that was the case then why didn't MMA say so. Ninka xasid sanaa If you want to upload a certain avatar in your case the Somaliweyn avatar you have to send one of the mods or the admin a PM. They will take care of it for you if they approve your chosen avatar. Another member called AYOUB did the same thing. Lol yeah maybe MMA was being xaasid but I think he's not in a good mood today and couldn't be bothered with it he sounded annoyed try your luck tomorrow or ask nuune or the admin
  19. Haatu;828216 wrote: Blue, thank you for that but I want to pick my own avatar. Do you mean that you want to upload your own avatar from your computer and not pick an predestined avatar by SOL? Well if you mean the first one I think it needs to get approved first by one of the mods. You can ask MMA for further information since he is already in your thread.
  20. Nin-Yaaban;828205 wrote: Because the retards think it's a good idea to take ur voting rights away if u are convicted of any crime. Qashin. That's so unfair America sucks then. I guess they don't want people voting against them.
  21. Haatu;828191 wrote: MMA reer soomaaliweyn ma aniga un baa kasoo harey? ↲Blue, but how do i change it to my own pic? 1. Scroll this page up and click on Settings. 2. Go to the left side of the page scroll down and go to My Settings. 3. When you see My Profile click on Edit Avatar. 4. If you have followed all of the steps right you should now see all of the avatars come up, you choose one and save it. Voila it's that easy
  22. Nin-Yaaban;828174 wrote: Yea i hope so too. If i was allowed to vote, i would've voted for him. Why can't you vote? I was expecting you to vote for me since you're an American and i'm not
  23. Wow 50 years married mashallah thats a golden milestone. Beautiful pictures. I have been here:
  24. Once in a while the picture gallery gets updated and some pictures get removed so they can add new ones and your picture was one of the pictures that got removed. The same thing happened to me once when I was a newbie you just have to pick another picture.