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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. OdaySomali;831619 wrote: You hit the nail on its head, lowest of the lowest indeed. Tyrone, the sangadhuudhi gaal, son of Shaniqua, aan xaarka iska maydhin, descendent of slaves and drug-induced thugs is trying to talk about Somalis... and he says "Somalis come down from the trees", oh the irony! And then you have low grade qurbojoog Somalis laughing like obedient dogs. but low and behold should another fellow Somali cross them, all hell would break lose. So much hatred in one post! Aaww someone has probably been hurt by the Jamaicans in real life. You clearly have deep rooted issues to direct your anger towards us over something small such as comedy! Don't get emotional at us. Obviously you lack the capacity to discuss things in a civil way with people so you degrade to your barbaric dumb ways :rolleyes:
  2. ^^ Che what is it about? What's so horrifying about it?
  3. No it's not a wise thing to do. Use your money for the right purposes. Why do you wanna waste money on a woman that doesn't want you? I'm sure you work hard for your money and gifts don't buy love.
  4. Abtigiis;831388 wrote: You see AsadSL's reference to Ballerz as inaadeer is telling! It can't get more clearer than this! The simple hint of May 18 convinces AsadL that Ballerz must be from the same clan! Tol'aayey iyo inaadeer bay maraysaa, which is why my blood boils when I see this May 18 thing, even when I am sympathetic to the general populace in that part of the country. Markaan aamus idhaaba, eey sarar wataan arkii, miyey ahayd odhaahdii?! War bahasha tolnimadaa iyo reer sheekh hebesha ka saara hadaad rabtaan inay macno yeelato. Hello inadeer lol, now someone called you inadeer so chillax
  5. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  6. Bluelicious

    Is It True?

    What did you dream of this time your miss right lol? You know I helped to solve your dream last time who knows maybe I can help you this time too. Anyways it's normal and happens to some people that you dream about a situation and for it later to come true in real life.
  7. Do they speak Somali in Djibouti? What's the difference between Somalia and Djibouti I seriously don't know? :confused: Back to the topic beautiful place it's well build.
  8. Carafaat;831453 wrote: maxa la dhacay. Did nobody show up at your party. Carafaat why are you not celebrating your Sland party today? Are you being rebellious?
  9. You can spot that the two on the left are khat users by just looking at their sclera (white part of the eyes). That's because the eyes reveal alot about someones health and drug abuse but that's not the point here. Eventhough first impressions do count as you don't get a second chance to do it over we shouldn't judge people on their appearances but rather look at what they are capable of.
  10. Too much potassium. Anyways good thing that the people are being independent by doing things on their own rather than being dependent. I hope they keep up the good work it's the start of something big. Give a man a fish you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish and you have fed him for a lifetime. This is so true.
  11. Bluelicious

    Wise quotes

    ^^ Let's give other people a chance
  12. ^^ Lol no wyre it's a commerical about a bottled water called Evian. Do you guys have Evian water in Saudi Arabia?
  13. Bluelicious

    Wise quotes

    These are my last ones. Wyre thanks for the kiss Men: Being male is a matter of birth, being a man is a matter of age but being a gentleman is a matter of choice. Women: Your body makes you sexy. Your face makes you pretty. Your smile makes you gorgeous. But your mind makes you beautiful. The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest.
  14. Blessed - Basically Dutch people consume alot of cheese and dairy products and the country is also known to export cheese so that's why they got the nickname cheese head. The reason I write British English is because we learn British English at school so you are correct for saying that but I sound like a American though. Our television is American English so the two are in conflict with each other. You Brits have this hardcore strong accent which gives us a headache from trying to break through that accent barrier in order to understand you guys. We hear that alot from people who come for a holiday who say Dutch residents are friendly open minded and laid back. Showqi - Zeker weten het is de leukste dag van het jaar. Deze Koninginnedag was ik helemaal in oranje gekleed het was te gek, het was ook nog eens mooi weer. Maar dit jaar was het minder druk in Amsterdam omdat de radio 538 concert niet meer werd gehouden op het museumplein.
  15. Loool at JB's picture he needs to get married asap if he isn't married, the man is naughty with a dirty mind. I like this commerical:
  16. sharma-arke451;829442 wrote: that is where we part ways. So you wanna tell me know that love before marriage doesn't exist. You are wrong again! Love before marriage exists it's mentioned in Silsila Sahiha. If love is something real that exists in this world it's common sense to also know that it comes in different stages in life such as before and after marriage. Like I've said before take a look at the world around you. Prophet Muhammed (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: We do not think that there is anything better for those who love one another than marriage. (Narrated by Ibn Maajah, 1847; classed as saheeh by Al-Busayri and by Shaykh Al-Albaani in Al-Silsilah Al-Saheehah, 624) Basically it means that if there is love between two people, that love can't be increased or made to last longer by anything like marriage. You can love someone or be in love with someone without being married to them. It's allowed and permissible in Islam because it's a normal human emotion that you have no control about so therefore it's not a sin nor is it haram. However it's how you act upon that love that determines whether it becomes haram or becomes halal because love on it's own is pure and noble. If you act according to those feelings and get in a illicit relationship with that person which results in marriage. Then the love that comes from that illicit relationship will be haram and their marriage will never be stable because of the way they started which will reduce the blessings from Allah. Their love can't be increased with a illicit relationship and will never increase and their love will also not increase when they get married because of their commited sin and therefore taking their blessings away for indeed Allah says for Him to bless people and increase the love between them are only for those who reflect and do it in the proper way. And among His signs is that He created for you mates from among yourselves that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between you; verily, in that are signs for people who reflect. (Quran, 30:21) But if you act according to those feelings and get married with that person for the sake of Allah so you don't fall in sin and do haram things then that marriage will be stable and succesful, and because they didn't sin in the process they will get the blessings from Allah and He will increase their love for each other and make it grow stronger with each day. Also the love that comes from that marriage will be halal. Usually people think that falling in love with someone and then having a illicit relationship where they do haram things will make their marriage stronger, but that's not true because sin is a major factor that reduces blessings from Allah and the opposite happens. Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) said: You have seen nothing like marriage for increasing the love of two people. (Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas (Radiallahuanhu) Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 921) The love between the two people who love or are in love with each other will increase and grow stronger every day only in marriage nothing else. So as you can see from the above quote it does indicate there is love before marriage because in order for something to increase further there must be something before that. This is a follow up of the earlier quote. Your belief that love altogether doesn't exist and also before marriage comes from you not being knowledgable enough about the subject. Next time don't oppose things according to your own mind but do it according to the Quran and Hadith
  17. Loool that was funny. You can't take comedy seriously, lighten up and chillax OdaySomali don't be a uptight party pooper. He's right though about black people being the most racist people on the planet and that they discriminate each other. Narniah - I think he's substituting our language with hagagaga since he can't speak it. Atleast the man knows how to play and interact with the crowd and make people laugh. He made you laugh I assume
  18. Showqi;830669 wrote: Blessed, Blue is a cheese head,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :D Loool Showqi I don't think she knows what you meant by cheese head. That's right i'm a cheese head and you are a ex cheese head, we miss you darling you missed Koninginnedag
  19. Bluelicious

    Wise quotes

    Here you go wyre Before you talk, listen. Before you act, think. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try.
  20. Why did you hide the face if you decided to upload your picture?
  21. No babes i'm from Holland, and I will take a look at their website they definitely do a good thing.
  22. Holy moly what a selfish cheating man. That's a recipe for a disastrous marriage. This reminds me of that basketball wife Jackie Christie who has her husband Doug Christie on a leash 24/7 monitoring his steps. The same thing should be done with the man from the story lool. Some man really deserve this. Seeing this cracks me up
  23. Oh ok so that's why I never heard of them because they are from the UK, thanks Blessed.
  24. Where do they hold this Anti-Tribalism Movement? I have never heard of that before. Beautiful inspiring poem though.
  25. Bluelicious

    Wise quotes

    wyre;829744 wrote: Don't feel bad when people Remember you only when they need you, Feel privilaged that you are a candle that comes to their mind when there is DARKNESS I had that one in mind but you wrote it before me so let me try another one. I love all your wise quotes. Everyday may not be good but there is something good in everyday. That should be the motto of our life