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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. Chimera;834737 wrote: I promise I wont hunt you down for the rest of your life, and murder you in your sleep, now untie me please: (Iska jir waan so socda) I will untie you now but I know you will come back and when you do that's exactly where I want you to be. Come on over babes once you in my spiderwebs your not going anywhere count on that and you gonna be my lifetime eye candy boy/male slave Oh yes sweet Chimera
  2. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;835896 wrote: If you remove your feeds from your wall, others can't see it, whether on their walls or on your wall. If you want to remove others' feeds on your wall, you can remove it from your wall, too. I never opened 'Socialcam,' same way I had never opened an email that I don't know who it is from since 1997. The reason I made for this thread was dad badan aanan isogeyn what they are watching/reading on Facebook apps is being shared widely. Yes you are right and I already know that. My question was what route do I go to in my settings to see what kind of privacy option I have there about these apps.
  3. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;835874 wrote: It shows on your wall. You can remove it manually, saa u maleeyo. I'm talking about seeing other peoples feeds not my own feeds. Aaliyyah - Great tip and thanks for the link eventhough I don't use social cam if it's an app. So i'm safe then because I don't use nor accept any apps on Facebook.
  4. Yes after Blessed's thread i'm ready for it. I've done some preparations. Wyre ship me some of the miswak toothpaste you got over there lol. I've heard alot of good things about it so I wanna try it out this ramadan.
  5. rudy-Diiriye;834962 wrote: Yo Ams'dam is my fav u got the 411 on b!! lol...hook me up homie....i am coming......big time. b..this one if 4 u! b..u crossed must reply in video..u chose your words will be accepted from u at this time!! i am pissed. Carafaat don't got no 411 on me alright. Lol thanks for the song and yes I would say something like that. Rudy i'm so sorry forgive me for whatever part of my post upsetted or offended you I didn't mean it like how you took it. There are two spots you should avoid when you come here the first The Red Light District and two the Coffeeshops and your good to go have fun. So you're seriously coming to Amsterdam, hmm I wonder why this city out of all the European cities. Is it because I live there? Anyways you're more then welcome to come visit my city. If you're coming in December that's a good time New Years is celebrated with style with fireworks parties etc. Just don't go to bed while being mad life is too short for that: " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  6. Let's not go there trust me you don't really want that. You're caught by the moment
  7. Narniah;834620 wrote: There's an option that makes your feeds all private. And the videos too, you can make it private. Yeah but I know what you saying I had my share of eye widening moments, like wadads watching some belly dancers. *Eeek* A lot of people don't know that others can see it. I have seen this on my Facebook feeds. So how do I know whether mine is on private?
  8. wyre;834968 wrote: I Want To Know Where The Hell You Are And What The Hell You Are Doing Nowadays Wyre you have a weird habit of sometimes chatting to me indirectly. It was really hot and sunny so I was out and about. Days like this are hard to come by so I might aswell enjoy it while it last before that crappy weather comes back. Aaww you missed me thanks babes I missed you around too
  9. Loool haye fair enough I will watch out. OdaySomali you will never be as good as me lol. You guys are a funny entertaining duo I have to bounce now. Take care of yourselfs toodles and till next time inshallah
  10. OdaySomali;831727 wrote: I've heard stories about IPn (saudi/UAE). A house full of women (and presumebly their pimp) and what they do is they have rooms (like a hostel) and people go there, do a quick nikaax/marriage, and divorce at the end of the sex session. money is changed hands. The woman rests for a little while untill the next husband comes. Im surprised the SOL in-house professor is not familliar with this process. Discuss. It's called mutah it's a temporary marriage the shia practice it but it's haram.
  11. Showqi - So you are planning a suprise attack on me huh well i'm sharp bring it on things are about to get down. By the way how good are you with rope jumping how long do you last and do you have a good foot work? If you don't OdaySomali can help but still he can't learn you everything. OdaySomali - Showqi won't last more then 2 minutes he is gonna be out of breath and if he's a smoker even more.
  12. Showqi looooooooooool alright. You reminded me of something.
  13. Showqi & OdaySomali looooooooool i'm not dangerous nor am I threating Showqi. I was just kidding you know I would never hit you and besides I would let you win I don't need to win all the time in the ring. OdaySomali you have to train Showqi with jump ropes so he can last in the ring lol
  14. Che - Lool you are probably right atleast you are not as nasty as he is. Showqi - Loooooooool @ 4 balls. What do you expect from JB the man can get away with all his dirty minded threads but he's funny though I gotta give that to him.
  15. Showqi;831713 wrote: Okay, mar hadii uu Odeygii is dhiibay aniguna waan iska tagayaa.............Lakiin wali Xayraan ayaan ahay:D Lol ok you wanna box in the ring against me? I have to warn you though i'm good with boxing.
  16. Showqi;831705 wrote: Blue , I have red the entire three pages, it's funny and entertaining how you guys attack each other:D I am on the bench and applauding for Mr. Odey:p OdeySomali , dagaalka waan kugula jiraa:cool: saxiib ii sheeg yaan ku bilaabaa! Loool your so funny just dont hit me. You are too late the drama is over OdaySomali - Thanks for being so brave to step up and own up to your actions
  17. Juxa;831683 wrote: Ah Utrecht my old home town! How I miss shawarma from kanaal straat or walking by the kanaal in oog in al I love Utrecht and Haarlem those are my favorite cities. You should definitely try to visit your home town during the maybe summer holidays or after You sure are missing the turkish pizza and the cheese are you.
  18. Showqi;831697 wrote: Che that Video was posted here on Sol by our player...............Adigu waxba lama socotid naga tak:D That's what I told him too. Have you checked out the video lol? I pasted the link above you
  19. OdaySomali;831693 wrote: Bluelicious, too bad that what I said is true: But the funny thing is that even though what I said may sound extreme ("Tyrone, the sangadhuudhi gaal, son of Shaniqua, aan xaarka iska maydhin, descendent of slaves and drug-induced thugs is trying to talk about Somalis"), tasteless jokes go both ways, but its illuminating that you find the Somali version entertaining but are offended by my Jamaican adaption Tyrone/Shaniqua = Typical name for them. Gaal = majority of them are, our pal Richard probably is too. Sangadhuudhi = its something that he is, Somalis use words to describe people by appearance (cad-cad, timo-jilic, dhego-cas, jareer, nick-names e.g. cali gaab, buur-madoow etc. ... its not neccesarily pejorative. Gaaladu xaarka iskama maydhaan, no istinja = true Jamaicans are decendents of slaves = fact. Smoking weed is a Jamaican pastime, no joke. Stop right there don't put words in my mouth I never said that. I couldn't care less what you are saying about them, I was talking about myself and the others not about your Jamaican version eventhough your so called joke was true you could have formulated it differently. It's not what you say it's how you say it and it came across to me as you being angry about our replies that's why I said so much hatred in one post besides I was talking about the whole post not one lil part. Showqi - Start reading from page one and you will know
  20. Narniah;831684 wrote: Some people are just uptight by nature, they'll see what they wanna see. I didn't appreciate the subtle jabs and the low blows, for simply posting a lil comedy. Thanks Blue. I agree with you atleast he know realised what he did was wrong and apologised. You were not here at the time so I thought it was my responsibility to defend me you and the others. It's the least I could do and he can't talk like that about you since you were the topic maker. No one talks bad about my ride and die chick OdaySomali - I accept your apology but you have lost my respect because of your small mindedness. Ps All of the things said to OdaySomali also apply to Chimera. You guys are overly sensitive men.
  21. Narniah;831676 wrote: Like I said this is just Comedy, if some of you are too sensitive and can't take a joke, well too bad. I found the video funny, If you don't like it that's your choice no one is forcing you, but there's no need for the needless banter. People sometimes are going to say something about you that you might not like, tough luck it's part of life. Somalis can be racist too, and you all know it so chill a lil. That's what I tried to tell them too.
  22. OdaySomali;831651 wrote: LOL I have yet to see Somalis defending or care for other Somalis as they defend other ethnicities ranging from Ethiopian domestic workers, South African looters and now not-so-funny Jamaicans. p.s. Bluelicious, I have not been 'hurt' by Jamaicans no, but there are countless elderly Somali women in London who are harrassed, abused and have their headscarfes pulled off by Jamaicans because of their disdain for "Somalians". As Chimera said, perhaps Somalis should familiarise themselves with, or ask a Somali living in London, how the Jamaicans feel/behave towards you Somalians before you laugh for insults/jokes that are rediculing you. For those of you who are not from the UK/London, Jamaicans have a severe hate/dislike for Somalis; they also have a tendency to try distance themselves from "dutty" Africans for some reason. The fact that his 'sketch' is even about Somalis, i.e. we are the topic, says a lot. For Jamaicans, "Somalian" is used as a pejorative word, hence why in the sketch his 'friend' asked himself "A Somalian, be cheeky with me?" so for someone from the UK to be laughing for (insults presented as) jokes that are blatantly ridiculing them, is just absurd. I find it unacceptable that you attack us with insults for us having a different opinion then you and just because we laughed at a video how silly is that. We are entitled to have our own opinion and don't need to have the same opinion as you but we do have to respect each other and each others opinions. You can't just insult someone for having a different opinion then you because that says alot about you and your intelligence. Nowhere did we advocate that we like Somalis to be bashed or are against our own community those are just your assumptions about us. You are taking this way too serious and making a mountain out of a molehill.
  23. Lol you want me to get kicked out and people look at me like what is she doing the dhaanto in here. Anyhow no i'm not going to the party tomorrow i've got other plans. You enjoy yourself over there with your fellow brothers and sisters.
  24. Waar houden ze deze feest? Ben je naar het feest geweest? Ps I don't like your new avatar I got used to that brown mountain :mad:
  25. Che -Guevara;831625 wrote: Horrifying in the sense that it's humiliating and utter disgrace for those involved. It is two cheaters that momentarily got stuck together horizontally. JB made a thread about it with the video.