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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. ^^ It could be one that causes hallucinations like mushrooms for example. Probably he saw the man as a piece of meat he could eat I guess as result of his hallucinations lol.
  2. Drugs can make people do crazy things they would never do.
  3. Looool Rudy that was so explicit i'm speechless, I can't believe you just said that. Man your so hilarious you need to watch out too otherwise your death too
  4. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  5. The best ideas and inspiration come when you do something different out of your usual routine like try something new and at night. This really works trust me it's even proved.
  6. Carafaat will kill you start hiding on a very safe place lol. He attacks everybody who chats to me so you're warned.
  7. What does istafiiday mean? Wait you deal in miswak toothpaste for real? :eek:
  8. Loooooooooool I did expect you to say something like that
  9. wyre;836270 wrote: Why Do You Need Toothpaste From Saudi Arabia:p I Thought You Were Talking Ab't Caday-gi Xididka Ahaa Ee Ilkaha U Roonaa You should know what a miswak is since you live in arab country. It's this thing right here: Apparently there is a toothpaste made from the miswak and that's what I was talking about. I'm gonna try it out see which one I like better. I can give you a review about it if you want to know it too.
  10. ^^ Loool where did you even get that from, there is some truth in that. What are you? What am I? What's Carafaat? According to you then.
  11. BN;836099 wrote: The chase continues! "Courtship is the period in a couple's relationship which precedes their engagement and marriage, or establishment of an agreed relationship of a more enduring kind. In courtship, a couple get to know each other and decide if there will be an engagement or other such agreement. A courtship may be an informal and private matter between two people or may be a public affair, or a formal arrangement with family approval. Traditionally, in the case of a formal engagement, it has been perceived that it is the role of a male to actively "court" or "woo" a female, thus encouraging her to understand him and her receptiveness to a proposal of marriage. " Correction Carafaat is courting another girl not me. His infatuation with me has waved over, he no longer has that kind of interest in me. Besides we don't suit each other he's a bad boy and i'm a good girl the two don't go together. Narniah - Lol I knew you were making fun of us, I was just saying you know just in case. Seriously me and Rudy would be disaster in that department because he has a wandering eye and he likes to share and love all women where as I on the other hand object that.
  12. BN;836101 wrote: I did the whole 'backpacking around Europe' bit a number of years ago...ah, to be young again. Anyhow, Amsterdam is a beautiful city. Beautiful people, atmosphere and foods. The city is easy to get around with the trams (you can hop on and off...don't think I paid). The 'red light' district is quite small and touristy...but you can find it if you try hard enough! LOL. Thankfully, drugs aren't as prevalent as one would imagine. For a really interesting country, try any in the S.E. or far North (Iceland/Greenland - beautiful countries). Enjoy, mate. You need to pay for the tram it's not free. Those were the good days you got lucky, now we use a electronical chip card for all of the transport.'Free' hop on and off is not possible anymore lol.
  13. That woman pulled her garbasar on purpose look at her face expression. Narniah;835757 wrote: 'What if my opponent has arms, what do I do then'? That's my favorite one. Co-sign me too.
  14. Caday means toothbrush not toothpaste. Atleast that's what I call it.
  15. Lool your such a cheeky naughty man We both know your not that innocent. You're a freak hiding under the pretense of innocence I like that
  16. Narniah;836024 wrote: ^What's going here with you two love birds huh! ohh la la:p Looool it's not what you think take it back, take it back. We just have a good platonic friendship that's all The whole purpose of the song was to tell Rudy to not stay mad or go mad to bed and that life is too short for having fights or being in a mad state and it wasn't about that love aspect of that song and Rudy got the message he's smart. Wyre - Loool so you think he's only showing off. No one can handle that unless your from another planet. Rudy-Diiriye - I didn't get this one. I hope you will have a good time and I know you never take things personal. You're a positive optimistic guy yourself too always looking things from the bright side keep that up
  17. What's Caday? I've never heard of that one.
  18. Paragon you can't leave that would be a big loss to all of us, I will miss you. It's always the good people that go first You're indeed one of the wisest and vibrant members who is so laid back. Patriotic and yet so sophisticated none of that rudeness, aggressiveness or clan warriorism that's what I liked about you. Take care of yourself and say hi for me to the camels. Good job Chimera & Abtigiis in making him stay. I'm on your campaign count me in.
  19. Hmm I changed my mind because I can go about the easy way going to Amazon or Ebay. That way I don't need to bother you but thanks anyways.
  20. Rudy you're different then the average American you're a traveller and most Americans are not much of a traveller they have never left their state let alone the country.
  21. wyre;836045 wrote: I'll Send You Haka Baqan Address Kaaga Soo Diyaari And Your Fullname I'm not even afraid of the darkness so why should I be about this. Was nice doing business with you
  22. ^^ Lol. Carafaat your such a nasty man don't even wanna know all the things you have done and been to. You're a bad boy for life.
  23. Still waiting for that miswak toothpaste
  24. Lool @ Somalia. If this flame gets used; houston we got a problem.