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Everything posted by Bluelicious

  1. I think there will be more evil men with these pink metro buses then without.
  2. Carafaat;837746 wrote: Blue, I dont how why you assume I made this thread to ask you out. meesha wa isa soo dhex galisay. it's about grasshoper. Che, I dont want to ask out Blue. She has her hands full of herself. Grasshoper, sxb its a cool place. you should come and visit one day. Yeah right your subtle hints and messages of ''this is my favorite hangout place come by have a drink and chat with me'' are too obvious. You can try to change it all you want but the evidence is out there lol. You stop doing this and making a fool out of yourself, please take Che, MMA and Ibtisam's advice. Carafaat your campaign about me has been going on too long please for the love of God stop this and give up. Look it at the bright side i'm not the only girl in this world. Juxa - Lool smoking the joint whoa tough lady. Romance knows no age, it's ageless. Narniah - Lool go easy on him. Che - What part? I aint doing anything. Ibtisam - Same here I don't like men who don't get the no and perceive the no as a yes.
  3. ^^ Lol there is no 8. I'm a yearner, I always sleep with my hands under my pillow. Lol @ Chimera's ''When I'm waiting for a late night call''. Do you get so worked up about it, what if they never call you that night. The way I see it is if they call good and if they don't or aren't punctual they are out of luck, I go to bed and ignore the rest of their calls and messages. Fetus position - A whopping 41% of participants sleep in this curled-up manner. Women are twice as likely to rest like this and it is listed as the most common position. These sleepers are said to have a tough exterior but are still sensitive and may appear to be shy but warm up quickly. Log position - If you sleep on your side with both arms down, you are a social, easy-going person who is trusting, sometimes to the point of being gullible. The study showed 15% of people sleep like a log. Yearner position - A close third is the side-lying position with both arms out in front of the body, with 13% of partipants sleeping like this. Yearners are noted to be open-minded and still cynical, suspicious, and stubborn about sticking to decisions once they are made. Soldier position - These sleepers lie on their backs with arms down and kept close to the body. This 8% study is said to be reserved, quiet, without fuss, and hold themselves and others to a high standard. Soldier sleepers have a higher likelihood for snoring due to the flat-back position, which may not cause them to wake up often but may result in a less restful night's sleep. Freefall position - Those people who lie on their bellies with arms under or wrapped around a pillow with head turned to the side, make up 7% of the population studied. Freefallers are brash, outgoing, and are very uncomfortable with criticism. Starfish position - Sleepers who lie on their backs with arms up near their head or the pillow account for 5% of participants. These people are good listeners, helpful, and are uncomfortable being the center of attention. People who sleep in starfish position are more likely to snore and to suffer from a poor night's sleep more often. If you think you are one of those people who move through all of these positions, that's not likely to really be the case. Idzikowski said the research reveals most people stay in the same position all night and only 5% lay differently night by night. Also interesting is that the study showed only one in ten people cover their bodies entirely with a blanket, with most people exposing an arm, leg, or both feet.
  4. ^^ Ok, I'm looking forward to see your journey in pictures. Never knew you were a doctor. You're doing a good job keep it up
  5. Welcome back Ibtisam. So where are the pictures?
  6. Che I think it's both. He's so hot and cold, mentions he's involved with another girl. I really don't know what he wants. I'm starting to believe he made up that woman to probably try make me jealous. Why don't you solve this case since you are the great counsellor of SOL. You have solved many situations before.
  7. Carafaat;837173 wrote: Blue, abaayo, why do you assume my invitation is an 'shukaansi' attempt. Meeting a friend doesn't equals shukaans and sheeko. I see you edited your initial reply above the mine. Coming from you asking me to sit down with you to have a chat and drink is shukaansi. The whole reason you made this topic well it's obvious so you hint me where you hangout. Now answer my earlier question i'm still waiting. Let me make it clear to you I don't drink alcohol, nor smoke cigarettes or shisha and also don't chew khat. I'm clean and sober and will always stay that way. There is nothing fancy about shisha one session equals 20 packets of cigarettes. Your deliberately destroying your own lungs and health.
  8. Bluelicious

    Riddle time

    Lol Che I honestly knew this one because I got asked this riddle before in real life. You can try to solve the second riddle don't cheat Ps ooh nooo you didn't you cheated by looking it up tut tut tut shame on you loool.
  9. Rudy Diiriye - Lool i'm 110% Somali. I only know it in Arabic not in Somali because I live between Arabs and went to a Arabic dugsi. Macallinka - Adhan and Azan are both Arabic words that mean call to prayer. With that being said the word Adhan is used more often and is popular then Azan. Different cultures write the word different but the meaning stays the same.
  10. Bluelicious

    Riddle time

    wyre;836776 wrote: Yes Another One My Thunder Comes Before The Lightning, My Lightning Comes Before The Clouds, My Rain Dries All The Land It Touches. What Am I? It's a volcano? I knew this one I'm clueless about the second riddle.
  11. Wasted 1.45 min watching that video. The thing that baffles me is that other people try to act like Jamaicans but you will never see a Jamaican trying to act like someone from another country. They are people who hold firm to their culture if only we did that too instead of trying to copy another country.
  12. ^^ So what happened to that girl you were so busy with? I thought you were over me :eek:
  13. Lol you go there, i've walked a few times infront of the Grasshopper. I used to go to the De Kluis (awesome place where you could also lasergame) for a drink (non alcoholic of course) but I don't go there anymore. But seriously though I don't drink nor smoke so why would I go to that place.
  14. And here I thought you meant the member Grasshopper. What's with this advertising? Is that your favorite hangout place?
  15. How trustworthy is that site? What are your experiences with it? I don't trust sites that say you can download particular things for your computer or laptop for free. I rather buy it from a electronic store then online that way I know it's safe and virus free plus I got a discount card. You made a good topic alot of people are clueless about this they don't even know that drivers get outdated as time goes by and that's when all the computer problems start. If you have Windows Vista it does all the work for you and updates all your drivers only if you have programmed the updates to be automatically in the Windows Update. I guess you have yours on manually you need to change that. That option is a lifesaver it saves you so much time and hassle. So Rudy you basically don't need those untrustworthy free sites that could infect your computer or buy any driver update softwares. Your only wasting your time money and exposing your computer to uknown risks. I can't really tell you what route go into your settings because the settings on my laptop is in Dutch and that's not useful to you since you need English. Even if you have Windows Update set to automatically install important updates for your computer, it still might not be set to install all the updated drivers it finds for your hardware, since not all these are classified as important. To get all the driver updates, you'll need to turn on recommended updates. Here's how to set Windows to do this: 1. Open Windows Update by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button , clicking All Programs, and then clicking Windows Update. 2. In the left pane, click Change settings. 3. Click Install updates automatically (recommended). 4. Under Recommended updates, select the check box for Include recommended updates when downloading, installing, or notifying me about updates, and then click OK. Administrator permission required If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation. To make sure you get the latest drivers for your hardware, set Windows to automatically download recommended updates. You can read all about it on here (unfold the second tab). It's easy peasy lemon squeezy. I'm such a nerd I know
  16. ^^ Yeah it did look like Rudy meant to say Azan going by his story but he wrote it wrong. He wrote it the way he pronounces it.
  17. Loool did you thought you were about to die? What's aydeen or do you mean the azan (call to prayer)? Maybe you shouldn't be working at such a late time no wonder you were so confused give that fried brain a break it will do you good. If you keep it up at this rate you gonna get a burnout
  18. rudy-Diiriye;837082 wrote: They created an ethiopian flag for themselves to bow to their etho masters..... but deep inside they still like the blue & white..see how they paintted their I think they giving us a hint! Dont worry sillyland....somalia-suppermen is on the way to your rescue! Be patient plz...we gotta clean Villa-no-good first!! 2 much trash has been pilling in there!! Looool you are on point there. You are sharp Rudy
  19. Nin-Yaaban;836366 wrote: This is what's left of the guy's's kinda disturbing, so proceed with caution. Looks horrible. Oh my God my virgin eyes to the avertisement around it. Nin Yaaban :eek: What kind of teeth did that black man had must have been iron teeth he did some big damage to his face.
  20. Nin-Yaaban;836961 wrote: Wadoonko dhan ayeey Qabsadeen abaayo. Waa in kuligood lawada celiyaa. So I heard and seen with my own eyes when I been to L.A. It's a lil Mexico over there lol.
  21. ElPunto;836679 wrote: There is a scarcity of scholarship money. Many ppl have earned it so to speak but the university makes a choice with regard to who they give it to. So the idea that a kid 'earned it' when his parents could well afford to pay strikes me as myopic. Co-sign. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Life is unfair.
  22. ^^ Lool Oba you need to watch out too, they will not spare you either. There are alot of weird stuff going on in these world.
  23. grasshopper;836319 wrote: ^or this is the beginning of a zombie apocalypse! (I watch too many movies ) There are real cannibals out there you better watch out. I'm freaking scared of cannibals.